Shifters in the Shadows

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Shifters in the Shadows Page 20

by Deveaux, Poppy

  So I did that by coming and going as I pleased and fucking the shit out of Josh whenever I could. But when it ended, when Josh and I ended, I could never go back there. My whole world had been shattered by Josh. My parents were so caught up in themselves and my sister was already gone. There was nothing left for me. My break from the town turned into me starting a life away from there.

  I shook the memories off and concentrated on the matter at hand. It was a quick visit with my parents, we weren’t going anywhere, and I wouldn’t be stopping anywhere with the risk of seeing someone.

  The Bennett’s ran a couple of liquor stores within the vicinity and lived closed by so there was always a risk. In and out of Harbor Town was the goal, as quick as I could.

  After finishing up the day with Liz and Chloe, we grabbed a pizza together and then parted ways. Just as I was unlocking my door and pushing my way in, my mother was calling. “Hi, Mom.” I answered “Hi darling, just confirming we are still on for tomorrow right?” She asked. “Yes,” I replied. “Do you need me to bring anything? I should be over by 1pm.”

  “No, no love, we should be good. Oh! Wait, yes. Can you stop at the Bennett liquor store and grab that wine I love? You know the one they only sell with the house on the bottle? It’s a pink blush. I never can remember the name.”

  “Yes mom, I will get a bottle. If you think of anything else, just let me know. I love you, goodnight.” My mom said goodnight as well and I ended the call.

  Fuck. Now I have to go to the Bennett liquor store. Why can’t she just go? I swear she makes me do this shit on purpose. Damn, I prayed to God I wouldn’t be seeing Josh. He used to work at the family liquor stores all the time but my mother told me he had been working for a new company called Alpha Realty where he was now a realtor, successfully selling many houses. I was surprised as I didn’t ever see Joshua as a realtor. He was good at convincing people of things though.

  First though, I am going to stop at my neighborhood liquor store because they must sell this wine somewhere else. Why only the Bennett liquor store? If only I knew the exact name, I would Google the wine and see who sells it.

  I sighed. I will just pray I won’t see anyone there. Even if I do, what’s the worst that could happen? The drive to Harbor Town from Weston wasn’t too bad. There wasn’t much traffic this early Saturday morning and the weather was nice. Not too warm but not cold either.

  I had stopped at the liquor store by my house but of course there wasn’t the kind my mother wants. Unfortunately, I had to stop at the Bennett liquor store. I pulled into the one Hailey, Joshua’s older sister, owned and ran. We used to get along just fine so what would be the big deal if I saw her? She might tell Josh but oh well.

  I headed into the store but didn’t notice anyone around besides a few other customers and an older gentleman at the register that I didn’t recognize. I located the wine and grabbed two bottles. I loved this wine myself and wanted a bottle too.

  The name read Rosewood Fine Wines. Good, now I could look up where else I could find it instead of here. I quickly checked out and hurried out the door. I couldn’t believe I just got in and out of there without seeing anybody. That never happens. I sighed in relief and took off to my parents.

  The visit with my parents went well. Nothing much is new with them. I filled them in on what’s been going on with me and my business. We had dinner, drank some wine, and had a scrumptious chocolate cake. It was an enjoyable time. I wished my sister could’ve been there but she was currently in China for work. She investigates news stories, always traveling everywhere around the world. My parents still ran their medical practice together, both being family care doctors.

  As I headed back home, I couldn’t believe I still got away without seeing a Bennett. I had looked up the wine while I was at my parents and it can be found in a liquor store across town from me. Perfect. I will get it from there from now on. I will never, ever have to see a Bennett again.

  As I went to pull into my driveway, I gasped. Joshua Bennet was standing there, leaning against his sexy black BMW, looking dangerously mouthwatering.

  Chapter 3

  I put the car in park and tried to take some deep, steady breaths. I glanced over my shoulder and saw him watching me. Then walking towards me. What the fuck? How did he know I lived here? And why was he here? He was now standing in front of my car window. I didn’t want to open the door so I rolled down my window.

  “Well, well, well at last Isabella Sill, I have found you, my long lost princess.” I tried not to roll my eyes as I listened to his bullshit. “Joshua, what the fuck? Why are you here and how did you find out where I live?”

  I stared at him with a glared look. I was ready to punch his lights out. How dare him. How dare he just show up here and think he can talk to me like nothing ever happened. Like we were some big joke.

  “Jeez, Bells. Calm down. I missed you and wanted to say hi.” He winked at me and I tried not to melt under his gaze. I focused on my anger. I was seething inside but he knew how to make me fall under his spell.

  “Are you going to get out of the car and greet me properly or are we going to stand and talk through the car window all night?” he asked.

  “What does it matter to you? I want to know the answers to my questions.” I crossed my arms, set my lips firm, and waited.

  He sighed. “Fine. If you must know. Hailey saw you come into her store today and she told me you were in town. I figured the only reason would be to visit your parents, because why else would you come back? So I waited a bit, headed over there, and then proceeded to wait for you to leave, and then I followed you home. Which by the way wasn’t that easy since you drive like a bat out of hell.”

  Now I was even more furious. In fact, I was fucking pissed. I yanked my door open, stepped out, and slammed it back shut, just my purse in my hand. He backed out of the way, knowing I was pissed.

  I stood up to him, leaning in close to his face and then I let him have it. “Excuse me, Josh? What the fuck is your problem? You stalk me over to my parents’ house, wait around all day until I leave, and then follow me home? I didn’t want you to know where I lived on purpose. You ruined my life, not to mention, you broke my heart. I don’t want anything to do with that fucking town we grew up in and I don’t want anything to fucking do with you. Stay out of my life. I am happy and I don’t want it ruined by the likes of you.”

  With that, I spun on my heel, marched to my door as fast I could, unlocked it, slipped inside, and slammed it shut. I didn’t even give Josh a chance to say one word. I wanted to punch him. I wanted to strangle him. I slid to the floor, letting the tears flow, as I heard his car roar away.

  High school was a crazy time for me. My best friend Emily and I were rebellious and a bit out of control. Our families had been so strict growing up; we just wanted to break free. We still kept our grades good, always going to school and doing extra circular activities. But we partied and drank and loved boys. And partied and drank and loved boys some more.

  Then I met Joshua Bennett my senior year of high school. He was attending the community college across town, in his third year, and we ran into each other at a party. Our connection was undeniable. The sparks and electricity flew. Josh was one of the most drool worthy men I have ever seen. He was tall, in great shape with muscles clearly defined and well-toned. He had tattoos all over his body in various shapes and sizes, each one having some meaning to him. He even had one nipple pierced that I loved to play with and suck on.

  I was 18 at the time and I couldn’t believe the attraction I was feeling. It was unreal, unlike anything else I have ever felt. I didn’t believe it at first, feeling far too young and Josh was older by 3 years. What would he want with me? But he wanted me alright. We fell head over heels in love.

  It was mind-blowing. The sex was unbelievable. Joshua learned my body and could bring me to orgasm over and over again until I was lost, on another planet. We devoured each other every chance we got. Our kissing was so hot, so electric, w
e just couldn’t get enough. He would pump into me over and over again, both of us losing sense of anything around us. I loved sucking his cock, taking his hardness into my mouth.

  We went everywhere together- on dates, shopping, out to eat, to every party together. We were so in love and I thought he was the one. He told me he felt the same.

  My parents warned me I was rushing into it. That it was first love, teenage love, and it wouldn’t last. I didn’t listen to them. When I went off to college in the fall, things got weird. Joshua was now very pre-occupied in starting the family business of the liquor stores and began to grow distant. I had heard some rumors he had brought a couple of women home from some bars but he denied everything. I believed him. I kept hope that our love was still alive.

  Things continued into my second year of college, getting worse as time went on. We would reconnect and the heat would explode, losing ourselves in each other once again. But then when we were apart, Josh didn’t act like a boyfriend. He acted like a distant friend. And I hated it. I knew what we had was special, something not everyone finds. I wasn’t going to give up.

  When I headed home for Christmas break that sophomore year, I wanted to surprise Josh. I hadn’t talked to him in a few days and he didn’t know the exact date I was coming home. I pulled up to his house and saw his car in the driveway. I was so excited to surprise him; I even had special lingerie on underneath my outfit.

  The door was unlocked so I slipped inside quietly. But then I heard a woman. And it sounded like she was moaning. The moaning got louder, as she cried out Josh’s name. A cold chill went down my spine. That voice was so familiar, it couldn’t be. It just couldn’t be.

  I ran up the stairs and swung the door to Josh’s bedroom open. Sure enough, there was Emily riding Josh’s cock. I couldn’t believe it. The two people in my life who had meant so much to me betrayed me in the worst way.

  I screamed and ran down the stairs, out of the house, and into my car. I drove off, never once looking back. I vaguely remember Josh throwing Emily off him and running after me but I didn’t care. It was over. I would never forgive either of them.

  Chapter 4

  Joshua tried to get me to listen to him, to listen to his bullshit explanations. I didn’t want to hear any of it. None of it mattered. The damage was done. I could never trust him again. Out of all the people to cheat on me with, he had to choose Emily? The one person that would hurt me the most. He called, he texted, he showed up at my house night and day with flowers. My parents wanted to get a damn restraining order with how much he kept showing up. He showed up at my dorm over and over again. He wouldn’t stop.

  Finally, one day, I had enough. I screamed at him that he had broken my heart and I never, ever wanted to see him again. Then I keyed his car and sliced his tires while he watched. He called the police and I had to spend a night in jail.

  I ended up having to pay him for the damages, making me hate him even more. But I was happy I ruined his precious car. Hopefully he would learn a lesson.

  I leaned back against the door, letting the horrible memories wash over me. I shuddered. I never wanted to feel that way again. I haven’t let anyone in fully since that happened and I don’t plan to. I know there is a man for me out there but I will know when I have found him and it hasn’t happened yet.

  Emily tried contacting me a couple of times and then stopped. We have never spoken again. I heard she moved to New York, getting out of shitty Connecticut. Lucky she but I didn’t give a fuck where she ended up. I would never forgive her. She knew how much I had loved Josh.

  I heaved myself off the floor. I checked my driveway, and then headed outside to get the wine from my car. I saw a note stuck to the driver’s door. It read:

  “Bella- I am sorry, so sorry. I know what happened in the past was awful, unforgivable. But please talk to me. I have a lot to say to you that you wouldn’t hear before. Please. I am still madly in love with you. You are the girl of my dreams. Love Josh”

  My mouth dropped open. The girl of his dreams? And he was still madly in love with me? How could this be? He fucked me over by fucking Emily. None of this made sense. I crumpled the note, threw it in the car, grabbed the wine, and headed back inside.

  I popped open the wine and decided to drink straight from the bottle. Fuck Joshua Bennett. He probably just wants something from me. If he loved me that much, he would’ve come back years ago. I am 27 now. We ended when I was 20. Where the fuck has he been the past 7 years?

  I drank and drank the wine while sitting on my couch until the room went black.

  The next morning, I was so disorientated I had no idea where I was for a few seconds. Then everything came rushing back. Fuck. Joshua was here in my driveway last night. I ran to the bathroom and threw up everything from last night.

  My head was throbbing as I rested it against the cool bathroom floor. I should’ve never drank that much but I was trying to dull the pain. Remembering everything from my past was awful. Seeing Joshua was awful. I needed my girls.

  I pulled myself up from the floor and staggered back to the kitchen. I downed two ibuprofens, put on some coffee, and called Liz. “Hey sugar, what’s going on?” Liz answered on the first ring. “I was going to call you soon to see how your visit went yesterday.”

  “Hold on, I need to get Chloe on the phone too.” I sounded awful. Liz knew it right away. “Jeez, Bells, you sound awful. Are you sick?” “No I am hung over as hell and had the worst night.” Finally Chloe answered. “Hey what’s up Bells?” “Hi Love.” I answered. “Liz is on the line too. I wanted to talk to both of you.”

  Chloe knew something was wrong, I could tell from her voice. I heard her gasp. “Are you okay Bella? You sound horrible.” “I know; I know I sound horrible. I had a good time with my parents; I even escaped seeing any Bennett at the liquor store Hailey runs. Well until last night at least.” I heard both of them breathe in, waiting to hear what I was going to say.

  “Joshua was in my driveway when I got home.” I said. Liz was the first to scream. “What the fuck?? Joshua Bennett? The Joshua Bennett??” “Yes.” I whispered.

  “Are you okay, Bells? Do you need us to come over? I can bring some coffee and muffins.” “Yes, that would so wonderful.” “Okay be right over. Liz, I’ll grab you on the way.”

  The call ended and I waited by the window for my girls to arrive. I didn’t know what to do with all of the thoughts swarming through my head. About 20 minutes later, Chloe and Liz came over, armed with coffee and muffins.

  “Okay spill it girl. This is insane and my head is spinning. Whoever would've have thought that Joshua Bennett would have shown up here? How did he even know you lived here?” Liz said.

  “Apparently when I went into the liquor store, Hailey saw me somehow, though I never saw her. She told Joshua I had been in town and this is where it gets crazy.” I paused, taking a deep breath. “He figured I was in town to visit my parents because there is nothing else I would be there for, which is true, so he staked out at my parents’ house while I was visiting, and then when I left, he followed me home. He was able to cut me off to get ahead of me, ending up in my driveway before me.”

  Liz and Chloe just stared at me with their eyes wide. Their mouths hung open a bit. “Stop catching flies you two and say something to me.” I said. Chloe shook her head and spoke first. “So what did you say to him?”

  I gave them the play by play up until I woke up this morning. I told them what the note said and both were in shock. “Wow,” Liz exclaimed. “I can’t believe this fucking shit. What does he think he can just follow you here and say sorry and everything will go back to what it was? What nerve.”

  I nodded in agreement. “I know, I don’t know who the fuck he thinks he is. He hurt me so bad. So unbelievably bad. My world shattered when I saw Emily fucking him. That whore.” Tears began streaming down my face as I remembered the scene once again. I have replayed that scene in my head so many times and I always ended up in tears.

rubbed my back as Liz stroked my hand. “It’s okay, Bells. It’s the past. Just keep mourning and eventually the wound will heal.” Chloe smiled at me and continued. “And ignore him, resist him. He’s only trying to make himself feel better by saying sorry. I wouldn’t trust the whole madly in love with you thing.”

  I nodded as I listened to what she said. Underneath it all, the fire we had stirred and flickered a bit. I can’t believe it is still there after everything, after all of these years. But it still is there. I feel he was, or is, my soulmate. But I don’t see myself ever moving on from what happened. Could I?

  Chapter 5

  Days passed since Joshua had showed up in my driveway. And every day, flowers or chocolates, or some type of romantic gift showed up at my doorstep. I refused them all, sending them away.

  On a Friday a few weeks later, a number I didn’t recognize called my phone. I let it go to voicemail, thinking it was someone probably wanting to sell me something for my business. They left a voicemail which I promptly listened to.


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