Shifters in the Shadows

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Shifters in the Shadows Page 24

by Deveaux, Poppy

  His words echoed in her mind and they stirred something powerful within her. She leaned back and continued to chew on her food as she pondered the events of the day, and remained sitting in silence while the party continued around her. Eventually the fire dwindled into soft embers and everyone went to sleep, but Rita still had something she needed to prove. She had to know for sure whether the ghosts were real or if it was just a trick. She wasn’t like Stefan, she couldn’t just accept it on blind faith.

  In the stillness of the night she crept out of the tent. Soft snores emanated as the gluttonous crew slept in their drunken slumber. The silvery moon hung high in the sky, framed by a few isolated stars. The vague outline of the house loomed in front of her, and her stomach began to twist. Electric lights that the crew had set up provided some ambience but mostly the only source of light came from the moon. Shadows danced and hairs stood up on the back of her neck as her eyes darted back and forth. The floor creaked, and the walls sang with pain and misery. She thought of what it must have been like for this place to house those murderers. It filled her with revulsion and it was her pure determination that made her continue through up to the point where the encounter had taken place. There was a large hole in the wall, which she assumed came from a lightning strike a long time ago, and through the crack a chilly breeze blew through, along with a wide shaft of moonlight. Her breath turned to a fine mist as she stepped further into the passageway. She made sure to tread lightly, and she could feel the floor buckle beneath her, but it held steady as she moved forward. Her eyes had adjusted to the light by now so she could make out more details. She found a doorway and entered. The knob was cold against her skin and it made an unholy screeching sound when she twisted it, and dust fell around her when she opened it. Inside, she saw a large four poster bed that must have been empty for a long, long time. She stepped closer to it and coughed through the dust, then felt the mattress and pillows. They were soft and cold, but the bed seemed perfectly fine.

  Then she felt the air crackled around her and she inhaled sharply. Her eyes widened as she froze in utter fear. She felt the same tingling sensation as before and her mind screamed at her to turn and sprint back to safety, but something held her in place. A pale glow appeared in the corner of her eye, and when she turned her head, she saw a phantom.

  Chapter 4

  He was young, with tousled hair and soft features. He wore clothes that had gone out of fashion a century ago and yet there was something about him that drew Rita to him. She staggered back at seeing him, and blinked multiple times just to make sure that she was really seeing what she was seeing.

  “I’m glad you’re alone this time,” he said. His voice had a hollow tone to it yet it was unmistakably human. He glided towards her and stood inches away from her face. Her hair began to float towards him and she felt electric sparks surge along her skin. She looked down as her clothes and jewelry were being attracted to him too, and her chest heaved with frantic breaths.

  “It’s okay, there’s no need to be scared,” he said, and held out a hand towards her. As he touched her own hand she gasped for a sharp jolt shot through her body. Instinctively she withdrew her hand, but as she got used to the sensation she let it linger before him.

  “I’m Edward,” he said, “we saw you earlier and we could tell you were different than most people we just…we just wanted to say hello. We don’t tend to get much company around here…”

  “Who’s we?” she asked. Edward smiled and looked to his side. From the wall another pale glow emerged, and another young man entered the room. He had sharp features and in life he must have been an impressive physical specimen.

  “This is my friend, Michael,” Edward said. The two of them hung in the air before Rita, and as she looked at them closely she could see the marks around their necks, indicating that they had been hung. She relayed the story Stefan had told her, and watched as they glanced at each other uncomfortably.

  “It’s all true. It’s sad that this place was ruined because of family. I never wanted that to happen. We had so many happy times here. I remember a girl, she looked just like you.” He reached out and caressed her cheek. A powerful surge of pleasure crackled through her and she jumped back.

  “I’m sorry,” he said.

  “We’re not used to this. Most people only want to chase us away or torment us. You seem different,” Michael said.

  “I just want to understand. I never thought this was possible. I’ve never experienced anything like this before.”

  “Are you scared?”

  “A little.” The two ghosts settled next to her and she could feel the air crackle around her again. Her heart began to race and the fear mixed with excitement. Adrenalin pumped through her body, sending her into a state of arousal. She gasped and her lips parted as she felt them grow closer and closer to her body. She wasn’t sure what was happening but she knew she didn’t want it to stop for anything. She opened her palms and felt them press against her. It was cold and warm all at the same time and it sent a shuddering sensation coursing through her body. Ordinarily she would never have surrendered herself so quickly and willingly to something like this but it was so new and so different she found it irresistible. Michael and Edward went to either side of her. They leaned in and she felt their touch on her neck and shoulders. The fine hairs on her neck stood on end, and goosebumps broke out on her exposed flesh, running down her dress into her plunging cleavage. She arched her neck back and felt the ghosts move around her neck like a necklace, then trailing down over her soft curves. She moaned and flung her arms back, as she did so they passed through the ghosts and she felt the cool ripple, it was like passing her hands through a crystal waterfall.

  “It’s been so long,” Edward whispered. Rita could only offer a strained moan in reply for she was caught in the throes of passion. Lust overwhelmed her mind and made her feel hazy and delirious. She was intoxicated by the sizzling heat that was coursing through her veins and wanted more and more. A ravenous hunger growled within and she wanted to gorge herself on all the lust that was being offered. As the ghosts drifted around her and their hands swept over her body and soul she began to undress, peeling off her clothes piece by piece.

  As each inch of her became exposed the ghosts rushed down to explore. Instantly her skin tingled and she writhed until she was standing in the room, completely naked. The chill night wind blew through but she didn’t feel its effects. She was shielded from everything by the crackling, shimmering aura that emanated from the ghosts. It caught her in a bubble that drove her closer and closer to intense delights. She unclasped her bra and her nipples stood out, erect. She trembled as the ghosts brushed their phantom fingers over them, and then moved down to her stomach. Her lithe, slender body couldn’t take the pleasure any longer and it collapsed on the sheets. She rolled and twisted around, guided by the sharp shocks that sparked against her skin.

  It was a whole new world and she had flung herself into it. There was no doubting the sensations that were throbbing inside her, and she had to throw away all her preconceptions. Ghosts existed, and as she moaned again she knew that she was glad for it.

  Her hands gripped the sheets as Michael and Edward melted down her body. She felt them all over her, covering every part in their bright sexual energy. They ran down her stomach and hips, all the way down her slender legs and then back up through her inner thigh, teasing her by getting closer and closer to her warm, wet, inviting lips.

  Rita’s legs parted instinctively for them and she had no idea which one was which but their ghostly essence swam over her pussy and entered her. Her eyes shot wide open as she felt the phantom tendrils enter and stimulate her. It made her body writhe and as it did so the other ghost came up and ran his spectral fingers over her lips. It was like a thousand fireflies were dancing along her lips, and then she felt him enter her mouth as well. She sucked and muffled moans escaped her lips. It was like a constant stream of popping candy exploding in her mouth and the pleasure was swar
ming through her body from both ends. It felt like a hundred hands were over her, and then her sweet spot was found and she was forced into silence by the overwhelming pleasure. All she could see through bleary eyes was a fine mist covering her like a spider’s web, and yet she did not feel threatened or in danger at all, she just felt happy and satisfied as they ghosts stimulated her, pressing themselves against her skin so much so that they seeped through her pores and entwined themselves with her. The three of them melted into one entity and Rita felt completely whole, as if she really knew them and knew herself.

  She broke out in a wide smile as waves of pleasure rippled through her, building to a strong tsunami. The ghosts were deep inside her, deeper than anyone had ever been and most likely deeper than anyone else would ever get. Her entire body felt more alive than it had ever been and her soul was on fire. She moaned and gasped at the delirium cracking her mind, and the pleasure gushed through her, building up to a thunderous release of orgasmic energy. She screamed so loudly it echoed through the broken walls of the house and her hands twisted into tight balls that gripped the sheets firmly. The ghosts remained over her, provided soothing presence as the afterglow of climax dissipated. She laughed and breathed deeply as she sought to calm herself after the rush of energy, and looked at the two ghosts floating over her.

  “That was amazing,” she said. The ghosts looked down at her with pleasure dancing in their eyes.

  “We will always be here,” they said, and then they drifted off, leaving Rita alone in the bed.

  Chapter 5

  The next morning, Rita appeared fresh-faced and well-rested. She was eager to get on with the day, and even more eager to venture back into the house during the night for already she was missing the touch of the ghosts. Many of the crew were feeling the effects of the alcohol the night before, but none of them suspected that she had gone back into the house. When Stefan saw how enthusiastic she seemed he came up to her.

  “So, Miss Doubter, are you opening yourself up to believe?”

  Rita allowed herself a secret smile as she thought of the previous night’s wickedness, “Oh yes, I’ve been thinking about it a lot and there’s no doubt left in my mind. What I experienced was real.”


  A Billionaire’s Heart


  The sun hung heavy in the sky, bathing the world in its golden glow radiance. The heat emanating from it made the ground sizzle and if one were to look up at it they would be instantly blinded by the iridescent white glare. The blue sky was clear with not even a wisp of a cloud and the air was muggy and dry. It was the middle of the Arizona desert, dusty and dirty and horrible. It felt like hell, but James and Jill had already been through hell, and they knew that this was just another rite of passage until they found their new beginning.

  “How much longer is it?” Jill asked, blonde hair looking dark as it was matted with sweat and clung to her forehead. She sat astride a horse, her wide-brimmed hat offering her face shade but it felt useless. Every word scratched her throat and she gazed longingly at the canteen of water, which had more space than either of them would have liked. They had been looking out for another source of water but rivers were a rare thing here and until they found one they would have to be cautious with how much water they used, because with all they had been through it would have been an ignominious end to die of thirst in the desert.

  “Maybe another couple of days,” Jim replied stoically, his eyes focused on the horizon ahead, always looking to the future. Not once since they had left their old home had he turned to look back over his shoulder, although it was far easier to keep his eyes off the past than his mind. During the trip he had not been as talkative as Jill would have liked, and this made their journey seem longer. Privately he vowed to make it up to her when they reached their destination but for now they were caught in limbo, the past still haunted them and tried to draw them back, while the future was not yet written and was only a dream. It had been enough to nourish them so far but until it became reality Jim was going to remain distant.

  “I'm not sure I can make it that long,” Jill said without any trace of humor in her voice. She was tired and weary, and the heat made her want to melt into a puddle of ooze and just stay there for the rest of her life. Behind her the wagon creaked along, its wheels crushing and cracking the small stones under its wheels. The horses' hooves clopped in a steady, lulling rhythm and if not for the discomfort of the heat it would have been enough for anyone to fall asleep. The small wagon behind them held all of their possessions. It had been a humble life for humble people but what they had been through had tested their strength, and now they were hoping to leave that all behind.

  “We've made it this far, we'll make it there. Before you know it we'll be in our new home. We'll find some water later. Night will be cooler, we'll find a place to camp out, just like we have done every other night,” he said. But night seemed an eternity away and Jill could feel her mind and body screaming at her to be done with this. Her mind was fixed on the comforts of home; a nice meal, a cool bath, then she remembered...she half-smiled to herself, then a single tear rolled down her cheek.

  “I was just thinking about when he used to-”

  “I thought we agreed never to talk about that,” he snapped. Jill looked wounded and remembered their agreement, although now she was beginning to regret it. Unlike Jim she had looked back over her shoulder at what they were leaving behind. The past had made them who they were and whatever happened was a part of them and would always be a part of them. She understood why Jim wanted to forget it but she wasn't sure if that would ever be possible. She looked over to him and wished that she could touch him, comfort him, be tender with him in the way that husbands and wives should be, in the way that they had been years ago. The memories of their first days together brought back powerful sensations of fervent kisses, of unbridled desire, but all that was lost just like everything else. The only thing that remained was the two of them. Jill couldn't remember the last time they had been together intimately, and she wondered if they ever would again. Jim had been convinced that a new start was what they needed, and she knew that he thought everything would go back to the way it used to be, as though it was that easy to turn back the hands of time. Jill was not convinced however, and she was afraid that this journey would be for nothing.

  The day rolled on but the landscape looked the same. Huge mountains towered in the distance, jagged rocks sliced into the sky. As they passed some they saw vegetation growing on the side, and they wondered how anything could thrive in this environment, but it gave them hope that they too would survive. They passed around the canteen of water, savoring every drop but continuing to wish that they could find a river for their clothes were sticking to them and the odor was beginning to get untenable. The horses needed a rest too, they could tell from the mighty beasts' labored breaths.

  “I know how you feel,” Jill said, patting hers on the thick sinewy neck. When they had picked them up the manes had been glossy and lustrous, but now like everything else they were dusty and grimy. The desert had made wrecks of them all. Over their heads vultures soared through the sky, gliding along using their wide wings. Their cawing was more like cackling, accompanied by the howls of coyotes and all the while the relentless sun beat down on them, draining their energy and their spirit. Jill's eyes began to feel heavy. Every blink felt longer than the last, and the darkness felt cool. She heard Jim calling her name, and somewhere she thought she answered but she couldn't be sure because the darkness was so peaceful, so calm, and she smiled.


  It had been a long trip for Brandon Grayson but then again they all were. There was nothing like going back home to the town he had come from, and any time away from it was like being away from his children. Sadly his business took him away regularly, but that was how he was able to maintain the town and fund it in the first place. Being a billionaire had its privileges certainly, like now, for he was traveling in style in a comfortable car
riage where he was protected by the sun. On occasion he reached out of the window and felt its heat on his hand, and shuddered at the thought of having to ride through the uncompromising desert like a peasant. No, he much preferred the comfortable life, and settled into his padded seat as he took a sip of water and leaned his head against the wall, letting the gentle rhythm of the wagon carry him to sleep.

  He was awoken abruptly by the driver, Brandon was sure his name was Ray or Roy, or perhaps Rob?

  “What's going on?” Brandon asked. He heard the driver jump down and open the door. His face glistened with sweat and for a moment Brandon felt a little guilty that he had enjoyed the shade while the driver had been forced to contend with the elements, but only for a moment since Brandon was paying him handsomely for this task, perhaps too generously now that he thought about it, but the agreement had been made and there was no helping that now.

  “Sorry sir, I don't mind to take us off track but I've found something. Looks like a wagon went down. There could be people there, I don't know, but I thought we should be good Samaritans and go check it out.”

  Brandon sighed, “I suppose so,” and motioned to get out of the carriage.

  “You don't have to move sir, you just stay there and I'll see to it,” Roy or Ray or Rob said.

  “No no,” Brandon said, waving his hand, “I should do my good deed I suppose, besides, it's not like anything else is happening on this journey.” The moment he stepped out of the carriage he felt the searing heat and loosened his tie. “Let's make this quick,” he said, and the two of them walked over to the wagon. It was laying on its side, the wheels broken and the frame snapped. Above them was a hill and the haphazard tracks came down.


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