Shifters in the Shadows

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Shifters in the Shadows Page 29

by Deveaux, Poppy

  “You're being too hard on yourself. I'm sure that whatever you've done has been blown out of all proportion. You're a good man Brandon. What is it about you that these people don't like?”

  Brandon looked carefully at Jim, wondering if he could actually entrust him with the truth. There was something about the couple that made Brandon want to tell them everything, even though it could scare them away and he would be left alone again. He had spent so long waiting for people like them and it was a delicate thing to tell them what he needed to say, and yet as he looked into Jim's handsome, piercing eyes he felt his soul open up and everything wanted to pour out.

  He took a deep breath before he spoke. “It's written in the Bible that love should be between a man and a woman, but that's never been enough for me, and I don't think it's enough for a lot of people they just get tied down to what they think they should be feeling. In the past I've...I've used my influence and wealth to educate certain young people in the ways of the world but they've always run away...or been taken from me by meddling folk who think I'm corrupting. Now, these were all people who were old enough to make their own decisions and I didn't make them do anything they didn't want to do, but they didn't have the strength of their convictions to see it through. So I built this town and in the beginning it was fine, but then people started to judge me and they pushed back and I was left an outcast. An outcast in the town I built with my own money! And I gave up on my dreams. Then I found the two of you and my heart went out to you. You've lost so much and I have so much to give-”

  “Brandon I...I'm not sure what you're saying...”

  Jim looked into Brandon's eyes with a shocked look on his face. Time seemed to stand still for the two of them. The sexual tension was palpable as it hung in the air, and all of a sudden Jim realized that he had been holding his breath. Brandon's expression changed. His lips curled into a sly smile and he tilted his head as he stepped closer to Jim, the warmth of his body mingling with Jim's own. It felt surreal, and Jim knew that the proper thing to do would have been to push Brandon away, but with every passing moment that became less and less of a possibility.

  “Then let me show you,” Brandon said in barely a whisper, but it was enough to shatter the night air as he rushed forward and planted his lips on Jim's. It was an unusual sensation for Jim and at first he struggled against it, and the two men where grappling each other as though they were wrestling, but Brandon's soft lips eventually overcame Jim's first instinct and the two men relaxed in each other’s arms, kissing passionately with only the stars as witnesses. For Jim it was a different feeling than he had ever known. This was pure, raw lust and while it lacked the emotional intensity of his kisses with Jill there was something more primal about it, something that stirred in the pit of his stomach and flooded through his entire body. He murmured as he felt Brandon's hands sliding around his back, and his hands in turn ran over the neck and chest of the billionaire, and in their pants they both swelled, and smiled as their bulges touched each other.

  “What is this?!” Jill said as she entered the scene, and both men turned to look at her in shock and horror at being discovered.


  “I'm sorry!” Both men said in unison. They had been caught in the act and were so surprised that they were still holding on to each other, until they each realized what was happening that they jumped back and looked at Jill as though they were naughty schoolboys. Brandon ran his hand through his hair.

  “This is all my fault Jill, I'm sorry, we were talking and it happened and I shouldn't have done it. Don't be mad at Jim.”

  “No, that's not entirely true-” Jim began, but Jill held up a hand to silence him. She looked at both of them in turn with a scrutinizing glare and paced the porch in front of them.

  “I suppose the people of the town were right about you after all,” she said in a hollow voice, devoid of all emotion.

  “Now that's just not fair,” Jim began, but again Jill held up a hand, and Jim went quiet, only offering a sympathetic glance to Brandon, who looked tired and weary.

  “No, it is fair. You've rescued us but you've also brought us back to this house, given us fine clothes to wear, and I have to wonder if all of it was actually out of the kindness of your heart or if you have been trying to seduce us?” she stared at Brandon, who stared back at her.

  “I admit that I saw something in the two of you when we first met and I would have liked for us to become closer.”

  “People in the town warned me about this. They told me that you would try something like this.”

  “Jill,” Jim said. Jill glared at him but this time he could not be silenced. “I'm going to say my piece whether you like it or not. This man has taken us into his home and I don't give a damn about what people in the town say. All I know is that I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for him and he's shown nothing but kindness to us, and frankly I find it flattering that a man of such standing and such wealth would be interested in the likes of us. Now I know that it isn't a regular pairing, but I have to be honest with you and tell you that I do feel something for this man, but it's more than's like he symbolizes a new beginning for us both. We both know that there's been something missing from our lives, and if it's going to be just the two of us again we're always going to feel like there should be three, but if we stay with Brandon there's a chance that we can actually find happiness, or at least a bit of excitement, and I think we're due something good.”

  He stepped forward and took Jill's hand in his, and looked at her earnestly. “Jill, I love more than I love anything in the world. I have loved you from the moment our eyes first met and I know that I will love you until the day I die. But I don't want to go through life always seeing the things we've lost whenever we look at each other. I want this. I want all of us,” he said, and turned to Brandon, still holding Jill's hands.

  Jill nodded and pursed her lips as she considered Jim's words. Then, not letting go of Jim's hands, she walked up to Brandon and stood mere inches away from him.

  “Do you want this too?” she asked in a soft voice. Brandon gulped, then nodded. Jill raised her free hand and ran it through the back of Brandon's head, and the billionaire closed his eyes. “Are you sure you want this?” she said, turning to Jim, “to see your wife with another man,” and she stood on her tiptoes and kissed Brandon, just as passionately as Jim had been kissing him minutes before. Brandon's hands slid around the small of her back and pulled her into him, but she never let go of Jim. He moved closer to them both and watched his wife and the billionaire lock lips, and thrust each other’s tongues in their mouths with a rabid hunger.

  “He's not another man,” Jim said as he brushed the hair away from Jill's face and whispered into her ear, “He's our man.” She broke off the kiss with Brandon and looked Jim in the eyes, then kissed him too. Jim could still taste Brandon on her lips and could feel him standing close to them, and then the two men kissed and the three of them went around like this as they enjoyed the new sensations of being in each other’s arms.

  “I can barely believe this is happening,” Brandon said, “I've been waiting my whole life for people like you.”

  “Wait no longer,” Jill said as she kissed him deeply again and pressed her body into his, feeling his growing erection, and at the same time she reached out to feel her husband, who was already hard as the mountains that lay on the horizon. The heat of the arousal rose around them like a cloud and engulfed them. Their bodies felt the soaring heat and their skin was soon prickled with sweat as they continued kissing and feeling each other. Jim enjoyed watching as Brandon began to explore his wife's body, groping her full breasts and reaching down in between her thighs, making her squirm with delight, and equally Jim liked feeling Brandon's body, and finding that place on his chest where his heart beat beneath his skin, and all Jim wanted to do was rip off his clothes in a scene of hedonistic fury. He began to unbutton Brandon's shirt when Jill stopped him, placing her hand on his.

not here, I want to see you both properly,” she said, and took their hands. They walked back through the house, the three of them linked together, always stopping for a passionate embrace against the wall. There was no jealousy or ill-feeling, and nobody was ever made to feel left out, there was only the sheer sensation of utter pleasure and exquisite delight, and it found a place in each of their hearts. It was something that Jill and Jim knew now that they had always wanted without even having known it before, and for Brandon it was a dream come true. There were moments when he doubted it, when he thought that this was all some kind of vivid dream from which he would soon wake, but all he had to do was feel Jim's fingers digging into his skin or Jill's teeth tugging at his lip, sending waves of delightful pain through his nervous system to know that this was real life, not just fantasy, and he threw himself into it with great ardor, letting a lifetime of frustration out.

  The three of them crashed against walls and shelves and almost lost all sense of where they were as they rolled through the house and clambered up the stairs, at one point collapsing, tearing at each other’s clothes, losing themselves in the fervent kisses and all-consuming desire that blazed within them. They pulled themselves up and kept moving forward until they made their way into Brandon's bedroom, where they took a moment to stop and look at each other. Any other time Jill and Jim would have been amazed at the room for it was as impressive as the rest of the house. It was so big that it dwarfed the room they used to call theirs in their old ranch. There was room for a couch and more bookshelves, and a desk, upon which lay some documents. A huge wardrobe stood against one wall, holding all of Brandon's expensive clothes but the main centerpiece of the room was the bed which was a huge, king-sized four poster bed. The wooden posts had patterns and pictures carved into them, not that any of them paid attention to that. Jill wrapped her arms around it as she was forced onto the bed by Jim's kisses, and Brandon stood by, watching them enjoy the heat of their love.

  Jill fell back on the bed and let her arms fall beside her, while her long hair splayed out around her, looking like a burst of sunlight. Jim was all over her, kissing her passionately, moving all along her body, when he turned to Brandon and held out his hand, and welcomed the billionaire onto the bed with them. The mattress was soft and it sunk under the weight of the three of them. Brandon kissed Jill while Jim kissed Brandon's neck. The three of them were so entwined that it was difficult to tell where one of them ended and the other began. It was as though they had all joined to become one complete organism, yet were still separate enough to be surprised by what the others did. Jim's lips and hands were insistent and hungry to see Brandon's naked body, and eventually Brandon had to laugh and stop kissing Jill just so Jim could get what he wanted. The strong younger man pulled away Brandon's shirt, sending buttons flying all over the place, and to get back at him Brandon did the same and soon enough the men were play fighting; wrestling and grappling each other to the floor, their hands slapping and pawing at each other’s naked bodies. Jill pushed herself up on the heels of her palms and watched intently as the two men grunted and laughed loudly, filling the room with the sounds of their passion. Jim's musculature was better defined and he resembled the primal man that humans evolved from. His chest was broad and thick dark hair ran down his chest and flat stomach, and Jill loved running her fingers down his tight abdominal muscles. In contrast, Brandon's body was more slight and wiry, which was to be expected given the different lives they had led. His hands were softer, and feeling them was a different sensation to Jim's, but as the two men wrestled with each other Jill saw how they complemented each other, and in their differences they found a harmony that had eluded them up until that point.

  Eventually they forced each other to the floor and their fighting turned to passion as they kissed each other and rolled around, their hands scrambling at each other’s pants to free the beasts that were growing inside them. Jim knelt over Brandon and pulled his pants down, and the married couple gazed in wonder at the impressive, thick erection standing before them. Jim then stood up and walked over to Jill and grabbed her hair, pulling her up. She obliged by pulling down Jim's pants and freeing his erection, which was just as impressive as Brandon's. Jill looked up at her husband and then slowly parted her lips and began to make love to his cock. She teased it at first with her tongue and her lips, planting soft kisses up and down the shaft as she swirled her tongue around it, making it glisten, until finally plunging it inside her warm mouth, and sucking deep and hard. Jim threw his head back and yelled in triumph as the powerful sensations ran through his body.

  Brandon was not one to miss out. He stood beside Jim and rested his head against the younger man's shoulder as Jill reached out with a hand and started to stroke Brandon's erection. Brandon looked down to see her making love to Jim's cock while she twisted her wrist, pulling his tight skin back and forward, then dropping her hand to softly fondle his balls, then she looked up at Jim as she pulled her head back and turned it to start pleasuring Brandon, and this time it was the billionaire's turn to groan loudly as he watched his long, thick cock disappear into Jill's eager mouth.

  She swapped between the two like this for a while, and soon enough both of them were dripping with her saliva, and then at one point their erections touched and the sensation was so powerful that it made their entire bodies’ quake. Jill sensed this and wrapped her hands around them, squeezing them together before she stretched her jaws to the point where they ached and took both their erections in her mouth, slathering her tongue over them wildly as she descended into an erotic bliss, completely intoxicated by the freedom and delirium. She closed her eyes and she felt two hands around her hand, one from each of the men as they pulled her away and started to tear away her dress. Brandon ripped it open and Jim laughed in shock, but then he too joined in and soon the expensive garment was on the floor in tatters, and Jill was laying there naked. Both men got to their knees and took one of her legs, kissing and running their hands up and down, making her tingle as their fingers ran up the burning inside of her thigh, venturing ever closer to the sweetest spot of her body, always teasing her with the promise of pleasure to come. Her legs writhed and her hands clenched into fists, gripping the bed sheets, and a long throaty moan escaped her lips as the hands of the men found her pussy and started to play with it, their fingers running around her lips, feeling the wetness and the heat and slowly but surely they ascended her legs, their breath washing over their skin. She lay in between them as they kissed her exposed flesh, their darting tongues dancing with their fingers, giving her a whirlwind of delight, and as they pleasured her their mouths found each other and the two men were making out as well as orally pleasuring Jill.

  Her hands moved down her electrified body, sending crackling bolts of pleasure throughout herself, until her hands found the moving heads of the men. She groaned and tugged on their hair, guiding them to increase her pleasure and she felt it rise through her body like a cresting wave. Her heart beat rapidly. Her breaths grew stilted and haggard and she felt as though she wanted to escape her flesh and soar into the sky on the wings of a phantom. Her head twisted from side to side as the intense pleasure became almost too much to bear. Hungrily, Jim and Brandon continued to pleasure her, diving into her, tearing her apart, until the gates were released and all her orgasm flooded out, drowning them in her juice.

  As Jill lay there, a writhing wreck, Brandon and Jim made out passionately, gorging themselves on the taste of her, growing harder and harder until they were laying between her legs, making out with each other, resting their heads against her stomach while she tried to recover from the blitz of passion she had had to endure.

  And, of course, it was not too long, for the two men had a hunger that needed to be satisfied. Jim held Jill's legs apart and pulled Brandon by his cock onto her, guiding him in. He slowly rubbed the mushroom tip around the wet lips of Jill's pussy then pushed it forward, moving around Brandon to push him in and soon the billionaire was inside Jill, thrusting powerf
ully, and Jim watched by his side as his wife was fucked hard and deep. Jill lay there, swollen breasts moving with the rhythm of her body, the rhythm that Brandon was controlling. Jim dove down onto her and started to fondle her nipples and breast. He kissed them fervently and the weight of his body crushed her as Brandon continued to fuck her hard, forcing screams of delight from her open mouth. Then Jim was upon her, muffling the screams with his kisses, silencing her moans as he thrust his tongue inside her before he stood up and crouched above her, playing and pleasuring himself over her face. She could feel the heat of his erection and could smell the sex on his cock and she tried to pull her head up to taste it but he teased her and kept it just out of reach of her mouth, but smeared it over the rest of her face and lips, and then her head was forced to fall back on the floor as the force of Brandon's lust made her body want to surrender, to melt into the bed and ooze like the thick, creamy cum that she wanted so badly.

  Brandon's hands were upon her body, holding her in position as he thrust hard. Jim moved back down Jill's body and started to make out with him, running his hands all over the billionaire's torso and ass, spanking it lightly to offer encouragement, not that Brandon needed any. Jim held onto Brandon tightly and looked down at his wife, their eyes locking as Brandon roared with passion and grew ever faster, fucking Jill in front of Jim, threatening to break her in two with the power of his lust and in one huge explosion the billionaire's body convulsed and jerked wildly, and Jill bore all the brunt of his desire as a thick jet of cum spurted out and sent a warm sensation flooding through her.


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