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Inception Page 10

by Laxmi Hariharan

  She was leaving him.



  At Eve's words, Hope's dragon shoved against her skin.

  Hope was sure the beast was going to spring out. Just as she was sure she was about to go up in flames right there, that no way could the beast be leashed, it dropped back and did something worse. She went silent. Quiet.

  So quiet, she couldn't sense the presence that had been a part of her since she had registered conscious thought.

  Hope wanted to scream at the animal, to tell her dragon she was behaving like a stupid, spoiled little girl. Didn't she want what was best for her mate. Didn't she?

  All around her, cheers rang out, and the live band in the corner of the courtyard struck up a noisy number.

  Hope wanted nothing more than to curl up and fling her arms around herself to console her dragon, to console herself.

  She'd followed Jason onto the dance floor.

  "Give us a moment." Eve touched Jason on his shoulder.

  Jason's handsome face swiveled from Eve to Hope. "I'll be waiting for you." He kissed her cheek and walked away.

  Feeling as if she'd explode with the effort of keeping all her feelings crammed inside, Hope held up a hand. "Don't," she said, and to her horror, her voice trembled. "Bloody hell, Eve, I did what you always wanted, what was best for the future of our species."

  "Did you?"

  "It's not like I had an option." Inside, rage and helplessness twisted as she tried to prod her dragon to react.

  "It's clear how you feel about Aaron, and the way he looks at you… it's clear that man worships you."

  Something in her sister's voice made Hope look into her face. "Why, you're jealous?"

  Eve folded her arms over her waist. "Let's just say, if any man looked at me that way, I'd probably—" She hesitated.

  "You'd run a mile." Hope chuckled.

  The sound broke the tension between the sisters.

  "I am jealous," Eve conceded. "But not envious. To have found a mate only to realize he is not of the same species, it's not easy. You are very brave, Hope. I'm not sure if I could do the same in your shoes."

  "And yet you are," Hope replied. "You haven't had a shortage of suitors since the day you became alpha. Every male dragon shifter has wanted to court you. Males of any other species would brave the psychic bond to be your consort and rule over this island, even if just for a day, even if it meant their dying in the process."

  "Yeah, right." Eve cut the air with her hand. "And none as dominant as me. Until I find someone strong enough to take on my dragon, I am fated to be alone," she said with resignation. "But we are talking about you, darling Dragon Heart."

  Eve's use of the nickname of their childhood finally undid Hope. "Evie, you're making me cry." Hope gripped her older sister's hand, drawing strength from that iron-clad resolve she'd always sensed in her.

  To the world, Eve was a hard-assed alpha. But Hope knew that under that tough exterior was a woman who felt a lot. It was one reason Eve always hid behind the swagger needed of a woman in her position of power.

  "I can't work with him anymore, Eve," she pleaded. "I've done my bit in teaming up with him to rescue Mira. I've shown we can work with the Council of Bombay. The rest is up to you."

  Eve hugged her sister. "What are you going to do?"

  "Now I dance." Hope made her way onto the dance floor and into Jason's waiting arms.

  When she finally dared to lift her eyes to the corner of the floor where she had last seen Aaron, she found it empty.



  Adrenaline had pumped through his blood, beating against his temples, until he couldn't hear anything except Hope's laugh as she'd gazed up at the man next to her.

  His heart thumped against his rib cage.

  A complete stranger, and Hope was looking at him as if he were her entire world, when he knew that wasn't true.

  His anger had broken through the last remaining shreds of control.

  Feinting low enough to break Caleb's grip, Aaron had been about to run to where Hope and Jason stood, when the other man snarled, "Do you want to embarrass Hope in front of all these people, immortal?"

  Only then did the thinking part of Aaron take over.

  The fact that Caleb called him immortal had reminded Aaron why he was here. He was the official representative of the Council of Bombay, and he couldn’t let down Leana.

  He stopped struggling and allowed Caleb to drag him away from the crowd and into the shadow of the tree line.

  All the time, his eyes had been fixed on the woman who'd come to mean more to him than his own life.

  Caleb didn't stop until he dragged Aaron all the way across the sloping lawn, over the small brick wall that separated the garden from the beach, and onto the sand, where he shoved Aaron face down to the ground.

  The breath rushed out of Aaron as Caleb placed a knee on his back for good measure.

  Rage still burned through all other rational thought in his head, until Caleb slapped the back of his head. "Get back in the game. You need to be more strategic here. If you let your emotions take over, you’re a goner."

  Caleb spoke the truth.

  Gritting his teeth, Aaron gripped the sand under his fingers, the grains pouring out of his fist as he tried to push down on the burning rage that threatened to override all other thought.

  A deep breath, another, then Aaron raised his hands, still not trusting himself to speak but indicating to Caleb that he was fine.

  "You okay?" Caleb's voice was grim.

  Aaron nodded.

  "You're not going to run off and kill Jason?"

  A pause.

  Then Aaron said, voice low, "Don't ask me to make promises I can't keep. But I give you my word that I'll keep my distance from that man."

  "I know exactly how to work this off." Caleb smashed his fist into Aaron's jaw, taking him by surprise.

  "What the—" Aaron swore, spitting out some of the blood. The adrenaline of a fight punched through his blood, and he circled the other man.

  When Caleb swung at him, Aaron hit out, connecting with Caleb's ribs with a satisfied thud.

  The other man landed on his back with a thump that vibrated through the sand.

  Damn, but it felt good to work off some of the frustration.

  Blood thumping in his veins, Aaron decided he may as well go all out and get his rage out.

  "I really do owe you one, bro." Aaron stretched out his hand to help Caleb up.

  "I promise to collect." Caleb grinned, showing bloodied teeth.

  Grabbing Aaron's hand, he flung him aside. Then with a whoop, he threw himself at the other man.

  He landed on Aaron with such force that all the breath was knocked out of him.

  "Yield!" Caleb had him in a headlock, his weight pressing down on Aaron's chest.

  Aaron saw red at the edge of his vision. Sweat ran down his spine, and it had never felt better.

  "Never." Hooking a leg around Caleb's, he grabbed the other man's shirt and tugged.

  The cloth ripped and came apart in his hands, prompting a chortle from Caleb.

  Aaron growled and grabbed the wolf shifter's hair.

  "So, this is what they mean by boys never growing up?" A familiar female voice had Aaron freezing.

  The next second, Caleb flung himself on his back next to Aaron on the sand.

  His chest rising-falling, Aaron took in one shuddering breath after another.

  "You're bleeding." Hope made to step forward. Then catching herself, she gripped her fingers together in front of her.

  One look at Hope's face and he sprang to his feet. "What's wrong?"

  "There's been another kidnapping. This time a human female."



  Aaron followed Hope into the large assembly room where he'd first met her.

  On the far end, the moonlight glittered off the teeth of the dragon skull.

  Its hollowed-out eyes seemed to follow him
as he walked up to the dais.

  A brush of energy tingled up his spine, pushing his hair to stand on end as he took his place next to Caleb.

  He closed his eyes and reach out with his senses toward the dragon skull… to find a silver flame zoom toward him on the psychic plane.

  It twirled itself around him, brushing against his psychic eye. All you have to do is trust yourself.

  What should I do? he asked the presence on the psychic plane.

  Woo her, son. Don't let her go…

  He blinked, to find Hope staring at him.

  She'd tied her hair into a braid so they didn't get in the way.

  He wanted to run his fingers through it so those thick auburn strands would flow unrestrained around her shoulders again. He wanted to bury his face in those fragrant waves, to slide his arm around her waist and pull her close.

  He knew how she felt when her curves were molded to him.

  Just thinking about it sent a dense pulse of longing throbbing through his veins. Her scent curled around him, zooming straight to his already-hard groin.

  He knew then that it didn't matter that Hope had decided to declare her intention to mate with a fellow dragon shifter.

  He couldn't just let her walk away.

  He held her gaze, not bothering to hide his feelings. Not bothering to cover the raw need, the sheer intensity of what he was feeling for her right then.

  Hope must have sensed his thoughts, yet her features gave no indication of what she might be feeling. She stood next to him, legs spread slightly apart with her hands folded over her chest.

  To his right Caleb glowered, wiping the blood off his face with his sleeve.

  Eve walked onto the dais. "I called you here because one of us has been taken again." She leaned back on her heels. "This time it's an eighteen-year-old human. Freya stepped out with her boyfriend onto the beach for a walk during the celebration, when a telekinetic male appeared and took her."

  Aaron heard a slight hesitation in her voice and latched onto it. "Why her?"

  "Very good, immortal." Eve inclined her head. "Freya's the only one among humans to have a natural shield that defends her psychic mind from being manipulated by the Elysians."

  "And they know this how?" Caleb growled. "No one except the dragon siblings and your core group knows about this."

  "Only one answer." Aaron placed his hands on his hips. "There's a traitor in your inner circle, alpha. One who's leaking this information to the Elysians."

  Next to him, Hope drew in a sharp breath.

  Just then, there was a knock on the psychic web that Aaron shared with the other Ascendants.

  Tuning in, Aaron received the images that had come through from Mikhail.

  "A telekinetic has been spotted on the outskirts of Bombay," Aaron said aloud after reading the images. "The Council is waiting for more information. But they think they are close to finding out the unofficial hideout of the Elysians. We know that Zach is on our side.” He glanced from Eve to Hope. “It has to be the Elysian rebels who kidnapped Freya. She may well be there."

  "And you know this how?" Hope asked, then replied to her own question. "Of course, the psychic web you share with the other Ascendants."

  Not only brave but astute too. Aaron clamped down on the sense of pride that surged through him.

  Hope was not his; she never had been.

  Yet, he could only avoid her as much as he could stop breathing. Try as he might, there was no way he could not be affected by her presence, not as long as he was alive.

  "When were you going to tell us about your link to the other Ascendants?" Eve pursed her lips. "This makes you and the Council very formidable enemies."

  "Or very strong partners," Aaron said, voice steady. "You are entitled to your secrets, alpha, and so are we. What's important is that an innocent woman's life is at stake. We must put aside our differences and work together to save her."


  "How do we know this is not a trap?" Eve raised a hand to her temple and rubbed it. "That the Elysians have kidnapped Freya and revealed their location at the same time too… It seems to be too much of a coincidence."

  "Perhaps it is a trap," Hope reasoned. "But it's the only lead we have."

  "I'll do my best to find her." Aaron clasped his arms behind his back.

  "So will I.” Hope addressed her words at Eve.

  "I don't need you with me. I can do this on my own." Aaron's voice came out harsh.

  Hope flinched, angling her body away from his.

  For a second, he was sorry to have hurt her. But damn, he couldn't forget how she had decided to choose another man over him.

  Clamping down on his emotions, he turned to Eve. "It's my hometown. I’m capable of searching for your missing human on my own."

  "We made a deal to partner on this mission, and I intend to keep it. Besides, how do I know if I can trust you?" She jabbed a finger at him. "Perhaps you are the infiltrator here."

  Aaron's muscles bunched as he folded his arms over his chest. His nostrils flared. "You are right to trust no one until we find the kidnapped woman. As you command, your sister and I will leave together."

  Next to him, Hope stayed silent.

  With a short nod at Eve, she turned on her heel to stalk out.

  Aaron gripped Caleb's arm in farewell. "Thank you for your help. It’s best you stay here and guard what's yours."

  Tilting his head at Eve, he followed Hope.

  It struck him then that he had been given the perfect opportunity to spend time alone with her. But could he convince her that her dragon was right about him all along?

  Part IV



  The last thing Hope wanted was to be alone with Aaron. She would have rather flown to Bombay, but that would have been stupid.

  She hadn't recovered enough to fly the distance.

  Besides, Eve had made her promise she wouldn't do anything rash on this trip. Best to save her energy for any future encounters with the Elysians, she decided.

  Waking up early, she packed her bags and set off toward the pier. With every step, her heart began to beat faster, the pulse pounding in her temples.

  By the time she reached the boat, her stomach was churning enough to make her sick. Or maybe that was because she couldn't feel the dragon inside her anymore. She couldn't even speak to the beast inside her anymore. It made her feel like she was the loneliest person on the island.

  As the thoughts ran through her head, a shout had her turning to see Jason walking toward her.

  Jason. Damn, he didn't deserve this, a woman who wasn't his mate, who wouldn't love him. Not the way she loved someone else. Yet, he was doing the right thing too. Even though he didn't feel the call of her dragon, he'd agreed to marry her for the future of their race.

  He bent toward her, lips widening in a gentle smile.

  She made herself raise her head to meet his lips… only to tilt her head at the last second. Just enough so that his lips missed her lips and brushed her cheek.

  His muscles stiffened. "Why?"

  She tried to pull away from him, to look anywhere but at him. Her dragon skittered at the nearness of a man who wasn't her mate. The woman, too, felt trapped at being forced to pretend a passion she didn't feel.

  Gentle fingers held her chin, holding it so she had no choice but to meet his gaze.

  "What do you mean?" She squinted against the first rays of the sun slanting over her face.

  "We know each other well enough to not have to pretend, Hope." His dark-brown eyes held hers, unblinking.

  "You're right." Sturdy, loyal Jason was the ideal partner. He did love her.

  She'd known it for a while, and she was taking advantage of it. She'd agreed to bonding with him for the good of her race, hadn't she? Then why did she feel like a heel?

  "This isn't going to work, is it?" Hope blew out a breath, frustrated that she was unable to hold the charade.

  She'd known Jason since they we
re children. She realized she couldn't hurt him.

  "I knew you were using me when you agreed to the engagement."

  "Yet you went along with it?" she stuttered, unsure what to say. "If only I had fallen in love with you, things would have all been so easy."

  "Instead, you fell in love with an outsider and an immortal warrior." He touched her cheek. The gesture was one of understanding, of sympathy even.

  "You knew?" The breath rushed out of her. "Then why—"

  "Why did I go through the ceremony last night? Why choose to make a fool of myself in front of our entire race?" He ran his fingers through his hair. "Perhaps I'd hoped that somewhere along the way, you'd feel more for me. That if we pretended hard enough, it would become real?

  "Yeah, me too." Her shoulders slumped as she shut her eyes. Damn, what was she going to do?

  Her senses prickled, and she knew they were being watched. She would have turned, except Jason reached out to grip her shoulder.

  Then she was being jerked forward, toward his chest, and being kissed with enough heat that she lost her breath. When they drew apart, she could only stare.

  That kiss had been more than nice. There had been enough heat in it that she could have almost convinced herself to feel something for him. Almost.

  "You did that on purpose."

  "Yeah." He grinned, still not letting her go. "Not only has he seen us kiss, but my scent is on you, and that… is going to make for one hell of an interesting journey.”

  "Like it wasn't going to be awkward already?" She flicked dust off his T-shirt, not sure whether she should yell at him or kiss him again. "You really are wonderful. You are going to make some woman very lucky."

  "Just not you." His fingers tightened on her shoulders one last time before dropping to his side. "Go. And whatever you decide to do, think very carefully. Not all of us are lucky enough to find a mate."

  Swallowing the heaviness lodged in her throat, Hope turned to the boat. Walking across the footbridge, she went straight to the boat. She found Aaron checking the dials, making sure they were ready to cast off.


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