The Horror Squad: An Apocalyptic Tale

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The Horror Squad: An Apocalyptic Tale Page 10

by Weeks, TJ

  “I….” He started to say.

  “Sit down. I respect that you wanted to serve, I just don’t respect your training. The military was built for force, not babysitting. It’s not your fault, it’s the governments fault. However, don’t push your fucking luck boy.” I interrupted.

  Donald had a shocked look on his face and turned to look at Howard for backup.

  “He’s telling you the truth.” Howard stated.

  “It’s nothing against you, you’re still a brother in arms.” Steven threw in.

  I turned and looked at Steven and shook my head before taking a drink. Once I finished my fifth glass, I just grabbed one of the Jack Daniel bottles started drinking straight whiskey from the bottle itself.

  “Thirsty brother?” Steven asked.

  Gizmo looked at me and gave me a head signal to pass him a bottle as well. I reached in and grabbed a bottle and slid it a seat down on the bar counter.

  “Na, just drowning some thoughts.” I responded.

  Gizmo leaned over and held out his bottle, I clanked my bottle against his. “Cheers.”

  I noticed that Steven was only drinking the soft drink with hold the liquor. “You not want a drink?”

  “You know I gave all of that up.” He responded.

  “Why is that?” Gizmo asked.

  “When we first got back from Iraq, I got pretty bad. My wife used to find me passed out in my yard on a pretty regular basis and my kids used to find me passed out and called the police thinking I was dead. Once my wife was ready to leave me, but gave me that last chance, I dropped it all.” He answered.

  Gizmo leaned around me to see Steven. “Goddamn, you was one of those extremists.”

  Steven looked down at his Dr. Pepper. “Yeah, I’ve never known when to quit, but it’s the one thing that keeps my family with me.”

  “So what’s your story?” Steven asked Rachel.

  “I’m pretty much a nothing from nowhere.” She responded.

  “Everyone has a back story.” Gizmo added.

  “I was pharmacist at a local Brookshire’s. Didn’t really talk to anyone, just worked my job and tried to save back money.” She said.

  “Well hell, that means you know medicine. That doesn’t make you a no one.” Steven stated.

  “Trying to start another family already, big brother?” I asked Steven.

  “That’s an assholish thing to say. I was just finding out who she was.” He responded.

  “Well, I guess we’re all good and I already knew I was an asshole.” I answered.

  “You and me both.” Gizmo stated and we clanked our bottles together again for another cheers.

  “Well boys, better grab some boxes, rags or whatever you can find and get some shut eye, it’s going to be a long day tomorrow.” I announced as I grabbed my bottle and took it to a corner.

  I sat there thinking about losing Justin and drowning my thoughts. Justin had been my neighbor for a couple of years before all of this happened. We used to sit out in my back yard and drink around my fire pit most nights. He was one of the most considerate guys I had ever known. We were always working on something no matter if it was at his house or mine. I hated his ex-wife and would have to say she was a bitch. She had cheated on him while he was out of town working one weekend. She gathered all her shit, left the kids and took off. I could relate since my ex-wife had cheated and ran off with some jerkoff while I was in Iraq. Only difference was, my ex took my kids. We had many nights where we talked about it. He had eventually quit his out of town job and got a local job to be home and take care of his kids, which I strongly admired.

  “You going to sleep with that bottle?” Gizmo walked over and asked as he took a seat next to me.

  “Time tells all, brother.” I responded after another drink.

  “I hear that. I’m sorry for going off like that. I know we were all close.” He added.

  I took a big swig and looked over. “It’s all good. I still don’t know how to cope with it. I know we’re in a new world where losing people is going to happen, but I’m still not prepared to lose those that I love and care about.” I stated.

  “I understand. Well bubba, I’m going to try and get some shut eye.” He said before scooting down a bit and laid next to the wall.

  I laid back against my corner and continue to drink. I watched everyone lay down one by one. Rachel laid down behind the bar, I guess she thought someone was going to try to cop a feel on her. Everyone else pretty well spread out. I don’t remember falling asleep, so I would assume I just passed out.


  I OPENED my door and ran up to the house as I jumped over the three bodies that I had put down just earlier. I ran so fast that I didn’t notice the white Tahoe sitting at the bottom of the drive or the swarm of flies buzzing around the three bodies. I swung the door open and before I could even run in, Kris met me with almost a head on collision at the door.

  “You alright? Where’s the kids?” I questioned.

  “We’re fine…what’s going on?” She questioned back.

  I stepped in the doorway and seen everyone sitting on the couch waiting to hear the news.

  “I know this is going to sound crazy, but we’re in the middle of the zombie apocalypse.” I announced to everyone.

  “Good one buddy, but we all know you’re a horror writer….Where’s Gizmo?” Justin replied.

  My eye’s widened. “Oh fuck!”

  I ran outside to see him at the bottom of the hill and approaching one of our friends, Josh’s Tahoe.

  “Hey, you alright man? Hey bitch, answer me.” I could hear Gizmo as he tapped on the window.

  “Get back bro.” I called out as I eased my way down to the truck where I grabbed the rifle out of the seat.

  “It’s Josh.” He called back.

  I was almost to the door when Gizmo opened the door and Josh bailed out of it and knocking me on my ass. “What the fuck, get him off of me.”

  “Josh, get off of him!” Justin called out as he started down the hill and in almost a jog now.


  KRIS RAN through some ideas on what could be done to guard the land better. There was no possibility she was letting this base go to shit that they had spent so much time creating, by letting some strangers in to take over. No one would be entering or exiting until TJ and the guys got back and that is just the way that it was going to be. They had everything set the way that it needed to be and Martin did a great job guarding the front gate, but we needed help in that area with new arrivals showing up from out of nowhere. The outlook Kris had was a ’what would TJ do’ mindset. She adored her husband and looked up to him. He had a leader quality about him and was calm in the most uprising moments. That is what made her love him so much. She had to figure out how to keep everyone safe and still keep everything running smoothly.

  Tina and Kris had their children help clean the cafeteria after the mass of people cleared out. It wasn’t their day, but it was a good lesson that you help where help is needed, and the girls could always use the help after a crowd like that. They instructed them all on what to do while Shianne went on to the plant to check on what Lisa may need help with there. Once the chow hall was sparkling clean, the younger ones were allowed to the courtyard to do as they pleased; which was normally sword fighting or fort building for the boys and drawing or writing for the girls. Tina and Kris never really wanted them to have to deal with anything that had anything to do with guarding the land or having to possibly see a rotter and fighting for their lives. They felt as though it was the adult’s job to take care of all of that. While they made their way out to play, Tina and Kris sat inside the clean cafeteria and tried to think of ways to solve the guard situation with hardly any people available except for the two of them.

  “I think if I walk the wall line late into the evening and stay in contact with Holsinger, after two or three in the morning, we should be fine. So if I do that, I may just have to sleep in a bit and should be o
kay.” Kris bounced the idea off of Tina.

  “Why don’t we split the days? You can do one night of staying up and walking and I will do the next night, that way, we can get a good night’s rest every other night?” Tina threw out.

  “I guess we can do that. Are you feeling up to that though, with your IUD just coming out and all?” She asked.

  “I’m good, the bleeding has pretty much stopped and the cramping seems to subside when I walk around anyway.” Tina admitted.

  “Then I guess we can do that. Whatever nights one of us works, the other will take the kids that night until the other wakes up the next morning. That way, we can stay out late into the night and not have to worry about those crazy brats doing things that they are not supposed to.” Kris laughed.

  “Good deal, I guess I need to go get some sleep. Will you wake me up about five or so this evening and we can all eat together and I will go on duty.” Tina instructed.

  Kris nodded as Tina went on to get some rest. Kris went out and sat with the kids to tell them the news about getting to spend the night with each other, which made them all excited.

  Five rolled around quicker than Tina was hoping. She liked her sleep and was excited to get more than she was used to. Once woke up, the group realized that her grumpiness did not only come in the morning, it was anytime she had to wake up. Sidnie ran to get her a cup of coffee and bring back after she had told everyone to shut up and leave her alone. Kris laughed at her as she sat up from her cot and ran her hands over her face.

  “Hey there sunshine, stretch out your grumpies!” She told her.

  “Shut the hell up!” She muttered back at Kris.

  Finally with Tina able to function, the group decided that dinner in the room was a good idea. Each of them had a cup of ramen noodles and some toast. They all had a great dinner by themselves, talking and laughing about things that they used to do and making plans to see what they could find in the school gym to have a competitive game of some sort later that day or the next day.

  Once dark settled in, it was time for Tina to go and keep an eye on things around the walls. The children were instructed to stay in the room until Kris got back so they could load Tina up with what she needed for protection.

  The guys had left plenty of things for them to use and they utilized what they had. Tina took her nine millimeter pistol and stuck it in a holster on her hip. She had a large buck knife Gizmo had left her, but no holster, so Kris let her use hers that attached to the side of her boot that went with her knife. She shouldered one of the many loaded rifles that TJ and Gizmo left specifically for them and stuck some extra ammo in her hoodie pocket.

  “Okay, I just walked the wall and made my way back around to Holsinger every time to see if he had seen anything last night. His relief comes on about two in the morning, so you will be dealing with someone else from the plant once he goes off shift for the rest of the night. I listened and watched the top of the wall and made sure that there was not anything unusual going on inside the wall. There is A LOT of ground to cover, so if you hear something or get spooked, make a bee line to the gate, otherwise stay on the wall and just listen. As always, don’t use the guns unless you have to and if you get into trouble, just give a holler. I have already let Holsinger know the plan and that I will have most of the windows open in the classroom to keep a listen out. Stay safe sister.” Kris told her.

  Kris was not concerned, Tina did not like any kind of confrontation, but definitely was not afraid to stand her ground. She was a fighter and was not an enemy anyone would want. She could hold her own and had no problem in whooping your ass if it needed to be.

  Kris went back to the room and laid everyone down with a book and told them that they had to be quiet in case Tina needed help and that she needed to get some sleep. The group abided and was quiet except for a few whispers here and there.

  “Kris, is momma going to be okay?” Cloie stood over Kris’s cot.

  Kris sat up. “Yes, baby, she is fine, why?”

  “She is out there all by herself, I don’t like it.” Cloie stated.

  “Your mom is a tough woman, and the only reason that your dad wanted her to stay is because he wanted her to be here with you. You seem to be so angry with your mom for letting your dad go out there on his own, but you are worried about your mom now. What’s up with that kid?” Kris asked Cloie.

  “It was different then. Mom and Dad were together then, I knew that they would take care of each other. Now mom is out there by herself and doesn’t have Dad, and Dad is out there by himself and doesn’t have mom.” She bowed her head.

  “Cloie, your mom and dad are both tough and will always take care of each other. But most of all they want to make sure that you and Hudson are taken care of, and that is why we are here and Dad is out there. Be thankful that you have both your parents still here and they are as tough as they are.” Kris explained the only way he could think of without bringing in the dead.

  Cloie nodded and hugged Kris. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight honey.” Kris told her as Cloie walked back to her cot.

  Tina had walked around the perimeter once and ended back up over at the gate. Nothing unusual had come about and Tina was ready for her next round. Holsinger told her that by her next round, that a man by the name of Greg should be standing guard until about nine or so to allow him to get some sleep. Tina said her goodnights to Martin and headed on to make her next round.

  She walked fairly close to the wall to listen on the outside. Every so often she could hear a rotter’s moan or a slap on the wall where they would run into the wall and then the dragging of their feet where they would move on. She listened for the roar of a car or engine of anything, but no such sound came about. It took her a long while to walk the thousand acre perimeter. As she made her way around the last corner, she could see the small light that was kept on inside the guard shack that had been built. She quickened her pace, knowing that she was close and could at least talk to someone besides herself for a moment.

  “You must be Tina?” The large man stated.

  Tina was surprised at how tall he was. It was hard to get to know everyone’s name since there were so many that worked the plant at different times of the day, but she was surprised that she had never noticed him. He was a tall well-built guy that should have been hard to miss. She was sure that she had probably seen him before, but just didn’t remember.

  “Greg?” Tina asked.

  “Yep, I took over for Holsinger. All good on your end?” He asked Tina.

  “Yep, nothing unusual. A few rotters out there, but nothing else that I have heard.” She told the man.

  Tina reached into the guard shack and grabbed a couple of pieces of beef jerky that Karen kept supplied for Martin.

  “Catch ya next round.” Tina stated.

  Greg nodded and watched Tina walk next to the wall.

  As Tina came to the corner of the layout, she felt an eerie feeling come over her. She stopped and looked around. She peered to the top of the fence and stood for a moment just listening to the night. With not even the moan of a rotter, Tina began to walk on. She switched the gun strap to her other shoulder and took a drink from the water bottle she had swiped from Holsinger earlier knowing that he was going off shift.

  In mid swig Tina felt a hit on the side of her head. She fell to the ground face first and was flipped over quickly. The corner she was in was dark and she could barely see and now had a daze in front of her eyes from being hit. She could feel a hand that was putting pressure on her chest and it was pissing her off since it was smashing one of her tits. She gained her thought process and anger began to set in.

  “What the fuck?” She questioned aloud.

  “Just give me a minute.” The voice stated.

  Tina grabbed the hand that held her down and was squishing her feminine area that was not meant to be and pulled the thumb backwards as hard as she could while sitting up. Another hand came around and pushed her back down and she lost gr
ip. The man’s other hand came around and tugged at the button on her jeans. Tina realized what was going on and thought to herself. ‘You son of a bitch, are you kidding!’

  She quickly raised her boot and was able to kick the man in the back of the head that was bent down over her. She again grabbed his hand and grasped whatever two fingers that she could and pulled with all of her strength. She listened to the fingers crack and the man fell over to her side, she quickly sat up on her knees and pushed even harder on the fingers as she felt his wrist give way under the pressure. She easily broke the man’s wrist.

  “Fuck you!” She hollered.

  She kicked him hard in his ribs until he had no breath left to gasp for and again hard in his nuts. She pulled the knife out of her boot and slid it along his neck line, hoping that it was a good place to slice since she could not see.

  “Mom, the noise came from that way!” Sidnie pointed toward the front wall corner outside.

  Kris slipped her boots on and ran out of the room grabbing a small flashlight on her way. She made her way outside and to the corner Sidnie had pointed towards. She shined the flashlight as she ran and saw a silhouette standing against the wall.

  “TINA!” Kris shouted in as quiet of a tone as she could.

  “Yes mother fucker, I am over here.” She stated breathlessly.

  Kris ran up to her and shined the light onto the ground in front of Tina. A tall man laid at her feet, bleeding from the neck.

  “Who the fuck is that?” Kris asked.

  “Greg, took over for Holsinger. Attacked me from behind.” Tina said leaning over with her hands on her knees.

  “Well, okay…I bet he doesn’t do that shit again” Kris joked.

  “Glad this is amusing to you.” Tina stood and began walking towards the gate.


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