Family Affairs: Volume 1

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Family Affairs: Volume 1 Page 19

by Davenport, Fiona

  “C’mon. You’re coming to the hospital with me.”

  “Are you sure?” I sniffled.

  His arms tightened around me briefly, and then he set me away. Looking down at me, he swiped his thumbs over my cheeks to wipe away my tears. “I’m not gonna leave you alone when you’re like this. I should have kept my damn mouth shut. That shit is between your dad and me. Between the Hounds of Hellfire and the Silver Saints. It doesn’t have anything to do with you.”

  “You kidnapped me because of it,” I reminded him.

  “That was then. This is now.”

  He must have considered the conversation closed because he led me out the door and to his bike. As soon as I was settled behind him, with the helmet he’d given me securely in place, we roared away from the clubhouse with several of the guys following behind us. It took us about fifteen minutes to make it to the hospital, but it hadn’t been long enough for me to come to terms with the idea that my dad was the bad guy in this situation. So, I was quiet as Mac led the way upstairs to Logan’s hospital room, his hand wrapped around mine to keep me close. He only let go when we were through the door and he walked to the side of the hospital bed. In it was a man with shaggy blond hair and blue eyes on a heavily bruised face. One of his legs was casted and in traction, and the arm on the opposite side was in a sling. He gave me a curious look before switching his gaze to Mac and offering him a sheepish grin.

  “How long was I out?” he asked.

  “About a week,” Mac answered.

  “That’s what they told me.” Logan’s blue eyes slid my way again. “But then I saw you holding hands like a sap, and I figured it’d been long enough that hell froze over.”

  I giggled at the joke, but Mac just glared at him. “Too early for you to joke about being in a fucking coma, man. I was starting to think you’d never wake up.”

  “Sorry, Prez. I guess I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I got my ass beat so bad by a motherfucking Hound of Hellfire that I missed an entire week of my life.”

  I cringed at the reminder of my dad’s involvement in this man ending up in the condition he was in, but neither man seemed to notice and the other guys were behind me and couldn’t see my face.

  “But don’t worry, I’ll more than make up for lost time once I get my hands on him.”

  “Ahem,” Scout cleared his throat, stepping next to me and jerking his head in my direction.

  “Can you go get Logan some water, baby? I’m sure he’s thirsty,” Mac asked.

  I knew he was trying to get me out of the room, but with the direction the conversation had turned I was glad for the excuse. “Sure.”

  “Make it ice chips, sweetheart,” Logan said. Mac growled at him, moving so his view of me was blocked. “I didn’t mean anything by it, Prez. Don’t know the girl’s name and didn’t know what else to call her.”

  “Blue,” Scout offered. “You can call her Blue.”

  “Works for me,” Logan muttered. “I’m thirsty as fuck, but the doc won’t let me have anything but ice chips. So if Blue could grab me some, I’d be grateful.”

  “Will do,” I called out as I hurried out of the room. The nurses’ station was right around the corner, so it didn’t take me long to get what Logan needed. When I made it back to his room, the door was only cracked open about an inch but I could hear the low murmur of male voices. I started to open my mouth to make sure they knew I was there, but then what Mac was saying hit me and I froze in my tracks.

  “Pierce called this morning. He’s willing to make the trade. Their guy for Bridget.”

  “Damn, this situation is fucked since Bridget’s the chick you looked like you were going to put me back in my coma for after I called her sweetheart. What’d you tell him?” Logan asked.

  “What the fuck did you think I said? I gave him the time and place for the meet. This Saturday at the races.”

  “No,” I mouthed, my eyes welling with tears. Swiveling on my foot, I dropped the pitcher of ice as I ran quickly. I needed to be alone. Needed to figure out what to think. One question kept echoing in my mind. Had he been playing me the whole time?

  Chapter Eleven


  All eyes swung to the partially open door when something clattered and bounced off the linoleum floor. I only caught a glimpse of Bridget’s expression before she took off, but it was enough for me to see her blue eyes swimming with hurt.


  Scout waved at the door. “Go, we got this.”

  I nodded, already running into the hallway. “Bridget!” I roared. I caught up to her just as she burst into the waiting room. Snatching her wrist, I hauled her back up against me, lifting her feet clear off the floor.

  “Let me go!” she snapped, wiggling frantically.

  “No.” My tone was hard as I spoke quietly into her ear. Just the thought of losing her had me on edge. “I already told you, you’re mine.” Her shoulders slumped but she settled a little so I cautiously set her down.

  The room was littered with my brothers and a few old ladies, so I led Bridget back into the hallway and found a deserted hospital room.

  When I faced her, my heart pounded painfully at the sight of tears streaming down her beautiful face. “Don’t ever run from me, baby,” I growled. “You hear something you don’t like or understand, you come to me. That’s how this is gonna work. Do I make myself clear?”

  She backed away and I stifled the urge to make a grab for her. “What do you care? I’m just leverage.” Her back straightened and she glared at me. “I’m not going to be your plaything until you’ve found a better use for me.”

  I closed the distance between us in one step and grasped her face, forcing her to look up at me. “Don’t ever refer to yourself as my plaything, baby, or I’ll be bending you over my knee.” I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. “My old lady, my woman, and someday my wife; those describe what you are to me.”

  Her blue eyes went wide as saucers and her jaw dropped. I couldn’t resist dipping my head and stealing a fast kiss.

  “But…what about…?”

  “I needed time to come up with another method to get what I need from your dad, baby. Only agreed to stall him. You aren’t going fucking anywhere without me.” I walked her backwards until she was pressed against the wall. “Pretty sure I made it very clear who you belong to the last couple of days. But, I’m more than happy to remind you.”

  I captured her lips in a deep kiss, my palms planted on either side of her head. My hips grinded into her center, making it abundantly clear what she did to me.

  My hands slid into her hair, before continuing on and making quick work of the front snap on her shorts. I shoved them down, along with her panties, and hoisted her up with my hands under her ass.

  Spinning around, I stalked to the nearest bed and set her on the edge before dropping to my knees between her legs. I inhaled deeply. “Fuck, you smell good. Taste so fucking good.” Leaning in, I blew on her wet pussy, before licking up her slit. Bridget moaned and fell back onto her elbows, keeping herself elevated just enough that she could watch me. “Good girl. Eyes on me.” I smirked then focused on my task of making her come. My tongue fucked her sweet pussy, my lips sucked hard at her clit, but just as she approached the peak, I backed off.

  She whimpered and shuddered, looking at me in disbelief. “Tell me who you belong to, baby, and I’ll let you come.”

  “You,” she breathed.

  “Fuck yes,” I grunted. This time, when I drove her up, I pushed her right over the edge, soaking in the sounds of her passionate cries.

  I surged to my feet and freed my cock, thrusting deep inside her before she’d even recovered.

  “Jared,” she gasped. “Yes!”

  The sound of her sweet voice calling my name was like fuel on the fire. I held her hips tight as I pounded inside her. I ripped her shirt over her head and bending forward, my lips captured a nipple. I sucked hard, causing her to buck against me.
r />   It didn’t take long for her to explode again and I followed behind her, shouting her name. Still holding her firmly, I pressed our centers together, keeping it sealed so none of my seed would leak out.

  “Don’t ever forget you’re mine, Bridget,” I mumbled, my face nestled between her tits. “Hopefully, you’ve already got my baby in your belly to prove it. If not, gonna fuck you every chance I get until you do.”

  “Oh my gosh!” she gulped. “We haven’t been using protection!”

  I lifted my head and glared at her. “Fuck no, we haven’t. And we aren’t gonna start now.”

  “You—you want me to have your baby?” she stuttered.

  “Hell yes. Gonna have all my babies.” I grinned this time, my smile growing wider when her face softened despite her obvious attempt to look like a bad ass. It was already a futile effort, considering she was still spread out on the bed with my dick buried deep in her pussy.

  “Just exactly how many babies are you expecting me to have?”

  I kissed her quickly before slowly pulling out. “As many as you’re willing to give me.”

  She practically melted and I laughed as I helped her redress her boneless body. “Okay,” she sighed dreamily.

  After we were both dressed, I took her hand and led her towards the door but stopped when she tugged on my hand.

  “What are we going to do about…that guy?” Her eyes had turned sad, so I held back from reminding her the shithead she was referring to was her Dad’s guy.

  “I’ll handle it, baby. Trust me.”

  Her hand tightened in mine and she nodded determinedly. “I trust you.”

  I smiled again and gave in to the instinct to kiss her. Then we left the room and headed back to Logan, who was still talking with Scout. Dax, Link, and a couple of other brothers had joined in the discussion.

  Holding Bridget with an arm around her waist, I made my way over to Logan’s bed.

  He craned his neck to look around me. “Sorry about what you heard, Blue.” My eyebrows shot up at Logan’s apology. He hadn’t done anything wrong. I almost laughed when I realized it was simply the effect Bridget had on us all. Turned us into fucking pussies.

  She smiled and shrugged. “My fault for jumping to conclusions. Besides, I understand why you’d still want Mac to use me as leverage. I want that guy to pay too.”

  Logan frowned and I figured he was about to correct her about wanting to use her but she continued on, “Maybe you guys should still use me.”

  “The fuck!” I exploded. “You’re not leaving me. You need another reminder, baby?” I growled.

  “No,” she squeaked, her cheeks burning brightly with a deep blush. “I just meant that we could use me as a sort of bait. You kidnapped me once, may—”

  “Not fucking happening, Bridget. So just forget that shit right now.”

  Logan interrupted, “We’ve got another idea, Prez. If Pierce can get Gil—”

  “Gil?” Bridget asked, her nose scrunching up like she smelled something bad. “Figures it was him.”

  I raised an eyebrow and waited for her to explain.

  “He’s bad news. My dad always warned me to stay far away from him. If he was with a girl, it was probably Lena. She’s been his on again, off again for a few years.”

  “If she was with the group. Think you could point her out to us, baby?” I asked.

  She nodded. “Sure. She’s really beautiful. Gil likes to show her off, so when they are together, he usually brings her with him wherever he goes.”

  “We can get to Gil another way, Mac,” Logan said. “All I want is to talk to Lena, away from him.”

  “I can make that happen,” Bridget smiled confidently as she spoke. “Bring Cat and I’ll have her ‘bump’ into Lena and spill something. When she comes to the ladies room, I’ll be waiting to talk to her.”

  The idea of Bridget anywhere near any of the Hounds of Hellfire had my fists clenching in rage. But, I knew we needed her and anyone of my men would throw down their life to protect her. I sighed and agreed to the new plan.

  * * *

  I roared Bridget’s name as I bucked up and came inside her again. After I’d practically torn off her new lingerie, I’d taken her up against the wall then she’d ridden me hard. She was so fucking sexy.

  Collapsing on my chest, she sighed contentedly. “Mac?” she whispered.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “I…um, I know it’s fast but I…” she trailed off and buried her face in my chest hair.

  Fisting her hair, I tugged gently to lift her head. “Tell me you love me, Bridget.” Her beautiful face flushed pink in the most adorable way. “Tell me,” I demanded again.

  “I love you.” She smiled shyly and her hopeful blue eyes stared into mine.

  “I love you too, baby.”

  Bridget lit up like the fucking sun and I immediately needed another taste of her sunshine.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Fuck, I can’t believe I agreed to this plan,” Mac growled as he killed the engine on his bike. We’d just pulled up at the side of Knockers, one of the bars where the Hounds of Hellfire liked to hangout when they weren’t at the clubhouse. With their scantily clad waitresses and cheap drinks, Knockers was popular with guys from other clubs too. It was considered neutral territory, but shit sometimes went down when clubs were already at odds with each other. Considering the current situation between my dad’s club and the Silver Saints was volatile, I was hoping we’d be able to get in, get to Lena quickly, and get out before anything happened—and the only way that was going to happen was if Mac didn’t show his face inside the bar.

  “It’ll be fine,” I reassured him. “Out of everyone here, I’m in the least amount of danger because your guys would never hurt me and neither would my dad’s.”

  “Promise me you won’t take your safety for granted in there, baby. This whole fucking mess started because one of those motherfuckers was beating on a woman.”

  “Good point,” I mumbled, patting his chest. “But I’m just going to duck inside and head straight to the restroom. Nobody should even see me.”

  “Just in case they do,” he said as he reached behind him into the saddlebag. “I want you wearing this instead of my cut.”

  He pulled out a black leather vest, much smaller than his. Holding it up, he turned it around so I could see the back. Silver Saints MC was stitched at the top, and the patch below it said ‘Property of Mac.’ I knew what a big statement this was, and my eyes filled with tears. “Really?”

  “Had it made just for you,” he confirmed as he tugged his cut off my body and shrugged it on. “I love you. You love me.” He claimed my mouth in a rough kiss and whispered the next words against my lips. “Been fucking you bare, which means you might already be carrying my baby. Want the whole damn world to know you’re mine.”

  “This’ll do it.” I smiled up at him after pulling the vest on.

  He rubbed his thumb along my ring finger on my left hand. “So will the ring I’m gonna put here soon.”

  “Oh, wow,” I breathed out.

  “So get your ass in there, do what’s gotta be done, and come back out to me so we can get on with the rest of our lives.”

  “Yes, sir,” I sassed back before turning on my heel and marching into the bar. It was dark inside, which was a good thing because it made it harder for the guys from the Hounds of Hellfire to notice me. I spotted them, though. Four of them were huddled together at a booth in the corner. A couple of pitchers of beer sat in front of them, mostly empty. When I glanced over at the bar, I spotted Lena. She was standing next to an empty stool, her toe tapping while she waited on the bartender.

  Locking eyes with Cat, who was with a couple of other women at a table in the middle of the room, I jerked my chin in Lena’s direction. Cat nodded, and I headed to the women’s restroom. As the door swung shut, I heard a crashing sound and braced because I knew that it meant Cat had done her job and Lena would be right behi
nd me.

  “Bridget!” she gasped when she looked up from patting the wet spot on her shirt and spotted me.

  I moved swiftly, slipping around her to block the door. “Hey, Lena.”

  “What’re you doing here?” she asked, her eyes darting around like she expected someone to jump out at us. “Your dad’s been going crazy since the Silver Saints took you. Did you escape? Do you need help?”

  “I’m actually here to ask you the same question.”

  She gave me a confused look. “I don’t understand. You were the one who was kidnapped out of your own bed. Not me. Why would I be the one who needed help?”

  I lifted a finger and stroked it across the hint of a bruise on her cheekbone that wasn’t quite covered by her makeup. Her eyes dropped to the floor, and I wanted to kick Gil’s ass for taking so much of her confidence away from her. My dad, too, for letting him get away with it. But I was on a mission tonight, and I needed to focus on what needed to be done. “There’s a guy in the hospital who got a lot more than that from Gil who wants to talk to you.”

  Her head jerked up and tears spilled down her cheeks. “I feel awful about what happened to him, but you know that I can’t go and talk to him. Even without your dad being out for Silver Saint blood, Gil would never be okay with that.”

  “The choice is yours, Lena. Not theirs,” I insisted. “And it’s about time you realized it. I get being scared. Being used to doing what the guys say because it’s what being with a Hounds of Hellfire means. But you deserve better than Gil.”

  She shrugged her shoulders helplessly. “I’ve tried walking away before, but somehow he’s always managed to talk me into giving him another chance.”

  “Maybe it’s finally time for you to leave him for good. Put a stop to the crap he’s put you through and find someone who’s better for you than he the guy who defended you and ended up in a coma for it because Gil doesn’t care about fighting fair. Not that it should be a surprise considering he also likes to hit women.”


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