Breaking the Silence (Hard Drive Book 2)

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Breaking the Silence (Hard Drive Book 2) Page 1

by Tricia Andersen

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  Published by The Hartwood Publishing Group, LLC,

  Hartwood Publishing, Phoenix, Arizona

  Breaking the Silence

  Copyright © December 2014 by Tricia Andersen

  Hartwood Release: July 2016

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination, or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Breaking the Silence by Tricia Andersen

  Rico Choate is an MMA bad boy with a love them and leave them attitude. That is until he meets Avery Walker, a deaf Marine who lost her hearing when her transport was destroyed in an I.E.D explosion in Afghanistan. He falls hard for her, even learning sign language from his friend, Chloe, so he can talk to her. However, Avery’s hatred for all celebrities forces Rico to keep his career in mixed martial arts a secret. How long can he keep such huge parts of his life separate? And if she does find out will she leave him or put her stubborn pride aside to stay with the man she loves?


  Keoni Koch and my family at Hard Drive Mixed Martial Arts in Cedar Rapids–thank you for being my second family. Thank you for the laughs. Thank you for the heart to hearts. Most of all, thank you for accepting me for the crazy person I am. I love each and every one of you.

  Molly, Cassandra, and Lisa for being the very best support an author can ask for. I couldn’t have written this story without you. You are incredible and I am lucky to call you my friends.

  Peggy, PJ, and everyone at Operation First Response for all your information, support and encouragement.

  Molly Daniels and Lindsay Downs for helping me create one of my all-time favorite characters–Avery.

  And to Jacquie Cuddeback and Rex Chiles. Thanks for trusting in me. You are both incredible and I love you both.


  Breaking the Silence is dedicated to:

  The men and women of our Armed Forces. Because of the sacrifices you’ve made I am allowed to do what I love. I am eternally grateful to you.

  To Operation First Response. I am honored to be part of this with you. Each and every one of you are incredible. Thank you for going on this journey with me.

  To Dean and Rex. You’ve both been my rock and the calming voice in the storm. Thank you for getting me to where I am and reminding me of the woman I want to be.

  And to Brian–my best friend, my partner in crime, my knight in shining armor, and my dream come true. I love you with all my heart.

  Chapter One

  The brilliant sunlight glaring down on the white pavement of I-494 was nearly blinding. Rico reached across the console of his Jeep until he could grab his sunglasses sitting on the passenger seat. He slid them over his sapphire blue eyes, the speed of his vehicle never slowing. Everything was one fluid motion, just as it was in the octagon. He grinned, and he knew his smile was as dazzling as the summer highway. I am just that incredible.

  He glanced at the clock embedded in the dashboard. He was late. The drywall he had waited on had started the backlog of his day. He had hurried as fast as he could while still doing the best job he could. Of course, his work had been flawless. Like I said. Incredible.

  However, this was not the day to be late to Hard Drive. His sparring partner and one of his best friends, Max, was out of town negotiating their next big fight. Rico growled. Many of the guys at the gym hated fight camp. He and Max loved it. Rico couldn’t wait to get started. He had already begun eating better and had amped his training. When Max got home, they would get ready for war together.

  While Max was gone, he left Chloe, his wife and co-owner of Hard Drive, in charge. Rico had promised them both he would help her when she needed. He was supposed to be there to lead class in ten minutes. The gym was still at least fifteen minutes away. He slid his Jeep between two cars and pressed the gas to the floor.

  He barely glided the vehicle into park and ripped the key from the ignition before he grabbed his bag and jogged inside. He let go a sigh of relief as his eyes fell on Mark warming up the kickboxing class. The big man waved tiredly in Rico’s direction before he turned to correct a student’s cross. Rico tugged off his shoes.

  “About time.”

  Rico spun on his toe to find Chloe behind him, her long, brown ponytail brushing her shoulders. “Hey, Chloe. Sorry. Drywall arrived late.”

  “No worries. I’ve got some messages in the office for you.”

  “I’ll grab them after class.”

  “Including the one from the girl you spent last night with? She says your gloves are at her place.”

  Rico stared at Chloe, puzzled, as he ripped his duffle open. He glanced inside then shut his eyes in disbelief. Yep. The gloves were missing. “I’ll use a pair from the rack today.”

  “I would imagine so. But you’re going to have to play nice with this girl. Those are expensive competition gloves.” Chloe sashayed toward the staircase leading to the upstairs offices.

  Rico watched her as she went. In her capris and stretchy tank top, she was certainly the type of woman who caught his attention. If she weren’t like a sister to him—and his best friend’s wife, of course—he would be all over her in a heartbeat. With a sigh, he crossed the mats to help Mark.

  Rico was lost in his thoughts as he taught. He loved his life. Beautiful women flocked all over him, hoping for one night with an MMA fighter of his caliber. The contact list in his phone was a mile long. He would never have to go to bed alone.

  Yet, there was a part of him that was jealous of Max. Part of him wanted to go home to one woman waiting for him, missing him. He wanted one pair of arms to hold him, one pair of lips kissing his for the rest of his life. Most of all, he wanted to hear one voice tell him she loved him every day.

  He thought he had that with Phoebe, his ex-girlfriend. But she wanted Max more than she wanted him and had done everything in her power to break Max and Chloe up. She would have succeeded had Rico not walked into her apartment to find her modeling Chloe’s engagement ring and accepting imaginary wedding proposals from Max.

  It was then that Rico had sworn off permanent relationships with women. Obviously, settling down wasn’t for him.

  Once class was dismissed, the real fun started. The advanced fighters assembled to grapple, their low voices a rumble as they warmed up. For the next two hours, each would wrestle until they twisted their opponent into submission. They would all be bruised, sore, and dripping in sweat long before then. Rico chuckled. It would be so worth it. And it would take his mind off his love life.

  At the end of the night, Rico limped his way up the stairs to the office. The door was open. Chloe quietly typed away on her computer keyboard. He knocked gently to get her attention. “Hey, Chloe. The guys and I are going out for supper. Come on. My treat.”

  She smiled at him. “It’s all right. You guys go.”

  “I told Max I woul
d keep an eye on you. I wouldn’t be doing my job if I left you here.”

  She grinned at him coyly. “Don’t you have a date?”

  “Only you, sweetheart.”

  Chloe logged off her computer with a laugh. Then, she was suddenly quiet. “Rico?”

  “Yeah, Chloe.”

  She looked at him. “I know Phoebe broke your heart. I do. But this constant sleeping around…it worries me.”

  “It’s my life.”

  “I know it is. But you’re my brother. Maybe not in blood, but you are. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  “I won’t be.” He strode across the room and tugged her to her feet, wrapping her in a bear hug. “I promise.”

  Her arms embraced him for just a moment before she pulled away. “Ok, you’re gross. What were you guys doing down there?”

  “Jiu jitsu.”

  “Ugh.” She picked up her purse and shooed him out the door. Rico chuckled as he escorted her from the gym, clicking off the multiple light switches as they stepped out.

  After a quick dinner of salad and some conversation with Chloe, Dan, and Mark at their favorite diner, Rico hopped back in his Jeep to go retrieve his gloves. Go up to the door, ask for them, and leave. Rico flashed a dazzling grin to himself in the rearview mirror. It was simple enough.

  Hopping up the outside staircase of the building two steps at a time, he frowned as he stopped at their peak. It took a moment to remember which apartment his bedmate from last night lived in. Then, he ran his hands through his thick, dark brown hair. With a sexy grin and confident swagger, he strode down the hall and knocked.

  A small, curvy redhead wrapped in a silk, emerald green robe that matched her eyes, leaned against it. She fluttered her thick eyelashes as she gazed at him. “Hey, Rico. Just get done at the gym?”

  “Pretty much. Stopped for a bite to eat.”

  The girl moaned softly as her eyes fluttered shut.

  Imagining me hot and sweaty, no doubt, as I spar with my opponent.

  “And you’re here for?”

  “It seems I left my gloves.”

  “Are you sure that’s all?” The redhead slid a stray finger across her chest, revealing a tantalizing amount of cleavage and a small slip of lace that matched her bathrobe.


  Her eyes popped open in surprise before she smiled slyly again. “You sure you aren’t here for an encore of last night? It was incredible.”

  Rico gently laid his hands on her shoulders. “That it was. But I’m not interested in an encore, sweetheart. All I want are my gloves.”

  She frowned at him. “You’re not interested in me? What about what you said at the club? You told me I was beautiful and that any man would be lucky to have me.”

  “You are beautiful. And I certainly was lucky to have you last night. But one night was all I wanted from you. Would you have had sex with me if I’d told you it was a one night deal?”

  She gasped indignantly. Then, her hand shot across his face like lightning. Rico gripped his chin as he winced. She could hit harder than half the guys he met in the octagon. The slap was followed by a litany of curse words that would make a trucker blush.

  Rico analyzed the furious little creature. Her spitfire was nearly enough to convince him that he should stay for one more night. If he did, it certainly would be interesting.

  The barrage of foul words was finished with the slam of the door. Before Rico could respond, it was opened a crack and the gloves were thrown into the hall. He stooped down to pick them up then hurried back down the stairs to his vehicle.


  The next day didn’t fare much better for Rico. Another late shipment meant another afternoon arriving late at the gym. Fortunately, there was no class for him to teach. It was just a night to workout and answer questions, if need be. And it was the last day he needed to worry. By noon tomorrow, Max would be home and back at the helm of his ship.

  At the off ramp red light Rico noticed a text message. He clicked to open it.

  Can you pick me up a cup of coffee on your way here?

  Rico sighed. Now I’m Chloe’s delivery service? I didn’t agree to this. He quickly typed on the screen.

  From where?

  He waited for a response. As the light turned green, his phone chimed. He glanced at it before the traffic moved.

  That cute coffee shop down the road. Thank you.

  Rico sighed as he tossed his cell on the passenger seat. Driving past the gym with a growl, he didn’t stop until he reached the strip mall.

  He stepped into the small shop with a gleaming smile. He glanced around. The dark stained shelves were lined with mugs, bags of coffee, and other trinkets. Another set of shelves was lined with books for patrons to read. Sofas and overstuffed recliners were scattered among the tables with mismatched chairs. Sitting on those chairs and sofas were lovely ladies already cooing at his presence. He laughed. I might just have to get a number or two before I leave.

  Rico sauntered to the counter, where a tall, lanky redhead waited to take his order. After paying for a cup of coffee, he stepped back, winking at a girl sipping on a glass of iced tea. His eyes raked over her as she giggled. He grinned then glanced up behind the counter again.

  He lost his breath. He felt his pulse pick up a notch. The last thing on Earth he believed in was love at first sight. But in this moment, he was a true convert.

  The barista barely came to his chest. Her long, blonde hair wisped in curls around her shoulders. Her frame was small, with perfect curves in all the right places. Her lips were a soft, very kissable pink. And when she looked up at him to hand him his drink, her eyes glittered a clear, crystal blue. She smiled then turned to fulfill the next order.

  She never said one word to him. Him. Rico Choate. MMA superstar Rico Choate. His picture was on posters, in magazines.

  And she didn’t say one word.

  He was baffled. He gripped the coffee and rushed out the door. It wasn’t until he parked his Jeep at Hard Drive that he realized he hadn’t gotten one number, not from any of the women in the shop.

  He rubbed his forehead, puzzled. He didn’t want any number. He just wanted the barista’s. But for the first time in his life, a woman wasn’t interested in him. He was still shaking his head when he strode into gym and plopped the paper cup down in front of an equally perplexed Chloe. Before she could even utter a syllable, he stormed out of her office and onto the mats.

  Rico spent the rest of the afternoon working the speed and punching bags, hoping for a little bit of relief from his memory of the barista. He couldn’t get her out of his head. After a couple of hours, he couldn’t take it anymore. He jogged up the steps two at a time then ducked his head into the office.

  “Need another cup of coffee?” he volunteered.

  Chloe lifted up the empty cup. “I just finished this one. I’m—”

  “Another cup coming right up.” Before Chloe could object, he was down the stairs and out the door. He hopped in the front seat of the Jeep, fired it on, and sped away. He brushed his fingers through his thick, brown hair as he waited at the lone stop light that separated Hard Drive from the coffee shop. He glanced at his reflection in the rearview mirror.

  Then he checked again. Yes, he looked incredible. The barista may have been able to blow him off before. She certainly wouldn’t miss him this time.

  Rico stepped inside the cool, dimly lit store and glanced around. There were fewer people lounging than there were earlier. A couple of girls that had been there before waved in his direction. He ignored them as he approached the counter, frowning as he did so. The redhead greeted him with a goofy grin. “Need another jolt of java, bro?”

  “Ummm…yeah.” Rico scanned behind the counter as he paid for the coffee. “Where’s the blonde who was here earlier?”

  The redhead shot him a puzzled look. “Avery? You know her?”

  “Not yet. But I’d like to.”

  “Her shift is over. She’s heading
to class. She just left to wait for the bus.” The barista handed him a paper cup. “Hey, aren’t you that MMA guy? I think I’ve seen you fight.”

  “Yeah, probably.” Rico grabbed the drink and raced outside, never looking at the girls who now were vying for his attention. He searched up and down the sidewalk for the blonde barista. He picked up his pace again as his eyes landed on her standing at the corner, still dressed in her white blouse and khakis from the restaurant. A large, sky blue backpack nearly bursting at the seams was slung over her shoulder. She checked her watch as the bus crawled to a stop before her.

  “Hey! Hey!” Rico shouted as she stepped on. She never turned, never acknowledged him. The door closed behind her, and the large beast chugged on its journey, leaving a dumbfounded Rico behind.


  Chloe paced the concourse of the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport. It was only a matter of minutes more. She hated being away from her husband. She agreed that he should go chase his dream of fighting in the octagon and make his way through the world of mixed martial arts. But it didn’t make all the nights sleeping alone any easier.

  She turned as she heard her name called, her face glowing brighter than the sunshine outside. Before she knew it, she was tied up in her husband’s arms. She giggled as Max buried her in a bear hug.

  “I missed you,” he gushed.

  “I missed you too.”

  Max slowly let her go. He took her hand in his as he grabbed his carry-on with the other. “How’d everything go here?”

  “The same as usual. The guys were at the gym every day to help out. Then they dragged me for dinner afterward. They did you proud looking after me.” Chloe paused. “So? What did you figure out? Do you and Rico have a fight?”

  Max glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. “Eight weeks. It’ll be here in Minneapolis. And the promoters were so impressed they gave us another fight a few weeks after that in Florida. We’re sharing the main card in both.”


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