Dark Nights

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Dark Nights Page 2

by Kitti Bernetti

  ‘But I ...’ Her words settled on silence. She couldn’t. Wouldn’t whore for him.

  He put his hand up. ‘I’m not interested in hearing no. I’m a good judge of character, Ms Monaghan. One thing I have worked out is that you aren’t like other women. You’re too distant, too self contained. For some reason you hide too much of yourself and although I think I could wine and dine any woman in this building into my bed, I know I couldn’t buy you. But by trying to con me out of my money, you’ve handed yourself to me on a plate. This business card has my personal phone number on it. Think up something pretty damned amazing, Ms Monaghan. Or perhaps now we know each other a little better I can call you Breeze. Phone me tomorrow without fail. Tell me where and when you’re going to entertain me. And just remember, I have eaten in all the best restaurants, stayed in world class hotels. I don’t need that any more. I need something different to excite me. And it had better be good, or I’ll make sure your whole damned life comes crashing around those cute, sexy feet of yours.’ He got up, ignoring her stunned expression at his outrageous proposal and flicked his business card at her as if he was tossing pennies to a beggar. ‘You must have heard of Scheherazade and the 1001 nights. You’re going to be my own private Scheherazade. You’ve played a dangerous game against one of the biggest players on the scene and now it’s payback time. Goodnight.’

  Chapter Three

  BREEZE ROLLED SHEER BLACK stockings over buffed thighs and clipped them into emerald green suspenders. A green silk triangle hid the dark bush at the top of her legs betraying her natural hair colour. She eased oversized breasts perfumed with Chanel into a bra which barely contained them. It was an absurdly expensive set of underwear but instantly the feel of it, the soft silk, the tightness of the suspenders started to bring out her sensuality, made her move like a languid cat. Sebastian Dark meant business.

  She’d heard enough stories of his ruthlessness to know he demanded a flawless performance from everybody he worked with and she had to give it. Because she knew if she didn’t Seb Dark would slap her into jail and throw away the key. That would leave her mother and sister alone and there was no way she would fail them, they’d been failed by too many other things in life. She was their only chink of sunshine in a cruel world. If this was what she had to do, she must do it.

  She pulled a clinging jersey tube-skirt over her ample rump, and topped the simple outfit off with a tight ribbed jumper which hugged her like skin-tight leather. As she did so she thought about her phone conversation with Seb this morning. ‘So where are you taking me?’ He sounded languid, still in bed. At the thought of his slender hips and what lay nestling between his thighs, Breeze tensed.

  ‘To the sea. To Brighton.’

  To her surprise, he laughed. She’d never heard him laugh before. ‘The seaside. Well, at least it’s different. I haven’t been there since I was a boy.’ His voice over the phone was gravelly, darkly sensuous.

  ‘We’ll catch a train, I’ve reserved tickets. I’ll meet you in the carriage at Victoria station.’ Her voice was brisk, no nonsense. She knew he was about to protest, suggest they take his car and chauffeur but no, she was going to make the big billionaire rough it, besides she had plans for that train ride. Briskly, she’d told him a reserved seat number and before he’d had a chance to protest had rung off. He’d be there. She smiled, she’d hooked him.

  As she walked down the platform in her high boots, heads turned. She may have been dealt a rough hand in life, a selfish, feckless father but on the looks front she had scored, big time. She wasn’t showing any flesh, and a warm chunky jacket covered her top, but her bottom in its tight skirt mesmerised men like they’d been hypnotised. She spotted Sebastian alone in the six-person carriage. There was only one minute before the train left and she’d deliberately turned up late. She wanted him on edge; she wanted him playing by her agenda. No one else would be using this carriage; she’d reserved all six tickets.

  His eyes were hooded as she noted him sit up to attention at her approach. As she opened the door and stretched her leg to take the steep step she saw him jerk at the cheeky glimpse of white skin above her stocking tops. ‘You’re cutting it fine, aren’t you?’ He was clearly on edge, just what she wanted.

  ‘I made it on time.’

  The train moved off into the evening sunset shining on the Thames and they were alone, delightfully, securely alone for the half hour journey. It wasn’t long, but it would be enough to get Seb nicely warmed up. This was the hors d’oeuvres, Brighton was the main course. The train began to pick up speed. As she removed her jacket, she smiled inwardly to see his eyes widen at the way her body was displayed, a perfect hourglass under the skinny jumper. He shifted in his seat. She smoothed her hands down over her bottom, liking the feel of her hands against her body. He’d forced her into this but somehow she was enjoying calling the shots. The prospect of holding an incredibly good-looking man in her thrall, perhaps the most powerful man in the city wasn’t entirely unpleasant, especially one whose gaze was as intent as a panther’s.

  Breeze peered at him under long lashes. ‘You must be hot in that coat, why don’t you take it off?’

  He did as she bid, and tossed it aside. The early evening lights of London suburbs twinkled on as the train chuntered and sputtered over the tracks. ‘Sit back down.’ Again he did as she asked, the air in the carriage crackled with tension and the scent of his aftershave, spicy, woody, entirely masculine. She liked his suit, crisp cut, beautifully tailored. ‘You don’t mind if I take this off do you?’ She pouted and grasped the jumper, wriggling her way out of it, making full use of the action to shake her luxuriant hair over bouncing, fettered breasts, forced up in the silky bra to display a magnificent cleavage. ‘And this skirt is way too tight for comfort.’ The corner of her mouth uplifted as she saw Seb involuntarily lick his lips. As if he was hungry, starving in fact and at that point she wondered how long it had been since he had been truly sexually aroused. He’d said she’d interested him and by implication that the women who threw themselves at him, bored him.

  Had he perhaps in his ruthless way been tracking her for weeks, months even as she’d made her way around his offices? Had he plotted being this close while biding his time? Had he fantasised a moment like this while sitting all alone in his penthouse apartment? Had he enjoyed the hunt, purposefully delaying the gratification for his own amusement and was he now coming in for the kill? The thought excited her, sent a throb of expectation to that secret place at the top of her shapely legs.

  She stood before him and pulled up her skirt till it tightened sluttishly over her rump, displaying the green silk knickers, the sheer stocking tops, the tightly clasped suspender belt. Then she turned around and at that point the train jolted throwing her forward so that she lay sprawled across the seat opposite Seb giving him a grandstand view of the cheeks of her rump spliced by the tiny green panties, thrust upwards towards him. The train had stopped opposite a row of back to back houses, the carriage close enough for people to see in. As Breeze turned her face to glance at Seb, she was shocked to see they were being observed. A man at one of the windows, in the act of drawing his curtains had halted, fascinated to see Breeze, arse-upwards, with Seb, now on the edge of his seat intent on her display. Her legs, like the sides of a triangle, still in long boots were too much of an invitation for Seb. He kneeled forward, holding back no longer and ran his hands up over the leather boots, slowly, lingering over her thighs and then, glancing himself at the man watching, he moved aside the green silk panties.

  Breeze had never been spied on before. Her reaction surprised her, startled her. Suddenly she felt excitement pool in her belly at having a voyeur witness Seb’s expert caress as he started to probe with his fingers over her pinkly swelling sex. What previous sexual encounters she’d had in her lifetime had been tame. She had always held herself aloof, never letting men get close though many had tried. And now that she had been forced by Seb to take on the role of sexual temptress he was threaten
ing to stir and kindle something deeply buried within her psyche. Like a cat curling to wakefulness, opening its green eyes wide and flexing its claws, she felt a reckless sensuality glimmer within her. Who would have imagined someone as controlled as her would put on a show for a complete stranger, would have unfolded herself, exposed her female charms in public for men she hardly knew? But she was in control, just where she liked to be.

  Breeze was fully pumped up now, could scent her own musky moistness as Seb stirred and whisked at her soft swollen sex. Involuntarily, she heard herself moan. ‘Slowly, please,’ she begged. ‘Moisten your fingers, make me wet all over, play with me.’ Was that really her giving Sebastian Dark, the richest, most powerful man she had ever encountered, orders? And yet, he was fired up by her assertiveness. Besides, she had nothing to lose. He’d told her to make it good and that had given her a freedom to uncover the hidden depths of her own sexuality. She wriggled her arse higher, jumping as his fingers slipped deeper into her peachy wetness. His breath was warm on her buttocks. His touch was delightful, probing, long, satisfying. He dipped his digit into her depths, using her own juices as lube, helping her to delicious wetness. As she glanced back, she saw him look challengingly at the spectator who stared in amazement, pressing his face closer to the window, to get a better look.

  As they both watched the man, frustrated, trapped behind the glass, Breeze felt Seb fondle her buttocks in one cool hand, pulling her upwards. Then, she yelped as she felt his tongue come down over her exposed crack, warm, slippery, eager, hungry. He started to lap her up hungrily, to lick at her, to tongue her sweet pinkness. The sensation was glorious. No man had ever approached her brazenly from behind in such startling intimacy. The smuttiness of it fired her to arch her back, spread her knees and buck against him, to work herself up and down on the fingers pounding inside her.

  The man at the window had opened it now, was leaning out desperate to steal a better look. And as he did so, Breeze saw him unzip his trousers and pull out his cock. Just as he frantically started to pull at it, the train jumped into life and rolled away. A low chuckle emanated from her throat to think of the voyeur missing the best bit, missing the climax because she could feel, she knew, very shortly, that Seb was going to bring her to that magical place. To a place she had never been before. To a place she had only read of and now was about to experience. And his touch was so expert, so controlled, she knew any second now as his fingers worked faster, ever faster he would bring her there. She clutched on to the rough wool of the seats, felt the train rock back and forth, felt its vibration churning up through her knees through her thighs and straight to the soft swimmy core of her cunny. Glorious, extraordinary sensations sent waves of ecstasy over and over again where Seb’s tongue licked and probed and pointed mercilessly. As he worked at her, taking her up, up, making her sweat, she heard him grunt, ‘Are you ready? Are you ready for me to make you come?’ Oh God, was she ever? She was readier now than she had ever been, nothing and no one had made her want like this, made her need like this till she thought she would burst if he didn’t bring her to fulfilment.

  ‘Yes, yes’ she screamed the words, over the pounding train noise, couldn’t help herself. He rose instantly from his knees, still with his back to her he grabbed her around her straining breasts and pushed his fingers down the front of her sopping wet panties. There, immediately, he found the almost painfully swollen bud which was crying out to be stimulated. Like a jeweller, polishing a precious diamond, he placed the soft pad of his thumb against her aching clit, whilst thrusting a strong erect digit deep into her sex and moved each in glorious, mind blowing unison. Breeze could barely stand it any longer, her tits tender and raw in his grasp, he MUST bring her off, she would die if he didn’t. ‘More,’ her voice croaked, then louder, ‘more, more please. Harder, much harder.’ And he did. So gorgeously he did, rubbed, moulding and rolling, pushing and whisking around her clit, deep into her tight little opening until finally in one totally and utterly mind blowing push and thrust, she felt the orgasm explode like an earthquake through her entire body. Starting at the tip of her clit it came, he kept working her until she came again and again, and again shuddering, pounding like the train’s wheels thundering on the tracks. Would he ever release her? No, he was enjoying being the master too much, forcing her to climax over and over, juddering her body against him, moulding her into the hard, stiff erection that pushed into her back until finally, exhausted and crumbling, she collapsed onto the seat in front of him. He exhaled, his short breaths telling her that he had achieved his objective, he had brought her to the precipice and taken her over it. He had won but so had she. She felt sated, waves of exhilaration drifted over her body. Her first orgasm, the first time she had been aroused enough, the first time a man had taken such a commanding lead with her and brought her there. She lay dreamily, as if she were floating on a cloud.

  He sat next to her; he placed her head in his lap. He stroked her forehead. She nestled small there. Then in a show of tenderness she found surprising, he placed butterfly kisses on her forehead. Soft and light he helped her come down from ecstasy into sheer, restful delight. He wasn’t to know it was her first orgasm. She wouldn’t tell him. But possibly he sensed something amazing had happened to the woman lying before him. They weren’t friends, they weren’t lovers in the proper sense but perhaps under that razor sharp exterior, there was somewhere hidden inside him a human being who sensed another’s extraordinary moment.

  Chapter Four

  THE TRAIN BEGAN TO slow; the last of the evening seagulls swooped and cried in the sky announcing their arrival. Brighton station was coming into view. Breeze regained her control, stood herself up and covered herself but couldn’t help seeing Seb’s erection tight against his trousers, magnificent and unspent. Although she resented his hold over her she knew she was as excited as him as to what the evening would bring. He had stayed in control, had allowed his cock to harden but not to climax, but she was determined as they stepped out of the train that she was going to be in control of the rest of the evening.

  ‘So where are we going now?’ he asked.

  As they walked down Pavilion Parade, it felt odd. It felt as if they should be holding hands like all the other couples jostling towards the sea front. They’d shared intimacy and yet this was still just a business arrangement.

  ‘To the pier, it’s where everybody goes.’

  ‘I’ve never been to Brighton before.’

  She turned wide green eyes on him as they made their way around the Pavilion with its extravagant turks cap roofs lit up for night time. ‘You’ve never been to Brighton? I would have thought every Londoner had been here.’

  ‘Not me. I’ve only ever devoted my life to making money. Ever since I was a teenager I don’t think I’ve ever done anything or been anywhere without that one express purpose. Fun hasn’t been top of the agenda, and that’s what people come here for, isn’t it?’

  ‘Absolutely, the whole place is a pleasure dome, shopping, swimming, cavorting, eating.’


  ‘Yes.’ Her nipples hardened when she saw the expectation shining in his eyes. She even blushed to think of what they had just shared, on a train, with a spectator. ‘It’s the original dirty weekend location.’

  ‘So, you’re going to take me to the Grand Hotel, are you?’

  ‘No way, big-shot, that would be too boringly predictable. Tonight, you’re roughing it. Besides I’ve got something much more thrilling in mind.’

  As if driven by her words, he grasped her hand, enclosing it like a bear’s paw holding a mouse’s. Normally cool, she found it was warm in the night time air as he steered her carefully between the traffic, across Marine Parade and onto the wooden boards of the pier. He was stunningly good looking, she thought, as girls gawped with their friends watching him striding by, his dark coat blowing behind him in the wind. But intimidating. People stepped aside for him. It suddenly struck Breeze to wonder why on earth he was doing this. With his
wealth he could have had countless women, gone to all the exotic places on earth she could only dream about. And yet he’d chosen her, a straightforward working girl who didn’t even like him. She guessed it was a billionaire’s privilege to be contrary. They walked down past the tacky jewellery booths, past the ghost train and the helter skelter. At the end of the pier, they stood in front of the garish lights of The Crazy Mouse, listening to couples’ screams on the Galaxia. The sweet sickliness of pink candy floss tinged the air and the sound of frying doughnuts at the stalls echoed the excesses of a place solely designed for indulgence. ‘That’s where I’m taking you.’ Breeze pointed upwards and there, on the edge of the pier, soaring high above the sea was the Air Diver Super Booster. ‘That thing scares the hell out of me.’ As her chin craned upwards to watch the massive crane-like structure rise slowly upwards, even Breeze felt queasy. She was conscious of Seb gripping her hand harder as they watched the capsule with its wary looking inhabitants climb ever skywards, piercing the night sky. A small coterie of expectant watchers had gathered in silence, their mouths open. When like a stone dropping, the capsule shot downwards, the people inside screeched at the top of their voices, the watchers underneath ducking as it shot past like a giant pendulum, rising in the opposite direction to drop again and scare people nearly to death once more. ‘I’ve always loved this place; it’s wild and crazy, a place to escape to.’

  ‘That’s where you’re going to entertain me, is it?’ Seb looked intrigued, a spark of adventure, the uncharacteristic sense of pleasure for pleasure’s sake gave his expression a new animation.


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