Building Billions - Part 1

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Building Billions - Part 1 Page 3

by Lexy Timms

I felt his hands grab my ass before he sank his cock back into me. He pulled me from the window, and our lips connected again, but this time, he started walking. I felt him walking me through the penthouse as his hands lifted my body, stroking his cock with my pussy as I clung to him. We walked through a doorframe before darkness poured over our bodies.

  Then, he lowered me until my back was on top of a mattress.

  He pulled me to the edge of the mattress as his cock throbbed against my walls. He tossed my legs over his shoulders, folded me in half, and pinned me to the bed. He fucked me relentlessly, leaving me breathless as my hands clung to his forearms.

  And before I knew what I was doing, my mouth ran away from me.

  “Mr. Sheldon. Please. I-I need—oh my gosh. Yes. Faster. Please go faster. I’m so close. Holy... yes!”

  He slammed into me and ground his hips around, throwing me over the edge. My back arched into him as his lips wrapped around my nipple, my legs contracting and my toes curling. Stars burst in my eyes as my pussy clamped down around his thick dick. I could feel his cock bursting with life, his own end being met as he spilled himself within my body.

  My toes curled so hard my calves began to cramp, but I didn’t care. All I cared about was his hips grinding into my clit, prolonging my orgasm until I couldn’t breathe.

  My back collapsed to the bed, and he collapsed onto me. My legs slid from his shoulders as his cock pulled from the depths of my body. He planted kisses across my chest, making his way back up to my lips.

  Then, I found his sky-blue eyes, hazy with orgasmic pleasure and filled with the grace of Satan himself.

  He helped me to my feet, and I made my way to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror as his come trickled down my leg. Oh, holy hell. What had I just done? I turned on the faucet and splashed water on my face, not caring that my makeup was running off.

  I' slept with my boss.

  I had slept with the man who was everyone’s boss.

  I wet a washcloth and cleaned up my body. I was naked. In the bathroom of my boss’s penthouse suite. I cleaned the makeup off my face and let the water run, trying to make sure Mr. Sheldon didn’t hear my panicked breaths.

  I had to calm myself down. All I had to do was get out of there as fast as I could.

  After a few minutes, I grabbed a towel to wrap around my body. If he was still out there, I didn’t want him to see me naked again. I wasn’t sure why it mattered now, but my brain was clearing from the fog of the party, and my rational mind was beginning to kick back in.

  If I didn’t run into my boss, we didn’t have to talk about it.

  I opened the door and found him passed out naked on the bed. Of course, he would be. I dropped the towel and dashed out of the room, gathering my clothes so I could put them back on. This was the perfect chance for me to get out of here. He was asleep in bed, I was already halfway to the elevator, and even if he did hear the elevator door open, he was too drunk to get to me.

  That was why he’d slept with me, right?

  Because he was drunk?

  I felt something vibrate at my feet, and I looked down. There was a phone sliding out of Mr. Sheldon’s pants, and my face paled when I saw who was calling.

  Nina Black.

  Mr. Sheldon’s girlfriend was calling.

  I raced to the elevator and slammed the button on the wall. The doors automatically opened, and I dashed into the space. I turned around and got a glimpse of my boss one last time, his naked body spread-eagle on the decadent California king-sized bed.

  He really was a beautiful man who apparently had many hidden talents. It was a shame he was dating a known gold-digger.

  The elevator doors closed, blocking the view of my boss and encasing me into the tomb I wanted to die of embarrassment in.

  I’d just slept with my boss.

  At the company party his girlfriend should’ve been at.

  Chapter 3


  My hand flopped over to the other side of my bed, looking for the woman from last night. Ashley. The redheaded minx with the innocent eyes and the very tasty body. I felt the coolness of the sheets next to me and opened my eyes, searching for her in the massive expanse of my bed. Was she already up? I bet she was in the shower cleaning herself up from last night’s activities.

  I grinned as I rolled out of bed, ready to surprise her with another round of luxurious relaxation.

  But I didn’t hear the shower going as I stood to my feet. I didn’t see the light on in the bathroom as I walked to the door. I found it empty, just like the bed I’d risen from, and I furrowed my brow at the towel lying on the floor.

  “Ashley? Are you here, doll?”

  I walked out of my room and was met with an empty penthouse. She wasn’t there. Ashley had left. I looked over at the pile of clothes on the floor and saw only mine bunched up and wrinkled. I didn’t see her dress or her bra or those soaked little panties of hers that had teased my eyes last night.

  But I did see my phone, and it was lighting up with a phone call.

  I walked over to it and bent down, registering the fact that it was Nina. The call stopped ringing, and I saw I had seven missed calls. All from my girlfriend. I groaned and tossed the phone onto the couch, relegating myself to cleaning up and looking presentable.

  After all, the party was far from over for many.

  I heard the elevator rising in its shaft, and I grinned. Maybe that was Ashley coming back for round two. Maybe it was too much to sleep next to me, so she got her own room for the night. Or maybe she had left to go get us some breakfast. The wonderful little woman. I knew there was a kindness behind those wine-hazed eyes.

  I reached down for my pants and pulled them up my body. I discarded the belt and allowed them to hang loosely on my hips. Then, I picked up my black button-down and tossed it over my shoulders. Black had always suited me. It matched my hair and contrasted the piercing blue of my eyes. It made women’s knees buckle and men shiver on the boardroom floor. It got me what I wanted when I wanted it, and not once did I have to ask.

  I merely commanded, and people responded.

  Raking my hands through my hair, I readied myself for her form. I bet she would be in another outfit, concealing her little walk of shame from her boss’s penthouse suite. Maybe she’d have on another tight little dress, or maybe she’d be in a nightgown, a dark green, silky little number that matched her eyes and contrasted her hair.

  But when the elevator doors opened, I furrowed my brow.

  She didn’t have a key to open those doors.

  “I see you’re ready for another good time,” Ross said.

  I sighed and rolled my eyes as he stepped into the room.

  “I’ve got breakfast,” he said. “Eggs, toast, and a lot of coffee. Because you looked hammered last night.”

  “I was not hammered,” I said as I took the bag from him. “Merely enjoying my own party.”

  “You never do that.”

  “Well, I did last night,” I said.

  “I saw you walk away with one of our best employees. Ashley. Did you ... enjoy yourself?”

  “If you must know, I did,” I said as I pulled out the breakfast trays. “I felt a connection with her.”

  “You certainly had one on the dance floor.”

  “She’s a hell of a dancer.”

  “So I saw last night,” he said. “I’m glad she enjoyed herself.”

  “Aren't you glad I enjoyed myself?” I asked.

  “You always enjoy yourself. I never have to ask you that question. But speaking of, have you talked to Nina yet?”

  “The woman called me all through the damn night,” I said.

  “You should probably give her a call. She called me a couple of times as well, trying to get in touch with you.”

  “How the hell does she have your number?”

  “You gave it to her, remember? The trip to Sweden? She wanted an emergency contact number for you in case you died and didn’t leave your money to

  “I don’t remember that last part,” I said.

  “I added it. But it might as well have been true. Anyway, I’m tired of her calling me. I sure as hell don’t wanna talk to the woman. Call her. And maybe leave out the part about Ashley.”

  “Duly noted. So, you said Ashley was a good worker? I know she’s the accountant getting some of our past due accounts back to being paid.”

  “She hasn’t gotten some of them like that. She’s gotten all of them like that,” Ross said.

  “What?” I asked.

  “All five hundred and four accounts. All of them are paying. Most are minimum balance, but they’re paying. I’ve been thinking about giving her more responsibility because now it’s simply a matter of her keeping behind them every month.”

  “What are her strengths?” I asked.

  “She’s really good with numbers. I mean, very good. About as good as I am.”


  “I have to have something over her. She could gun for my job if she wanted.”

  “We’d certainly have a lot more fun,” I said with a grin.

  “Sexual harassment lawsuit, anyone?”

  “What kind of responsibility were you thinking? I enjoy rewarding employees who really show themselves at the company.”

  “You mean last night wasn’t enough?” he asked.

  “Have you gotten all of those out of your system?” I asked.

  “Not quite. But I’ll get there. I was actually coming up here to talk with you about the tax information this year. It’s going to be a bit more complicated because of the charities we donated to as well as the new installations for the company we took on. Ashley might be able to give it a once-over if you’re serious about giving her more responsibility.”

  “Is she a tax professional?” I asked.

  “It’s one of her specialties, yes.”

  “Does she have any other specialties? And how do you know so much about her?”

  “She’s shining in the Accounting department, and you know I’m all over that department.”

  “Because you're good with numbers. And a raging nerd.”

  “A raging nerd who’s helped you get to the top,” he said.

  “Never said it was a bad thing. Down boy. Thank you for the coffee, by the way. My head doesn’t feel the best right now,” I said.

  “Figured you’d need a good dose of caffeine. I counted four drinks last night for you. And I’m sure there were others I didn’t see.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I appreciate it,” I said with a grin. “Go ahead and get the paperwork drawn up for Ashley to take a look at. See what she thinks. There’s also a corporate tax break that should be coming our way this year. Make sure she takes that into account.”

  “Done and done.”

  “And if she has any other specialties you know of that could be useful to the company, feel free to appoint her to things and see how she does. If she’s as good as you say she is, then we could really use someone like her at this point in the game,” I said.

  “I’ll look into it,” he said.

  My phone vibrated on my couch, and I sighed. I knew it was Nina calling, and I knew I’d have to pick it up. Ross took one last bite of his breakfast before grabbing his coffee and then shrugged as he headed for the elevator.

  “Good luck,” he said. “She’ll be pissed you didn’t answer.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Let me know when you get that paperwork to Ashley.”

  “Will do. And drink all that coffee. It’ll help with the headache.”

  “How do you know I have a headache?” I asked.

  “Your eye keeps twitching.”

  “Maybe that’s simply because Nina’s calling.”

  “You might want to leave that comment out with her as well,” he said with a smile.

  I watched the elevator doors close him in before I reached for my phone.

  “Jimmy! Sweetheart! It’s about time you picked up your phone. Where have you been?” Nina asked.

  “The party’s this weekend, beautiful. I told you about that three separate times,” I said.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  “Do you really care?” I asked.

  “No. But I figured I would ask in case anyone was standing around you on the other end of the line. Look, I’m going to be in New York another week.”

  “I take it you didn’t call to inform me of that fact.”

  “I only have money for a couple more days,” she said.

  “Then come home in a couple more days.”

  “You know I can’t do that, sweetheart.”

  “Ah, someone’s around you now. You’ve been in New York for two solid weeks. What could possibly be keeping you another week?” I asked.

  “But you want me to have a good time, right?” she asked.

  “And I’m sure you’ve been having a good time for two weeks.”

  “Are you enjoying the arrangement we have in place?”

  “And I take it you’re alone again,” I said with a sigh. “Fine. I’ll drop the money into your account. But you need to be back after this week is up. I’ve got things with clients coming up, and I’ll need you for those.”

  “Fine, fine. I’ll be back. Sleek black dress, as always?” she asked.

  “Call me when you’re back in town. And the next time you need money? A simple text message will suffice.”

  I hung up the phone, transferred the money, and then promptly got the sweetest little text message back. Her body in this new black dress she’d apparently purchased during her time away. It would look smashing in a clientele setting, but I was growing tired of our game. It was necessary, and both of us understood that, but it was becoming a very expensive game to play.

  I walked over to the windows of the penthouse and looked over the expanse of Miami. The ocean was ebbing in the distance, and I sipped my coffee as I watched it dance. But my eyes soon became distracted by the smudges on the wall.

  The smudges that resembled the beauty of the female form.

  My saucy little minx had been imprinted onto my penthouse suite. And I grinned at the memory as the sunlight got caught in its lustful streaks.

  Chapter 4


  “Holy fuck, my head hurts,” Cassidy said.

  “Then why in the world did you call me at nine in the morning on a Sunday when we didn’t have to check out until one in the afternoon?” I asked.

  “Because I wanted to do brunch with you! That a crime?” she asked.

  “It is when I’m this hungover.”

  “Want my sunglasses?” she asked.

  “No. Light doesn’t bother me. But the smell of alcohol still does. How in the world can you be drinking a mimosa right now?”

  “Helps with my hangover,” she said. “Thanks for inviting me to the weekend bash, by the way.”

  “It was open to friends and family, and we both know my mother couldn’t come to a function like that.”

  “Your mother would’ve been appalled at all the alcohol,” she said.

  “Like she was appalled by that penis-shaped bachelorette cake you made?”

  “Hey, that job put my bakery on the map. I’m now the go-to bakery for everything bachelorette and sweet. My shop looks like a regular Chippendale convention.”

  “And it suits you. All the penises and vaginas hanging out in your store.”

  “I can’t wait until I can finally do your bachelorette party. They’ll be everywhere,” she said.

  “Thanks, but no thanks.”

  “No, I can’t do your bachelorette party? Or no, you’re not getting married?” she asked.


  “What? Oh, come on. Stop being so down on yourself. If you dressed yourself up a bit more, slapped on some makeup, and ditched the glasses, you might score yourself a decent man.”

  “I don’t have the mental forethought to pick apart everything wrong with that statement,” I said with a sigh.

��I just hate I missed the main event. I hear your boss throws a hell of a party.”

  “Ugh, I don’t even want to think about it,” I said.

  “Uh-oh. I know that tone of voice. Spill. What happened?”

  “Cass, you’re never going to believe me if I tell you.”

  “What? Did you get drunk and vomit on your boss or something?” she asked.

  “Not ... exactly.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” she asked.

  “I got drunk and did something with my boss, yes. But I didn’t throw up on him.”

  I looked up at my best friend of four years as her jaw slowly unhinged. Just thinking about it made me cringe. I still couldn’t believe I’d slept with my boss. My boss’s boss. Everyone’s boss. And on top of it, he had a girlfriend. My boss was a taken boss, and I slept with him.


  At a wild party he’d thrown for the company.

  “Oh. My. Hell,” Cass said.

  “Can you keep it down, please?” I asked.

  “Holy shit, Ashley.”

  “Cass, please,” I said, begging. “Don’t make a big deal out of this.”

  “Too late. Already done. You slept with the head of Accounting?”

  “What? No. I slept with—”

  I looked side to side before I leaned in really close.

  “I slept with Mr. Sheldon.”

  “The owner?”

  “Shut up,” I said.

  “You slept with Jimmy Sheldon,” she said, murmuring.

  “Yeah,” I said with a sigh. “Yeah, I did.”


  “A couple of nights ago. You know, the night of the main event you missed. What were you doing, anyway?”

  “Last minute bachelorette party in town. Paid me double what I usually charge because they were desperate. I couldn’t say ‘no’ to that kind of money.”

  “I don’t blame you. Cass, I’ve really messed up this time. I slept with my boss.”

  “No, you didn’t sleep with your boss. You slept with the owner of the company you work for. There’s a massive difference.”

  “Thanks,” I said flatly.

  “Look, did you have fun?” she asked.

  “Does that matter? He’s got a girlfriend, Cassidy.”


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