Lost Princess

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Lost Princess Page 23

by Dani-Lyn Alexander

  Ranger had never spoken of his experience in the torture chambers of Argonas, but everyone knew he’d spent time there. Everyone knew it had changed him. Going back into those tunnels must have been one of the hardest things the other man had ever done.

  Tears pricked the back of Jackson’s eyes. Emotion choked him. When the savages had been invading the tunnels and he’d thought of hiding in the torture chamber, he hadn’t been able to do it. He couldn’t force himself back into that chamber. Not even to save the other’s who’d come to rescue him. He would have died fighting before he’d have gone back into that room. He closed his eyes to keep the tears from spilling over.

  “You have to relax, Jackson,” Kiara reprimanded softly. “You won’t heal if you don’t calm down.”

  He took a deep breath. Held it. Blew it out slowly, once again gaining some tentative measure of control over his emotions. He opened his eyes, but shifted his gaze away from Ranger.

  He almost missed Elijah, who was mostly concealed by shadows. If not for the small movement when the seer shifted, he would have. His long hair stood out in a wild mane around his head. His hand shook when he swiped it across his brow. He slumped against the wall, his gaze riveted on Jackson.

  Jackson shivered. How would he ever do right by all of these people? People who cared for him. People who deserved a strong leader.

  Ryleigh squeezed his hand, bringing his focus back.

  Everyone was staring at him. Had he missed something?

  Kiara broke the silence. “Do you feel any better?”

  Jackson braced himself for the flare of pain as he flexed his stomach muscles, an action that had brought intense pain before now. Still a dull ache, but nothing like the agony he’d endured earlier.

  He smiled at Kiara and reached for her hand. “Better. Thank you.”

  She clasped his hand in both of hers before releasing him and reaching for a cup. “Here. If you can sit up a little, you can have some water now.”

  With Ryleigh and Ranger’s help, he slid back and sat against the headboard.

  The movement left him winded, but comfortable. He sipped gratefully from the cup. The coolness against the burn of his raw throat eased the worst of the pain.

  He reached for the energy within him, searched for the power that would allow him to heal even further. He had to regain his strength. Quickly. They would have to go after Chayce soon.

  Dakota. They’d have to go after him. Now. Jackson threw the covers back and swung his feet over the side of the bed. He only hesitated a second to get his bearings.

  “Hey. Where do you think you’re going?” Elijah stepped forward.

  Ranger placed a gentle hand against his shoulder.

  “Let me up. I have to go after Dakota. He was with me when…” He shook his head in a desperate attempt to clear the fog of confusion. What exactly had happened? They’d been attacked. He remembered that. But he hadn’t been able to find Dakota. Had he been killed? Wounded? Jackson stilled. Had he betrayed him? Pledged his loyalty to Chayce?

  No. No way.

  “Chayce is a traitor.” The thought still stung.

  “We know, my son.” Elijah took Kiara’s place in the chair at his bedside. “And Dakota is fine. He’ll be in to see you as soon as Kiara gives the word.”

  “You found him?” Relief shot through him. “He told you about Chayce then?”

  Elijah smiled. “Actually, no. Queen Ryleigh told us.”

  Jackson’s gaze shot to Ryleigh, waiting for her to reprimand Elijah for referring to her as Queen.

  A blush crept up her cheeks, and she lowered her gaze and caught her lower lip between her teeth.

  “What’s going on here?” He narrowed his eyes, watching her intently.

  She studied her foot, apparently fascinated at how the toe of her boot scraped a circular pattern on the floor. Either that, or she was trying to avoid looking at him.

  Elijah cleared his throat.

  Ranger smirked.

  Kiara stood behind Elijah, twisting the damp rag in her hands.

  “All right. One of you spit it out.” He pinned them one at a time with his sternest expression.

  Ranger laughed out loud. “It would seem your meek, little woman has nerves of steel.”

  Ryleigh gasped as her gaze shot to Ranger.

  “The whole kingdom is abuzz with the news.” Elijah’s grin sparkled in the blue of his eyes. “It was quite impressive, if I do say so.”

  Jackson threw up his hands. “What was?”

  “Why, Ryleigh’s ascension to the throne, of course.” Elijah beamed with pride. “After she rescued Dakota and brought him back to life, that is.”

  Jackson’s mouth fell open as he turned and stared at Ryleigh.

  Her entire face burned red as she bit back a grin. “Well…” She lifted her gaze to his and shrugged. “Someone had to do it, and since you were busy elsewhere, I figured it may as well be me.”

  Jackson scrubbed his hands over his face, the sharp sting in his cheek a not so gentle reminder of the injuries he still suffered.

  “All right. That’s it.” Kiara stepped forward, hung the rag over the rim, and lifted the basin. “Everyone out now. Jackson needs his rest. I’ll allow one of you to stay with him, but that’s it. I don’t want anyone else in here for at least a few hours.”

  Elijah jumped up, and Ranger muttered excuses as they both headed for the door.

  Kiara followed, then turned and shot Jackson a quick wink before pulling the door closed behind her.

  He focused his full attention on Ryleigh.

  She pursed her lips, keeping her gaze averted.

  “Come here.” He held out a hand.

  She stayed where she was.


  She smiled and reached for his hand, allowing him to pull her onto the bed between his legs. She pressed her back against him and snuggled close as he curled his body around her protectively.

  The scent of strawberries touched him in a way nothing else could have. Overwhelmed by the feeling he’d come close to losing her, Jackson buried his nose in her hair and hugged her tighter.

  “Tell me.”

  She weaved her fingers into his and nuzzled her cheek against his hand. “Everything went crazy. First, the Divination Stone was stolen. Then, when I returned from finding it, the kingdom was in chaos. You were missing…” She shot him a glare over her shoulder. “No one was in charge, everyone was fighting. I just figured someone better take charge.” She shrugged. “So I did.”

  Jackson turned her until she knelt facing him. He smoothed her hair back from her face, traced the line of her jaw with his finger. Pride filled him. “Keep going.” He lifted their joined hands and kissed her fingers.

  “Okay.” Her breathless whisper sent heat rushing through him. “When the savages attacked the castle,”

  He lowered his head onto their joined hands.

  “And traitors kidnapped Mia,”

  He really couldn’t take any more.

  “She’s fine now, though. I called the Queen’s army, well…my army, I guess.”

  Her laughter chased away some of the chill.

  “And I took them to Argonas, with Dakota in charge, and saved Mia while Ranger and Noah went and found you.”

  Questions battered him, swirled through his mind in a dizzying array. But one stood out above all of the others. Well, two really. “Mia’s okay?”

  “Yes. She and Dakota are both fine. Promise.”

  “Okay, then.” He used his free hand to rub the tension from the back of his neck. “How did you get Noah to come after me?”

  “Actually, I didn’t have to. He offered when he saw I didn’t trust Ranger.”

  “Just like that?” Why did he find that so hard to believe? An image of Noah’s cocky grin popped into Jackson’s mind. Oh, yeah. That’s why.

  Ryleigh grinned, her feelings for the other man obvious in the way her gaze s
oftened when she smiled. “He did say I’m going to owe him one.”

  His grip tightened.

  “Ouch.” She yanked her hand from his grasp and rubbed her fingers.

  He tamped down the anger, buried it just below the surface. “Sorry.” He waged a desperate struggle to reign in his temper. “I’m sorry, Ryleigh.” He settled back against the headboard, working hard to relax the tension from his muscles. “While I was in that dungeon…”

  Memories assailed him, some more painful than anything he’d endured at Chayce’s hand. Visions of Ryleigh in another man’s arms, visions of Ryleigh moving on with her life…without him. He shook his head to rid himself of the images.

  The ache in his heart was a dull pain he couldn’t ease. “I can’t be without you, Ryleigh. I don’t want to be without you.”

  Ryleigh moved closer, knelt facing him, straddling his legs. She looked deep into his eyes, her gaze unwavering. “I don’t want to be without you either, Jackson.” She looked down for a second. Two. Shook her head.

  He held his breath, waiting for the, but.

  She lifted her gaze to meet his. “I love you, with all of my heart. I’m very sure of that now.” She shrugged. “I think I always was, but…” She gestured around her. “All of this…it scared me. You scared me.”

  He ran a finger across her full lips and whispered, “You don’t ever have to be afraid of me. I would never hurt you, Ryleigh. And I will never leave you. You’re mine. Forever.”

  She opened her mouth and took a breath, but he didn’t give her the chance to speak.

  Pressing his finger gently against her lips, he continued. “I know you can’t stay here yet. Your place is with Mia. I understand that, respect it, agree with it, even. But I can’t be without you anymore. So…”

  Ryleigh. The one thing that had kept him sane through everything he’d suffered. The one person he could trust most. The woman he’d devote his life to. The woman he’d lived for. “I love you, Ryleigh. More than life. I’m going to train someone, probably Darius, to take my place until you and Mia are ready to return to Cymmera, and I’m going to come with you to the human realm.”

  Tears poured down her cheeks.

  “If you’ll have me, that is.”

  She kissed his finger, and he lowered it slowly.

  “I don’t want you to do that.”

  Hurt welled in his gut.

  She slid closer to him, their faces separated by no more than an inch. “We’re staying, Jackson.” She cradled his cheeks in the warmth of her hands. “There’s nothing for us there anymore. This is home now. Mia has grown so much stronger. She will probably need to go back now and then and stay with the Jacobs’, but her place is here now. Besides,” Her smile lit her whole face. “I don’t think Dakota will let her out of his sight ever again.”

  Jackson pulled her closer, pressed his lips against hers, the kiss gentle, tender, filled with all of the love surging through his core.

  She hesitated, pulled away. “Am I hurting you?” Her eyes, already the deepest shade of blue he’d ever seen, darkened with desire.

  “Never.” He dragged her against him, and his lips crashed down on hers. Needing to be closer, he tumbled her onto the bed and rolled with her, hovered above her.

  Jackson stared into her eyes, searching for even the smallest hint of uncertainty. He found only confidence and strength. Heat flared in his gut. He let his eyes fall closed as he claimed her mouth once again.

  Chanting filled his mind. Ancient. Binding. Promises of love. Protection. Strength. Loyalty. He gave himself to her completely. Gave everything he was, everything he ever would be. Together, they’d grow. Together, they’d prosper. Together, they’d build a kingdom, a family, a life.

  Her mind opened to his, their thoughts melding together as one. Her heart stuttered, and he pulled her closer, reassured her. Eased her fears, brought her comfort. Her feelings poured into him. Emotions he’d tried to bury, tried to hide from, tried to ignore, now found a place in his heart. And, this time, he welcomed them.

  Chapter 13

  The chanting increased, grew louder, more insistent. A chorus of male voices resonating in her head. She started to pull away.

  Jackson froze. Waited. His mind opened and held hers, his love flowing between them, his memories washing over her in an avalanche of sensation. The pain he’d endured, the desperate hope he’d clung to that they’d become one. If he could only reach her. Touch her. Hold her.

  The fear subsided. Ryleigh gave herself to Jackson. Opened her mind, her heart, her soul. They’d be one. Rule as one. Live as one.

  Female voices joined the men. Their partners. Their equals. Assuring her of her independence, her importance. She relaxed. This was right. What should be. What was meant to be. Her destiny? Fate?

  They’d each showed strength alone, now it was time to unite, to become one. Together, they’d be stronger than ever.

  The chanting reached a fervent pitch, the ancient words tumbling over one another. Passionate. Strong. Building. The tempo increased. Reached a crescendo. Climaxed.

  Jackson pulled back and stared at her, his arms shaking as he held his weight above her. His lips red and swollen, his gaze intense. “Ryleigh.”

  “Shh…” She smoothed the hair that had fallen over his face as he looked down at her. “It’s okay, Jackson.” She smiled. “Everything is good.”

  He rolled over, taking her with him. She lay beside him, head resting on his chest. His heart pounded against her cheek, the rhythm matching hers exactly.

  She trailed a finger across his stomach, but he put his hand on hers to stop her. “Don’t.” Desire darkened his almost black eyes. “Not if you don’t want this to go any further.”

  She stilled. Held his gaze. Did she want more? Not yet. Then turned her hand over and weaved her fingers through his. Fireworks.

  Smoothing her hair, he placed a gentle kiss on her head. “Come on.”

  “Where are we going?”

  He sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed, then sat with his head down. “We have a kingdom to rule.” He lifted his gaze to hers. “Unless you’d rather stay here and do something else?”

  She stared at him.

  He waggled his eyebrows and shot her his typical cocky grin.

  She laughed as they stood.

  Jackson lifted a black t-shirt from the back of the chair and pulled it over his head. He stepped into his black boots, then grabbed her hand. “Ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  Jackson pulled the bedroom door open and found Nika and Nahara standing guard on the other side. He released Ryleigh’s hand and opened his arms for the hounds to rest their heads against him. A moment later, Jackson welcomed Ryleigh into the embrace.

  A sense of belonging filled her.

  Movement drew her attention, and she lifted her head. “Max.” She ran to the wolf and threw her arms around his massive neck. “Oh, Max.” Nuzzling her cheek against his fur, she indulged in one moment of peace before pulling away.

  Jackson stood staring at her, one eyebrow cocked in question.

  “It’s a long story.” She reached for his hand.

  He placed his hand in hers, and together, they headed toward the door, Max in what had become his customary position at her right hip.

  “Does he go everywhere with you?”

  “Yup.” She grinned, but the smile faltered a moment later as they walked down the corridor. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.” He pressed her fingers to his lips, then released her hand and pulled her beneath his arm.

  Heat crept up her cheeks. “When I was in Argonas, I pulled the Divination Stone from my pocket, expecting some sort of revelation of great importance.” She paused, glancing up to gauge his reaction.

  He stared back at her, head tilted, waiting.

  She avoided his gaze. “It showed you walking with your arm around a woman.” She shrugged,
not really sure where to go from there. What could the importance of the vision have been?

  The silence stretched on endlessly, and Ryleigh shifted uncomfortably from his side, forcing her gaze back to his.

  His expression was blank.

  Her nerves sizzled. “Do you know who she was?”

  He frowned. “I assumed it was you.”

  A rush of love filled her, and she snuggled back against him. The image in the stone hadn’t been her, but it hadn’t meant Jackson was with someone else either. “No. It wasn’t me. At first I thought it was Mia, the girl appeared so tiny.”

  Jackson stopped walking. “Payton.”


  “Payton. A young woman we found in the tunnels while trying to escape.” He shook his head. “I don’t quite trust her, can’t figure out what she was doing down there.” When he gripped Ryleigh’s hand and moved forward again, his stride held more purpose. “We must find out, though, because we brought her back with us.”

  Increasing her pace to keep up with him, Ryleigh thought back to the moment he’d emerged from the portal. Noah had come through. And a small woman. She remembered now. Once Jackson had stumbled through, in the condition he was in she’d forgotten about everything else.

  “She was a prisoner?”

  “It seemed so.” He frowned as they approached the throne room.

  Two guards stood sentinel at the doors. They bowed as Ryleigh and Jackson approached, keeping their gazes firmly pinned on Max.

  Jackson nodded once. “Please send for Elijah, Darius, Tatiana, and Caleb.”

  “Of course, Your Majesty.” They pulled the doors open.

  “Hey, Ryleigh. Wait up.” Mia’s soft footsteps preceded her down the corridor.

  Dakota jogged at her side, several large scrolls tucked beneath his arm.

  As soon as Mia reached her, she wrapped her arms around Ryleigh.

  “Hey. What’s that for?” Ryleigh snuggled Mia close. Love surged through her, warmed her heart.

  Mia pulled back too soon, before Ryleigh was ready to release her. She’d never be ready to let go.


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