November Sky (Hardest Mistakes Book 2)

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November Sky (Hardest Mistakes Book 2) Page 1

by Wicks, Dannielle




  Copyright © 2015 Dannielle Wicks . All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: May 2015

  Limitless Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734

  Formatting: Limitless Publishing

  ISBN-13: 978-1-68058-133-1

  ISBN-10: 1-68058-133-3

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  Fairytales teach us that love is,

  beauty, happiness, and faith.

  Life teaches us that sometimes,

  we can feel hurt, useless, and lost.

  Sometimes we lose the ones we love.

  Sometimes we just can’t handle the pain.

  And sometimes we just have to say goodbye.

  Table of Contents
























  The memories come in flashes. These are the happiest moments of my life. I’m living them all over again.


  Kristian leans toward me in a dark corner of Maisy’s house, the loud music surrounding us and the smell of teenage sweat in the air. I don’t know how long I’ve wanted to touch his dark hair or kiss his lush lips. Every time I see him at school, I make sure to pass his classroom on the way to my own.

  Now’s my chance. I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him down so I can reach. As soon as our lips touch, his hands gently grasp the sides of my face, holding me close.

  Pulling away slowly, Kristian gazes down at me, the dim light around the shadowed room glinting in his dark eyes. This moment is perfect. One I will remember forever. Kristian’s fingers run down the side of my face, I smile up at him and he returns it.

  “You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met, Jessica.” I turn away and giggle quietly. Kristian reaches between us and grabs a hold of my hand, leading me out of the shadows and into the room full of our dancing and talking classmates.


  I wake close to midday the next day and stretch in my plush bed, all the memories from last night flooding my thoughts and making me blush.

  “Jessica?” My mother’s voice sounds from the other side of my bedroom door. “There’s a boy downstairs waiting for you.” A boy?

  “Okay, Mom, I’m coming.” I jump out of bed, my blanket tumbling to the floor in my rush. I pull my nicest pair of jeans on and riffle through my dresser looking for an appropriate shirt.

  Taking a deep breath, I pull my door open, dash down the stairs at breakneck speed, and trip on the bottom step. Oh no, I’m going to face plant in front of everyone. Strong arms catch me around the shoulders just as I’m about to hit the floor.

  Plastering a weak smile on my face, I look up into Kristian’s beautiful eyes.

  “Whoops, sorry.” Oh god, I could die of embarrassment right now. Kristian smiles and helps me to my feet.

  “I was wondering if you might want to go to the movies with me?” He looks almost shy as he asks, as if I’m the gorgeous, beautiful, smoking hot…Okay, that’s enough. I have to answer before he thinks I’m dense as well as clumsy.

  I lift my shoulders in a small shrug. “Definitely, I would love to.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I can see my Mom’s head poking around the corner of the kitchen doorway, eavesdropping. I turn discreetly so my back is to her and make a go away motion with my hand where Kristian can’t see.

  “I’m going out, Mom,” I call over my shoulder as Kristian leads me out to his car. I’m so nervous my palms are sweating. I hope he doesn’t want to hold hands. The car ride over eases my nerves a bit. I’m sitting so close I can smell Kristian’s soap. Sort of lemony.

  We arrive at the theatre and Kristian buys us both a ticket. I don’t know which movie we’re going to see, but it doesn’t matter. As soon as we’re seated, I’m not paying attention to the big screen anyway.

  Kristian shifts in his seat and puts his arm around my shoulders. I look down at my lap and smile to myself.


  Another flash and I’m walking down the main hall at our high school; Maisy trots along beside me, chattering about the party last Friday. I’m not listening; my eyes are scanning the people standing by their lockers, searching for Kristian.

  “Hey, looking for me?” Kristian’s arms come around my shoulders and he places a gentle kiss on the side of my neck. I lean my head back against his shoulder and smile. This is where I want to stay; this is where I feel safe.


  The scenery around me changes again.

  “So Kristian, have you thought about what universities you’ll be applying for next semester?” My father is leaning slightly over the table toward Kristian with a stern look on his face. Kristian glances at me, unsure.

  “Dad!” My father gives me a small mischievous grin and looks back down at his plate, lifting a forkful of pasta to his mouth. This is so awkward. My mother sits across from me, trying to hide her own smile. God, could this be any more embarrassing?

  After dinner is finished and I’ve helped Mom clean up, I follow Kristian out to his car to say goodbye.

  “I had a really nice time.” Kristian leans against his car and pulls me into his arms.

  “I’m so sorry about my parents. They’re a little annoying sometimes,” I apologize, twisting my fingers into his shirt.

  “Stop worrying, I swear I had fun.” Kristian’s hand closes around mine and untwists my fingers. He smiles and leans down to kiss me.

  I stand on the front porch until Kristian’s car turns the corner out of sight. “Was all that really necessary?” I ask, shutting the front door behind me.

  “Of course, darling,” my mother answers from the living room. Dad chuckles beside her. “We had to make sure he’s worthy of our little princess.” Mom giggles like a little schoolgirl and switches on the television.

  I huff at them and skip up the stairs to my bedroom. Lying on my bed, I stare up at the ceiling. My cell phone buzzes from my nightstand and I scramble across the bed to grab it. I open the text and nearly squeal in delight.

  Kristian: I love you Jessica Scott.


  Another flash, they’re coming quicker now.

  “Do you think we will stay together after we graduate?” Kristian asks, sitting cross-legged on my bed in front of me. Our hands are touching between us.

  “I hope so.” Today is our one year anniversary. The time we’ve been together has been perfect.

  Kristian reaches behind his back and pulls out a long black velvet box. “Oh my god, Kristian.” His eyes crinkle at th
e sides when he smiles. He hands me the box and I open it almost reverently. The sparkling gems from the bracelet shine up at me, glittering in the dying sunlight coming through my bedroom window. It’s so beautiful. “Thank you so much.”

  Kristian helps me do up the clasp as I wrap it around my wrist. When he’s done, I crawl onto his lap and kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer.

  We fall backwards until he’s lying on his back and I’m on top of him, running my hands up his stomach and chest. The atmosphere becomes heated; Kristian pushes my shirt up and runs his fingers along the edge of my bra. Is this really happening? I hesitate and then yank Kristian’s shirt up, he lifts himself off the bed slightly so I can take it off completely.

  “Jessica! Kristian! Dinner’s ready,” my father calls from downstairs. We both falter and look at each other. Had we nearly done what I think we were going to do?

  Kristian smiles shyly up at my shocked expression. “I don’t think I’m ready for that yet, and neither are you.” I giggle timidly and hand Kristian his shirt. He sits up underneath me and pulls me into a tight hug.

  I relax into his hold and whisper into his ear. “I love you.” I can feel his mouth lift up in a smile on the side of my face.


  Now I’m sitting in a brightly lit classroom. Math is one of the most boring classes in school. The equations don’t make sense to me, and who puts letters in math, anyway? Maisy scribbles notes in her book beside me, I’m not sure if they have anything to do with what Mr. Saul is teaching. I tap my pen on my notebook and stare at the clock above the door, the second hand feels like it’s going backwards.

  As soon as the bell rings, I’m already packed up and leaving the classroom. I walk to my locker to exchange my textbooks and get a new pen.

  Maisy is chattering away beside me. “So Jake asked me to the prom. Should I wear blue or green?”

  I turn to her with pursed lips, thinking. She has deep red hair and a fair complexion so she would look great in either color. “Green?”

  She nods. “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. Has Kristian asked you yet?”

  I spin back around to my locker and turn the knob for my combination. “No, not yet.” I thought for sure he would have asked me by now. I sigh and pull my locker door open.

  Dozens upon dozens of colorful flowers and ribbons tumble out onto the floor around me; there’s so many they spill across the hall. Other students stop and gawk at me. I bend down and pick up one of the flowers; it’s a dark yellow rose. Attached to its stem is a small card with black writing.

  Each day I love you more, today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. Please be my date for the prom, Jessica Scott–Love Always, Kristian

  I look down at the other flowers, every single one has its own note attached to it. I can’t breathe. I’m lost for words. Maisy and all the other students have stopped talking and are staring at me, open-mouthed.

  “So will you go with me?” Kristian asks quietly from behind me. He’s so close I can feel his warm breath on the back of my neck. This is the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen—even better than a movie. I twist slowly to face Kristian, a look of awe on my face.

  “Of course I’ll go with you.” He grins and pulls me into his arms, crushing me to his chest.


  My mother leans over me, I watch in the mirror as she pins a stray strand of hair up on top of my head. I wince as the bobby pin scrapes against my skull.

  “Sorry darling,” Mom apologizes as she sprays glitter into my hair. I’m practically bouncing on my seat in excitement. I’m finally graduating high school and I’m going to prom with the love of my life.

  The doorbell rings downstairs, I can hear my Dad’s heavy footsteps as he walks across the living room to answer it. Mom helps me stand and I cautiously descend the stairs in my high heels. My light blue, nearly white dress is tight at the waist and loose around my legs, trailing along behind me. Kristian’s face lights up as he sees me. He holds his hand out to help me from the bottom step.

  “You look beautiful, Jess,” Kristian exclaims as I spin in a circle to show him and my father my sparkling dress.

  “You two over by the window, please, so I can take some pictures.” Mom holds up her digital camera and waves her other hand toward the living room window. I grab Kristian’s hand and drag him over. Dad stands behind Mom and smiles as she starts clicking the camera. I glance up quickly at Kristian and pause. He’s watching me; I’m caught in his dark gaze. The rest of the world falls away, leaving only us.


  The school gym is decorated in hundreds of neon lights of all different colors, making everyone’s lighter colored clothes glow. My arm is tucked in Kristian’s elbow as he leads us through the entry way and toward my group of friends.

  “I’ll be right back.” He kisses me on the forehead and walks back into the crowd.

  “You are so lucky, Jess—he’s so gorgeous.” Maisy and Jenifer come up on either side of me and sigh dreamily. Jenifer hands me a cup of punch and we all sit down at a small table at the edge of the room.

  “Did you hear about Stephanie?” Maisy whispers loudly beside me.

  “No, what happened to Steph?” I lean across the table to hear her reply.

  “She cheated on Brodie!” Maisy’s eyes go wide and shocked. Beside me, Jenifer gasps. She’s had a crush on Brodie since fifth grade, so this is big news for her.

  “You should make your move tonight, Jen,” I tell her with an encouraging smile.

  She looks a little worried. “You think so?”

  “Definitely,” Maisy pipes up from across the table. Jenifer stands up hesitantly and searches the dancing masses in the gym. After a moment, she nods to herself and walks through our classmates, heading for Brodie. Jake jogs up to the table and grasps Maisy’s hand, twirling her out onto the dance floor.

  Kristian stops beside me, his white dress shirt glowing under his jacket. The neon lights around the room make his eyes glitter as he holds out his hand. “Do you want to dance?”

  I place my hand in his. “Only if it lasts forever.”

  Kristian pulls me through the door and into his room before his family sees me. “I’ve organized for all of us to go and hang out at the waterfalls for your birthday.”

  I smile. “Really?”

  “Yes, I’ll pick you up from your house tomorrow morning at eight.” He drags me down on the bed beside him and then pushes me back so he’s leaning over the top of me.


  Flash, and I’m no longer in Kristian’s room. I can hear the excitement from our group as we walk along the narrow dirt track through the trees to the waterfall our town was named after. There are about ten of us and we’re all dressed to go swimming and lounge about beside the water.

  We emerge from the dense trees and I stop to stare as everyone moves past me. The waterfall is even more beautiful than I remember. The clear water sparkles in the sunlight as it tumbles down the rocks and splashes into the pool below. There are wildflowers growing in patches around the entire clearing, butterflies in all sorts of incredible colors hovering above them.

  A small group of us heads up the path to get to the top of the falls so we can have a look at the view.

  The trees thin out and the rocks beneath our feet turn into slippery pebbles. Kristian takes a hold of my hand and keeps me steady as we exit the trees and reach the edge of the waterfall. I can see everyone down below us, spreading out, talking and laughing.

  I let go of Kristian’s hand and take a small step closer to peek over the edge.

  “Careful, Jess,” Kristian warns from right behind me. The cascading water looks fast as it speeds over the edge and crashes down into the pool. It’s not a huge drop, but it’s big enough to do some damage. I turn slowly to walk back to Kristian.

  One minute I’m gazing at his face, the next I’m falling.

  My fingers scramble to hold on to the slippery rocks on the side of the waterfall
. Kristian’s face appears above me, his expression fierce but afraid.

  This is the last thing I remember and it is so clear, as if I saw it all in slow motion, every single excruciating detail. Kristian’s dark, glittering eyes open wide in horror. His mouth opens, screaming my name as he reaches for my hand.

  I remember the exact moment my fingers give, ripping my fingernails to shreds as they scrape the rocks, my bracelet from Kristian slipping off my wrist as I fall.


  The memories come in flashes. They are what I will remember forever.



  I look down, eyes unfocused, at the shiny piece of metal clenched in my fist—Jess’s bracelet. All sound in the world is gone, leaving only my heartbeat thumping in my ears. I take a deep breath and gaze up at the face in front of me.

  “Kristian! Can you hear me?” Jake grabs my arm and pulls me to my feet. “We have to get down there now. Jess fell.”

  Jess. Oh god, her face as she slipped. I didn’t catch her. I need to see if she’s okay. I push past Jake and sprint down the dirt path that leads to the bottom of the waterfall. Everyone is frozen in place, staring at the pool. Shiny blonde hair pokes up from the edge of the glittering water.


  As I get closer I realize she’s not moving. Why hasn’t anyone pulled her from the water yet? They’re just standing around her, staring. I push past them and scramble over to her, sliding into the pool. Wiping the wet hair off her face, I lift her gently into my arms and carry her up out of the water.

  As I lay her down on the grass, her head lolls back and my hand comes away red. The back of her head is bleeding. I inhale sharply.


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