Unexpected Riches (Bellingwood Book 13)

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Unexpected Riches (Bellingwood Book 13) Page 11

by Diane Greenwood Muir

  She laughed. "You mean as opposed to when I want to clamp Rebecca's mouth shut and dump water on Heath's sullen head?"

  "Yeah. That."

  "Even then it's pretty nice," she said. "I wouldn't trade this for anything."

  "Neither would I," Henry replied. "But then I get to do this, too." He ran his hand up her side.

  Polly snuggled in and kissed him, then hissed when her phone rang. "What in the hell?" She rolled away and picked it up from the bedside table. It had to be an emergency for Grey to be calling her at this hour.

  "Grey?" she asked.

  "I've already called 9-1-1," he said, "but someone shot into two of the rooms in the back."

  "Which two?" Polly already had an inkling and dreaded what he had to say.

  "Fourteen and fifteen," he replied. "I heard shots ring out, but I’m pretty certain I also heard a car. It’s over, so I feel as if we’re safe. I'm already out the door, heading for their back doors."

  Polly jumped out of bed and said, "Shots were fired at the hotel. I think it's in those two rooms I rented today. Grey's called the police. I have to go." She reached down for her jeans on the floor.

  Henry leaped up as well. "Then so do I."

  "Tell the kids," she said. "I'm staying on the phone with Grey."

  "Miss Carter?" Grey called out. "Mr. Blackstone? Are you here? Are you okay?"

  Polly waited, her heart pounding in her chest. It felt like it took forever before he spoke again.

  "They're both okay," Grey said, his breathing shallow and his voice raspy.

  "I'm the manager, Alistair Greyson," he said out loud. "Come with me into the main building. Hurry."

  "Polly," he said. "I'm going to hang up and take care of them. Will I see you soon?"

  "As soon as Henry and I can get out of here." She slipped a sweatshirt over her head and pulled a pair of boots on.

  Henry came back and sat down on the bed to lace his shoes. "I talked to Heath and Rebecca. Told them to stay here and try to sleep; that we'd tell them what we knew in the morning." He looked up at Polly. "Rebecca wanted to go with us."

  "Of course she did," Polly said. "She's as curious as I am."

  "I'm ready," he said. "Do we need anything?"

  "No. Let's just go." Polly put her hand on Obiwan's head. "Find Heath. You're staying here, too."

  He sat in the doorway and watched them leave.

  "Shooting in Bellingwood?" Polly asked. "At our hotel?"

  Henry climbed into the driver's side of his truck. "It isn't the first time. The place tends to attract it, I guess."

  "That's just creepy. Do you ever think your life would have been quieter if you'd married someone else?"

  He laughed out loud. "Absolutely. But it wouldn't have been nearly as interesting."

  They followed a police car into the parking lot of the hotel. Grey was outside, guiding guests who were coming out of their rooms into the main lobby. Two more police cars blocked the entrances to the hotel, their lights flashing, but sirens silent.

  The police chief, Ken Wallers, approached Polly and Henry when they got out of their truck. "What's going on here tonight?" he asked.

  "I don't know," Polly said. "I got the same call you did, that shots had been fired in the back. It doesn't seem like any of the guests were hurt, though. Grey said the guests from the two rooms that were shot at are okay. I think they're already inside here."

  "I'll speak with him, then," Ken said. "I'd like him to introduce me to the guests."

  Polly walked with Ken. "I was actually the one who checked them in today. You'll want me there to do the introductions." She put her hand on his arm. "The young woman is in town to claim her brother's body. Her name is Natalie Carter."

  Ken stopped. "Aaron's case? The murder?"

  Polly nodded.

  "We'll do the paperwork tonight, but I'll bring him in on it tomorrow. And the other gentleman?"

  "He's associated with Beryl Watson as well," Polly said. "But I'm not sure how. I don't think it has anything to do with the rest of this, though."

  "So our local artist-in-residence is smack dab in the middle," he said with a grin. "She's a pip, that one. I believe that I’ll be glad to pass it all off to Aaron. Just a minute. I want to give Bert some instructions."

  Ken stepped away from Polly and strode across the parking lot to Bert Bradford, one of his officers.

  "Are you calling Beryl tonight?" Henry asked her.

  She grimaced. "Ain't no way. Can you imagine having her show up with all of this going on?"

  "But she'll probably be angry with you for not letting her in on the fun."

  "That's fine with me," Polly said. "It's better for her to get her beauty sleep."

  Ken came back and they walked in the front door. Several of the guests jumped out of their chairs, asking questions about what was happening and if they were safe.

  "Ladies and gentlemen," Ken said. "My officers are going to speak with each of you. They will get basic information and ask if you saw or heard anything that can help us learn the identity of the person who used a gun here tonight. Since only two rooms were targeted, it is our assumption that everyone else is quite safe." He looked around the room. "That is, unless you give us a reason why you might not be safe here in Bellingwood. We will be on site as we investigate and an officer will remain here throughout the rest of the night. Be assured that your safety is our priority."

  He beckoned to Polly and Henry, who led him past the front counter and into Grey's apartment, where Tallie Carter and Darien Blackstone were seated at the kitchen table.

  Grey took Polly's hand. "I'll see to our other guests. Thanks for coming over."

  "Of course," she replied. Polly stepped into the kitchen and stood beside Tallie Carter. "Tallie, Mr. Blackstone, this is Bellingwood's police chief, Ken Wallers. I can't imagine what you must be feeling right now, but he has some questions for you."

  Tallie Carter's face was ashen. She shivered under a blanket wrapped around her body. The room was warm enough that she couldn't be cold, so it had to be shock. Darien Blackstone sat quietly with his hands clasped together on top of the table. He was fully dressed in comfortable slacks and a polo shirt. Neither had any signs of wounds and for that Polly was grateful.

  "Henry and I will let you have some privacy," she said to Ken and turned to leave the room.

  "Please stay, Polly," Tallie said, reaching her hand out. "I don't want to be alone right now."

  "Of course I'll stay," Polly replied. She looked at Ken and he nodded.

  Henry stepped back so Polly and Ken could be seated at the table.

  "Did either of you see or hear anything before the shooting began?" Ken asked. "Anything at all that could point us to who might have done this?"

  Tallie looked at the man across the table from her and shook her head. "I was in the bathroom, soaking in the tub. It's been a long couple of days and all I wanted was to read and relax before falling asleep. I heard the sound and started to get up and then I realized what it was. I cowered inside the tub until I heard Mr. Greyson calling my name, then I grabbed my clothes, put them on and came out. He led us here as fast as I could walk." She shivered. "I haven't stopped shaking."

  Polly put her arm around the girl, trying to hold her tight enough to stop the fear from taking over.

  "And you, Mr. Blackstone?" Ken asked.

  "I heard a car drive in, but didn't think anything of it, this being a hotel and all. I might have thought that it was another guest coming in for the evening, but then I heard gun shots and to be honest, I didn't move. I'm lucky that the chair I was sitting in was far from a window. I don't know that I would have had sense enough to duck out of the way. Why would someone shoot at me? I don't live in a world where people shoot at me or mine."

  "I'm afraid we all live in a world where this is a possibility," Ken said. "Not even Bellingwood is safe any longer." He scrawled a few notes in his pad and took a deep breath. "I'm sure you have other rooms available tonigh
t, Polly?"

  "I do, but maybe they should come over to Sycamore House. The addition is open and I'm sure both would feel safer there."

  Darien Blackstone put his hand up. "I can make other arrangements. I just need to make a quick phone call. I assume I'm free to go as I please?"

  "Yes," Ken said. "Are you leaving Bellingwood soon?"

  "I planned to be here for several days. My accommodations have just been adjusted, but that will work out."

  Polly leaned forward. "Are you calling Beryl?"

  He smiled at her. "I was planning to."

  One of Ken's officers stepped in and said something into his ear. Ken nodded and said, "I'm afraid that we can't let you take your vehicles tonight, but would be glad to transport you wherever you would like to go."

  "We'll take Tallie with us," Polly said. "I can drive you to Beryl's house if you like, Mr. Blackstone."

  "You have enough to handle with all of this." His sweeping gesture encompassed the inn and he turned to Ken. "I would appreciate the ride. I assume I can gather my things from the room?"

  Ken thought for a moment. "Take what you need. I'll send an officer with you. Miss Carter, your room took the most damage. Are there things in there that you can't live without tonight?"

  "Maybe just some clean clothes," she said. "I unpacked everything into the drawers this afternoon, but I don't want to go back in there."

  "I can do that for you," Polly said. She stood up. "And I'll get your things out of the bathroom. Do you have your phone with you?"

  Tallie held it up. "The charger is on the desk. Can you grab that, too?"

  "Of course." Polly followed Bert Bradford and Darien Blackstone out the back door and they crossed the yard to the two empty rooms. The shooter had done a bang-up job. Windows were shattered and curtains hung at odd angles, blowing in the night breeze. The two cars parked outside of the hotel in front of the rooms had taken bullets. Polly was certain that it had something to do with Tallie's brother, but why would they have wasted bullets on two rooms?

  She went into Tallie's room and glanced around. The shots hadn't hit the bed or the chair or any of the furniture. It was as if the person was shooting out windows just for effect.

  "Bert?" she called out.

  "Yes, Miss Giller." He stood outside, between the two rooms.

  "Is there anything I shouldn't take?"

  "Anything in the drawers or the bathroom is good to go."

  Polly opened the closet and took down a pillow from the shelf and removed the case. That would have to do for now. She shoved Tallie's clothes into the case, emptying the drawers, then went into the bathroom and filled the girl's toiletry case with things on the sink. She glanced around, picked up the phone charger and walked back out. She opened the bag, showing Bert what she'd taken and he nodded and smiled.

  Tallie wasn't going to spend the rest of the night in the addition. Polly decided as she walked back to Grey's apartment that she and Henry would make room in their home tonight. The girl had dealt with far too much already; she might as well be safe with other people around. They had plenty of sofa space and as long as Tallie wasn't allergic to dogs or cats, everyone would be fine.


  As soon as they could, Henry, Polly and Tallie headed back to Sycamore House. While Polly and Grey lined up accommodations in Boone and Ames for guests who weren't comfortable staying at the inn, Tallie had curled up in a chair in front of the fireplace. When Polly found her, she was sound asleep, all of the worry and stress erased from her face.

  "There might be a couple of happy dogs at the top of the steps," Polly warned Tallie. "There isn't a single mean bone in their body. They'll simply want to lick you."

  The girl smiled. "I miss my dog. She's staying with friends.

  "What kind do you have?"

  "She's a mongrel named Stella." Tallie hung back while Henry opened the door to the upstairs apartment.

  Polly went up first and he gestured for Tallie to go ahead. True to form, Han and Obiwan were standing on the top landing, wagging their tails so fast that their bottoms shook with happiness.

  "Come on in, Tallie." Polly pointed to the bathroom off Henry's office. "That will be yours. The kids have their own in the main part of the house. You can sleep on this sofa." She stopped in the media room. "If you'd rather sleep on an air bed, we have a nice one and can get it out for you."

  "This will be wonderful." Tallie sat down and moaned as she relaxed into the couch. "This will be great."

  "I'll get pillows and blankets," Henry said.

  Polly sat in the chair beside Tallie. "How are you?"

  "I don't know," Tallie replied. "Did someone really just try to kill me? Or was I just in the wrong room?"

  "It will be interesting to see what the police make of it," Polly said. "From what I understand though, they weren’t trying to kill you."

  "If I'd been walking in the room, the bullets would have hit me." Tallie shook her head. "I don't know what to think. Why? I only came up here to get Ethan. I didn't want him to be a nobody after he died." Her breath caught in her throat and Tallie held her breath. When she composed herself, she turned at a sound.

  "These should work," Henry said. He handed Polly a sheet.

  "Stand up a minute," Polly said and shook the sheet out. She and Henry draped it across the seat of the sofa, tucking it around the cushions. She opened a second sheet and tucked it in at one end and folded it back, then waited for Henry to place two pillows at the other end."

  "Did you watch that show that talked about never sleeping with your head near the door?" Tallie asked.

  Polly grinned. "Yes I did. I'd never thought about it before that, but I always make sure that I can see the door. There are plenty of blankets on the back of the sofa and here in a stack behind this table. Use as many or as few as you like."

  Han jumped up on the chair that Polly had vacated and was tentatively putting his paw on the end of the sofa.

  "Down, Han," Henry said, pointing to the floor. "We'll keep him in our room."

  "It's really okay," Tallie said. "I wouldn’t mind if they stayed with me, but I'm afraid I'm too wired to sleep."

  "This place is locked up tighter than a drum," Polly said. "We're at the back of the house - nowhere near a road. Nobody can get in and no one will hurt you."

  Tallie sat down on the sofa and patted the edge, inviting Obiwan to jump up. He obeyed and put his head under her hand. "Do you think he'd stay with me tonight?" she asked.

  "That's Obiwan," Polly said. "The other boy is Han. Obiwan will stay for a while. I have no idea where he'll end up. We get up early in the morning, especially since tomorrow is a school day. I might have you move into Rebecca's room if you want to sleep late."

  "Will you leave the light on in the bathroom?" Tallie asked.

  "Honey, you can leave any light on that you want," Polly said. "Feel free to watch television, raid the fridge, anything. Make yourself comfortable and at home. Tomorrow's another day."

  "Thank you both. It's weird that I just drove into town and am staying in a stranger's house tonight, isn't it?"

  Henry chuckled. "This is Bellingwood and one of the first people you met was my Polly. Weird is just another word for normal around here. Get some sleep and we'll see you in the morning." He put his arm around Polly's waist and gave her a gentle push toward the living room.

  "Goodnight, Tallie," she said.

  They were almost in their room when they heard a small voice. "Polly?"

  Polly looked at Henry and smiled. "Little Miss is up. You go on in. I'll be right there." She pivoted to head for Rebecca's room and rapped on the door. "Yes?"

  "Is everything okay?"

  "It's fine. We have a guest staying on the sofa in the media room. Her name is Tallie. You can meet her in the morning."

  "Is she nice?"

  "She's very nice. Now go back to sleep."

  "Okay. Goodnight."

  Polly pulled the door to within an inch of being
closed. If the cats wanted to roam, they could push it open the rest of the way. She yawned and went into their bedroom.

  Henry came out of the bathroom. "This is going to be a short night. Tomorrow will be rough."

  "Thanks for being there tonight," Polly said.

  "I wouldn't have missed it for the world. So what do you think is going on?"

  Polly stripped her clothes back off and realized that she was still wearing her nightgown under the sweatshirt. She giggled. "I'm all ready for bed."

  "Come snuggle with me until we fall asleep." Henry turned the overhead light off and crossed the room.

  They climbed into bed and returned to the position they'd been in when the night began. Polly kissed his lips. "I don't know what's going on. Tallie said something about Jedidiah's treasure. If they're looking for treasure from one hundred and fifty years ago, they have to have some information as to where it is. I don't know why they'd attack her, though."

  "Maybe because she's Ethan Carter's sister," Henry said.

  "Whatever." A yawn wrenched Polly’s mouth wide open.

  "That's my sexy girl," he said with a laugh.

  "Whatever," she repeated.


  When Polly and Henry got up the next morning, they found Rebecca in the media room with Tallie. Rebecca had a sketch pad and was showing the older girl some of the things she'd been working on with Beryl.

  Tallie stopped Rebecca. “That’s Ethan,” she said.

  Rebecca darted a look at Polly. “You know him?”

  Tallie just nodded.

  “Do you want it?” Rebecca pulled the sheet out.

  “Thank you. That’s really nice.”

  Heath came stumbling into the dining room and pulled up short when he realized a stranger was in his house. He glanced at Polly in the kitchen, looked at Tallie and then back to Polly, lifting his shoulders in a question.

  "Tallie," Polly called out. "This is Heath. Heath, Tallie Carter. She stayed with us last night after the trouble at the inn."

  "What kind of trouble?" he asked.

  "Gunshots, police and scared guests trouble." Henry patted him on the shoulder. "Put your coat on and come outside with me and the dogs. I'll tell you all about it."


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