Ambassador tya-4

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Ambassador tya-4 Page 25

by P. S. Power

  “Ali, for now, no matter what the reason, don't leave this room. Everyone will think I'm keeping you here for sex, but, well, let them. We'll dress you in scanty clothes and have the Ward people bring your food. Sorry, it's going to be a bit boring, but…”

  Ali, finally, smiled, “I'm going to be your lover? And you’re going to marry me? OK.” She said simply.

  At least Tor got now that she wasn't really vapid, she was just young. Davie raised an eyebrow but Tor shook his head.

  “No, you're going to pretend we're lovers. I don't sleep with under aged girls. For one thing, if I tried Davie and Prince Alphonse would both show up and kick my behind. For real too, I'm not just saying that. Possibly with a small army of giants in tow, so let's avoid that, right? It won't be hard though, I don't think. It's a festival after all. People expect raunchy behavior, right?”

  That handled, Tor started on the next part of his plan, which required figuring out the key to Smythe's heart. He couldn't be bribed, and threatening him would be ridiculous. Once you chop off a man’s hand, anything more would probably just push him to destruction. Beyond that really, the man was half ready to die anyway.

  No, Tor would have to simply appeal to his rationality and hope. Still, could he get him to come to dinner? They weren't exactly friends, were they? But, wasn't Tor still working for him? Apprentice super-secret useless note taker or something? He'd need to clear the Afrak trip with him anyway. It made sense. He was the boss after all, Tor couldn't really just go haring off on his own without permission.

  Honestly he should have been checking in already anyway. Kind of rude of him not too.


  He penned a note quickly and sealed it, putting a bloody fingerprint across the fold. It was a sign he knew, of the most official business. It was how Ward had sent his declaration of war and his withdrawal of it. It should get Smythe's attention he hoped. Now he just had to get it into his hands. Delivering it himself was an option, of course, but if he was supposed to be upset about the snubbing at the party, it would look a bit strange if he kept showing up at the palace gate. He sat trying to work out how to get it there when the answer walked in the door.

  Trice, leading Rolph and Ridley in, all laughing merrily.

  They seemed happy, and in a party like mood, not drunk or even tipsy yet though, which was good, because sober would work better for what they needed to do. Trice was on Ridley's arm, her right linked through his left, a cozy looking thing that pushed her breast against his arm more than a little. Tor felt a stab of jealousy. Lucky Ridley. He was good looking and tall, well, short for a noble, but ten inches taller than Tor, maybe a full foot, both things Trice liked.

  Remembering the scene from the other day Tor winced. Yeah, apparently Rolph liked that too. Eek. Different rules, he tried to remember, smiling at them all warmly.

  “Shut the door please, we need to talk. Now.” He said, his voice a little stern.

  They all looked down guiltily, Ridley even blushed and Rolph didn't look at him at all, his eyes on the far wall at a forty degree angle. Trice bit her lip, as if suddenly remembering that he was a freak. That wasn't important now, they could hate him later if they wanted, or think him even stranger than they did. He sat them all down on the bed, where they kept a good distance between each other, and acted like he was going to scold them or something. Before he could even start to explain Rolph started talking.

  “Tor… I know that what you saw the other day must have shocked you, I don't want you to think that…” He didn't finish the thought.

  It was maddening when people did that, he realized, stopped halfway through an idea. The Prince didn't want Tor to think what? That he was having sex on his bed? That they were going to do it again if he hadn't been there? That they often left the bed unmade and kinky restraints out where the Afrak Ambassador could see them?

  Finally Trice finished it.

  “He doesn't want you to think he's going to try and have sex with you too. That's what he's getting at.”

  Tor blinked and looked at Trice, then Rolph. He included Ridley in the look too, remembering the scene. Uhg.

  “Darn straight he's not!” Tor said vehemently enough that they all winced. Rolph suddenly looked miserable, sad, as if Tor had insulted him.

  “He's… huge. His manhood too. If anyone’s doing that to anyone here I'm doing him. God, he'd rupture something in me.” It was a joke, meant to take them as funny, he hoped.

  Everyone stared at him for a few seconds, shocked and not sure if they should laugh or not, until Alissa spoke quietly.

  “Not really. With a little practice you'll stretch and then it doesn't even hurt that much, as long as you use enough lubricant. It just takes some getting used to is all. I can show you how, if you want?” She looked him dead in the eye as if it were a normal topic. For some reason the whole thing made him laugh. It was a manic laugh, not all together there, but real enough. Everyone else did it too after a while.

  “So, you're not, mad at me, or scared or anything?” Rolph said, his voice happier but still subdued.

  Tor shrugged.

  “Scared of what? That you'll hold me down and force me? No. I know you well enough to know that you'd never do that. The worst I'd get is you getting drunk and trying to climb into bed with me. Really, that would be upsetting to me, but I'm not afraid of you over it. If you didn't try in three years, I doubt you’re going to insist on it tomorrow.”

  Then Tor stopped them from talking with a wave and told them about what was going on with Ali. He was going to stop at the basics, that bad things had happened and that the King and Queen couldn't do anything, so they'd hatched a plan to protect her. The girl picked up where he left off and told them everything, crying through it again. Without being asked or it even being suggested she took the truth amulet from Tor’s hair and turned it on, glowing steadily the whole time. By the time she was half through all of them had suggested assassinating Count Derring.

  Tor agreed, but waited for her to finish, carefully not speaking on the topic at all. Because telling a room full of people that you were really willing to kill someone was stupid. They were all probably just venting, shocked and worried for their friends. If he could figure it out, how to take out a Count without starting a war, he decided to actually do it.

  It didn’t leave him feeling good but it was the right thing to do.

  “We need to protect her first. So, I need a letter delivered and it has to be as soon as possible and from someone that can suggest to Smythe of Westend that coming to dinner tonight would be a good plan. Would you do it?” He looked at Rolph, who nodded, took the letter and left without another word. Tor nodded. Rolph was good like that, getting to work as soon as anything serious was needed to be done.

  Trice moved towards him and touched his arm.

  “Um, Tor, I think we need to talk, if we could find someplace private?” Her eye's looked at his, but had that sad look he associated with bad news.

  Well, they weren't going out or even dating really, so she couldn't really break up with him again. Well, she could, but it wouldn't mean much, would it? He took her to the bathing chamber and ran a bath. No one could hear them through the walls, but a warm soak sounded nice anyway. Everything was hugely stressful right now, so much so he kind of wanted to yell “run away” and set out in a random direction.

  He steeled himself, and took off his clothing, which got a chuckle from his friend and when he moved under the shower to scrub before his bath he felt something pressing up against his back, turning he slid his arms around the now naked girl and hugged her wetly. They kissed without talking and then scrubbed each other sensually. The hair on her head was still mainly blond, but her pubic hair was dark and curly still. Sighing he pushed her against the wall a little roughly and knelt. If she wanted to “talk” to him, they might as well actually get to do something fun first. She didn't fight him and after a bit started to moan a little, then a lot.

  Ursala had claimed she
got loud, but Trice didn't seem to have any concern about being overheard at all. Without asking he turned her to face the wall and entered her from behind. The move was mock rough, he slid in gently, but gripped her hips hard enough to leave slight white marks. He didn't finish quickly, but did before she could. He placed her against the wall again and used his mouth and hands on her. He could taste himself on her too, but didn't care, he felt frantic and urgent as she finally released, getting softer instead of louder, gasping and finally pushing him away hard.

  “Wow… oh wow.” She closed her eyes and slipped to the floor, her legs not holding her any more.

  “I, give me a minute…” She waited, eyes closed for a long time, then she put her hand out so he could help her up and showered again.

  “Fuck Tor… I mean it. Anytime you want, just let me know and I will gladly do it with you. Again. Now if you want. Here… or in front of the house with everyone watching. Whatever. I don't care right now.” She grinned and kissed him, he tried to do a good job of that too.

  She shook her head and whispered in his ear.

  “When Bonita left you that gold in Ward, we all thought she was just being silly. I can see it now. If she got half that, how could she not think you were a pro? A high end one too.”

  Tor climbed into the tub, which was overflowing and had been for a while. The drain in the floor took the water away, back to the river, filtering it first, so that they weren't adding things to the water that a lot of people needed for drinking and bathing. Really with the Falcons up too, the water quality had improved a lot even below the city.

  Tor laid his head on the edge and tried to relax, after a moment the water overflowed again as Trice got in, and then the water, already hot to Tor, who'd taken all his amulets off, suddenly burned as Trice increased the heat. She always liked to push things, didn't she? He fought a pained gasp and let himself get used to it, waiting for her to talk. To say whatever it was she had to. She didn't, and finally he cracked an eye and poked her, noticing that all her amulets were gone too and she had only one arm.


  She nodded and opened her eyes.

  “Yeah. I… I won't hedge here Tor, but try not to hate me for it, all right?”

  What could he do? He shrugged and smiled a bit.

  “Going to get married to someone else? Or… I don't know, going to go back to Ward with Maria full time? That almost makes sense, I'm sure the King wants a person there still. I would if I was him. Probably for decades. Declare war once, and suddenly no one trusts you anymore, right?” Tor really did see it and that was saying something. He wasn't normally big on the idea of spying like that.

  She splashed hot water at him and laughed, “No silly, well, it really isn't a bad idea, and I have been asked, Maria actually wants me to ask you to go back with them too. She likes you, you know.”

  “What the who now? I mean… huh? She hates me Trice! You heard her when Smythe was questioning them down in Warden. She didn't really mean the apology she'd made and was just doing it because they wanted to use me to stop the mess they'd gotten into. It made sense, but that's hardly indicative of her liking me at all.” Tor stared, his mouth tightening and more than a bit of anger in his eyes.

  Trice snorted and splashed him again.

  “Don't blow things out of proportion. She had doubts about the situation, but you cleared up the thing with the flowers and she accepted it. Actually she went back to her room and cried for hours going on about what an evil Doretta she is and how you were so good and noble compared to her. Then you were nice to her favorite sister. A lot of people aren't, like messing with her heart is a sport… Bonita's really nice, but for years she hasn't been able to catch a break relationship wise. People do these elaborate set ups to hurt her. I know at first Maria thought you might be doing that too, trying to hurt Bonita to get at her, but I told her that just wouldn't happen. Not with you anywhere around the situation. I was right, of course.” She leaned back and bumped his thigh with her foot under the water, just able to reach him as long as her legs were.

  “Then to cap it all, when the Larvals had her and you could have just killed them all, including her, you didn't. I told her about how your weapon could have done that easily you know, just ended it there in an instant. You made them let her go, even though you knew you were going to die doing it. Traded her life for yours openly. How could she not love you after that? I mean, I explained it to her, how if she were a serving girl or the horse boy you would have done exactly the same thing, but I think that made it worse. People aren't used to real selfless action like that Tor. It's like one of those stupid hero stories for girls, the bold Knight, or in this case wizard, risking everything for the lady he loves. Heck Tor, it's both. I keep forgetting you're a Knight too. And you forgave her, she had you hurt and almost killed and you let it go… It doesn't hurt that you look like you do either.”

  Tor splashed her now.

  “How does looking like a troll help here?” He asked softly. It wasn't nice of her to make fun of his looks.

  “Heh! You know… I cornered Lairdgren the other day and made him tell me stuff about you and that situation. He mentioned how you just couldn't see how good looking you were. How when you look in a mirror you really don't see what we do. You see someone plain and boring. He still does you know. He told me that doesn't go away. Still, you have to accept that it's what is, even if you can't see it. You go around breaking hearts everywhere you go and don't even get it. Women and men throw themselves at you and you hardly seem to notice. It's… well, how really good looking people like you act, but it's rude. I mean Count Ward and Maria were talking about how pretty you are the other day and how only her rage at Alphonse made her act like she did towards you even back then.”

  It was hard to imagine, even with people telling him it was true. Trice moved in and kissed him again.

  “Here's one, you remember at school when everyone used to stare at you? Why do you think that was?”

  He thought, remembering the hostile stares, the girls giggling and laughing at him, the boys avoiding eye contact are giving him looks that had clearly threat behind them. Tor tilted his head.

  “Because I was a joke to them?”

  Eyes rolling she shook her head.

  “Nope. Jealousy was some of it, sure, but mostly they were just in awe of you, but you were so stand-offish! Girls would play with their hair and make eyes at you and you'd just looked away. Guys would try to be your friend, and you barely acknowledged their presence. People stayed away because they thought you didn't like them, or were too good for them. Sara and I watched you for months before we actually talked and then you were all nice and everything. It took us by surprise you know, how nice you were. We didn't know all this stuff about you back then. So, in the future, when someone looks at you, smile and listen to what they say. I don't know, play make believe? Assume that they mean what they say?”

  Right. That wouldn't work, but he'd try. Pretend people were interested in him? That might work. Till then he'd just keep Trice with him to let him know when he was messing up. She kissed him when he said so and then straightened.

  “Which brings us to the thing I wanted to talk to you about.” She took a deep breath and didn't break eye contact, working up her nerve it seemed to Tor.

  “I… can have Count Derring killed, if you want. It will cost gold, about ten thousand, and still take some time, but if we go to the people I have in mind it will happen. I know-”

  “Do it. I'll pay. I'll get the money around today. Don't give me details and don't tell anyone else. Ever. The sooner the better, but.. yes.” It would still mess with his mind he knew. Ordering it would be the same as killing the man with a sword, but if it was done right, there'd be no war or talk of war. It had to be done and no one else could do it.

  Trice stared at him and swallowed hard, but she didn't ask if he was sure. His voice had told her that.

  They dressed, rearmed, Trice literally, which she pointed
out with a smirk, obviously having been saving that one to use on him. When they went into the bedroom Ridley was busily kissing and tickling Alissa on the bed, still clothed but things had been loosed in interesting places. Tor crossed his arms but Trice patted his shoulder and spoke first, not sounding angry at all.

  “Alright you two, but Ridley, remember that she's underage, no matter what she looks like. You're not that old either, but no sex.”

  Murmuring assent Ridley went back to what he was doing and reached under her shirt again. Tor nearly hit him, but Trice pulled on his arm and walked out of the room. Right, he had things to do. Like get with Collette and see about arranging funds.

  The money turned out not to be a huge problem, not getting it. Ten thousand golds? He didn't know it, but Tor had it sitting around the house. Just locked in a sturdy room behind the main dining area. The door would let Collette in, but no one else. She blushed at that, but he nodded. It was a good plan, safe, and he'd need her to run things while he was gone to Afrak. Besides, if he really wanted in he could do it. Not without using magic, but once he was better it wouldn't be a problem. If nothing else he could just turn the place off and everything inside would end up sitting on the ground. Anyone could do that, but apparently no one ever thought about it.

  Transporting the money was harder, since having trunks floating along behind her would attract attention. Trice smiled and told him she'd handle it, now that she had the funds, and moved to leave, kissing him and mumbling about later. Collette smiled at him and winked.

  “About time, she's been panting after you for at least as long as I've known you. The first time we met I thought she was going to scratch my eyes out for flirting with you. But you were there alone, so fair game.”

  “Wait… you were flirting with me?” Tor didn't remember it that way at all, had she said something at the time? He blushed.


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