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TirzahsAllure Page 9

by Gabriella Bradley

  Cain hurried back to his room and found Tirzah on the bed, relaxing in a provocative position. As soon as he stepped into the room and glanced at her, his cock sprang to attention. How could he help it? She lay naked on her side, one leg down, one leg raised, her foot resting on the other leg. Her clit was easily visible. One hand under her chin, she gazed intently at the TV.

  “Cain, when will we watch the movies you told me about? The ones where I will learn all Earth’s language about sex?”

  “We can do that right now,” he responded, his voice laced with desire.

  In seconds, he’d peeled his clothes off and joined her on the bed. Taking the remote from her hands, he ordered a few adult movies.

  They might have taught her a few things, but did not have the desired result. Midway during the second movie, she turned to him.

  “Animal sex.”


  “There is no love.”

  He laughed. “No, babe, it’s called porn.”

  “What is porn?”

  “Movies that are nothing but sex. Love doesn’t come into the equation.”

  “Oh. I don’t think I like these movies. These are real people?”

  “Yes, they are.”

  “How can they do this? There is no shame among my people, but this is not right. When we copulate, it is for marriage, for love.”

  “On my world, there are people who have sex only for money. They’re called prostitutes. For people who star in movies where they have sex, it’s for money. Not for love.”

  “Why do people watch them?”

  “Some people like to watch others have sex. It makes them hornier.”

  “What is hornier?”

  “Me!” He laughed. Grabbing his throbbing cock, he moved closer to her. “This is horny,” he told her. Groping for the remote, he turned the movie off and put on some soft music instead. Kneeling beside her, he drank in the sight of her beautiful body, her curves, full breasts, nipples already hard and waiting for his lips.

  He stroked her softly from head to toe and back again. Her skin felt softer than the finest silk, her lips swollen with desire for him. She lay gazing at him, focused on his eyes, never leaving his gaze.

  “I love you.”

  He’d heard it in his head, or was it his imagination? “Baby, you are my heart, my soul, my life. I never thought a woman could creep under my skin like this, but you have.”

  “Cain, I understand your language completely now, but creep? What is that? Under your skin?”

  “That means you’ve hooked me. I am yours, now and forever.”

  Spreading her legs, he stroked her moist folds opening her up to him. So pink, so perfect. With his cock in his hand, he leaned forward and rubbed it up and down her slit, his other hand playing with her clit and breasts in turn.

  He heard her deep sigh. Tearing his gaze away from her labia, he watched her lick her lips, saw her hands clench around the pillows. He took her by the hips and flipped her onto her stomach. Then he lifted her and pushed her legs up. Automatically, she rested on her hands. Her delightful, curvy little bottom faced him. Pushing her legs apart as far as he could, he had an even better view of her pussy. He placed his cock at the oozing entrance and pushed in slightly. At the same time, he licked his finger and lubricated her rosebud anus.

  As he pushed his cock in further, welcoming her tightening grip, he slowly inserted a finger into her anus. She didn’t protest but pushed her bottom up to meet his cock and finger. At first, that passage was tight, but soon enough, the muscle relaxed and he could push his finger in all the way. His pushed his cock inside her completely and started to move, barely able to stop himself from coming.

  “Yes, Cain, yes!” she shouted. “I like this. I love you!”

  Her head swung backward as he fucked her hard, his finger matching the tempo of his cock. She came several times, coating his cock with her juices. He pulled out, shoved the fingers of his left hand into her and at the same time positioned his cock at her rear entrance. He met resistance at first, but slowly her hole opened for him and he inched into her. It felt deliciously tight.

  She gasped several times as he inched in, bit by bit. “Baby, if you don’t want it, tell me,” he said in between rapid breaths. “I don’t want to hurt you!”

  “It is good. It is so good! More, Cain, more!”

  He couldn’t stop himself. He had to come. A huge shudder shook him as he ejaculated. Breathing heavy, he rolled her to her back and lay beside her, his hand on one of her breasts.

  She snuggled closer to him and stroked his face. “I love you, Cain. So much, it hurts.”

  “Did I hurt you, baby?”

  “No! I mean I love you so much.”

  “I love you as much. I mean, having sex this way. Did it hurt?”

  “Yes, but at the same time it made me feel like I wanted to explode. It was so good. Was it good for you?”

  “Oh, lord, yes, baby. The best ever.”

  “Have you had many women, Cain?”

  “Some. I wasn’t a virgin.”

  “Do women on Earth have sex with a man they don’t love, like on TV?”

  “Not quite like on TV, but yes, men and women have sex without being in love.”

  “Did you love someone else?”

  “Never.” He kissed her and looked into her eyes. “You are the first woman I’ve loved and will ever love. You are my true love, my soul mate.”

  “What would happen if a shifter falls in love with an Earth woman or man?”

  “Hell, babe. I don’t know. That’s a difficult question. Talking about shifters, I’ve got a lot of research to do tomorrow to see how we can get your people out of the jungle and into civilization. Tonight is just for us. You can’t imagine how I’ve been longing for you.”

  “Probably as much as I longed for you,” she murmured.

  “Oh, baby. Come here.” He pulled her on top of him and crushed her lips in a long kiss that came straight from his soul. Holding her tight, her head buried in his neck now, her teeth gently nibbling, he said, “The night is still young.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The stones were put up for auction. Cain had found a trustworthy jeweler who was astounded when he looked at the raw gems. “These will fetch a fortune, especially the big ones. The biggest emerald ever found was sixty-five carat. Some of these equal it, or might be even bigger. Some of the diamonds, too, are worthy to be crown jewels,” Jim Reed had told him. After giving Cain a receipt, he’d taken charge.

  Now, some weeks later, he was a multi-millionaire hunting on the internet to buy a private island. He’d resigned from his job, so for him it didn’t really matter where the island was. After talking to Opek and Henke, they determined they’d prefer a tropical climate, similar to the climate on their planet. Cain had found the perfect island for them. At least, it looked perfect on the internet. It was large, at least 3700 acres, had a private airstrip, a marina, wells, several dozen fully furnished and equipped cottages, generators, solar electricity, medium sized mountains and waterfalls, lakes, fresh water wells and reserve tanks, fruit trees galore, and beautiful white beaches. All for the mere price of fifteen million American dollars.

  “I can hardly believe I’m shopping for an island,” he told Opek and Henke, who were sitting on either side of him while they looked at a slide show of the private resort. “Much less talking about fifteen million as if it’s nothing. Should I call to make arrangements to go and see it?”

  “Yes. It looks perfect for us. How do you propose to bring us all there?” Henke asked.

  “I’ll buy a helicopter, an A-Star. It fits six people plus the pilot. When I was in the army, I was a helicopter pilot. I have my license. Once I’ve lifted everyone from the compound and they’re all settled on the island, we can start figuring out how to get you all identities and paperwork. I think this will be a good beginning. I’ll also buy a boat, maybe more than one, so we can go fishing. And we probably need boats to do our shoppin
g on the mainland.”

  “Cain, it looks beautiful, like paradise,” Tirzah said, standing behind him, her hands on his shoulders.

  He dialed the number of the listing agent and made the appointment. The agent, Terry McCleod, seemed very eager and told them he could fly them to the island in an hour.

  Cain figured that private islands didn’t sell readily and that was why the agent was so enthusiastic. It would mean a hefty commission for him.

  “This mode of traveling is primitive compared to where I come from,” Henke said.

  Cain put a finger up to his lips and shook his head. Fortunately, Henke hadn’t spoken loud enough for the pilot and Terry to hear—or so he thought.

  “Where do you come from?” Terry asked, looking up from the folder he’d been studying.

  Before Henke could say anything, Cain answered. “Sweden.”

  “Ah, that explains the white hair and blue eyes. So what manner of flight transport does Sweden have that’s better than ours?”

  Oh, my God. Cain thought fast. “He’s very rich and goes everywhere by private jet.” He wished he could conquer telepathy so he could tell Henke to shut up but Henke seemed to have taken the hint when he’d put his finger to his lips and shook his head.

  “Is Henke a landed immigrant?” Terry asked.

  “Yes. He’s lived in the USA for some time.” At least that was only half a lie.

  “Oh, because that could cause problems getting the paperwork ready. All governments have different policies, and to buy the island you and all residents have to be approved. You told me you’re looking for an island to make it your permanent residence along with a bunch of friends. How many plan to live there?”

  “Fifty-seven men, women and children.”

  “The children could cause a problem. They need schooling.”

  Shit, something else he hadn’t thought of. “We live in a modern age. Computers and home schooling will take care of that. Hell, even some parents on the mainland home school their kids.”

  “True. Look down. There it is.” Terry pointed to a distant island surrounded by ocean.

  It looked small, but as they descended and got closer, Cain could make out cottages, verdant greenery, sparkling white beaches. If this was going to be their home, he’d have to work fast to get identification and passports for Tirzah’s clan. He wondered vaguely how long it would take. As soon as he had the necessary paperwork in hands, he’d set up a corporation and a bank account in the corporation’s name. That would all need to be in place before the final transaction. He suddenly felt overwhelmed. A suffocating feeling knotted his stomach and he wished he had help.

  The helicopter landed on the island’s airstrip. A four-by-four stood parked near a small building.

  “Is anyone living on the island now? Any tourists here?” Cain asked as the blades stopped and they walked toward the vehicle. He inhaled deeply of the fresh, unpolluted sea air.

  “The owner passed away seven months ago. He was single, no relatives, and the island was closed to the public not too long after his death. A caretaker comes in once a week with a cleaning crew to maintain the main house and the cottages.”

  Tirzah had been very quiet all this time. She climbed into the vehicle and he slid in beside her, followed by Henke. Opek sat in the front. She seemed overwhelmed. Cain had sensed her fear of the helicopter, but she seemed calm now. He squeezed her hand as the car pulled away from the airstrip. “What do you think, my love?”

  “We haven’t seen anything yet. From the sky it looked nice.”

  Palms, shrubbery, flowering shrubs and plants flanked the narrow dirt road. After they’d driven for ten minutes or so, the road climbed toward a large house. Cain thought it looked more like a mansion than a regular house.

  Pulling up before a set of marble steps leading to a huge verandah, its roof supported by white pillars, Tirzah gasped. “Cain, look!”

  He followed the direction of her pointing finger and grinned. She was gazing at the three-tiered swimming pool with fountains at both ends graced by entwined couples. It looked more than inviting.

  “It’s fed by the ocean. The ocean is just a short walk from the main house,” Terry told them.

  One could hardly call it a house. It was fit for a king to live in, with its hand painted murals, gilded fireplaces, ornate statues, sheer curtains and heavy velvet drapes. It could become their clubhouse. The mansion on its own could probably house everyone, but he was sure Tirzah’s people would give anything to have their own space.

  Every room was beautiful—the floors were all highly polished hardwood, the bathrooms luxurious. After inspecting the house, Terry drove them to view several cottages. They all had three or four bedrooms and were just as luxurious as the main house. He hadn’t realized the main house and the cabins would come fully furnished. Another bonus.

  Finally, they walked to the beach. Cain took off his shoes and felt the warm pristine silver sand between his toes as his feet sank into it. He walked to the water, followed by Tirzah, and let the waves roll over his feet. A sensuous breeze blew in from the ocean, caressing their faces and bodies.

  “It’s perfect,” he told her and grabbed her hand. “What do you think?”

  “Yes, oh, yes, Cain.” She bent and scooped a handful of water.

  He was too late to stop her from taking a sip, and burst out laughing at her face. “The water’s salty. It’s sea water, darling.”

  “But good for swimming?”

  “Yes, very good for swimming, but there are probably sharks in these waters.”


  “Big fish that eat humans.” He watched her pull a face.

  “At home we have the big scaled monsters and now sharks?”

  “Yes, I think so. Let’s go back. I’ll need to talk to Henke and Opek and see what they think.”

  “They like it.”

  “Right. I forgot about your mind talk. I wish—”

  “It will come, Cain. You already hear a little.”

  “Terry, we’ve made up our mind. When can we start the paperwork and how long will it all take?”

  “We can start the paperwork tomorrow. It’ll take a few months for something like this to complete. Their government will have to approve everyone.”

  Great, that gives me time to get their fake identification sorted out. “Fantastic. It’s a deal. You can take it off the market. How much down payment do I need?”

  “At least ten percent. And for a mortgage—”

  “That won’t be necessary,” Cain interrupted him. “I’ll be paying cash.”

  He grinned as Terry’s eyebrows shot up. “It will go into the corporation’s name. Alishur Incorporated.”

  “Before you sign anything, I must warn you. Living on an island can be very isolated. There are no stores, restaurants, movie theatres, or grocery shops within walking distance like on the mainland. You’re reliant on a boat to buy supplies and if a storm blows in, you could be stuck for days. It’s a major adjustment. There is also the problem of medical treatment if any is needed. I know it all seems very romantic and like paradise, but it does have its pitfalls.”

  My God, you have no idea. “We’re very well aware and we’re prepared, but thank you for the warning.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The first thing Cain did was buy a helicopter. He paid for a few months of parking, long enough, he figured, for them to get all the red tape out of the way.

  By going to some sleazy bars and asking questions, he found out where to get fake identification and passports. But he needed photos of each person and child so he taught Henke how to use his camera, gave him the example picture the man had given him, and flew him and Tirzah to their compound. He also dropped several parcels of clothing. Tirzah had shopped for the group, and bought clothes and shoes for each man, woman and child. “I’ll pick you both up in a couple of hours, Henke. Tirzah, make sure the women do something different with their hair. Braid it. Ponytail, pin it up and put on a
bit of makeup. Same for the female children. I’m sure you included brushes, combs, pins and hair bands in your shopping spree.” He turned to Tirzah who was getting ready to go down to the compound with Henke.

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Okay, off you go.” He turned and watched Henke descend the very long rope ladder he’d had specially made. Below, he could see their people gazing up at the helicopter.

  “You okay going down the ladder, Tirzah?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Don’t look down and hold on tight. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

  “I wish you could stay.”

  “Baby, there’s nowhere to land. Don’t worry. You should be able to get it all done in a few hours. Remember to ask Calira to swap the translators around. It’s important they learn to speak as much English as possible before they have to go through customs and move to the island.”

  After he was sure both were on the ground, he pushed a button and the ladder whizzed back onto its roll. He flew to the nearest plain he’d spotted and landed. Closing his eyes, he thought about all the recent events. It still seemed so unbelievable, but it was so real. Very real.

  The thought that he could have people of his own somewhere in the world, maybe in the USA, excited him. He was determined to try to find them with Henke and Opek’s help, but first they had to have everything in order.

  He woke with a start. “Damn,” he muttered while glancing at his watch. “It’s been three hours. I’d best get back there.”

  Hovering above the compound as low as he dared, he dropped the ladder and waited. Tirzah was first, then a bit later Henke climbed aboard.

  “Everyone is very excited,” Tirzah said as she sat beside him.

  ”That’s good. We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us. Did the clothes all fit?”

  “Yes. The hair took the longest. Especially the men.”

  “We’ve already chosen names for everyone so when we get back I’ll take the memory card and the list of names, ages, supposed birth dates and places, to the people who are doing the fake papers.”


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