Stepbrother Romance: The Knight Passion Series (Contemporary Bad Boy Alpha Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) (New Adult BBW Romantic Comedy Pregnancy Short Story Collection)

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Stepbrother Romance: The Knight Passion Series (Contemporary Bad Boy Alpha Billionaire Stepbrother Romance) (New Adult BBW Romantic Comedy Pregnancy Short Story Collection) Page 15

by Wanda Edmond

  “You’ll come when I say.”


  Kristina ground her labia down onto her brother and he groaned loudly. She flexed her inner walls and she felt him squirt with anticipation. “Somebody’s eager to come.” Kristina giggled.

  He was more than ready to come, Ian thought. He was primed to climax like he never had.

  Somehow his stepsister had peeked into his randy mind. He worked long days, and longer nights, and his attempts to locate Kristina had been his one respite in years. He’d been the aggressor when they reconnected. She had turned his plans to be a rake into behaving chivalrous and attentive. The woman had turned his heart inside out and upside-down.

  How was he supposed to declare his affection for Kristina when she had him trussed and so horned up that he couldn’t control when he would come!


  Kristina stacked a couple of the sofa pillows under Ian’s back so he lay helpless. She bounced on his cock, making the sofa creak while she drove Ian and herself to see stars all over again. The night sky was filled with clouds and Kristina thought she saw a familiar statue. Ian was bending and twisting beneath her distracting her and she dug her nails into his skin to remind him who was boss.

  Ian groaned and Kristina saw his body was covered with sweat.

  “Let me—,” Ian growled low.

  “Pardon?” Kristina pounded her pussy onto her brother’s shaft. She took all of him fully, her breaths spilling out of her as she climaxed.

  Ian feels so good in me, Kristina purred silently.

  Ian began to tremble and Kristina smiled, knowing she had him where she wanted. She lifted her hips making herself rise off his cock. She slammed her body onto him taking him again to the root. Ian rasped from the pleasure and Kristina repeated the action again, and again.

  A low groan escaped Ian’s lips.

  Her stepbrother’s hips arched and Kristina felt scalding jets of semen explode. She gazed at Ian and his expression was priceless. His biceps bunched under the restraints of his tie. His taut pecs and abs flexed and tensed with each squirt of cream he released into her core. The pressure of his thrusts knocked the wind out her and her entire body tingled.

  Kristina climaxed five, six, seven times. The feelings of wave after new wave of pleasure rocked her soul to new heights of ecstasy. She collapsed onto of Ian thoroughly spent. A piano concerto by Tchaikovsky slowed and the cabin in the jet stilled.

  Hours later and Kristina stirred to a ring on her phone. She crawled around the cabin of the jet plane, in a sensual fog. Her body was loved to bliss, and she was tender but sexually sated. She heard voices coming from the side cabin while she tried to answer her phone.

  “Hello, this is Kristina.”

  “Krissy, it’s Finn. We need to talk.”

  Chapter 11

  Finn? Why was he calling?

  Kristina rubbed her tummy. She felt a smidge queasy and she remembered she and Ian hadn’t eaten anything except the champagne they drank and some strawberries and cherries.

  She recalled one other time she had felt a little foggy after she’d had sex. The moment she had woken up afterwards, she’d felt this same way. It had to be all the lovemaking. She had let herself be quite uninhibited when she and Ian were together. Was he talking in the other cabin? He was giving last minute instructions probably to his attaché-stewardess, Grace.

  Kristina peeked out a window in the cabin and she stared.

  Was that the Statue of Liberty?

  Finn said something and Kristina spoke into her phone.

  “What? I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

  “He’s not what he pretends to be,” Kristina thought she heard Finn say.

  She put on her skirt and blouse and sweater and she searched for her shoes. “Finn, what do you mean? Who isn’t who he is supposed to be?”

  “Krissy, I’ve got to go. When you come back to Georgia, we should talk—.”

  The phone went dead and Kristina stared in the beautifully furnished jet cabin, seeing everything but recognizing none of it. The votive candles had burnt away. The soft classical music had stopped. The magnum of wine she and Ian shared was half-empty and the light filled the jet from the sun glinting the interior bright. Where was Ian?

  Kristina rapped on the side cabin door and she was met by Grace.

  “Good afternoon, Miss Layne.” Grace wore the same dark and sleeveless dress Kristina remembered when she had joined Ian a night ago.

  Kristina noticed Grace had added a red scarf tied around her neck, and her makeup was retouched. Kristina looked over Grace’s shoulder and saw Ian. His back was turned to the door and he seemed to be deep in conversation.

  “I was wondering where Ian was?”

  The stewardess looked over her shoulder and she turned to Kristina. “Mr. Knight is in a conference. It may be little while. Would you like a little something? Brunch? We have catered pommes and an impressive stock of imported wine.”

  Kristina shook her head. “No, I just want Ian.” Kristina heard her stepbrother insisting someone do what he said. She thought she heard him mention—Finn. That couldn’t be possible. Ian and Finn didn’t know one another. They didn’t even reside in the same city.

  “Can you tell Ian I’d like to speak with him?”

  “Yes, Miss Layne. May I get you some water, or fresh juice or coffee?”

  Grace crossed the cabin to a hidden pantry and she set out bottled water and organic juices. Kristina saw Ian was still talking on his phone and she joined Grace. When the stewardess offered her orange juice, Kristina felt a pang in her stomach. The thought of anything going down her made her lightheaded.

  “Water is fine, thank you.”


  Finn paced the hall of the Memorial Hospital where his mother stayed and he barked into his phone. “What do you mean you don’t want me calling Krissy? She and I are friends, remember?”

  “What I remember is what you agreed, $500,000 from me for you to stay away from my sister. Will you honor the bargain, or doesn’t the name Matthews mean anything outside the world of ad sales?”

  “Yeah, I took the money,” growled Finn. “That was the only way I could help my mother alive short of robbing Fort Knox. But that is what you counted on, isn’t it, Ian Knight.”

  Ian smiled. Finn Matthews had discovered who he was, all the better. Now he could give him what he said he really wanted. Then he would be out of his and Kristina’s lives for good.


  Kristina thanked Grace for the imported bottled water, and took a window seat in the jet plane. She recalled the lovemaking she and Ian enjoyed while they flew to Europe. Only the ground below looked familiar, very familiar.

  Kristina realized the seat she was in swerved. She turned so she could get a better view through the window. She recognized the coastline, the skyscrapers—and the pier.

  “Grace?” Kristina said without looking over her shoulder. “Why are we back in New York?”

  Grace told Kristina she should speak with Ian and Kristina went to the smaller cabin. She pushed her way past Grace and she stood in front of Ian.

  “Mr. Knight—,” Grace said.

  Ian turned seeing the panic on his stewardess. “That will be all, Grace.”

  “Yes, Mr. Knight.” Grace closed the door to the office cabin. Ian glanced at Kristina and he smiled.

  “Why are you on the phone when you said we were supposed to be going to France?” Kristina said hotly. “For that matter, why are you on the phone at all?”

  Ian had hoped to rejoin Krissy after the lengthy love play they’d shared; however a new matter had arisen. Seemed Finn Matthews had an attack of personal conscience. He’d been wavering between returning part of the money Ian gave him, and finding a way to tell Kristina about Ian’s part in all of it.

  Ian motioned for Kristina to give him a moment and he returned to his conversation with Finn.

  “Will you uphold you part of the arrangement?” Ian waited.

sp; “I don’t want anything else from you.”

  Ian smiled brighter. He played his trump card, and he sat quietly while his sister waited for him in his office.

  “Your family needs more than opinions from consultants,” replied Ian.

  “I said this is none of your business, Knight,” growled Finn.

  “Will $500,000 suffice?”

  The pause on the other line drew out for several moments.

  “You’re going to offer me another $500,000 just to stay away from Kristina.” Finn said.

  “That is correct,” stated Ian.


  Ian noticed Kristina had started to pace the office of his jet plane. He needed to tidy things up so he and Kristina could forge their new lives together. He stood looking out over New York as his plane headed for the La Guardia Airport.

  “Those are the terms. Accept them.” Ian smoothed his tie Kristina had bound him with while he stood in a fresh suit. He wanted his sister to remember the intimacy they would forever share.


  Kristina looked at her brother Ian, disbelieving what she overheard. He couldn’t have done what Finn said. He couldn’t have!

  Finn frowned as he spoke into his phone. “All right.”

  “I want to be clear. No contact upon acceptance of payment. Do you agree?”

  Kristina stared at Ian, her eyes misting. Who was he? What kind of man had her stepbrother become?

  “Yes.” Finn answered.

  “Good man.” Ian replied. “A wire will be received within the hour. Good luck to you.”

  Kristina could see the cleft of Ian’s masculine chin, recalling how she had kissed and loved her him from evening to day. She held back her tears as the pilot announced Ian’s plane was about to land.


  Ian sat in his seat across from sister. She had been quiet the entire time his plane taxied at La Guardia. Had she heard his plan to get rid of Finn Matthews once and for all? Ian stole a look at Kristina hoping she would see everything he did was for her sake. She had to see all he did was for her happiness…she must.

  The Knightware jet came to a stop and Kristina went for her carryon that was at the exit with Ian hot on her heels.

  How Ian Knight continued to know where she was and what she did was unbelievable. Kristina heard her brother’s end of his conversation and another part with his unknown party. She’d recognized the person and he was Finn.

  Kristina grabbed her luggage and she turned to Ian.

  “I can’t believe I fell for you,” Kristina accused. “You convinced me you weren’t the man I thought you were. Well you were right. You’re the worst; cold and calculating. Everything you said you felt about me was a lie, wasn’t it?”

  Ian touched Kristina and she pulled away; he could see tears welling up in her eyes. “The funny thing is that wanted to believe you.”

  Kristina glanced at Grace and the pilot at the bottom of the flight stairs as Ian followed her.

  “Kristina listen,” Ian began. “You need to hear what I have to say—.”

  “What I need is to get as far away from you as possible!” Kristina scurried across the landing strip, her eyes blurry, when Ian grabbed her.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  Her brother searched her eyes—but all Kristina could think about was what she heard Finn say.

  ‘She has no idea about the kind of man you are. You would do this, just so you could keep her for yourself?’

  ‘You don’t know what I might do.’

  The words Ian said sent chills through Kristina. Whatever happened between Ian and Finn was their business, but Finn had insisted she and he meet. Which meant Ian had done something that was possibly unforgivable. She had to get away from him!

  “Ian, I want you to go back on your plane, and go.” Kristina headed inside the airport.

  “Kristina wait.”

  “Just leave!”

  Passengers in the airport turned to stare and Kristina hurried to find the exit. She hailed a cab when she finally got through the walkways and then the crowds.

  Finn had promised her he would tell her everything about why he had to leave her while they were on their date. Kristina asked the cab driver to stop and that she intended to pay for the fare. She pressed a speed dial button on her phone and she waited, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “Syren Talent Agency.”


  Jasmine, Kristina’s newly assigned PR assistant squealed.

  “Krissy! I have good news. The book signing party you took on was off—the—chain! I’m supposed to wait until you get in Atlanta to give you the details. Don’t say I told you, but it is really good.”

  Kristina wanted to cry into the phone she had been used by the one man she wanted to be with forever. Then how she had learned he may have used her lover to do it. “What is?” Kristina dried her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater.

  “I think you’re about to get another promotion. Syren is ready to expand into New York.”

  Great. What Kristina needed was to get as far from ‘The Big Apple’ as her Georgia-peach legs could take her. If Jasmine was right, she might have to come to New York for good.

  Meanwhile, whatever Ian Knight had done, Kristina knew her brother believed he had the right to do. That was what made her heart want to cry.

  “Jasmine, do you have any last minute flights you can arrange?”

  “You’re not supposed to be back for another week. Anything the matter?”

  “Everything is fine.” Kristina lied.

  “Can you get a flight for me? I’m a little jetlagged.” Kristina covered her mouth the moment said the fib.

  What she had done with her stepbrother Ian had covered more than jet-setting…she’d earned the distinction of being the newest addition to the ‘Mile High Club’.

  “I’ll find something right away. It’ll be good to see you.”

  “Thank you, Jasmine.”

  Something inside Kristina panged. She grabbed her stomach, wondering if she should try to get a bite to eat. “Can you take me back La Guardia,” she asked the driver.

  Kristina checked her watch then she saw a text from Jasmine. She realized she could make it back to Atlanta today if she hurried. If she saw her brother Ian, she knew he was smart enough not to try and stop her. Her felt a twinge in her stomach and she promised herself she’d have something to eat when she arrived down South. After she discovered what her stepbrother had done.

  Kristina planned to meet Finn the moment she got back home to Georgia.


  Ian ran his palm through his thick shock of hair and he stalked back to his jet.

  He wasn’t going to let things end like this. Not when he had been given the promise of a happily-ever-after. Certainly not without having Kristina Layne-Knight by his side as his bride.

  “We’ll be fueled and ready to depart shortly, Mr. Knight.” Ian nodded to his pilot.

  Ian slunk into the antique chair in his jet. He kicked up his heels ignoring the scuffmarks they would make. He folded his hands in his lap looking out the window. Somewhere in the city was Kristina. He glanced at the sofa remembering how he and his stepsister had made love. He had claimed to be the ardent one of the two of them but his sister Kris proved to be the most creative of all.

  Ian’s erection stretched against the fabric of his pants and he rubbed himself, thinking about the passionate ways his sister had used him, and he wanted more.

  The com sounded and Ian spoke with his pilot.

  “The plane is ready. Will I be replotting our course for France?”

  Ian toyed with the scarlet fabric splitting his white dress shirt mirrored in the window.

  He leaned back into his chair eyeing the sofa. The photo of his sister he held glinted in the afternoon sun.

  Kristina had run from him again. He’d have to open up completely to his stepsister if he was going to convince her that she owned all of his heart; that was true

  Ian touched his stepsister’s face, then he hit the jet plane’s com.

  It was time made his true intentions known to Kristina. Life is more than ‘C’est la vie’, Krissy, thought Ian. “We’ll see each other again, Kristina,” Ian promised.

  “Mr. Knight?” The pilot said.

  “Change of plans.” Ian said looking back out of the window while he poured himself a glass of brandy.


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