Fifty Shades of Red are Beautiful Colours

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Fifty Shades of Red are Beautiful Colours Page 2

by Ruth Remington

  The fancy circular door whisked me inside - it was Suzy after all. “Suzy my dear how you have changed.” Whoops, how did that slip out? Well it was obvious. Struth, what a dilemma. Rolling around reliving old times in satin sheets would be a disaster with this woman. I'd be squashed flat.

  Plan “B” formed quickly in my agile brain. Booze– she loved food and beer as I recall. Just get her on the booze and I can get home safe and sound.

  The cows can come home. I will be home before they are I reckon. The little woman will be full of warm kisses to see me tonight.


  My Birthday Surprise

  Running to answer the phone I almost trip over my dog Trish. Why does she have to lie right in the middle of the doorway?

  “Hi dad, yes I can hear you. Why are you calling me from work? I thought you were going to be in court today.”

  “Sherry, I want you to meet me for lunch today. I have something important to tell you.”

  “Are you ok dad?” His voice sounded very shaky - not like him at all.

  “Yes it's ok. Just meet me at Angelo's Restaurant on the wharf for lunch at one o'clock.”

  “Ok dad, will it be just you and me? I don't want mom there it would just be awkward since your big fight last week over me going away to school and all. Is that ok? Remind me, I will have to mail these college applications later after lunch.”

  “It will just be the two of us,” he said.

  I hang up the phone completely puzzled now. He has been acting very strange and secretive the last few months. Coming and going at all kinds of odd hours. But maybe I was worried for nothing. It is my birthday tomorrow perhaps this is a special lunch for the two of us.

  Putting on my pink slack suit he bought for me, I decide to wear my red and pink high heels. He loves it when I dress up for him. He is so tall and handsome. Nice to have your dad be your hero.

  I have time to fix my hair before I leave. So I pull back my long dark curls with pretty silver combs he gave me last year for my birthday. He says it makes me look very grown up when I fix my hair this way. Finish my makeup now and I'm out the door. I don't want to be late. My on-time Dad, who is always punctual to the minute, likes me to be on time.

  Angelo's is a favourite restaurant for our family and has been as long as I can remember. Decorated with the typical red carpet and red leather seats most Italian restaurants have. At least the ones that I know anyway. Hmmm – what special pizza would be good today – calamari maybe.

  I hop into my Honda after I almost trip over Trish again. That dog, can't she stay put?

  “Down girl - you're going to get hair all over me. Just get back into the house. You're going to make me late.” She looks so sad and whimpers a bit but goes inside. What is the matter with her anyway?

  As I zip toward downtown I can see traffic jamming up ahead on the freeway so I get off to take my favourite short cut past my boyfriend's house. No Sherry, don't even think about him now. He does not understand about me needing to go away to college. Damian just has to grow up.

  With my tires squealing a bit I finally pull up in front of Angelo's. Dad is waiting for me outside and looking at his watch. A big smile is on his face. I must have made it on time.

  “There's your parking spot Sherry next to me.”

  Waving me on to the corner I can see that he has saved a parking spot next to his old yellow Mercedes. That car is an embarrassment to me but he loves it. That's what happens when you get old I guess, you get attached to things. Me, I like new things and new places to go.

  When we walk into the restaurant there's good old Angelo, with his bright red cummerbund and matching red carnation, with a big smile for us. He takes us upstairs and seats us by the large picture windows so we can overlook the wharf. We love watching the fishing boats coming in and the fishermen mending their nets. All that busyness down at the old wharf brings back memories. The aromas of fish, salt water, and boiling crab pots are some of my favourite things in life.

  Upstairs in the far corner of the room I can see familiar faces, three old friends of dads. Pulling gently on dad's sleeve and whispering in his ear I said, “Oh no dad, we aren't going to have to sit with them I hope. I thought it was just going to be you and me.”

  “It is just you and me, never mind them today.”

  Thank God. Those men give me the creeps anyway. Big cigars, all talk, and boasting. All the time looking me over when they think Dad isn't noticing. They all have wives, so what are they looking at me for? Angelo seats us far away from these three men. Dad must have clued him in.

  “I'm changing my mind now dad - not pizza. How about fresh crab or swordfish?”

  “Sherry you can have what you like, even chocolate cake today. See, I remembered, it's your birthday tomorrow.”

  Big smile under that elegant white moustache. It looks so dramatic against his dark Italian skin. What a handsome dad I have. How can mom fight so much with him? He is good to us all, our family has everything we could ever want.

  Lunch is coming soon with my crab salad and dad's ravioli. So we just sit quietly watching all the activity on the wharf and munch our garlic bread till lunch comes. We are even having wine today. This was a special day.

  “You can only have a small glass Sherry, no drinking and driving, have to keep my beautiful daughter safe.” He chuckles and we share a smile on that one. This is a standard thing keeping me safe is always his job. That's my dad for you. Of course I love it.

  “Sherry, you look just like your mom the day I married her.”

  “Thank you that's sweet of you to say. You love this colour so it's just for you today.”

  I'm glad I dressed up for him today. Tomorrow I will be eighteen and grown up enough for taking on whatever life has to offer. College first - a must - unless I want to be dependent on a husband like some of my girlfriends who have kids and no job. Some of them have husbands who have fallen for someone else and run off and left them. Not for me thanks. I'm Miss Independent and glad of it.

  “Dad, I can tell you have something serious on your mind and I'm sure it isn't the latest criminal court case. You taught me to be observant and your tapping fingers give you away.”

  “Sherry this will take some explaining but you’re old enough now to tell you this story about our family in Italy. The reason your mother and I have been arguing lately is over this family issue. She does not want me to burden you with it but I disagree with her. You are grown up now and deserve to know.”

  Hmmm... this is getting a bit serious sounding. I dive into my crab salad as he rambles on about what seems like a family history I have heard many times before. I know our family originated in Sicily with some relatives still living there. We went there on a trip when I was a toddler but I didn't remember it really. Just the usual family photos in albums, growing dusty now. My Nana and Pop are here in San Francisco with us so there is really no need to go back and see cousins in Sicily.

  “Sweetheart, there are things about our family connections in Sicily that no one in this city knows anything about. You must promise to just think about this and keep it to yourself. We can talk about it any time you like of course but just you and me alone.”

  “Dad, you are being very round-about and mysterious. It's getting a bit aggravating now. This isn't like you at all. What are you trying to tell me?”

  “Sherry, I seated you facing away from those three friends of mine over there on purpose. They must not see any change in you or surprise on your face. Can you promise that – swear to God? They have to think this is just a casual lunch we are having. I am being watched lately because of a particular murder case I'm working on which has turned extremely dangerous.”

  “So it is about this case after all!”

  I take in a big breath and he cautions me again. “Sherry don't do anything to make them suspicious – please for God's sake.”

  Dad is smiling at me now as though everything is cool and calm. My stomach is in a lump and suddenly cra
b is not my favourite any longer. I just want my soup.

  “Dad, if you are not going to tell me now please don't drag this out.” I plead with him very quietly now but my heart is pounding away madly inside my chest.

  He brings out a blue velvet box from inside his jacket pocket. It looks like a ring box, a big one. What is going on here I wonder.

  “These were your paternal grandmother's Sherry. She would want you to have them I know. There is something else inside too. Look, I'll show you so no one else can see.”

  Inside the box are two lovely gold rings. One set with big diamonds all around a huge sapphire. The other ring has smaller diamonds all around the outside rim. On both rings there is intricate ornate carving surrounding each diamond.

  “Don't look now, but underneath them is a secret compartment. You can look when you are by yourself. Please don't look surprised.” He is whispering now.

  “Dad please tell me. I will keep calm I promise.” I do stammer a bit and take a big gulp of my wine to calm me down. “What is the secret Dad?”

  “Sherry I am in danger now and I must get you out of harm's way. There is money in a Swiss bank account for you. You are leaving today for Sweden. I have a place there for you which is completely safe. All the information you need is in this little box. Do not let go of it.”

  “What is the family secret dad, please tell me?” I implore him with my eyes threatening to overflow any minute.

  “Ok - the thing is...” He abruptly gets me up out of my seat and we walk casually out onto the deck overlooking the bay and the wharf below and simply walk down the back stairs and away from the restaurant. As we weave our way through the crowd, he quickly takes me into the bakery. No customers are in there at the moment, just our old friend Simon the baker.

  “Simon lock the doors and go wait in the van,” Dad said.

  “Dad what the hell is going on? This is getting a little dramatic!”

  “Don't worry sweetheart you will be ok here with Simon. I have arranged everything. I must get you out of here immediately. In court I am representing someone in the Mafia connected to our family in Sicily. Two weeks ago they killed someone in front of me to convince me I had to alter evidence in court or they would kill you. Your Mother doesn't know this part, it would have been too dangerous for her to know.”

  He said, “You will have all the clothes you need in Sweden. Someone will pick you up at the airport over there. His name is Giorgio and he will have a small blue feather in his hat so you can know who he is. He has your picture. I brought your passport for you. Just destroy the college applications you were going to mail on the way home today. We will arrange for your education when you are out of harm's way.”

  “Simon is waiting for you in the van. He will take you to the International Airport and see you safely on the plane so don't worry about that. Only buy a one-way ticket to Stockholm. I will come when I can to see you. You will be safe now. I love you with all my heart, but I must send you away to save your life and mine. Go!”

  I am pushed into the bakery kitchen quick as can be. Then we are out the back door with Dad shoving a big roll of money and my passport into my handbag. A big bear hug and a gruff good-by from him. I am into the back of the van before I know it.

  Simon in his scruffy old panel van and me scrunched in the back, just like another one of the sacks of flour on the floor, a pink one. We are off to the airport with no one the wiser. I could not see Dad out the back window. The tears start, then stop again in fright, realising he could be killed trying to save me.

  My mind was whirling now. What would happen to my darling dog Trish, my boyfriend, my mother? On and on the thoughts zoom crazily until I fall asleep exhausted on the sacks of flour. Thoughts of chocolate birthday cake have disappeared completely with everything else in my life.

  The precious blue velvet ring box is concealed in my tightly gripped handbag.



  On with the sailing and flailing about

  And the wind she is right for turning about

  All of the day has been spent in this boat

  It's time to go home too long afloat

  My dinner is waiting to be eaten by me

  Fancy that she said and the cook she is free

  Free to do and cook what I like

  Be it pork or a biscuit or even a Pike

  The wind took us home to sit by the fire

  All was warm and cozy and filled with desire

  Desire to have that beer or two

  Fooled you on that one – don't throw the shoe!


  Fitting In

  Procreates Bed don't fit at all

  It's sometimes short sometimes tall

  They chop my body here and there

  To make me fit... and so I swear

  This bed of his a cruel device

  Meant to trap and entice

  They chop this part of me and then another

  No one'll know me 'cept my Mother

  She knows me from the very start

  And knows I want to play this part

  As I was meant to be when I came here

  She would vouch for me but is gone I fear

  Me-thinks I was born way too soon

  And maybe also on a full moon.

  I never seemed quite right or fitting in

  As other children, whether fat or slim.

  Pretty soon I'll not be the same

  Don't they realise it's no fun this game

  To be squashed and smashed and made to fit

  It's this bed needs fixing and stretched a bit

  It isn't me you see who does not fit

  It's the world itself that's content to sit

  On expectations from the past

  They haunt and torture to the very last

  Now my question to all these folk

  They should know this is no joke

  Do they have a clue as to what is right

  Or depend on muscle, greed, and might

  The goal of life that was so clear and bright

  My plan I pictured in realms of light

  Seems dim and far away until I peek

  Around the corner it's what I seek

  Now how to reach the goal of bliss and fame

  Give up playing their silly game

  Make it up until it fits, this bed of mine

  The wood it's polished now I shine

  I'll suit myself that's what I'll do

  When I'm finished it'll fit like a shoe

  The wheels of progress lightly oiled

  Procreates bed again is foiled


  Sunset at Zuma

  Energy waiting to be released

  Unformed beings to be made

  All seems chaos and disconnected

  All seems out of joint and unformed

  The end is only the beginning

  The warmth of the setting sun

  Feels gentle on my cheek

  Laughter on the sand

  The shriek of a child

  Mimicking the gull

  Joy and exuberance

  An orange ball of light about to sink

  Into the cool blue of the ocean

  The blue will quench the fire

  And begin to dominate the senses soon

  The clouds sit peacefully... observing it all

  Not really caring... they know

  Morning always comes again.


  Turn Around

  Being joy myself

  Loosing fragments of the past

  Open door in front


  More from Ruth Remington is on its way.

  ‘Caroline and her dancing stallion Tango will tug at your heartstrings. A gripping mystery story set in Kentucky horse country full of danger and suspense. Jealousy and sibling rivalry tear at the fabric of an influential family. A creaky old heritage southern mansion hides terrible and tightly guarded family secrets just waiting to be re
vealed and destroy lives.’

  Written for everyone who loves a thrilling mystery story.


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