Shift (Southern Werewolves Book 1)

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Shift (Southern Werewolves Book 1) Page 14

by Heather MacKinnon

  That’s not true–I did know.

  It has always been more important for me to get along and not make waves in the office. No one will to promote the person who can’t play nice with her colleagues. And, for whatever reason, women were expected to be even more mild-mannered, and acquiescent than men were.

  But lately, my patience was running thin with him. Maybe it was because I’d already gotten the promotion I’d been working toward. Or, maybe I was just plain old sick of his bullshit.

  About a half hour later I was in my spacious new office. It didn’t take long at all to unpack as I didn’t have a ton of personal items at work. I preferred to keep my office professional and allow my home to be a more accurate expression of my tastes.

  My phone chimed, and I reached for it, unwilling to admit that I’d been hoping for a text from a certain werewolf.

  Sexiest Man Alive: How’s your day?

  I tried to wipe the stupid smile off my face, but was unsuccessful.

  Me: So far so good. I just got settled in my new office.

  Sexiest Man Alive: New office?

  Me: Came with the promotion!

  When it’d been a couple minutes with no new messages, I reluctantly set my phone down, and got back to work. I was having trouble concentrating on the documents in front of me and was thankful when my phone rang. When I saw the caller was “Sexiest Man Alive”, my stomach did a back handspring, and I had to pull myself together before answering.


  “Elizabeth.” His deep voice rumbled through the speaker, and straight to my core. “Congratulations on your promotion. I’m so proud of you.”

  His words stopped me short, conflicting emotions warring inside of me. My brain questioned why a practical stranger would bother being proud of someone he barely knew while my heart soared at his praise. I didn’t know which one was thinking straight at this point.


  I shook my head. “Sorry, I’m here. Thank you, I appreciate it.”

  “I wish I could be there to celebrate with you.”

  My heartbeat stuttered a few times as what felt like a whole flock of butterflies took flight. “You do?” I asked quietly. As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I winced. I sounded like a lovesick teenager.

  “Absolutely.” His voice was deep, and serious.

  My heart raced, but doubt crept in. “Why though? Why would my promotion be so important to you?”

  Abraham paused for a moment before answering, his voice ringing with sincerity. “Because you’re important to me. You mentioned how much you were looking forward to this promotion, and I’m proud you got it.” He paused again, this time his almost hesitant. “I actually did some research on your law firm. It’s supposed to be one of the most competitive offices in North Carolina. The fact that you’ve gotten so far already is really amazing.”

  I took a deep breath in the hopes it would steady my racing heart. How could this man affect me like this from so far away?

  “I have to run, but I’ll see you soon.”

  “What?” I asked, but he’d already ended the call.

  How would he be seeing me soon? We had no plans to see each other. I suppose he’d have to come get Evey, or I’d have to take her back home at some point. But, we hadn’t discussed that far in advance yet. Maybe it was just a vague send off, a phrase that people say, and don’t necessarily mean?

  I shook thoughts of Abraham McCoy out of my head. If I was going to get anything done today, I couldn’t have him taking up prime real estate in my brain. I had a big case I was working on that needed all my concentration if I was going to earn my keep on the senior associate’s floor.

  The rest of the afternoon sped by, and before I knew it, it was five. I immediately packed up and headed out of the office. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d left work on time. Maybe it had something to do with the house guest I had waiting at home for me. For once, I had something to look forward to after work besides more work.

  I made it home in record time, and when I walked in my apartment, a delicious mixture of spices greeted me, instantly making my mouth water. Following the smells into the kitchen, I found Evey hard at work stirring a variety of pots on the stove. Did I even own that many pots?

  “Hey Elizabeth! How was work?” Evey greeted with a big smile, and bright blue eyes.

  I returned her grin. “Great. I got the promotion and a new office.”

  She squealed in glee and rushed over to wrap her arms around me. “That's amazing! I’m so proud of you!” There was that word again. And like before, it warmed me in a way that was unfamiliar. “I got us a bottle of wine. I figured we’d be celebratin’ or commiseratin’, and either way, it’d be better with wine.”

  I laughed at her exuberance. “Good thinking.” I looked around the kitchen at the food lining the counters and frowned. “Where’d all this food come from?”

  “Well, obviously not your cabinets,” she mumbled. Then louder, “Did you know Postmates delivers groceries too? And even alcohol?”

  I shook my head with an indulgent smile. “I think I’ve created a monster,” I deadpanned. Evey broke out in peals of laughter I couldn’t help but echo.

  “I only got a few things delivered, so tomorrow I’ll have to go shoppin’ myself.”

  “Oh, if you want, you can drop me off at work, and use my car for the day.”

  “I was plannin’ on takin’ an Uber.”

  My eyes widened in shock. “You know what Uber is?”

  She rolled her eyes and turned back to the stove. “I’m a werewolf, not a hermit. Of course I know what Uber is.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Is there anything I can help with?”

  She waved me away. “Nah, I got this all covered. Go change into somethin’ more comfortable than that monkey suit, and I’ll have dinner on the table in a few.”

  I frowned and looked down at my pinstriped pantsuit. “This is not a monkey suit.”

  Evey scoffed. “Whatever you say.”

  I grumbled good-naturedly, but did as she requested. Once I was in a comfy pair of sweats, and an old t-shirt, I went looking for Charlie. To my surprise, I found him sitting in the dining room just off the kitchen. He was keeping his distance, but a lot closer to Evey than I’d expected to find him.

  I walked over to pick him up and scratch his head. “Were you a good boy today?” I asked him.

  “He finally got curious, or maybe hungry, and came out of his little hidey-hole. I’ve been tossin’ him scraps, and he keeps creepin’ closer, and closer. I think we’ll be best friends by the end of the week,” she declared with a satisfied smile.

  I widened my eyes in shock. “You, a big, bad werewolf, friends with my little bitty kitty?”

  Evey rolled her eyes. “Yeah well, if we’re gonna be roommates this week, we might as well learn to get along.” She turned the burners off and opened the oven. “Now get out of my kitchen and go have a seat.”

  Technically it was my kitchen, but since she’d done more cooking in it in the past twelve hours than I’d done in the four years I’d lived here, I figured it was probably more hers than mine at this point.

  Minutes later, she had several platters of food, and two chilled glasses of white wine laid out for us. My eyes widened as she set plate after plate of food on the table. “Evey, how many people are you expecting for dinner?”

  She laughed. “I’m used to cookin’ for a lot of people at a time. I guess my calculations were off,” she frowned. Her shoulders rose with a shrug. “No worries, I can make you lunch with the leftovers.”

  I opened my mouth to protest, but her glare had me snapping my mouth closed. “Okay, thanks, Evey.”

  We indulged in her tender pot roast and chatted easily throughout dinner. When I’d finally stuffed myself, I leaned back in my chair, thankful I’d changed into less restricting clothes. “Evey, this was all so good. Thank you so much. I can’t remember the last time I had a home-cooked meal af
ter work.”

  She shook her head. “That’s a damn shame, Elizabeth. I plan to make sure you get a lot more of em’ while I’m here.”

  That warmth was back, heating me from the inside, starting in my chest, and spreading outward. Or was that the wine? Either way, I couldn’t remember being this happy, and satisfied in a long time.

  I searched for a name for these feelings, and when I came up empty handed, I settled on a concept instead. This must have been what it was like to have a family.

  Chapter 18

  The next morning, the smell of bacon roused me from my sleep. Although the delicious scent was a welcome one, if it’d just come a few minutes later, I could have finished the amazing dream I’d been having.

  My cheeks heated, and I was glad I was alone in my bedroom.

  Or, was I glad to be alone?

  The steamy scenes from my dream slid through my sleepy brain, and I relished them. Abraham had starred, and I’d played a supporting, but extremely essential role. A small chill sped down my spine as I remembered the way he’d touched me in the dream, how his lips skated across my skin, the taste of his mouth on mine–

  “Elizabeth, you up?” Evey called through the door.

  I sprang out of bed like it’d shocked me and covered my face with shaking hands.

  Calm down, Elizabeth. She doesn’t know what you were just thinking about. The girl just has crap timing.

  “Elizabeth?” she called again.

  “Yea–,” I cleared my throat, “Yes. I’m up. I’ll be out in a few.”

  “Okay good. Eggs are gettin’ cold!”

  “Okay thanks!” I called before making a hasty retreat to my en suite bathroom. I could definitely use a cold shower after that dream and the consequent embarrassment of almost getting caught swooning by his sister.

  Without permission, my thoughts turned back to the racy scenes from the dream. It’d felt so real. Like he’d been there with me. When I’d awoken, I’d almost expected him to be lying there next to me.

  As the cold water cooled both my insides and outsides, I finally started to get a grip on my raging hormones.

  Sure, I was attracted to Abraham, who wouldn’t be? The man was a rugged Adonis complete with the perfect physique, and that strong, alpha personality that both annoyed and excited me. Even more troubling was that I was getting to know him and discovering he was just as beautiful inside as he was outside.

  We’d stayed up texting well into the night, and I blamed that for the crazy dream I’d had. Why else would I be thinking of him in that way? He had a pack to run, and I had a corporate ladder to climb. Neither one of us had time for a relationship. And besides, all of our conversations had been more friendly than anything else. Sure, there was the occasional light flirting, but I assumed that was his personality. Some people couldn’t help themselves.

  Keep telling yourself that, Montgomery.

  I ignored my catty inner voice and rinsed off beneath the cold stream of water. With a towel, I did my best to dry my long, blonde locks before twisting them into a single French braid. Choosing what to wear wasn’t hard. My closet looked like that of a cartoon character’s–the same top and bottoms lined the racks from end to end.

  I grabbed a skirt suit and slipped it on along with a pair of sensible pumps. With a glance at the clock, I saw my dream sexcapades left little time for makeup, so I swiped on some black mascara, and a little bronzer before I followed my nose to the kitchen.

  Evey was where I found her yesterday morning, but this time, instead of her furry pajamas, and house slippers, she was in jeans and a t-shirt. It was then I remembered I offered her my car for the day.

  “Mornin’,” she called over her shoulder.

  “Hey Evey. Breakfast smells delicious.” Guilt ate away at me until I added, “You know you don’t have to cook for me, right?”

  Her light blue eyes met mine, and the glare she pinned me with had me swallowing any further protests.

  “I already told you. If I’m stayin’ in your house, the least I can do is cook you a few meals. Besides, do you think I’m gonna’ starve myself?” She raised a brow at me before turning back to the stove. “If you hadn’t noticed already, werewolves can eat. I can’t survive on the bird food you had hidin’ in those cupboards of yours.” She waved a dismissive hand at my cabinets. “So if I’m cookin’ for myself, that means I’m cookin’ for you too. You’re my sister now, and we always take care of family.”

  Her words formed a lump in my throat. I’d never had a sister.

  She pulled a plate full of food from the oven. “Now, have I heard the last about this nonsense, or what?” She held the plate like she’d take it back if I disagreed.

  Fried tomatoes, fluffy scrambled eggs, and bacon were squished alongside a pile of grapes, and a large scoop of cheesy grits. My mouth watered, and I nodded my head. “Sure, Evey. I won’t mention it again.” I held my hands out for the plate, and she eyed me seriously before finally relenting, and handing the food over.

  I popped a piece of bacon in my mouth and groaned at the salty taste. “Anything I can do?” I asked around a mouthful of food.

  She laughed. “No I’m good. Now go eat at the table. What, were you raised by wolves?” She winked and laughed again before pulling out a second plate for herself.

  I chuckled around another mouthful of bacon and took my seat at the now well-used dining table. She’d already set it and had steaming mugs of coffee and glasses of orange juice for us.

  In between bites, I commented, “I could get used to this.”

  Evey had already taken care of at least half her plate. “And you should. You’re a growin’ wolf, you need to eat.” She smiled widely at her little joke.

  “It seems the only growing I’ll be doing is in width.”

  She laughed. “Don’t worry, our metabolisms are super active. You won’t gain a thing except for muscle.”

  I lowered the hunk of tomato from my mouth. “You mean to tell me, I’ll be able to eat like this, and not gain any weight?”

  She nodded, her smile wide.

  “This werewolf thing keeps getting better and better.”

  Evey shook her head with an indulgent smile, and we finished the rest of our breakfast in silence. When we were done, I helped her load the dishwasher, but she had me leave the pots and pans in the sink to soak.

  “I’ll get to those when I get back from shoppin’. You ready to leave?” she asked.

  “I just need to feed Charlie and we can go.”

  “Already did it.”

  I stopped in my tracks. “For real?”

  She giggled. “For real. I’m not gonna’ feed us, and not him. Cats and wolves might not get along, but I’m not lettin’ anyone go hungry on my watch.”

  My affection for the small woman swelled in my chest. She was such a genuinely caring person. I don’t know how this werewolf thing would turn out, but either way, I was lucky to have her in my life now.

  When we made it to my office building, she walked around to the driver’s side, and handed me a brown paper bag.

  “Your lunch,” she explained.

  My chest warmed again, and I gave her a grateful smile. “Thanks so much, Evey. I rarely have time to even stop for lunch.”

  Her outraged face had me laughing out loud. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around her narrow shoulders, and gave her a big squeeze. She only hesitated a moment before returning my embrace.

  “Have a good day at work, honey. I’ll be here at five to pick you up.” She blew me a kiss and batted her eyelashes.

  I laughed again and shook my head before stepping through the revolving front door. The smile instantly died on my face when I was met with a sour looking Ben. I tried to walk past him, but he grabbed my wrist.

  “Is that why you won’t ever go out with me? Playing for the other team?” His voice was barely held contempt.

  I broke out of his grasp. “That’s none of your business, Ben,” I replied through gritted teeth.r />
  It wasn’t the insinuation about my sexuality that was raising my blood pressure. No, that I couldn’t care less about. Gay, straight, bisexual, transsexual, none of it mattered to me. His snide attitude, and assumption that a relationship with a woman was what kept me from dating him was my problem.

  “So if you’re not a lesbo, why won’t you go out with me? Think you’re too good or something?”

  I swear I saw red.

  “You listen to me, I don’t want to date you, because I don’t want to date you. It has nothing to do with anyone else, and everything to do with you.” I took a step closer and jabbed a finger in his chest. “And, if you ever grab me like that again, I promise to make you regret it. Are we clear?”

  Instead of the fear and resignation I should have seen, I only saw more anger. “Sure thing, Montgomery.” With that he spun on his heel, and stalked through the revolving door, into the warm Carolina morning.

  I pulled on the cuffs of my blouse and patted my hair. My patience was about used up with that man. He seemed to be getting more and more insistent with his advances. If things continued like this, I might have to report him to human resources, something I really didn’t want to do. No one wanted to work with the woman who made waves, no matter how well deserved they were.

  The rest of my morning went smoothly, and around noon, I was immensely happy to have that packed lunch from Evey. I’d exchanged a few texts with Abraham, but was disappointed they weren’t as frequent as yesterday. The afternoon was busy with meeting after meeting, and when I finally caught sight of the clock, it was a quarter after five.


  Like a twister, I spun around my office, clearing the desk, and collecting documents I wanted to bring home with me. A couple minutes later, I was down in the lobby, rushing through the doors only to come to an abrupt stop on the sidewalk outside.

  My ride for this evening wasn’t Evey with my car, but Abraham, with his giant black pickup. I was struck dumb, my brain disconnected from my mouth, and I stood there like a fish gasping for breath on land.

  “Hey, Elizabeth,” he greeted, his deep voice sending delicious chills down my spine.


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