Shift (Southern Werewolves Book 1)

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Shift (Southern Werewolves Book 1) Page 32

by Heather MacKinnon

I closed my eyes, my legs quaking as the little spark in the pit of my stomach was doused in gasoline, and fanned with palm fronds. “Oh, my god.”

  He chuckled against my core, sending a bolt of liquid electricity through me. With long, strong strokes, he dragged me up a hill I don’t think I’d ever been up before. I’d had plenty of orgasms, though most of them self-induced, but this was different. This felt like my whole body would shatter. Once I made it up this hill, I knew I’d have to come down again, and I didn’t know if I’d survive it.

  Until now he’d only teased the sensitive button of pleasure between my legs, but suddenly, it was his sole focus.

  First he licked, and my toes curled.

  Then he nipped at the overheated flesh, and a long guttural moan escaped my lips.

  Next he sucked the little bud between his full lips, pulling at the delicate skin before releasing it.

  Finally, he rubbed his stubbled chin against the sensitive nub, causing an equal amount of pain, and pleasure, and that was it for me.

  I was done.



  I screamed as my body broke apart, and reformed over and over, the waves of pleasure threatening to drown me. Abraham kept a slow, steady pace as I came back down that hill he’d just thrown me over. My whole body shook as I recovered from the most explosive orgasm I’d ever had in my entire life.

  Could you even classify that as an orgasm? Had I even known the definition of that word before I met Abraham?

  My brain was trying to be too philosophical for my shattered state, and I don’t even think I was making sense. All I knew, was that had been the single most incredible thing I’d ever felt. And, I had this overpowering need to make him feel as good as he’d just made me feel.

  “Abe,” I croaked, my throat sore.

  Had I been screaming?

  I wouldn’t doubt it.

  He wiped his face against the inside of my thigh, the coarse stubble sending another pleasurable shot of electricity through my spent body. “Let me,” I said, not able to articulate what I wanted, but I held my arms open, hoping he’d get the idea.

  He stood over me, eyes raking my flushed body with a heat that made me quiver.

  He could probably make me come just by looking at me.

  When he finally met my eyes, he understood what I was asking for, and shook his head, his cheeks reddening adorably. “Ah, there’s no need.” I frowned, waiting for him to explain. “I came in my pants again.” He scratched the back of his head as a grin tipped up one edge of my mouth. “I seem to do that a lot around you.”

  I couldn’t help the laugh that flew from my mouth. I felt giddy. High.

  He shook his head and crawled up onto the bed next to me. “How was that?” he asked, and somehow his voice sounded uncertain.

  What was this man thinking?!

  I rolled over to face him. “That was…” I trailed off at a loss for words.

  “Good?” he supplied hopefully, and my wide eyes met his.

  “Mind blowing,” I corrected.

  His smile was slow and self-satisfied, and he deserved it. He placed a small kiss against the side of my face before hopping off the bed and disappearing into the bathroom. “Stay,” he called over his shoulder, and I did as he asked.

  A minute later, he came back with a wet washcloth, smelling like soap and spearmint. He kneeled between my legs again and gently wiped away the evidence of my arousal. When he finished, he tossed the cloth aside, and grabbed my hand pulling me until I was sitting upright facing him.

  His soft eyes roved over my face, his hand reaching out to tuck some hair behind my ear. “You’re so beautiful,” he breathed.

  I shook my head, but he grasped it between both hands, and kissed my mouth deeply, his tasting like the spearmint he always smelled like. When he had my breathing uneven and my heart racing again, he pulled back a little, and whispered against my lips, “I’ll be right back.”

  I nodded and leaned forward to give him another sweet kiss. In his absence, I removed the tattered remains of my underwear and my twisted bra, opting instead for a comfy pair of pajama pants, and an old t-shirt.

  When he returned, I was under the covers with one side pulled back awaiting him. He slid between the sheets and pulled me into his arms. “Wanna’ go to our lake tomorrow?”

  I turned to face him “Our lake?”

  He nodded, pressing a kiss into my hair, and breathing deep. “What’s mine will always be yours.”

  His words settled deep in my heart. Quieting a storm that had been raging for years and settling a wildness I hadn’t known needed taming. “I’d love to go to our lake.” Then I added, “But, I’m going to help you pack our lunch so we don’t have to bring one of everything with us again.”

  He chucked into my hair. “Okay deal. Night baby,”

  I snuggled closer, and was soon lost to a restful, blessedly dreamless sleep.

  The next morning, we arrived at breakfast hand in hand, causing more than a couple double takes. The most noticeable being Peyton although hers was accompanied by a fierce scowl.

  After breakfast, Abraham pulled me into his arms, and kissed me in front of everyone before leaving me with Evey, who insisted on helping me pick out what I’d wear for our “second date”.

  When we finally made it to our lake later on that afternoon, I got to see it for the first time with my new eyesight. From on top of our rock, I could clearly see the Blue Ridge Mountains and all the pine trees that dotted them. Beneath us, the water was so clear, there were places I could see all the way to the bottom. Fish of all sizes swam in, and out of a multitude of plants and other debris that had found their way to the lakebed. I could spend hours watching the life teeming beneath the surface.

  Unfortunately, our trip back to the lodge was not as uneventful as the one out here had been. Halfway back, I smelled something that burnt my nose, and curdled my stomach.

  “What is that?” I called over the loud engine. Abraham’s shoulders tensed as he revved the engine, propelling us faster through the forest.

  “That’s death,” he deadpanned, and my stomach fell. “We need to get back. Now.”

  Oh no.

  My mind made the connections rapidly as my body shook.

  He was back.

  He was here.

  He’d found me again.

  Chapter 41

  After a few minutes of speeding through the woods, Abraham brought the 4-wheeler to a stop, and hopped off. He put a hand on the small of my back and slid me forward until I was sitting where he had been. Leaning over, he grasped both my hands, and placed them on the handlebars.

  “This is what you press to go,” he positioned my thumb above a lever on the handle. “Keep it as steady as you can, and I’ll be right beside you.”

  “I don’t understand. Where are you going?”

  “I need to shift, I can’t protect you like this. I’ll be running right beside you though. I’ll never leave your sight.”

  Nodding, I took a deep breath. I needed to keep it together. Needed to stay strong. Even though my body was quaking, and my palms were so sweaty they were slipping off the handlebars.

  Abraham leaned over and cupped my face between his big hands. “I’m not gonna’ let anything happen to you. Trust me.” His voice was low, and deadly serious, his eyes flat, and determined. I nodded again, and he took a step back.

  Without warning, he reached for the hem of his shirt, and whipped it off his body. I watched with fascination all the skin he’d revealed to my hungry gaze. So transfixed, I missed the discarded shirt he sent sailing my way until it struck me, blocking my view. I growled and yanked it off my head as he chuckled deep in his chest.

  He shook his head and caught my eye as he unbuttoned his jeans. I bit my lip and ripped my gaze from his incredible body. “Another time, El.”

  I peeked at him to see he’d shed his jeans and stood only in a pair of boxer briefs. “What’s that?” I squeaked, turning
my head again.

  The crunching of leaves beneath his feet disturbed the quiet of the forest. He placed the rest of his clothes in my lap before leaning close to whisper. “Another time I’d do something about that look you were just giving me, but right now I need to shift, and get us out of here. Raincheck?” His warm breath tickled the shell of my ear, and I stifled a shiver.

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  He placed a soft kiss on my cheek, and suddenly his heat was gone. The sound of breaking, and shifting bones echoed off the trees, even louder than the ATV’s engine.

  Within a minute or two, the sounds stopped, and I turned to find a blue-eyed wolf standing where Abraham had been. His ears were pointed straight up, teeth bared as his eyes darted around the clearing. He tilted his head back, and howled, long and loud making me cover my sensitive ears.

  Being this close to a wolf this big, in these woods, where the killer had just been was like a sick déjà vu. My body trembled harder as I tried to talk myself down.

  It’s Abraham.

  You just saw him shift.

  It’s not the killer.

  You’re going to be fine.

  Abraham would never let anything happen to you.

  I repeated the words over, and over in my head, eyes closed as I tried to regulate my frantic breathing. The crunching of leaves sounded from nearby, and I ripped my eyes open to see Abraham had padded closer. His big wolf eyes were the same myriad of blues I loved, and they settled my racing heart a bit.

  The wolf bumped his huge head against my side, and his message was clear. First, there’s no reason to be afraid of him, and second, get moving!

  I pressed the lever, and the quad lurched forward. The jolt knocked my hand off the handle, and I had to reach for it once more. A soft whine from behind increased my sense of urgency, and I tried again. This time, I pressed softer, and the ATV rolled forward. A little harder, and the vehicle picked up speed until I was moving at a decent pace through the trees.

  Thankfully, most of the way was marked by a trail, and I simply followed it while Abraham ran close beside me. If I took a wrong turn, he was there to direct me back toward the lodge with little yips, and gentle nudges. It took me a lot longer than it would have taken Abraham, but soon the lodge came into view, and I took my first full breath since we’d smelled the dead body.

  Three large wolves met us in the driveway. Two had similar markings, mostly brown with some black mixed in, and light brown eyes. The third was bigger with gray and black fur on his back, and white underneath. His light brown eyes inspected us keenly.

  Abraham stepped forward, easily a head or more taller than even the biggest wolf. His eyes assessed them, and I felt a charge of electricity in the air, like being outside before a lightning storm. The three wolves took off into the forest the way we’d come, and Abraham nudged me with his nose, I presumed to get me going again.

  When we reached the garages around the side of the lodge, we were met by all four of his sisters. They each sported varying degrees of worry across their beautiful faces. I dismounted the quad, and was immediately enveloped in Evey’s arms, her sweet vanilla scent calming my nerves.

  “What happened?!” she cried. “We heard there was another body found, and with y’all out there, we all got nervous.”

  A few loud cracks came from behind me, and Abraham spoke. “We smelled it on our way back. He must have known we were out there and planted it near the trail we took so we’d find it.”

  Evey released me from her arms, and Callie pulled me into hers. Next, Del had a chance to pull me into her protective embrace, her spicy scent filling my nostrils. I didn’t expect any affection from Bea and wasn’t disappointed.

  “Should we send out more men?” Beatrice asked, and I looked at Abraham.

  He stood there, tall, and proud, and as naked as the day he was born. I quickly averted my gaze, face heating uncomfortably. Evey giggled nearby, and I knew it was at my expense.

  “Uh, Abraham? Maybe you should put some clothes on?”

  “No time. And besides I told you, nudity doesn’t bother any of us here. We’ve all seen it before.”

  I studied a tuft of grass that peeked through the rocky gravel drive. “Well, I haven’t,” I muttered.

  “You haven’t?!” both Evey, and Del screeched at the same time.

  I met their eyes, making sure Abraham’s naked form wasn’t in my peripheral. “Is it any of your business?”

  The sisters looked at each other and smiled wide. “We just figured with the weekend y’all spent alone that you’d have gotten to know each other. In the biblical sense that is,” Del said with an overdramatized wink.

  “Enough,” Abraham commanded, and all of us took notice. It felt like I didn’t have a choice but to listen and obey him. “Evey, Callie, and Del, I want you to take Elizabeth inside, and not let her out of your sight. Bea, you shift, and come with me to investigate before we call the authorities.”

  The four women nodded and sprang into action. Inside, the whole house seemed to be on high alert. Men and wolves alike stalked the halls of the lodge, all looking grim, but determined.

  “This could take a while,” Del spoke up. “Why don’t we go to the game room and play some pool. You play, Ellie?”

  I shrugged. “I have once or twice, but I’m not very good at it.”

  Del nodded, her pink-streaked hair bobbing around her face. “Perfect, we’ll give you a few lessons then.”

  They led me to the basement where there was a long room with a couple pool tables, multiple dart boards, a foosball table, a ping pong table, and even a shuffleboard. Del went over the rules of the game while my mind wandered to Abraham, and what he was doing.

  I could feel his worry and anger, so I knew he was all right, but wouldn’t be at ease until he was back here with me. A few hours passed as the girls tried to distract me with a couple games of pool, and then a subsequent darts lesson.

  When it was time for dinner, we made our way to the kitchen, running into a wet-haired and, thankfully, fully clothed Abraham. He rushed to my side, pulling me into his arms, and nuzzling his nose into my neck. “Hi,” he breathed against my skin.

  I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Hi.”

  “We’ll meet you guys in the kitchen,” Callie said as she ushered her nosey sisters along.

  “What happened?”

  Abraham sighed before pulling me into a room I’d never been in before. It had a long table that ran down the middle, with desk chairs strewn around its sides, and a blank white board covering one wall. He led me to the table, and sat me on its edge, nudging my knees apart to fit his hips between them.

  “We found another victim.”

  I swallowed harshly. I knew that. Why was it so hard to hear?

  “It looks like she’d been dead for a few hours, and only planted near the trail recently,” he continued.

  “Was it him?” I whispered, afraid to hear the answer.

  Abraham nodded. “It’s got his M.O. written all over it.” I gulped again, my hands shaking where I fisted them on my thighs. “Hey hey hey,” he crooned, pulling me against his broad chest, the smell of his soap filling my senses, and calming my nerves. “You’re safe. I’ve got you.”

  “He planted her there on purpose didn’t he? That was a message for me, wasn’t it?” The thought had swirled around, and around in my head since the moment Abraham had confirmed it was a dead body out there. Why else would the killer put her there? Near our path where we’d be sure to find her. “Was he following us? Did you find any more clues about who he is?”

  Abraham sighed. “I think there’s no more denying the killer is a member of this pack. It all adds up to an inside job.” His jaw was so tense, it was ticking, and his eyes solidified into an icy blue. “And, yes, we think there was a reason behind this strategic placement. He usually leaves them where he kills them, but he moved this one where he knew we’d notice it.”

  “It was for me. He’s coming
for me.”

  His eyes darkened. “We don’t know that, El. You can’t make yourself crazy over this. I’m not going to let him anywhere near you. I’ve bulked up security, and you’ll always have one of us with you. As long as you’re here with me, nothing is going to happen to you.”

  I jerked back in surprise. “Stay here?”

  “Of course. Now let’s go get something to eat, I’m starving.”

  I placed a hand on his chest before he could walk away. “I’m not staying here, Abraham. We’ve talked about this before.”

  His wide eyes met mine. “But things are different now. The killer has changed his style, and seems to be looking for your attention at the very least, and worst case, could be after you. There’s no way I’m letting you out of my sight until we get him.”

  I shook my head. “I have a career back in Raleigh, you know this. And what would I do with Charlie? I can’t just drop everything and move out here.”

  “We’ll bring him here. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. If that means living with a cat, then so be it.”

  I shook my head again. “You’re not listening to me.”

  “No, you’re not listening to me. I will not allow you out of my sight. You will stay here until we catch this guy and that’s final.”

  I pushed him back and slid off the table. “The hell it is! You don’t get to tell me what I will or won’t do.”

  His smile was grim. “Actually, as your alpha, I do.”

  I swear I saw red. “If you think for one second, I’m gonna’ let you push me around with your wolfy hierarchy bullshit, you’ve got another think coming. I don’t answer to anyone, least of all you.” I brushed past him and headed toward the kitchen.

  “Elizabeth, be reasonable,” he called as he jogged to keep up with me. “I can’t protect you out there.”

  A small shiver ran down my spine, but I ignored it. I was pissed, and I was on a roll. A little apprehension wasn’t going to stop me now. “How would the killer know where my apartment is in Raleigh? How would he find me there? If he’s a member of this pack, shouldn’t I be far away? If you ask me, it might just be safer out there than back here.”


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