The World of Christopher Marlowe

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The World of Christopher Marlowe Page 45

by David Riggs

  Turner, M. (1975) ‘Pastoral and Hermaphrodite: A Study in the Naturalism of Marlowe’s Hero and Leander’. Texas Studies in Literature and Language 17 397–414.

  Urry, W., and A. Butcher (1988) Christopher Marlowe and Canterbury. London: Faber and Faber.

  Venn, J., Ed. (1922) Alumni Cantabrigienses; a Biographical List of All Known Students, Graduates and Holders of Office at the University of Cambridge, from the Earliest Times to 1900. Cambridge: University Press.

  Vickers, B., Ed. (1984) Occult and Scientific Mentalities in the Renaissance. Cambridge: University Press.

  Vitkus, D. (2000) Three Turk Plays From Early Modern England. New York: Columbia University Press.

  Virgil (1999) Virgil. Fairclough, H. R., et al., Eds. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

  Voegelin, E. and A. Moulakis (1998) History of Political Ideas. Columbia: University of Missouri Press.

  Walker, D. P. (1958) Spiritual and Demonic Magic from Ficino to Campanella. London: The Warburg Institute.

  Wallace, C. W. (1913) The First London Theatre, Materials for a History. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

  Watson, T. (1997) The Complete Works of Thomas Watson (1556–1592). Sutton, D., Ed. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press.

  Watt, I. P. (1996) Myths of Modern Individualism: Faust, Don Quixote, Don Juan, Robinson Crusoe. Cambridge: University Press.

  Weiner, C. Z. (1971) ‘The Beleaguered Isle. A Study of Elizabethan and Early Jacobean Anti-Catholicism’. Past and Present 51 27–62.

  Wernham, R. B. (1976) ‘Christopher Marlowe at Flushing in 1592’. English Historical Review 91 344–45.

  Whitgift, J. (1851) The Works of John Whitgift. Ayre, J., Ed. Cambridge: University Press.

  Williams, F. B. (1962) Index of Dedications and Commendatory Verses in English Books before 1641. London: Bibliographical Society.

  Willis, R. and J. W. Clark (1886) The Architectural History of the University of Cambridge, and of the Colleges of Cambridge and Eton. Cambridge: University Press.

  Wilson, T. (1972) The Rule of Reason, Conteinying the Arte of Logique. Northridge: San Fernando Valley State College.

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  Wood, N. (1988) Cicero’s Social and Political Thought. Berkeley: University of California Press.

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  Wooton, D. (1983) ‘The Fear of God in Early Modern Political Theory’. Canadian Historical Association, Historical Papers 18 56–79.

  Wraight, A. D. and V. F. Stern (1965) In Search of Christopher Marlowe: a Pictorial Biography. New York: Vanguard Press.

  Wright, C. (1976) ‘Language Mastery and the Sorites Paradox’ in Evans, G. et al 1976 223–47.

  Wright, S. J. (1988) ‘Confirmation, Catechism and Communion: The Role of the Young in the Post-Reformation Church’ in Wright, S. J. 1988 202–27.

  — Ed. (1988) Parish, Church and People: Local Studies in Lay Religion, 1350–1750. London: Hutchinson.

  Wrightson, K. (1982) English Society, 1580–1680. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

  — and D. Levine (1979) Poverty and Piety in an English Village: Terling, 1525–1700. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

  Yates, F. (1964) Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

  Picture Credits

  1.1, 6.1: The Centre for Kentish Studies, Maidstone, Kent. 1.2, 1.3, 2.4, 2.6, 4.1, 6.2, 7.2, 7.4, 8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 9.6, 9.8, 11.1, 11.2, 13.1 14.3: The British Library. 2.2: Ushaw College. 2.1, 12.3: By permission of the Folger Shakespeare Library. 2.5: Musée Cantoral des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne. 6.3, 9.9: By permission of the Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, California. 7.1, 8.7, 14.1, 15.1: The National Portrait Gallery, London. 7.3, 15.2: By courtesy of the Marquess of Salisbury. 7.5: The Blairs Museum, Aberdeenshire, 8.6: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. 8.6: By courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University. 9.3: The Royal Library, National Library of Sweden. 12.1: Reproduced by courtesy of the Director and Librarian, the John Rylands University Library of Manchester. 14.2: Princeton University Library. 14.4: Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris.


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  CM indicates Christopher Marlowe.

  Abington, Edward

  Achelly, Thomas

  Acquaviva, Claudio

  acting companies

  Admiral’s Men

  children of the Chapel Royal

  Lincoln’s Men

  Lord Hunsdon’s Men

  Pauls’s Boys

  Pembroke’s Men

  Queen’s Men

  Warwick’s Men see also Strange’s Men

  actors see also Alleyn, Richard and John

  Acts of the Apostles, The

  Admiral’s Men

  Agazzari, Father Alphonso

  Agrippa, Cornelius

  Aldrich, Simon

  Aldrich, Thomas


  Allen, Father (later Cardinal) William

  Allen, Thomas

  Alleyn, Edward

  Alleyn, John

  Anderson, Chief Justice

  Anjou, Duke of


  Aphthonius, Progymnasmata

  Applegate, Laurence


  Ariosto, Lodovico



  Armagh, Bishop of

  Arthur, Thomas (CM’s uncle)

  Arthur, Ursula (née Moore)

  Arundel, Charles

  Arundel, Philip Howard, Earl of

  Ascham, Sir Roger




  accusations of

  and anti-theatrical movement

  astrologers and

  Bacon on

  Earl of Oxford

  epicureans and

  punishment for

  Richard Baines

  spread of

  in Tamburlaine

  Thomas Kyd

  see also Marlowe, Christopher

  Aunsell, George

  Babington, Anthony

  Babington plot (1586)

  Bachelor of Arts degree

  Bacon, Sir Anthony

  Bacon, Francis

  Baines, Richard

  arrest and torture

  The Confession of


  Lennox plot

  Stanley plot

  testimony against CM

  Baker, Augustine

  Ball, Em

  Ballard, John (alias Captain Fortescue)

  Ballard, William

  Bandello, Matteo

  Barrow, Henry

  Bartas, Guillaume du

  Beard, Thomas

  Beasley, Bartholomew

  Beaumont, Robert, Master of Trinity

  Becket, St Thomas à



  Belleforest, François

  Benchkin, James

  Benchkin, Katherine

  Bentley, John


  and astrology

  devil’s syllogism

  dialectical disputation about

  New Testament

  Old Testament

  theatrical interpretations of

  Blackfriars Theatre

  Blagrave, John

  Bland, Tobias

  blank verse

  criticism of

  Lucan translation

mas Kyd


  Blount, Edward

  Book of Sir Thomas More, The

  book publishing

  Boscan, Juan

  Bourghet, Gerard

  Bowes, Thomas

  Bradley, William

  Bridewell prison

  Brinsley, Richard


  Broughton, Rowland

  Browne, Robert

  Browne, Thomas

  Brownrigg, Henry

  Bruno, Giordano


  Bryan, George

  Bull, Eleanor

  Bull, Thomas

  Bullinger, Henry

  Burbage, James

  Burbage, Richard

  Burghley, William Cecil, Lord

  conspicuous role in CM’s life

  on missionary priests

  and policy of toleration

  Protestant immigrants

  religious conformity

  secret service

  Stanley plot

  and Tobias Bland

  Burgoyne, Dr

  Bushell, Edward


  Caesar, Julius

  Calvin, John


  Cambridge, city of

  Cambridge University

  atheism at

  BA course

  Conformists and Puritans

  MA course

  as recruitment ground

  sexual practices at

  social mobility at

  Campion, Edmund


  Canterbury Cathedral

  Carleton, George

  Carrier, Benjamin

  Carter, Peter, Dialectic … with annotations by Peter Carter

  Cartwright, Thomas

  Cary, Lady Elizabeth

  Case, John

  Mirror of Moral Questions in Aristotle’s Complete Ethics

  Castelli, Giovanni

  Catechism see also Nowell, Alexander

  Catholic League

  Catholic underground

  Babington plot

  Cholmeley’s infiltration of

  Lennox plot

  Stanley plot

  Throckmorton plot

  Catholics and Catholicism

  Baines assault on

  policy of toleration



  torture used on

  Cecil, Sir Robert


  Chaderton, Laurence

  Chapel Children company

  Chapman, Dear-to-God

  Chapman, George

  Charles IX, King

  Chaucer, Geoffrey

  Cheke, Sir John

  Chettle, Henry



  Cholmeley, Richard

  Cholmeley, Sir Hugh

  Churchyard, Thomas


  citizen militia

  classical education

  Clement, Francis

  Clitherow, Father William

  Cobham, George

  Coldwell, Thomas

  Coligny, Admiral

  ‘Come live with me and be my love’ (Marlowe)

  Consant, Thomas

  Cooper, Bishop


  Corkine, William

  Cornwallis, Sir William

  Corpus Christi College, Cambridge see Cambridge University



  Cranford, John

  Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury

  creation myth

  credibility see probability

  Crofts, Sir James

  Curtain playhouse, Shoreditch

  Cycell, John

  Damnable Life and Deserved Death of Dr John Faustus (translated by P.F.)

  Danby, Coroner William

  Daniel, Samuel

  Davies, John

  Davison, William

  Dee, John

  Hieroglyphic Monad

  Dekker, Thomas

  Dering, Edward

  Devereaux, Robert, Earl of Essex

  de Witt, Johannes

  dialectic see also probability

  Dido, Queen of Carthage (Marlowe and Nashe)

  Chapel Children performance of

  and grammar school education



  Digby, Everard

  Theoria Analytica

  Digges, Leonard


  Donne, John

  Douai, English seminary at

  Dr Faustus (Marlowe)


  and books

  date of

  devil’s syllogism



  Ovid quotation

  performance receipts for


  poverty in

  scholar and knight confrontation


  source for

  theatrical illusion

  Victorian critics and

  Drake, Sir Francis

  Drant, Thomas

  Drayton, Michael

  Drury, Thomas

  Dudley, Robert see Leicester, Earl of

  Dymock, Sir Edward

  Earl of Lincoln’s Men

  Earl of Warwick’s Men

  Ede, Richard



  grammar schools

  middling classes

  petty schools

  for poor boys



  Edward II (Marlowe)

  and the Babington plot

  death scene


  Lennox plot and

  and Lucan

  second half of The Massacre and

  Shakespeare’s influence on

  social mobility in

  Edward VI, King

  Elegies (Marlowe)

  Elizabeth I, Queen

  attitude towards actors

  Canterbury visit


  conformist doctrine

  death of Mary, Queen of Scots

  and Earl of Oxford

  Frizer’s pardon

  protection of

  university curricula

  Elmley, John

  Ely, Humphrey



  Epernon, Duke of



  Epigrams and Elegies (Davies and Marlowe)

  Erasmus, Desiderius

  Essex, Earl of see Devereaux, Robert

  Estienne, Henri

  Evil May Day uprising (1517)

  Farrant, Richard

  Faunt, Nicholas

  Faustus, Dr Georgius

  Field, John

  Fineaux, Thomas

  Flage, Judge Dietrich

  Flud, Evan


  Foxe, John, Book of Martyrs


  Fraunce, Abraham

  freedom of speech

  Frizer, Ingram

  Gager, William


  Garnett, Henry

  Garnier, Robert


  Tragedy of Antonie

  Garrett, Ensign

  Gascoigne, George

  Gaveston, Piers

  Gawdy, Squire Philip

  Genesis, Book of





  Wittenberg/Württemburg confusion

  Gevran, Shelton à

  Gifford, George

  Gifford, Gilbert

  Gifford, William

  Gilbert, Gifford (goldsmith)

  Gilbert, Sir Humphrey

  Girard, Guillaume

  Globe Theatre

  Googe, Barnabe

  Gosson, Stephen

  Graddell, Thomas

mmar schools

  Greek texts

  Greene, Robert

  moralizing letter to CM

  Greenham, Richard

  Greenwood, John

  Gregory XIII, Pope

  Gresshop, John

  Greville, Fulke


  Guise, Duke of

  assassination of

  Lennox plot

  murder of Admiral Coligny

  Rheims seminary

  St Bartholomew’s Day massacre

  theatrical representation of

  Throckmorton plot

  Gunson, Humphrey

  Haddington, William Hamilton, Earl of

  Hakluyt, Richard

  Hall, Joseph


  Hariot, Thomas

  Harrison, Robert

  Harrison, William

  Harte, Sir John

  Harvey, Gabriel

  Harvey, Richard

  Haslop, Henry

  Hatton, Lord Chancellor

  Heath, Thomas

  Heavyside, ‘Sir’ John

  Helen of Troy

  Helliott, Constable Nicholas

  Heminges, Thomas

  Heneage, Sir Thomas

  Henri, Prince of Navarre (later Henri IV)

  Henri III, King of France

  Henry VI (Shakespeare)

  Henry VIII, King

  Henslowe, Philip


  heresy see also atheism

  Hero and Leander (Marlowe)

  Hesiod, Theogony

  Hesketh, Richard

  Heywood, Jasper

  Heywood, Thomas

  Apology for Actors

  on Edward Alleyn

  History of John Faust (German)

  Holdsworth, Richard

  Holinshed, Raphael, Chronicles

  Holland, Hugh




  Dido, Queen of Carthage

  Edward II

  Hooker, Richard

  Hopton, Sir Owen


  Hotman, Francis

  Howard, Charles

  Howard, Henry

  Howard, Philip

  Hubbard, Joan

  Huguenots, massacre of (1572)


  Hunnis, William

  Hunsdon, Lord Chamberlain


  iambic pentameter see also metre



  impiety see atheism

  infant mortality

  intelligence work see secret service


  Hero and Leander

  Jew of Malta

  Ive, Paul

  Jacobs, Henry

  James VI, King of Scotland (later James I of England)

  Jarman, Derek

  Jeffes, Abel

  Jesuits see also Catholics and Catholicism, Catholic underground

  Jew of Malta, The (Marlowe)


  Heywood’s revival of

  intelligence agents


  massacre in

  and politics of deception


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