Something Molly Can't See

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Something Molly Can't See Page 24

by Carol Maloney Scott

  “Wow, we’re so annoying that we get special perks.”

  I manage a small smile and hug Beth.

  She jumps up and says, “I am going to relocate the masses now. It’s not every day one family has this much to bear.”

  She squeezes my hand and she’s off.

  Sassy says, “She’s a dynamo, isn’t she? Now listen Molly, I wanted to tell you about the party.”

  “What about it?”

  “Well, after you left, Dawson decided not to propose to Emma. Somehow everyone seemed to know what was going on but her. And Tucker did let everyone sing happy birthday, but he left soon after that, as soon as it was polite. He looked quite distressed.”

  “I feel terrible that everyone’s fun and happiness got derailed because of me and my family.”

  “I know, but it’s my fault for yellin’ out the news over the megaphone. But it was an emergency and they’re all your friends.” She looks me in the eyes, and I look away.

  “Molly, look at me.”

  I do as she says because as I said, Sassy is like a mama to me.

  “Tucker Swanson is in love with you. I know you think he’s got something going with Ashley, but he doesn’t. I’m not sure what’s goin’ on—I agree they seem to be pretty friendly, but he doesn’t look at her the way he looks at you. Don’t let petty jealousy stop you from bein’ with him.”

  “I’m not the jealous one—he is!”

  I cringe and remember I’m in a hospital. I guess I do have a little of Mama in me when the shit hits the fan.

  Sassy waves her hand in dismissal. “Now I know this whole thing with Ray was bad timing and it’s not smooth sailing, but it’s a little bitty thing in the grand scheme of things. You know, I’ve been divorced three times and I have finally found my true love. You never know what life will throw at you, but you shouldn’t give up on the real thing.”

  I bury my face in my hands and suddenly realize how exhausted I am.

  “I can’t think about this now. I appreciate what you’re sayin’, but Ray will be on his way with the girls in the morning. I will have to tell him what’s going on. My daughters will be upset with me if I hide this from them, and Ray will call me when they get on the road.”

  Sassy nods and says, “I understand. You know what? Let’s see if they have another place for you to rest. If your mama is knocked out it might be safe to room with her.”

  We laugh about that because even in all this trauma, Mama is a character.

  I do need to be strong to continue to cope with the stress tomorrow. My brothers are occupied, and whether I like it or not, I do not have a partner to lean on.

  I secretly wish Tucker would show up, but maybe that’s just asking for more heartache.

  Beth pops her head around the corner again—the poor woman looks like she’s sweating and out of breath from doing her normal job and babysitting our gang of crazies.

  “Okay, baby number one is here! Miss Samantha just birthed a fine lookin’ healthy little boy!”


  “He is a little darlin’.”

  I hold my brother’s son and now the tears are flowing freely. It’s Easter Sunday morning—the Lord has risen, we have a new blessed life, but Daddy is still sleeping.

  Melissa seems to be in the final stages of her labor, and we expect to meet that little bundle shortly as well.

  It’s all so bittersweet. My brothers are celebrating the most wonderful experience of their lives while their father is at death’s door and their mother is a mess.

  Well, Mama’s always a bit difficult, but right now I would be happier to see the interfering, bossy version of my mother.

  She is still sleeping—we all owe the doctor who gave her drugs an enormous fruit basket. Or maybe something from the liquor store. We’d all be hitting the bottle right now if Mama was still awake.

  Sam looks like the typical tired but thrilled new mother, and Bobby is hopping around like he’s never seen anything like this miracle. And he hasn’t. I know how it feels.

  “Isn’t he a beaut, Moll? My Sam did so good, too.”

  Sam says, “Molly, what do you think of Preston William for his name? We don’t wanna take William for his first name because we already have two William Jenkins in the family, and we don’t wanna steal Billy and Missy’s thunder if they have a boy. Also, if…well…I just think it would be insensitive.”

  I know she wants to say if your daddy passes, but I pretend I don’t know that, and say brightly, “That’s a beautiful name, Sam. Little Preston.” I kiss his soft head and add, “Your big girl cousins will be so excited to meet you.”

  As predicted, Ray called to tell me they were up, and he was getting our lazy teens in the car so they could get home in time to visit Mama for Easter.

  I dropped the bomb on him, and he was shaken. He’s known my family for a long time, and Daddy was always his favorite family member.

  He promised to get here quickly, and we decided that he wouldn’t tell the girls until they got home to Applebarrow.

  Listening to them crying and asking too many questions would make for a stressful ride in holiday traffic, and I think Ray was being sensible about it.

  I’m so glad he and I have come to this understanding about our relationship, if only it could have happened soon enough for Tucker to see that I am over Ray and he has nothing to worry about.

  If I think about it too hard, I get angry at Tucker. If he’s supposedly been in love with me his whole life, you’d think he’d have the patience to stick around long enough for me to tie up my loose ends.

  Instead he ran off and I don’t care what anyone says—he may not be in love with Ashley, but I think she’s been easing his pain, if you know what I mean.

  I kiss little Preston on his soft baby head once more, and hand him back to his mama.

  I’ve put off dealing with mine for too long, and I know she’s gonna be up soon, and no one but me should have to deal with her behavior.

  I hug my brother and his wife goodbye and promise to check in on them later and report any news about the next baby’s birth and Daddy’s condition.

  I walk out the door and almost run right into Dawson.

  “Molly, I’m so glad I found you. I heard about all of it. I found your mama in the hallway. She was walkin’ around in a daze. I showed her the ring I’m gonna give Emma and we said a little prayer together.”

  I get misty-eyed all over again. The Swanson boys are so sweet. Even if they are my cousins, I’m a lucky girl.

  Well, only if I can manage to fall out of love with my other possible family member.

  “Wow, only you could charm a nutcase like Mama.”

  We laugh and hug as we walk to the elevator.

  “You wanna go grab somethin’ to eat with me? We have some things to talk about, and you’ll be no good to anyone if you’re dyin’ of hunger.”

  “Okay, but has Mama eaten?”

  “Yes, both sets of her in-laws have staged an intervention. And you know your mama ain’t one to miss too many meals.” His face turns red and he quickly adds, “I mean no disrespect but well…”

  “Believe me, you’re right. A hungry Mama is the worst kind. She’s really hurtin’ because of Daddy. She adores him, but she’s not real good at controllin’ her emotions. Good or bad.”

  “Well, I know someone who is too good at doin’ that very thing, and he is hurtin’ real bad right now.”

  As the elevator stops at the main floor and we head to the cafeteria, I know he is referring to Tucker. I guess I should talk to Dawson about all of this, or at least some of it…whatever I can…

  I rub my neck and feel the knots tightening up worse than ever. With all that’s happening I don’t know which way is up, left, or sideways.

  And if I am gonna have a real conversation about Tucker, I need to know once and for all whether or not Jenny Swanson is my long-lost aunt.

  I need Meemaw!


  I’m sittin’
in the cafeteria thinking about my talk with Dawson. He left to go pick up Emma and bring her over here. Apparently, the conference room Beth commandeered for us is being set up as a makeshift gathering room. Dawson said, “We decided that we are gonna bring Easter to your family.”

  I imagine it looks like a combination of a wake, a party, a prayer service, and a baby shower in there.

  I am not much for praying, but I have put in my two cents with the Lord where Daddy is concerned. I just can’t even imagine any outcome where he isn’t okay. Maybe I’m in denial but I don’t think it’s his time, and he’s tough.

  Beth Washington startles me and I am surprised to see she’s still here. I know nurses can work crazy hours, but she must be wiped out.

  “Hey Molly, Dawson told me you were still in here. I don’t blame you trying to find a quiet place. It’s gettin’ wild up in the Jenkins family meeting room. And I have good news—you have another healthy little nephew!”

  My eyes tear up as I think of the two little boys growing up together. How incredibly sweet. Even closer than my brothers and the Swanson boys.

  “Thank you for comin’ to find me. I’m so happy to hear that. I’ll come join the mayhem in a second. Is Melissa okay?”

  “Yes, that girl is a trooper. She didn’t even ask for any drugs. I know everyone would like to see you.”

  “Okay, I’ll come back with you now. Hey, shouldn’t you be off work by now?”

  She stands and walks out of the cafeteria, “Yes, but I was asked to stay on until things settle down here.”

  “What? Who asked you to do such a thing? Are we really that bad that we need our own dedicated hospital staff?”

  I’d hate to see the bill for that. I don’t think insurance covers the level of attention my family requires.

  “Well, I got a call from Ray. He was worried that you needed more support until he could get here with the girls. He said he would pay me to stay, but I told him I was stayin’ as a friend and neighbor. Then he said somethin’ about treating me and Ken to a play in town and a stay at that fancy inn. You know the one. Anyway, I’ll take his generosity, especially since he owes you big time for all he’s done.”

  “Yeah, that’s for sure. Isn’t Ken upset that you aren’t home to cook Easter supper?”

  I hate to be the cause of anyone else’s marital problems.

  “No sugar, he’s on his way over with all the food I already made, and my sisters are stoppin’ by later with leftovers from their supper, so he’ll get all his favorites.”

  Wow, it’s like all of our friends and neighbors are holding a little vigil/welcome party for Daddy and the new babies.

  “Has anyone else outside the family showed up?”

  I know I’m quite obvious, but I am dyin’ to know if Tucker is attending the festivities.

  “I don’t know, but we’ll soon find out.” She stops walking and pulls me out of the way of a passing patient on a stretcher. “Molly, you know that boy is going to show up eventually. Did Dawson say anything?”

  “He did. He told me that he doesn’t think that Ashley and Tucker have anything goin’ on romantically, but he can’t say what they’ve been doin’. I tend to believe Dawson but he’s also not always the best with details.”

  We laugh and Beth says, “Yes, he’s a sweetheart but sometimes that boy is a bit confused.”

  “Yeah, he thought estrogen was a pest infestation and I needed an exterminator.”

  She wrinkles her brow and says, “That’s weird even for him. His mama is so normal, too. Anyway, I think Tucker is probably at his mama’s house and he’ll be by later. He’s probably worried that he’ll feel like a fool if you reject his comfort.”

  His comfort. Boy, I sure could use some of that right now. But I can’t tell Beth my bigger worry, and Meemaw is scarce on this day of many emotions.


  I just came from meeting Noah William Jenkins and visiting with Billy and Melissa.

  Melissa joked that the baby is all wet because Billy keeps crying on him.

  It’s such a joy to see both of my brothers become fathers, and I know those kids are going to have wonderful lives surrounded by so many loving family members.

  It almost makes my ovaries ache to see all these babies. I thought I was done because my girls are almost women but seeing all these little ones and reliving the whole experience makes me long to be a mother again.

  I think of Tucker and his desire to settle down and have a family. Maybe it’s selfish of me to even go there. I’m at an age where I can’t give him, or any man, a brood of kids, and I have a feeling Tucker would like a houseful.

  A younger woman could give him that without an ex-husband and hormonal teenaged stepchildren to deal with.

  Letting Tucker go is the kindest thing I could do for him, but how do I do that? He is a part of my life through a shared history, and the other people we both love.

  I suppose I should be happy with the puppy. Little Penny is like a baby.

  Hopefully Daddy will wake up soon and Mama will send everyone home so we can celebrate all our good fortune peacefully.

  I walk into the conference room and peaceful is the least accurate word to describe it.

  Dawson and Emma come running up to me and Emma gives me a big hug.

  “Oh Molly, the babies are angels and your sweet Daddy is gonna pull through. I just know it.”

  I pull out of her embrace and glance around the room.

  Dawson says, “He ain’t here yet.”

  “Who? Ray? Yeah, I don’t expect him yet. Well, maybe soon, but I hope he’s not speeding.”

  Dawson puts his arm around my shoulder and says, “You know who I mean. But I really think he will come.”

  Yeah, with his mother, my Aunt Jenny. What a fun addition to the family reunion.

  And I have a bone to pick with any higher power who won’t let Meemaw out of jail on Easter Sunday to help her family. Wasn’t that the purpose of this whole voluntary haunting program or whatever?

  I hear him before I see him. My loud Italian, New Jersey husband.

  “Where is Viola? I want to find out about William’s condition. Who’s in charge here? Oh Beth, there you are…”

  He’s greeting everyone like he’s the mayor. I know he’s trying to help. But it feels like too little too late, and he’s acting like he’s the big shot now that he has a little bit of money. I mean, he won it gambling—it’s not like he invented or cured something.

  I look for the girls and they’re standing in the corner with Olivia, of all people.

  When the heck did she get here? If I see Ashley, I am going back to the chapel to pray because it means the world is coming to an end. Or at least pigs are flying.

  I walk over to the girls and pull them in for hugs. Zinnia is openly crying and Magnolia is trying to keep a stiff upper lip.

  Olivia says, “I was going to see if it’s okay for me to take the girls up to the maternity ward so they can see their cousins.”

  “Um sure, that’s a good idea. Thank you. Girls, I promise that as soon as I know anything about Granddaddy, I will let you know. In the meantime, Granny is with him and he isn’t allowed any other visitors.”

  They hug me and go off with Olivia.

  This is a day of surprises, that’s for sure.

  I look at Ray and I know I must talk to him, but I’m exhausted and I don’t feel like dealing with him. I can’t even send him home to take care of Penny because Sassy has that covered. She even volunteered to stop and check in on Marvin.

  So, I’m stuck with Ray coming at me with the big sad eyes and the outstretched arms.

  “Molly, I’m so sorry you’re going through this alone.”

  He grabs me into a hug as I survey the room full of supportive and caring people. How he thinks I’m alone is beyond me.

  “I’m okay. It’s a happy occasion, too.”

  He lights up when he says, “Yes, I know. Beth just told me we have two new nephews.”

nbsp; We don’t have anything, but it would be mean-spirited to say that at a time like this. And in an odd way I do feel better with Ray here.

  My emotions are so mixed. He can be a bit of a jerk, but he gets things done. Maybe letting him talk to the doctors is a good idea. Mama just wails and I don’t even know what to ask, and my brothers are busy with their new little families.

  I let Ray lead me to the sofa and I sit with him for a spell. It can’t hurt. I know we are getting a few looks, especially from Melissa’s and Samantha’s families—the extended in-laws aren’t up on all the latest news, and they probably think I have taken Ray back.

  I’m starting to wonder who is here for the gossip and food, and who is genuinely here to help.

  I almost jump out of my skin when I hear a familiar, and much-needed, voice in my ear.

  “They’re all here to help, but if I were you, I would get away from Ray because things are about to get ugly in here.”

  Meemaw is hovering next to the sofa and she’s eyeing the buffet like she wishes she could dig in. I look back and she’s chewing on a ham bone.

  “What? I deserve my own Easter meal. You and I have a lot to talk about, missy. It’s time to take a trip to the chapel again, but before you do you might want to stick around for the uninvited guests on their way in.”

  Who the hell is coming now? Ray is staring at me and I’m assuming it’s because I still suck at listening to Meemaw without looking at her, so he probably thinks I’m going into shock.

  Ray turns me around and says, “Molly, what are you looking at? Are you alright?”

  Meemaw floats over to the front door and points to the problem. I was worried that Tucker was coming and that she thought he and Ray were going to have it out.

  Or Jenny knows she’s my aunt and she’s coming to drop that bombshell on us in our time of stress.

  But no…instead there are two complete idiots in track suits (yes, apparently in New Jersey men still go for this fashion choice) and gold chains, complete with the slicked back black hair and the big stupid looks on their stupid faces.


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