Pretend Princess (Cordillera Royals Book 1)

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Pretend Princess (Cordillera Royals Book 1) Page 20

by Carolyn Rae

  Lawrence frowned. “By the time, I left, she hadn’t received it. Are you sure you put enough postage on it?”

  She nodded. “I gave enough money for postage to the boy who helps out in the store with a little extra for himself.”

  “And what if he kept all the money?”

  Allysa frowned. “I hope not. He seemed like such a nice boy.”

  “You should have called the palace and let your mother knew where you were.”

  “I was afraid I might have to talk to Father. He’d want to know why I was going to miss the birthday celebration he always has for me.” Her gaze met his. “You didn’t seem surprised at my news.”

  “Your maid told me you were having bouts of nausea instead of eating breakfast.”

  “I see.” She frowned. “So right away you came to the conclusion I was pregnant.”

  Lawrence shrugged. “It seemed logical. But what you’ve done is not. Can you imagine how worried the queen is?”

  Allysa’s green eyes met his intent look. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry anyone.”

  Lawrence frowned. “You are always sorry—afterwards. Don’t you ever think ahead? You should know about condoms.”

  “Of course, I do. We used them, all except for that one time when Raphael swept me off my feet with his lovemaking. Oh, that man can charm me into doing anything.”

  Lawrence looked her up and down. “And charm you right out of your clothes.”

  “I admire him tremendously. He knows ever so much.”

  Lawrence rubbed his mustache. “Does he realize the consequences of seducing a princess and making her pregnant?”

  She glanced at the door behind her. Sounds of a shower running emerged. “Shhh. He doesn’t know yet. He thinks I’m pleasantly rounded. He says he prefers me this way.”

  “You haven’t told him? Why not? You have to marry him. A princess, no matter how popular, just cannot have a baby out of wedlock.”

  She backed up against the wall. “Of course, I know that, but I’m not sure how he’ll take it.”

  He grasped her arm. “You have to tell him. You need to come back right away and arrange a wedding. We could say you’ve known the professor for ages, that he is an old friend you have come to love or some such nonsense.”

  “Love is not nonsense. I love Raphael, and I do want to marry him, but I’m not sure Father will approve of him as a husband. That’s why I didn’t tell anyone I was seeing him.”

  “Were you really taking a class from him on Fridays?”

  She nodded. “It was a class in ancient cultures. It’s listed as independent studies in anthropology. We came to Naples to see that enormous Italian palace. It’s almost as big as ours.”

  “But why are you staying here in Capri?”

  “I wanted to see what it would be like to live in an ordinary apartment. That’s what I’ll have to do if I marry Raphael. Since he makes such wonderful love to me every night, I hardly notice the surroundings.”

  Lawrence envied Raphael. How would it be to make love to Tricia every night—to caress her lovely breasts, kiss a trail down her fair skin, and plunge inside her luscious body. He smiled. He could hardly wait until he managed to persuade her, but unlike Allysa, he’d be smart and always use condoms.

  Allysa interrupted his thoughts. “The sea air is wonderful here. We go for long walks along the beach. And now that I’m not getting nauseous, I can enjoy all the wonderful pasta and pizza in the restaurants here.”

  He let go of her arm. “Go pack your things and tell Raphael to pack his. We have to leave right away. Will you break the news to your father, or shall I?”

  She grasped the doorknob. “Don’t you dare breathe a word until I can talk to them.”

  He met her gaze. “Only if you promise to tell them immediately and have the queen make plans for your wedding. Now I had better tell you about your double.”

  “My double?”

  He nodded. “I found an American woman who resembles you. Tricia has been taking your place for official occasions until we could locate you. We couldn’t risk people knowing you’d disappeared. She’s been wearing your clothes, because it was necessary to keep up the illusion that she was you.”

  “I see.”

  Lawrence shot her a look. “But you’ll split the seams if you wear them in the next few months.”

  “I’ll get new clothes for now to hide my pregnancy. Let me break the news to Raphael, and then we’ll pack.”

  “You mean you haven’t told him yet?”

  “I wasn’t sure until yesterday when I took a pregnancy test.” She opened a door and shut it behind her.

  Minutes later, he heard a male voice saying, “I’m going to be a father. I cannot believe it.”

  Twenty minutes later, Allysa and Professor Garibaldi emerged, each carrying a bag. The professor was about her height and fair-skinned. His light brown hair was receding from his forehead. He wore glasses and looked serious. However, his pleasant smile made him seem very approachable. Allysa handed a garment bag to Lawrence. He in turn directed Jose to carry her baggage. When they reached the ground floor, Lawrence had the shopkeeper call a taxi.

  * * *

  Thirty minutes later, Tricia, tired of trying to shop with Lars constantly at her side, returned to the hotel suite and took a shower. She was drying her hair when she heard the prince’s voice and a woman speaking. Had they found Allysa already?

  Hurriedly, she wrapped a towel around herself. A knock on the door was followed by Prince Lawrence’s deep voice. “Come out, I want you to meet my cousin.”

  Not expecting Lawrence to return so quickly, she’d left her clothes in the bedroom. It was déjà vu all over again. Except this time, she would not be seen wearing only a towel.

  “Your Highness, would you please hand me my clothes?”

  Instead, he handed her a fluffy white robe provided by the hotel through the crack in the door. After tying the sash, she tried to smooth down her wet hair. Darn, why hadn’t she brought a comb in here? The princess would be dressed to the nines, and here she was looking like something dragged in from the poorest part of town.

  “Well,” he asked, “how long does it take to put on a robe?”

  “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  She took a deep breath. Yanking open the door, she strode out, trying not to appear flustered.

  The princess, in a cotton blouse embroidered with a profusion of flowers and a gauze skirt with muted shades of green and blue, looked like any other tourist.

  Tricia relaxed a bit until droplets from her wet hair dribbled down, chilling her neck. “Hello,” she said.

  “Hello,” Allysa replied. “I had no idea someone would masquerade as me. Did you find it strange?”

  Tricia nodded. “I was only trying to help the royal family, but I always worried I might say the wrong thing.”

  “I appreciate your trying to keep my name out of the news. Did you talk to Edward or Richard? They should have known you weren’t me.”

  “I saw them at dinner in the palace, but I didn’t speak to them. I don’t think they realized I wasn’t you.” Then she remembered Roberto. He’d certainly acted as if he believed Tricia were the princess. “By the way, did you ever get any letters or telephone calls from a man named Roberto Alvarez?”

  Allysa frowned. “I received several letters from that persistent commoner asking to meet me for a drink in the afternoon. He claimed he danced with me at one of the holiday dances. I may have, but I don’t remember. My father always tells me it’s good public relations to dance with any man who dares to ask. After reading the first letter, I told the messenger to come back the next day. I had his background investigated. The next day, I sent his servant, if indeed that was a servant instead of a paid messenger, back with a polite note declining his invitation. After the third letter, I told Serena to return any mail from him unopened.”

  “Unfortunately,” Tricia said, “I had to deal with him because he detained Prince Lawrence
until I agreed to meet him.”

  Allysa looked shocked. “I can’t believe Lawrence allowed someone to keep him detained.”

  Lawrence interrupted. “Oh, he had help from several rough friends, but you should not have to worry about him anymore. We threatened jail if he didn’t behave. We need to get back to Cordillera immediately and tell the king and queen about your situation.”

  In short order, Prince Lawrence arranged their departure in a small launch boat. After they returned to their hotel suite in Naples, he directed Serena to help Lars pack his things.

  “Wait,” Allysa said. She walked to the closet. “I’ll need something else to wear if I’m going to resume my station.” She picked out a green dress, then stared at Lawrence. “It will just take me a few minutes to change. You gentlemen may wait out in the hall or in the adjoining room.”

  After they left the room, the princess slid the dress over her head. “Tricia, please zip me up. I can’t believe you traveled to Capri without Serena or another maid.” She turned her back to Tricia.

  “Serena was sick so I insisted she stay here in our suite in Naples. Tricia reached for the zipper tab and pulled it almost to Allysa’s waist. “It won’t zip all the way up.”

  “Damn,” Allysa muttered, then placed a hand over her mouth. “I shouldn’t have said that. Mother always scolds me for using it. Allysa let the dress fall to the floor. “Hand me that gold dress, please.”

  Tricia did. The princess started undoing the buttons which went all the way down. “Sorry, I know you’re not Serena. I appreciate your help.”

  Allysa slipped on the gold dress and began to button it. When she got near the waistline, there was a two-inch gap. Frowning, she stepped out of the dress and headed toward the closet. She grabbed a pair of velveteen pants and a matching loose top. The top settled in folds at the waistline, barely edging over her thickened middle. “Now for the pants.” She tried to pull them up, but they wouldn’t fit. “Damn, I mean darn. Nothing fits.”

  Serena entered the room. “Sorry, I was busy helping Prince Lawrence. Is there anything I can do for you, Your Highness?”

  Tricia glanced at the princess. “You look fine in what you were wearing.”

  “Yes, but I look like an ordinary citizen. I can’t resume my identity until I get some proper clothes that fit.” She stared at Tricia. “I guess you will have to take my place until I do. Serena, you might as well pack everything now.” The maid busied herself arranging things in the suitcases.

  “Since we will be traveling together,” Tricia said, “you could pretend to be … my traveling companion.”

  Allysa frowned. “All right, I’ll pose as your traveling companion, but only until we get to the palace, and I can get proper clothing.” She put the outfit she’d worn back on, wrapped a scarf around her hair, put on dark glasses, and then stepped out into the hall. “We are almost ready now.”

  As soon as Serena finished packing, Lawrence had Lars and the two soldiers load their luggage into a large taxi. Then they all rode to the airport.

  The flight back was uneventful. After landing the plane, Lawrence made the soldiers and Lars swear to keep things secret. Lawrence asked the princess and the professor about plans for a hasty wedding. Already, Tricia missed Lawrence’s easy companionship and conversation. Now that the princess was back, would she be sent back to that cramped house?

  Back in Cordillera, when the limousine stopped at the professor’s home, he hugged Allysa and kissed her good-bye. Standing beside the vehicle, he asked, “When will I see you again?”

  “I am not sure,” Allysa said. “I have to decide what to do. You won’t say anything, will you, I mean about—”

  “It will be difficult, but I’ll restrain myself.” He smiled. “I still find everything hard to believe. I’ll wait for your call. Please, don’t let it be too long.” He strode toward the door, then turned to take one last look at the princess. She waved and blew a kiss. He did likewise, then unlocked the door and stood inside waving until they drove away.

  As soon as they were back at the palace, Tricia, still acting as princess, requested a private audience with the king and queen, saying she had a matter of utmost urgency to discuss. She was about to lead Allysa into the library, when the princess put a hand on Tricia’s arm. “I know the way. If this goes well, I can take my rightful place, and the sooner the better.” The princess walked into the library and shut the door.

  Tricia clamped her mouth shut. Tricia hadn’t asked for this job in the first place, but she’d tried to keep the princess’s good reputation intact. Tricia headed for the princess’s bedroom to gather up her things.

  Inside the bedroom, Tricia shut the door and sat on the bed. This seemed harder than she’d anticipated. She’d soon be back in the states and deep in preparation of her dissertation. She’d really miss Lawrence’s teasing looks, his glowing smile, and his wonderful kisses. Would he want to see her again? Could she even hope he’d kiss her goodbye?

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Tricia slumped on the bed in Allysa’s room, frowning. Not only hadn’t she persuaded Lawrence to do much to change things for women, he didn’t seem as interested in her as she was in him.

  While she still had the money the prince had given her, she’d have to move back into that drafty house. She wouldn’t have to argue with the landlady for plumbing that worked. Now that her parents had returned, they could deal with her.

  Tricia didn’t know which hurt worse, knowing that she’d failed to help the women of Cordillera or that any relationship with the prince was doomed. Remembering his wonderful kisses, missing him would hurt more. She had to concentrate on her dissertation and get on with her career, but still, tears welled in her eyes.

  It wasn’t as if she wanted to be part of royalty. It was Lawrence she’d miss—his fun-filled grins, his thoughtful conversation, and even fencing with him. And then there was the way he smiled at her, kisses that enveloped her senses, and his adoring looks. She’d miss that most of all.

  Someone knocked on the door. Tricia swiped at the tears on her cheeks. She didn’t want anyone knowing she’d been crying. And especially not Lawrence. “Who is it?”

  “It’s Serena. May I come in?”


  Serena stepped inside. “Thirty minutes ago, I saw Her Highness slip inside the queen’s sitting room. I wasn’t sure who I’d find in here. Is she back to stay?”

  “We’re not sure. It depends on whether or not she decides to get married right away.”

  “I suspected her condition before she left, but I never told anyone else.”

  “Princess Allysa will want her room back, so I’d better pack.”

  “I will help you.” Serena bent down to reach under the bed. Tricia knelt beside her. “I’ll do it.”

  Serena brought over Tricia’s slacks and blouse, nicely ironed and folded. “Do you want to pack these or wear them?”

  “Oh, yes, I must take off her clothes. Would you have them washed and ironed quickly in case she wants to wear them?”

  Serena shook her head. “I will attend to that later. Mistress Allysa has plenty of other clothes.”

  Lawrence appeared in the bedroom doorway. “Tricia, may I speak with you?”

  She walked toward him. Would this be her only chance to say goodbye?

  He closed the door behind him. “I’ve arranged for the princess to stay with a trusted servant for the time being. Until a decision is made, Her Highness will stay in a cottage on the edge of town.” He turned toward Serena. “Miss Tricia will continue acting as the princess. Please pack some suitable clothes for my cousin.”

  “Yes, Your Highness. I will attend to that right away.” Serena pulled out a large brocaded bag. She slipped underwear and nightgowns inside, then added the riding outfit Tricia had worn when she and the prince went riding.

  Tricia frowned. No more delightful horseback trips through the forest with Prince Lawrence, but at least she could keep him company. She slid
her tote bag back under the bed.

  Allysa hurried in and slammed the door behind her. “Where is my brown riding outfit? I need it now, Serena.”

  Serena lifted it from the tapestry bag she was packing. The princess took the riding clothes.

  She turned to Lawrence. “Come back for me in thirty minutes.”

  He looked at his watch. “Promise you’ll be ready by then.”

  “Of course, I will.”

  “I will hold you to it.” He strode out the door.

  Stripping to panties, bra and a camisole, Allysa was less buxom than Tricia, but had a bulging waistline.

  Not sure how long she had left to share Lawrence’s company and those sensuous lips that made her giddy with pleasure, Tricia knew she’d really miss him.

  She vowed to make the most of it. If riding horseback was out, maybe they could take a picnic lunch and stroll in the woods.

  For now, she’d ask the cook to prepare a nice lunch to share with Lawrence in the rose garden. Tricia headed for the door.

  “Where are you going?” Allysa asked.

  “To ask the cook to make a picnic lunch for me and Prince Lawrence.”

  “Were you going to eat outside?”

  Tricia nodded.

  “Don’t do that. You should stay in my room until dark. Lawrence and I will ride through the forest to a cottage far from town where I will stay until I decide what to do. Then he will ride back alone.”

  “Why don’t you just plan a wedding and then you can walk about freely as yourself?”

  “I am not sure my parents will approve of my marrying Professor Garibaldi. He’s a great lover, and he showed me many interesting things on our trip, but all he talks about is archeological sites he’s visited and research papers he’s done. He doesn’t seem to care about what happens around him. I’m not sure he’ll support me in what I want to do. I’d like to take an active part in doing good things for Cordillera.”

  Tricia glanced at the princess. “But couldn’t you do that even if you were married to him? Surely, he wouldn’t tell you, a princess, that you couldn’t do something you wanted to.”

  Allysa perched on the edge of the chaise lounge. The magenta velvet brought out rosy glimmers in her cheeks. She smiled. “He wouldn’t dare. However, I want a husband who cares that I find fulfilling work, one who’ll be proud of my accomplishments. I’m not sure Raphael will do that. I love him, but I may find it hard to live with him.”


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