Desired: Loving An Alpha Male

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Desired: Loving An Alpha Male Page 16

by S. K. Lessly

  I moved a little closer to her, hoping to God that was the last question. My urges were getting the better of me. But again I was wrong. I tried not to get frustrated when she asked, keeping some distance between us, “Drake, have you ever been wrong about a person? Like have you ever just gotten it wrong?”

  It was a valid question, and one that held some merit. I put both hands on the sides of her face and moved even closer to her. When I was inches from her lips, I said to her, “No.”

  “How can that be?”

  I rubbed my lips against hers. “Because I can’t afford to be wrong. My life and the lives of the people I care about will suffer if I’m wrong.” I kissed her softly and inched closer to her, pinning her against the truck again. “I can give you an example; like right this very moment, I’m not wrong about you. I know for a fact you can’t wait for me to get inside you.”

  “You’re a little cocky, don’t you think?” she replied, but I could feel her smile against my lips.

  “Baby, I’m all cocky, and I plan to fill you with every bit of my cockiness in two point two seconds.”

  I took her hand in mine and led her to the elevator. Once the doors closed, Georgia looked over at me as I moved closer to her. She backed away bringing the elevator wall against her back. “Did I tell you how much I’ve missed you?” I asked her, caging her with my arms and putting my body flush up against hers.

  “Drake, there’s something I need to tell you…” she said, but I wasn’t listening. When the ding of the elevator signaled our arrival, I let her walk in front of me, watching her ass sway.

  Wait, did her ass get bigger?

  I closed the door behind me and reached for her arm to pull her back to me, positioning her against the wall next to the door. “Do have any idea how much I’ve missed you?” I whispered in her ear and bent over her to place a light kiss on her neck when I quickly pulled my gun the instant a figure came from the shadows of my living room. Georgia gasped lightly as I pushed her behind me.

  “Why are you in my condo?” I said simply. My intruder walked into view, looked at me, and then behind me. I kept her hidden. “Answer my question before I put a bullet in the center of your forehead.”

  “Wow, you haven’t changed, have you?”

  “Nope,” I cocked the gun and Georgia gasped again, louder this time.

  “You’re willing to shoot me with a witness?” he asked.

  “She’s loyal to me, something that you don’t know anything about.”

  My intruder sighed and sat at my dining room table. I knew he wasn’t a threat, but I still didn’t trust him. “Start telling me why you’re here and do it fast. I’m losing my patience.”

  “Come on, little brother, put the gun away.”

  “Little brother?” I heard Georgia say behind me, and then she moved next to me. Wouldn’t you know it, she pushed my hand with the gun down. “It’s okay, Drake.”

  I looked at her and because of the fear in her eyes, I eased up on the trigger. I walked up to the table and placed my gun in front of me, hand still on the handle.

  I will give my girl a shit load of credit. She may have told me to back off, but she stayed right behind me the whole time, observant and tense.

  My brother looked from me to Georgia, and then back to me. “Are you going to introduce me?”

  “No, you’re not going to be here long enough and you’ll never see her again so…”

  “But you’ll take her around them,” he said pointedly.

  I nodded. “Loyalty, remember? You’re obviously here to show me something; why don’t you show it to me so you can leave? As a matter of fact, why are you here unannounced anyway?”

  I looked at the folder on the table, and then at him. He knew my interest would peak. He smiled and tapped the folder. “I knew you wouldn’t meet me, and we really needed to talk about some things.”


  “Like I need you to leave Manuel Agosto alone.”

  My eyebrow rose. “Why?”

  My brother looked at me, and then behind me. “You know why.”

  I scoffed and looked back at the folder. “Yeah, well, he has some answers I need, so if you don’t have them in that folder, I’m not letting up.”

  Daniel tapped the folder. “I think I have what you need.”

  “Send it over and let me look at it.”

  I know my brother is battling with cooperating with me, but he really doesn’t have a choice. He knows what I’m capable of, and he knows I’m like a bloodhound until I get what I want.

  He pushed the folder over to me. “Everything is all there.”

  I slid the folder to me but didn’t open it. “I’ll see and let you know.”

  He looked at Georgia again and said, “My name’s Daniel, by the way.”

  I sighed but didn’t say anything, but she replied simply, “Georgia.”

  Daniel smiled. “You guys have a good night.”

  When Daniel left, I went and set the alarm. I made a mental note to change the codes and upgrade my system to include a big ass dog.

  I looked at Georgia. The fire both of us had earlier was clearly gone.

  “I’m going to take a bath and let you look at your folder,” she told me and headed for my stairs.

  I put my gun on safety, grabbed a beer from my fridge and opened the folder. I told myself I was only going to look at it for a few before I went to bed, but the moment I started reading, I felt my anger starting to rise. No way was I putting this down.

  It only took me a few hours to read through everything. As I showered and got dressed, my contacts got answers back to me that I needed to set my plan into motion. I looked at the time and made another call to Angel. I couldn’t wait until he got the chance to speak more with my Uncle. I needed to act right then, that night, with the element of surprise on my side.

  I thought about telling Georgia that I’d be back, but seeing her sleep, I decided not to. Instead, I left her a note telling her that I’d be back. The way she’d been sleeping lately, I was counting on her sleeping through the night.

  I left my condo at 4:45 a.m. and made my way north up I-65. The length of time it took for me to get to my destination was spent thinking about everything I read. I was beyond pissed. The feeling of my rage taking over my body, eating at me, festering quickly like the most potent drug would do to your system. I was feeding off it, knowing how volatile I can become if I let myself go, but I didn’t care. This shit was so fucked up. I could only respond the way I was about to respond and hope and pray they didn’t piss me off even more.

  I made it to the house in record time. I called my contact to give me a layout of the house and surrounding area. The fence in front of me wouldn’t be a problem getting over, but if they were smart, they would have motion sensors along the ground by the fence. After getting my information, it was confirmed that they did; however, there were pressure points that didn’t have a wide range of reading. So I could easily get over the fence. As long as I knew where the sensors were, I could walk along without being detected.

  It took me a minute to get inside the house. Patrol walked along the corridor of the outside of the house, but they were lazy and didn’t see or hear me coming. I put them both to sleep as well as the dog that was with them and made my way inside the house. With the house alarm off, I made my way into the house and waited in the kitchen for my quarries to arrive.

  Early birds do get the worm, I heard footsteps coming downstairs. The coffee machine started about thirty minutes ago and you know I helped myself to a cup.

  Coffee wasn’t half bad.

  When Gregory came around the corner and turned the light on in the kitchen, he stopped dead in his tracks, eyes falling on the huge .45 in my hand. My other quarry came right after him and ran into his back.

  “Damn, Greg. What the…” She stilled until the moment her eyes met mine.

  I took the coffee cup I had in my hand and took a sip. “You’re out of creamer.”

sp; “Get the fuck out of my house,” Greg told me, with just a hint of bass in his voice.

  Just a hint though. He wasn’t stupid.

  “Sit down, you two. My patience is gone at this point, and I’m so far gone, I won’t have a problem killing the both of you and making you disappear without a trace.” They didn’t move, which was adding fuel to the raging inferno within me. “I said sit down!” I yelled suddenly, and they moved quickly to the table.

  “See what you did, Greg? I told you we shouldn’t have let that girl in our house,” Dara said.

  I looked at her. “That girl happens to be your sister. Do you even give a fuck about that?”

  She didn’t reply.

  I looked at Greg and said, “This can go one of two ways; you can answer my questions truthfully and honestly, or I can put a bullet in your sister’s head, see if you become talkative then. And please don’t push me.”

  I stood up the moment I heard voices coming down the stairs. I waited until the older sister and her bitch ass husband came in the room.

  “Make sure you don’t make my eggs so runny. You know I hate that shit.”

  When they came around the corner, bitch ass Rafiq pushed his wife in front of him when his eyes met mine. I said quickly, “No, I’m not here for you this time. Sit down, Rafiq.”

  I saw the tension leave his face, but the questioning look of his wife wasn’t a surprise. I’m sure she had no idea what her husband loved to do.

  I waved my gun at them both, and they all took a seat at the table. I stood back, watching them and keeping an eye on both entrances to the kitchen from the back door and the front. I had my contact set the alarm anyway, so if anyone came inside, I would know.

  I looked at a now fuming Greg and said, “I found out some disturbing information today.”

  “What did that bitch tell you?” Dara bit out. “That’s why you’re here, because of what we said to her?”

  I ignored her and kept my eyes on her brother. “You have no idea how bad I want to kill you right now. The fact that you are setting up Georgia to take the fall for your stupid business decisions make me fucking sick.”

  Greg’s eyes bulged out of his face and Deidra, the oldest daughter, looked at her brother. “What’s he talking about?”

  Greg didn’t reply. He just looked at me. I told him, “I need a few questions answered, and then I’m gone. How much did you pay Manuel Agosto to kill Georgia?”

  He didn’t reply, so I cocked my gun and fired just above Dara’s head. The women screamed and ducked. I’m sure Rafiq pissed his pants. Greg, eyes wide, yelled, “Okay, okay!! I didn’t ask him to kill her, okay? I just wanted her to disappear.”

  “Tell me about the plan.”

  Greg took a few deep breaths and said quickly, “Okay, so I had found his number from someone I knew and talked to Manuel over the phone…”

  “No, Junior, I want you to start from the beginning. I want to know when you found out about Georgia. When did you find out you had a sister?”

  Greg, surprise on his face, squirmed in his seat and tried not to look at his sister, Deidra, when he said, “I knew about her for a long time.”

  “Greg!” Deidra exclaimed.

  “What, Deidra?… Okay, yes, father told me about her about a month before he passed. He wanted me to look for her. He wanted to meet her and talk to her. He wanted to apologize, all that shit, but I wouldn’t let that happen. No one was coming in here and taking what’s mine.” He bit out the last part with serious venom I noticed. Jealousy was a beast I should know.

  I didn’t have time for sibling spats, so I said, “Greg, over here. Talk to me.”

  “Okay… So, yes, I found Georgia, but I never told my father. It seems though he went over my head and found where she was without my knowledge. When I found out, that’s when I called around and got a hold of Manuel. I just wanted her to disappear and not show up for the reading of father’s will, that’s all. I didn’t want him to kill her.”

  “Even if she disappeared, you didn’t think that the lawyers would’ve kept searching for her? It wasn’t a matter of her just disappearing Greg. You wanted her to disappear for good.”

  He didn’t reply. He just nodded and put his head down.

  “So when that didn’t work, what did you do? You came up with another plan to make her become the scapegoat for your bad business decision?”

  “What bad business decision?” his clueless older sister asked.

  I tilted my head and smiled. “Oh, he didn’t tell you? Well, your brother here was trying to be like your father. He started dealing with the cartel, not my family like your father was; Greg here is dealing with the Russians. And, unfortunately, the Russians are not as civil as we are. They deal in things like trafficking of little girls throughout the United States and abroad. The Russians are using the empty buildings you own as a place to hide the girls.”

  I looked at Deidra as I went on. “There is a brothel that’s being ran in one of your buildings as well that exploits these young girls as prostitutes.” I pointed my gun at her husband. “Ask your husband. He’s been a few times. He likes them young. Don’t you, Rafiq?”

  “Fuck you, man,” he spat as he jumped to his feet.

  I took my cup and threw it at his face. It hit him square in his forehead and shattered. Rafiq stumbled over, and I moved quickly to him and kicked him in his face.

  “Don’t forget who the fuck you’re talking to,” I told him calmly and kicked him in his balls. “Trifling son of a bitch.”

  “Greg, is this true?” Dara asked him.

  “Of course, it’s true,” I told her over Rafiq’s moaning. “And please don’t act all innocent, young lady. You knew all about it too. Greg here had you befriend Georgia, take her around the city, and keep her here so you could set her up; make her sign some papers she had no clue about, have her sit in a few meetings, get her acclimated so you could make it seem like she was in the know since the beginning. Since she’s older than you, she actually owns more shares than you. The way you set everything up, she’ll be the one in the front of all this shit when the Feds come knocking at your door.”

  Dara squinted at me. “You don’t know shit.”

  “Dara, shut up!” Greg told her, but her arrogant ass didn’t listen.

  “No, Greg, if he’s going to get it right, let him get it all right. Yes, we were going to let her take the fall for everything, but not with the Feds. No, we need the Russians off our backs, so that’s who we’re giving her too. You know, make it seem like she was talking to the Feds to get the Russians off our backs and on to someone else; her fiancé.”

  I shook my head. “Wow. I have never met a whole family of ignorant motherfuckers in my entire life. You have no idea who you’re fucking with. The Russians aren’t some neighborhood gang; they don’t just go after one person that they find has fucked them over. First, when the Feds come for them, they would already have found out, and the Feds will find nothing. Then guess who the Russians are going to go for after that? It won’t be just Georgia. No, they’ll go after the whole entire family. They’ll make statements, large ones. You are so far over your head; it’s un-fucking-real and completely sad.”

  I shook my head. “What I don’t understand is why you would do that to your own flesh and blood. When you got to know her, saw how good and innocent she was, you still went about deceiving her, making her feel like she belonged when you clearly didn’t give a shit about her. She’s been living her life, thinking she was alone in this world, and finally she has this family she’s always wanted, and you were setting her up. She lost her mother and the man she thought was her father when she was nine. And here your coward ass father knew all about her and never went looking for her. She didn’t deserve that shit. And I know the moment I tell her what you fuckers have done, it’s going to crush her.”

  I put my gun in my pants and walked over a still moaning Rafiq. I heard someone stand and say behind me, “What have you done?”

; I turned to see Deidra standing in front of me. She said to me, “Yes, you’re right, what we’ve done to her was unspeakable, but what about you? She doesn’t deserve the life you live.”

  I nodded. “I know she doesn’t. Once I clear this shit up and get her off the Russians, I’ll send her home.” I pointed to her brother. “He’s going to make sure she gets the money that’s due to her before the Feds come and shut you down. Then she’s going to live happily with all of this and us behind her.”

  “Wow, aren’t you the hypocrite?” Greg said to me.

  “What?” I started moving in his direction, ready to put my gun in his mouth and pull the fucking trigger.

  He puffed his chest out and said, “You knocked up my sister, and then what? You’re just going to send her on her way to raise your kid on her own?”

  My heart stopped. “What the hell did you just say to me?”

  “You heard me; you call my father a coward; what about you? How can you…” I cut him off with my hands around his neck. I squeezed hard about to crush his windpipe. I was seeing nothing but red. I slammed him against the wall and squeezed tighter, waiting for the life to leave his eyes. I seethed, “You’re fucking lying. She’s not pregnant.”

  I saw Deidra next to me, and she said to me, “God, he’s telling the truth. Georgia is pregnant. We were with her when she found out.” I didn’t look over at her, and I didn’t want to believe a word she said.

  I dropped Greg, and he fell to the floor. I backed up and looked at Deidra, hoping that what she said to me wasn’t true. But I could see she was telling me the truth.

  “Why don’t you go and ask her yourself if you don’t believe us,” Deidra said to me, and I planned to do just that. I just hoped I calm down by the time I get home.

  Chapter 16


  This morning was rough for me. I tossed and turned all night, but I couldn’t bring myself to go downstairs and ask Drake to sleep with me.

  I wanted him. Last night was unbelievable. Meeting his family was something I wasn’t prepared for, but I was so glad I did. Despite what the men of the family were, I’d never felt safer than I did that night. I don’t know what that says about me though. Having a feeling of contentment around a crime family had to be crazy, but I felt the same way sometimes when I was around Jay Rock and his crew.


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