Buying the Virgin Box Set Four - The Virgin and the Masters: BDSM, Punishment, and Ménage between a Young Woman, her Master and her Lover

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Buying the Virgin Box Set Four - The Virgin and the Masters: BDSM, Punishment, and Ménage between a Young Woman, her Master and her Lover Page 18

by Simone Leigh

  She obeys, and I test her pussy. She’s dry, so I find a pot of lube, work her over inside, and myself. “This is for me, not you, do you understand?”

  She nods, silently, again.

  She’s crying and right now, I don’t care. I just want to fuck her. And to make her feel the way I did the last few days, used and unwanted.

  I plunge into her and she gasps, her fingers gripping into the bed covers.

  Am I hurting her?

  But I don’t ask, instead, I bang her hard, trying to fuck away the tension inside me. She makes no attempt to either stop me, or take the ride with me, just lying there while I pump her.

  After only a minute or two, my balls tighten with climax and I ram home as I shoot my load into her, spurting cum and stress into her in equal measure.

  As I finish, she tries to rise, but I push her down. “I’ve not finished. I told you. You get punished next.”

  “But first I need to…”

  I force her back, face down onto the bed, then casting around for something suitable, I spot James’ tie. “Put this between your teeth.”

  White-faced, eyes swollen, she opens her mouth, silently accepting the tie, clamping it between her teeth.

  “Are you ready?”

  Head pressed down, she nods.

  I don’t want to draw this out, so I strike at her with the belt, a single blow. She judders, her eyes welling, but I don’t believe it is the pain that makes her cry. A second stroke, and her eyes squeeze shut. A third and she whimpers, her breathing turning heavy.

  That’s enough. I’ve made my point.

  I pull the tie from her mouth. She works her lips, trying to speak.

  I lean close over her. “What was that? I couldn’t hear it.”

  Through tears she speaks. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

  “Stay there.” I fetch a tube of analgesic from the bathroom, apply it to the welts on her rear.

  “What’s that?” she asks, from her prone position.

  “Pain killer.”

  “What’s the point of doing something like that, and then giving me pain-killers?” Her voice is a whisper.

  “I wanted to make a point in a way that you get it. I don’t want you permanently hurt or in pain for too long.”

  As I finish, she slips off the bed and drops to her knees in front of me. Her voice is choked. “Please don’t leave me….”

  “Charlotte. Stand up. I don’t need you to kneel for me.”

  She doesn’t move. Sighing, I drop down to sit on the floor beside her. “Charlotte, I love you, and believe me, I never want to leave you, but you mustn’t make life impossible for me. So long as I have your promise that you will never do such a thing again, then we’re good. Do I have that promise?”


  “Look at me.”

  Her eyes are red, her cheeks wet as she looks up. I wipe her tear-streaked face and kiss her. “It’s done. Come on, dry your eyes. Want to share a bath with me?”

  She nods. “Yes, but I need to shower first.” She vanishes into the shower room, and a moment later, there is the hiss of running water.

  Several minutes later, she is still in there. “Charlotte, are you alright?”

  Stupid question.

  Did I overdo it? Perhaps.

  There is no reply, only the sound of water, so I go in to find her with the showerhead directed inwards between her legs.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I tried to tell you, but you didn’t want to listen. I couldn’t take my pill the last few days. You should have used a condom.”

  Ah, fuck! Of all the times to risk….

  Oh God, what have I done to you, Babe?

  I don’t run the bath too warm, so as not to sting her sore ass. As we step into the foam together, she lies between my legs, her back against my chest so I can hold her in my arms. Her tears have dried, and she seems a little better.

  But I feel lousy.


  Her chest heaves….


  “I thought you would never hurt me like that; that it wasn’t in you.”

  “I didn’t like doing it. But what about James? You enjoy it when he does it.”

  “I always knew it was in his nature. Right from Day One. And I took it on board when I came back after that first week.”

  “Then? But he’s never hurt you like that, surely? Your first day…”

  “Men with wholly sunny dispositions don’t go buying virgins at auction.”



  “How are you feeling now?” asks my Master. “Better now that you’ve caught up on some sleep?”

  “Mmm, yes. Much better thanks.”

  “Come and sit with me.” He holds out a welcoming arm, inviting me to the couch with him.

  I join him, trying not to wince as, stiffly, I sit.

  “Charlotte. Is something wrong?”

  I bite back against the pain. “I’m fine, Master.”

  He watches me. “No, you’re not. What’s the matter?”

  What do I say?

  “Michael…. punished me….”

  He stares at me, his expression unbelieving. “Michael? Punished you? What did he do?”

  I don’t know what to say, so I remain silent, trying not to chew my lip.

  His faces changes, clouding over. “Stand up. Show me yourself.” Still I hesitate. “Charlotte! Do as I say. I want to see.”

  I try stagger upright, but my thigh and buttock muscles are bruised and stiff.

  My Master stands, helping me up, then lifting my skirt, he pulls away my panties, looking at the raw welts, He draws a long sigh, his body stiffening. “Michael did that?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  Michael leans against the door, arms folded. His stance says aggression, but there is something in his eyes…. Regret? Guilt?

  “Charlotte and I had rather a long discussion. I think I’ve made my point well enough. How are you now?” He addresses the last question to me.

  I shrug. “It hurts. What do you expect me to say?”

  My Master, his expression furious, steps towards Michael. “I thought we’d agreed….”

  “Master. Leave it. It’s done.”

  The two glare at each other, and I know that it’s not done.


  We sit together in awkward silence. I try to distract myself from the simmering pain in my butt by reading, but I have to do it standing.

  Of a sudden, there is rumbling, a crashing sound. The building shakes.

  My Master looks up and around. “What the hell was that?”

  He and Michael look out of the windows and down, straining to see all angles.

  I open up my laptop, jabbing at the keyboard. My Master looks down at me, the question is his eyes. “The security cameras.” I explain, blushing. I shouldn’t be able to access them, but….

  Mouth pursing in humour, “Forgiven.” he says. “What can you see?”

  “Looking now.” I say, clicking through screens and cams. Then I freeze at the scene before me:

  Gunfire, explosions, men in masks: “The building’s under attack!”

  His eyes widen. “Come on.” he yells to Michael. The two dash from the room, but at the last moment, Michael turns, jabbing a finger at me. “You stay here. You understand? No excuses. You stay here. Yes?”

  I nod. “Yes.”

  “If you try to leave, I’ll know. The cams out in the hall….”

  I bite my lip and nod again. He stares at me for a moment, then exits.

  Alone in the apartment, I watch with growing horror at what is unfolding on my laptop screen. Smoke. The ricochet of bullets from walls. Bodies lying on the ground, unmoving.

  The door bursts open. It’s Beth. “Richard sent me up here. What’s happening?”

  “The ground floor is taken I think, but….” I peer at the screen….

  Oh crap.…


  “The building’s on fire.”



  Smoke billowing up the staircase, we race down to the lower floors. Using the lifts is unthinkable.

  Alarms are ringing, and there is chaos, as panicked workers try to escape the building.

  Up the staircase, coming towards us, are firefighters in full kit and mask.


  We’re on fire?

  James sees me looking upwards. “Don’t worry. You can be sure she’s getting the hell out as fast as she can. She’ll not sit helplessly by.”

  “But she won’t…”

  He skids to a halt, hovering between one step and the next. “What? Why not?”

  Breathing heavily now. “I told her to stay put. And I made her promise to obey. I think she’ll try to keep the promise…”

  James rolls his eyes. “Jeez. What a time to disable her….” He stares at me, hard. “And you accuse me of treating her as a sub…” He pats his pockets. “Damn! No phone. Got yours on you?”

  “No. I just ran from the apartment. You?”

  “So, she’s promised to stay put, in a burning building, and we can’t contact her?”


  Oh God, Babe. What have I done?

  James turns heading upwards again, but above us, there is a crashing noise. A few seconds later, we meet a group of the firefighters, descending again. “Get moving downward.” yells one of them as he comes past. “The floor above here’s on fire. The whole building’s coming apart. You can’t go that way.”

  From below there is a rushing sound and the smoke turns black. Coughing, we keep moving downwards.

  And will Charlotte try to keep the promise I forced her to make?

  The Virgin and the Masters

  Part Five

  A Continuing Tale of

  (Ex-)Virgin Erotica, BDSM and Ménage

  with Two Masters and More……

  Part Twenty-One Of

  The ‘Buying the Virgin’ Series

  Author: Simone Leigh

  The Virgin and the Masters

  Part Five


  Charlotte dashes to the stairwell, but acrid, black smoke billows up from below. Quickly, she slams the door closed, coughing and spluttering. “No way out that way.”

  “Down the garbage chute?” I ask. “Like they do in movies?”

  She gives me an old-fashioned look. “Not a chance. Too narrow, and it’s anyone’s guess what we’d land in.”

  “I don’t mind a bit of dirt, if it’s to escape a fire.…”

  “How about landing in a compactor, or a waste recycler? You got any idea what’s at the bottom?”

  “Er… no…”

  “Well then…. Having said that…. let’s have a look at the laundry chute.”

  Smoke surges up, flooding the room, a bitter-sweet chemical smell, and she jerks her head backwards, hastily, slamming the hatch closed “Must have taken hold in the dry-cleaning stuff.…”.

  She circles, looking for options, a way to escape. “Jeez….” she mutters, her face white, and for the first time since I have known her, I see real fear in Charlotte.

  Her phone rings, and she snatches at it.

  A quick glance. “It’s James.” she says, stabbing at the screen. “Yes…. Master, we’re trapped…. We can’t…. Right? Wonderful! Yes, Beth’s with me. Richard sent her up here…. Yes, I will.”

  She taps off the phone, then yells at me, “Out onto the roof. There’s help coming….”

  Grabbing a couple of mobiles lying on the desk top, Michael’s and James’ I assume, she stuffs them in a pocket, and we dash out to the terrace garden. Even as we burst out into the fresh air, a helicopter is descending to us, a harness winching down.

  Other choppers are buzzing the higher floors, scanning windows, but there is no-one in view other than ourselves.

  Charlotte clips the harness onto me, and immediately I am hoisted away and up. Within a minute, the harness lowers again, and Charlotte too is winched to safety. As she is pulled into the cockpit, the ‘copter tilts, turns and sweeps away. “Where are we going?” she yells to the pilot.

  He shouts over the engine noise. “Sorry, I was told not to tell you. Mr Haswell’s instructions.” he shouts back. ” Just, away from the City.”.

  And below us, a rush of buildings, highways and the river vanish, as we sweep along the coast and off.


  Will Charlotte try to keep the promise I forced her to make?

  The Haswell Building on fire, and she is trapped in the penthouse apartment. Does she even know yet that she is trapped?

  Passing a firefighter, James snags him by the arm. “There’s a woman trapped in the Penthouse. We’re not sure she even knows yet, that she’s trapped…”

  The fireman whips out his two-way, talking urgently into it, then clicking it off. “There’s helicopters coming in to help on the top floors. Can she get onto the roof?”

  “Got a phone on you?”

  The firefighter passes a phone to James, who stabs at the screen. Phone pressed to his ear, staring into space, he mutters. “Pick up your phone, Charlotte, pick up your…. Charlotte! Where are you? Yes, get the Hell out of there. Get out to the roof terrace. There’s helicopters being flown in…. What?” He glances over at me. “Beth’s with her…. Richard sent her up there for safety.…” Then, “Yes, we’ll catch up with you. If you see mine or Michael’s phones, bring them with you.”

  James and I descend the stairs at speed. At every floor, black smoke surges and curls on to other side of glass plating.

  Outside is a chaos of police cars, armed officers, fire engines, medical workers and ambulances, but oddly, very few other people. Will Stanton, the Police Commissioner, is there, shouting instructions. A familiar face in a squad car, Corby, who first bungled the interview with Charlotte, looks to be relaying messages from the car, and a large area is cordoned off, police widening the cordon as we watch. Above us, is the clip-clip of helicopter blades moving in on the upper floors of the office block.

  Where are all the people? The office workers…. Trapped?

  Richard is here, by Will, phone to his ear. Seeing us, he gestures us over, then waves up at the ‘copters. “There’s help on the way to the girls. Don’t worry.”

  “Where is everyone?” I ask. “I thought they’d be teeming out…”

  Richard almost laughs. “There’s almost nobody in there, Michael. With the holiday break, no-one’s here.”

  “Holiday break?”

  He stares at me. “It’s Christmas Day.”

  Christmas Day?

  With everything that has happened, I’d lost track of the date entirely.

  Richard waves over the scene; the tower block, chimneying smoke upwards, the mess of emergency vehicles, the choppers high above us, now lowering winches to the roof-top. “If there’s a blessing to be had in all this, it’s that we and the women were almost the only people in here. Had it been an apartment block….” He shivers. “As it is, the only real injured party is going to be the insurance company…”

  James, scanning the scene, “And the attackers? Where are they?”

  Will looks sick. “They seem to have simply faded away. They attacked, did the damage and…. “He holds up his hand helplessly. “I’ve got units out searching, but there’s been a breakdown of the central computer. No-one can co-ordinate….”

  “A convenient time for a failure.” comments James. “Sabotage? Hackers?”

  “I think so, yes.”

  “Your spy in the camp again?”

  Will nods, lips pressed white.

  “Hey!” There’s a yell from one of the fire-fighters. “Stretcher-bearers, over here, fast” He waves wildly at the green-uniformed medics waiting by the ambulances. “We’ve got one of them.”

  Will comes alive. “I’ll be back.” Then dashing over to where the fire-fighter is dragging an unconscious
man out of the building, yells “Can he speak…?”


  He returns, ten minutes later, looking disheartened. Head-pointing us to a quiet spot, “Richard, James, Michael, come with me. Let’s get some privacy.”

  “He’s unconscious, suffering from smoke inhalation, but the medics say he should survive. It seems he was trapped in the chaos, and didn’t get out with the others. I’m having him taken to a secure medical facility and there, as soon as he’s fit to speak, he’ll be interrogated. I’ll keep you informed.” He takes a deep breath. “Did you get Charlotte and Beth away safely?”

  “Yes.” says Richard, “And right now, I, and the pilot, are the only ones who knows where they are. “I’ve had them taken out of the City and, no offence, Will, but I’m not telling you where to.”

  Will nods. “I understand. I’ll be in touch.” Turning, he shouts out, “Corby! I want to know the minute we hear from the hospital….”



  We’re safe, taken to some spot in the back-of beyond, and simply delivered. “Mr Haswell said to tell you that the hotel staff are expecting you.” says the pilot as he drops me, with Beth, off on a pad, then immediately, rises, wheels and flies off.

  The hotel staff are nothing if not courteous, and everything is there, waiting for us. Warm and comfortable, in a lovely suite, with gorgeous views, bathed and fed, and with fresh clothes waiting for us, we could ask nothing more.

  I pace up and down, caged again.

  How much of my life am I going to have to spend like this?

  The door clicks open, swinging back. Standing there are my Master and Michael, and Richard following. He brushes past, wrapping his arms around Beth, taking her into the next room. Doubtless they would like some privacy.

  My Master simply tilts his head at me, soft eyed. “Hello again.”

  Michael looks ready to burst into tears. He sweeps forwards, embracing me. “Oh God, Charlotte. You’re okay. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He holds me, rocking me in his arms, his head pushed into my neck. “I shouldn’t have said what I did. Please, whatever happens from now on, you must always do what you think is the right thing, whatever the reason. I’ll understand. This won’t happen again.”


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