New Mexico, USS, 216
nonjudicial punishment (NJP), 118–19
Notice to Mariners, 71
nuclear Navy, xxvii, xxix, 43, 53–54
nuclear-powered submarines, 136–37
nuclear reactor operators, 123–24
nuclear reactors, 139, 198
nuclear-trained enlisted men, 80
obedience, 200, 207
objectives, 187, 191
O’Brian, Patrick, xxv
Odyssey, 1
officer of the deck (OOD), 174
O’Kane, Dick, 51
Okinawa, Japan, 169
Olympia, USS, 11–14, 15, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 33
inspection of, 14
in mock battle, 195–97
On-Site Inspection Agency, 7, 8–10
openness, 181
operational excellence, 79
Operational Reactor Safeguards Examination (ORSE), 79
operations manuals, 160
orders, 81, 85
organizational clarity, 106, 192
Out of the Crisis (Deming), 98–99
Pacific Submarine Force (SUBPAC), 94, 177
Pandan Bay, 176
Panlilio, Rick, 31–32, 165, 195, 208, 217
engineering drill run by, 79
“I intend to . . .” approach embraced by, 108
in incident with tugboat, 185
long-term planning by, 190
in mock battle, 196
and red tag violation, 109, 110, 117
transfer of, 170–71
passion, 99
passivity, 82–85
Patton, George C., 66
Pearl Harbor, 87, 189
Pelaez, Marc, xxvii–xxviii
performance awards, 183
personalities, 56, 67
Philippines, 176
physics, 115
Plan of the Day (POD), 176
point and shoot, 121
Porras, Jerry, 56
port and re-port, 145
Poseidon missiles, 3
position of privilege, 60
preparation, 128, 141
principles, 162, 179–81, 182–83
proactivity, 78–85
processes, 159
productivity, xxiv
Program for Afloat College Education (PACE), 165
programs, xxiv, 9, 59
promotions, 167
prospective commanding officer (PCO) training, 12–13, 18, 36, 178–79
Prospective Executive Officer course, 169
Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT), 214
public, 112
Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, 217
purpose, 177
pyramids, xxv
quartermaster of the watch (QMOW), 143
questioning attitude, 162, 200, 207
Rainier, USS, 209–12
recognition, 186–87, 207
red tag violation, 109–11, 117–19, 126–27, 143
reenlistment, 152, 197
relative grading, 187
release, xxi
repetition, of message, 148–50, 206
resilience, 195–200
“resist the urge to provide solutions,” 91–93, 206
responsibility, 37, 41, 56, 65, 94–99
shifting, 141
rewards, 15, 16, 184–87
Rickover, Hyman, 53, 109
rigid hull inflatable boat (RHIB), 211–12
risk, 21, 46
Royal Navy, 41
sailors, training of, 65
San Diego, Calif., 135–41, 144, 146, 152, 158, 189
Santa Fe, USS, xix–xxi, xxix–xxx, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23–24
above average rating of, 104–5
accomplishments of, 201–3, 214–15
advancement system on, 167
Arleigh Burke Fleet Trophy awarded to, 203
avoidance of errors on, 40–47, 117–25, 152
casualty drills on, 173–75
change of decision making on, 51–61
chiefs of, 19, 24, 52, 53, 55–58, 60, 62–63, 147, 149, 152, 166, 203
combat effectiveness of, 19, 26
competition on, 186–87
Covey’s visit to, 82, 201–2, 203–4, 208
creed of, 129–30, 134
culture on, 62–68
deliberate action on, 115, 119–21, 122–25, 126, 152
deployment of, 163–72, 179, 188–90, 201, 202, 208
diving by, 137–38, 140
drills on, 123–24
empowered phrases on, 83–84
engineering drill on, 79–80
evaluation of officers on, 192
in exercise with SEALs, 197–99
fire control system of, 25–26
fire drill on, 154–57
guiding principles of, 179–83
informal crew picture of, 36
inspection of, 66, 69, 79, 94–96, 108–13, 208
leadership style on, 24–25, 35
leave on, 56–58
legacy of, 173–77
maintenance of, 152, 153
misunderstandings on, 142–51
in mock battle, 195–97
motivation problem on, 155–56
nautical charts on, 70–75, 76, 77, 86–87
operational performance of, 38
orders avoided on, 81
as ready for deployment, 20–21, 22, 33
red tag violation on, 109, 110, 117–19
responsibility on, 95–99
retention results on, 202–3
in return to Pearl Harbor, 158
review of, 28–33, 71–74
in simulated battle, 100–107
strike exercise on, 142
tactical blunder of, 87–91, 101, 102
technical aspects of, 26
thinking out loud on, 105–6
training programs on, 131–32
transients on, 157–58
turnover on, 65
vertical launch system of, 29
on way to San Diego, 135–41, 144, 146, 152, 158
schedules, 55, 128
SEAL team, 197–99
self-assessment, 216
self-control, 216
7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The (Covey), 82, 190n, 192, 201
Ship System Manual (SSM), 137
shore power red tag violation, 109–11, 117–19, 126–27, 143
short, early conversations, 75–76, 206
short-term thinking, 188
Sinek, Simon, 46
Singapore, 184–85
Sled Dog, 86, 199, 218
as AWOL, 142–48
nautical charts and, 74, 77
Smith, Petty Officer, 37
smuggling, 209
social media, 112
solutions, resisting the urge to provide, 91–93, 206
South China Sea, 175
“Spirit Is Alive, The” (Marquet), 177
Springfield, USS, 217
SSBNs, xxviii, 3, 4, 5, 9, 19
SSNs, xxix, 11, 19–20
standards, 128
Standard Submarine Organization and Regulations Manual (SSORM), 31
Stanley, Tom, 169, 185, 208, 217
long-term planning by, 190
in mock battle, 195, 196
START treaty, 7
Start with Why (Sinek), 46
stealth, 157–58
Steele, David, 25–26, 53, 164, 208, 218
and VLS missile tubes, 97
stewardship delegation, 181
Strait of Hormuz, 208, 209
Strait of Malacca, 163, 184, 202, 208
strike exercise, 142
studying, 130, 141
Submarine Base San Diego, 146
Submarine Group Seven, 170
fires on, 153
nuclear-powered, 136–37
purpose of, 130
Submarine Squadron Four, 217
Squadron Seven, 109, 110–11, 117, 121
Sunfish, USS, xxvii–xxviii, 5, 9, 81
watch team on, 8, 64
supervision, 128
support control, 115
surveys, 141
tactical excellence, 79, 164
tactical inspection, 79
Tactical Readiness Evaluation (TRE), 79
Tang, USS, 45
teamwork, 181, 204
technical knowledge, 180
thinking, long- versus short-term, 188–94
“think out loud,” 105–6, 206
three-name rule, 66, 102, 105
tickler, 94–96, 97, 98, 99
timeliness, 181
Tomahawk land-attack missile (TLAM), 22–23
top-down leadership, see leadership, top-down
torpedoes, 89, 91
torpedo room problem, 126–27, 143
Total Quality Leadership (TQL), 98–99
training, 119–20, 134
competence and, 132
delegation and, 132
learning vs., 129
in maintenance period, 153
training programs, 131–32
transients, 157–58
trust, 76, 162, 172
Tufte, Edward, 75
Tyabji, Hatim, 150–51
uncertainty, 100, 107
unemployment, xxiv
venting, 174–75
VeriFone, 150–51
Visual Display of Quantitative Information (Tufte), 75
Wahoo, USS, 45
watch bills, 55, 118, 145, 146, 149, 155
equitability of, 148
watch stations, watch standers, 139, 154–55, 157, 175
water, 115
Will Rogers, USS, xxviii–xxix, 3–4, 5, 8, 9–10, 69, 133
in collision, 4
cooler problems on, 6–7
empowerment program on, 9
leadership on, 5–6, 33, 64, 88, 128
mission of, 11
worker satisfaction, xxiv
World War II, 51, 102, 130, 169, 176, 196
Worshek, Andy, 52, 157, 208, 218
Zichermann, Gabe, 187
* The phrase comes from Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders Page 23