And So She Waited

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And So She Waited Page 5

by Shakuita Johnson

  "What are you in the mood for: comedy, sappy romance, or action?" Remy asked.

  "Mm, that's a hard choice. How about sappy, romantic action comedy?" Stacey countered.

  "There is no such thing."

  "Of course there is. Killers."

  "You can't be serious?"

  "As a heart attack!"

  "Ha, ha, very funny. You can't use my words against me," Remy smirked.

  This was just what he needed. Normalcy. He took a few sips of his beer and looked at Stacey out of the corners of his eyes, as he flipped through the movies on his hard drive. He got the movie ready to play but went into the kitchen first to check on the pizza. He didn't want to burn it with Stacey in the other room to witness. Satisfied that he hadn't overcooked their food, he set the kitchen timer for another ten minutes, then went back into the living room. He made sure to grab two more beers before returning.

  "Food should be ready in another ten minutes. I set the timer so we won't get too caught up in the movie."

  Stacey's response was a huge smile. God, he loved her smile. The way one corner of her mouth curled up, making her smile appear lopsided. It was so damn cute. She was so damn cute. He wanted Stacey in the worst way but decided he will play it cool tonight.

  He sat back and pressed the play button. He watched as Stacey scooted closer to him until she was leaning with her back to his front. He took his right arm and wrapped it around her waist, and drank his beer with his left. Before they could get too comfortable the timer buzzed. Remy excused himself to bring them some food.

  Remy prattled around in the kitchen for a few minutes, taking the pizza out of the oven, getting out the plates and napkins, finding his pizza cutter, then serving the meal on the plates. By the time he got his shit together the food would be cold and the movie half-way over. Why the hell was he freaking out over some chick? She wasn't any different from the rest of them. He would fuck her a few times and be done. Why the hell was he trying so hard? All he had to do was show up and the panties always dropped for him. Remy laughed at his own joke.

  "Get your shit together, Peters; you'll hang out with her a few times, mostly to fuck, and then move on to the next one. Just like always. Raven was a fluke and no way can you let that shit happen again."

  That pep talk was just what he needed. He made his way back to Stacey and handed her a plate. They ate and watched the movie in comfortable silence. Neither one tried to make small talk. Once they finished eating, Remy grabbed the plates and empty beer bottles and took them to the kitchen. He grabbed another beer for himself and nestled in with Stacey to finish the rest of the movie. He lay back against the couch and moments later Stacey cuddled up beside him. He hoped she didn't get used to this shit. He wasn't a fucking cuddler. He would be nipping that shit in the bud real quick.

  He wasn't lying to Raven when he had said he didn't want a relationship. He didn't. Relationships were messy and complicated. Two things Remy could do without in his life. He had too much other shit to look forward to besides getting some chick pregnant and listening to her desperate pleas of marriage and whatever the hell else she could come up with. No bueno. He was not about that life. He would never be about that life any time soon, either. He had too much living to do. Stacey's giggles brought him out of his inner monologue and back to the here and now. He needed to get a fucking grip. Raven had him all mixed up and he needed to get whatever the hell out of his system. And what better way to move on than to move under someone else? He had the perfect specimen right in front of him. It was time to bring his A game.

  Remy settled himself deeper into the couch. He pulled Stacey to sit back more firmly against him. She melted against him like an ice cube on a summer's day. She wanted the D, and he was more than happy to give it to her. In whatever way he decided was best. There wasn’t going to be any of that love-making bullshit, it was going to be down and dirty, hard and fast. The rough stuff. He didn't know any other way to do it. Hell, he didn't want to know any other way to do it. Remy lazily ran his palms up and down Stacey's arm. He made sure to focus on the movie and not her. He didn't want her to think she was the center of his universe, because she wasn't. He would stay like this until he heard that sigh that would tell him she was primed and ready to go. He didn't have to wait long for it. Only five minutes in and she was already like putty in his hands. He hadn't lost his touch.

  He placed his empty beer bottle on the floor beside the couch and then moved until he was on the edge. Stacey was now wedged between him and the back cushions, giving him more room to explore. He moved Stacey until she was lying flat on her back, then moved his hand from her legs to her breasts several times to test out the feel of her. She felt so smooth, so feminine. She had curves in all the right places. He bent his hand down and nuzzled her neck with licks, nips, and open-mouthed kisses. He was purposely going slowly to torture her. He wanted her to know he was in charge tonight of not only her but also her pleasure. He slowly pulled Stacey's shirt up to expose her nicely toned stomach. She must work out a lot, Remy thought. He liked it; lately Raven had become nothing but skin and bones. She resembled a skeleton more so than a woman.

  Shit! Why the hell was he thinking about Raven with Stacey at his mercy? He shook his head to clear the cobwebs and focused on the task at hand. Remy dipped his head down and kissed the skin around Stacey's belly button. He could hear her heartbeat pick up and her breaths whoosh out her chest. He smiled around her skin in satisfaction. It was time to up the ante. Remy helped her shimmy out of her pants and underwear. He then settled himself in between her legs and started to kiss the apex where her legs met her pelvis. Her hips were now twitching with anticipation, and Remy could hear low moans and pleas escape her lips. Remy was torturing her on purpose. He kissed her from one side to the other and blew on her most sensitive spots. She trembled ever so slightly and it was turning him the fuck on.

  Without so much as a warning Remy dove right in between her legs and sucked and nipped her clit. Stacey's response was beautiful. She jackknifed off the couch and would have fallen over had Remy not been prepared. He had her legs thrown over both his shoulders, with his arms under and around them, and his hands pushing down on her stomach. She wasn’t going anywhere unless he allowed it. Remy could feel her hands pulling at his hair trying to get him to slow down or stop but he wasn't having any of that. He continued to feast on her like it was the last supper he would ever have. He flattened his tongue out and licked her from slit to clit a few times. At the first swipe of his tongue on her asshole she screamed. The cries were music to Remy's ears. He shook his head from side to side but never once stopped in his full assault on Stacey's pussy. She would remember him for years to come.

  Remy didn't know how much time had passed but the movie was no longer playing and the couch cushion was soaking wet from Stacey's orgasms. She was apparently a squirter. Just how he liked them. It was now time for her to squirt all over his dick, after he made her swallow him down a few times first. He pulled up and away from his bounty and made a show of unzipping his pants. Stacey's dilated eyes tracked his every move. He moved from the couch and came to stand next to her head. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and guided her mouth to his impressive cock. The moment her lips wrapped around the head, Remy saw stars. It felt so fucking good. He took a few moments to appreciate the wet heat of it before he pulled out most of the way and rammed back in. The gagging was a welcomed sound and did nothing to slow his strides. She would either take it all or fucking choke on it. He hoped she took it all because if not, he would be sorely disappointed.

  It only took four more strokes before her gag reflex stopped kicking in and she was swallowing him down from root to tip like a fucking porn star. Remy used the hand holding her hair to pull her up into a sitting position on the couch in front of him, without her letting his dick slip from her lips. She was such a fucking good girl.

  "Take it all bitch, and don't stop until I tell you to," Remy moaned.

  He took his free hand
and inserted two fingers as deep as he could inside her cunt. She was still fucking wet. He needed inside her right now. He roughly pulled her head back and let his dick slip from her lips with a loud popping sound. He led her up and over the arm of the couch by her hair. She was bent over with her perfectly round ass facing him. He placed his hand in the middle of her back and gave her ass a few firm slaps. Her shrieks of pleasure made him hard as shit. He couldn't wait to pound himself inside her. Remy placed the head of his dick at Stacey's entrance and just sat there for several seconds before he reared back and entered her in one swift stroke. She yowled and hissed like a pissed off cat. Good, she would be feeling this shit for days.

  He didn't even stop to give her a moment before he was pulling back out and ramming back in again.

  "You like that shit, you like it when Daddy fucks you like a good little girl?" Remy asked.

  "Wait? What? Remy I'm not really into stuff like that," Stacey said.

  Remy delivered several angry slaps to her ass.

  "Answer the question, bitch! You like Daddy's dick inside you? Fucking you. Stretching you. Filling you to the fucking limits?"

  "I don't understand, please slow down. Let me turn around. I want to see you."

  "You're making me lose my fucking hard-on Stacey. Either you let me fuck you like I want or you can leave."

  The sound of skin slapping against skin pervaded the room, filling the silence left by Remy’s question. Remy was getting softer by the second. He was all but ready to kick this bitch out of his place.

  "Yes," Stacey said softy.

  "Yes? Yes what, Stacey?"

  "Yes, I like Daddy's dick inside me," Stacey said a bit louder.

  "Good, now beg Daddy to cum inside your tight little hole like a good fucking girl."

  "I want…I want Daddy to cum in my tight little hole," Stacey said breathlessly.

  "You don't deserve to cum. Beg me!"

  "Please, Remy! I wanna cum. I wanna squirt all over Daddy's dick."

  "Then be a good little bitch and cum. Right. Fucking. NOW!" Remy bellowed as his own orgasm hit him at the same time Stacey squirted all over him.

  He stood still inside her while he caught his breath and quickly pulled out. He picked up her panties and pants and tossed them to her.

  "Make sure you lock the door on your way out. I'm going to grab a shower and get some sleep. I'll see you at the Lounge tomorrow."

  Remy left Stacey with a bewildered expression on her face and went to clean himself up. Shit! He thought to himself. I should have used a fucking condom. Hopefully she was on the fucking pill. He had no intention to play daddy with anyone for a long time. The tension left his body as soon as he heard the front door slam. He quickly hopped in and out of the shower and called it a night. He was exhausted from the day's events and just wanted to forget the shit had ever happened. A good night's sleep was just what the doctor ordered.

  Chapter 9

  What bullshit, Matt thought to himself as he left Raven's apartment. Even though he had broken up with Raven, Remy Peters was still fucking up his shit. He was getting real tired of that asshole. Raven had better have her ass at school tomorrow, ready to rock and roll. He wasn't playing with her when he said he would drag her ass kicking and screaming. Matt drove from Raven's place to his parent's house. Yeah, he still lived at home; he was a mama's boy. He didn't deny it. Plus, his parents still paid for whatever he wanted as long as he brought home good grades. And since he had no intention of moving out any time soon, he didn't make anything below an A in any of his classes. Matt made his way inside and up to his room. He grabbed a shower and some food and called it a night. He had some serious practicing to do tomorrow and he wasn't going to stay up all night worrying about whether Raven was going to show for class or not. He would cross that bridge later. For now, he was exhausted and wasted no time dropping off into dreamland. In this world, all was right and Raven was his. It would be a reality soon enough, he would make sure of it by any means necessary.

  Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Get the fuck up asshole!

  Matt jumped out of bed and looked around franticly. What the fuck was going on? He heard loud yelling coming from somewhere in his room. What the hell time was it? Where the hell was his fucking phone? Matt blindly looked around for the source of the noise. It was taking entirely too damn long. Finally he found the source of the disturbance. It was his damn alarm. He needed to change that shit before he gave himself a heart attack. Matt looked at the time on the clock and swore some more. Four o'clock in the damn morning! What was wrong with him? He needed at least another hour today. His first class wasn't until nine. Matt set the clock for six and passed right back out.

  After hitting the snooze button entirely too many times to count, Matt was finally up and about. He made sure to get all his stuff together for class today and was out the door by eight-fifteen. He had just enough time with a few minutes to spare. Matt whipped his car into a parking space and was on the move. He navigated his way into the dance studio that he had reserved for practice. He was surprised to see that Raven had beaten him there. This was a first in months. He couldn't stop a small smile from creasing his lips. She looked better today than she had last night. Maybe some of what he had said was penetrating her thick shell. God, he hoped so! He hated having to be brash with her. It wasn't the type of relationship he wanted them to have.

  "Well, someone's ready to go," Matt said with a raised eyebrow.

  "And you're late," Raven replied.

  "Bullshit! I have five minutes to spare."

  Matt laughed at the sound of Raven's unladylike snort. She was playing with him. Something she hadn't done in a long time. He hadn't realized how much he'd missed it until now.

  "I'm glad you're feeling better. You ready to practice?"

  "Yeah, I think I am. I listened to the mash-up a few times last night and just got my body accustomed to moving again. It felt good to dance. To get lost in the music and think of nothing else but the sway of my hips. It's a great song. You did good, kid," Raven teased.

  "Well when we nail this routine they will be saying our names in hushed tones for decades to come, possibly even centuries. You want to warm up with some stretching and first position?"

  "Sure, let's do this."

  "You sure you don't need the barre? It's been a while," Matt challenged.

  "I could stop practicing for five years and still dance circles around you."

  "We'll see."

  Matt walked over to the stereo and popped in the CD with the mashed up tracks for their final on it. He watched Raven as she rose to the tips of her toes and balls of her feet. Matt sat, entranced, as she went from pointe to piqué several times in a row. She was made for this and he was in awe of her talent. Had always been. Matt did a few stretches of his own before he deemed himself ready to start their routine.

  "So I was thinking we could incorporate Salsa, along with acrobatics, to our ballet routine. I'm sure no one else has thought of doing so and even if they do, we are ten times more talented than anyone else in this school," Matt said.

  "Have you got anything in mind yet? Moves, costumes, or stage?"

  "Not yet, I've been playing around with a few concepts, but nothing concrete. Have you thought of anything?"

  "Not really, just maybe a few rings hanging from the ceiling, a raised stage in the center, and something red to wear," Raven said with a smile.

  Matt laughed out loud. Always with the red. Every time they performed anything Raven insisted they have something red on.

  "Why am I not surprised? Fine, you take care of the costumes; I'll work on the dance and setting the scene. Is there a specific theme you want?"

  "We could do something with stars, planets, and the galaxy. I think that would be really cool, like an out-of-this-world type thing."

  Matt thought about it for a moment. He could make it work. It wouldn't take too much effort on his part. He would think on it a bit longer and see if something clicked.

ay, let me meditate on it. Make sure I can come up with something kickass that’s never been done before. Let's do some basic moves and call it a day. I need to get ready for the Lyrical Muse Lounge tonight."

  "Sounds good,” Raven said. “I have to stop by the mall for a few things myself before tonight, too."

  Matt ran through his pliés, jetés, sautés, and pirouettes for about three hours with Raven right by his side. By the time practice was done they were both sweating profusely and exhilarated. Dancing always gave them a high like nothing else.

  "Damn, that was a great practice. Same time tomorrow and Thursday? I know you don't have classes on Fridays," Matt said.

  "Yep, sounds good. I'll think of costume designs and make some sketches. I'll see you later," Raven said and left the studio.

  She was back, Matt thought to himself. Whatever madness had come over her was obviously temporary. It was about damn time. He didn't know what he would have done had she not shown up for practice today. He had done a lot of threatening yesterday but he hadn't really considered his next course of action if Raven hadn't snapped out of whatever the fuck was wrong with her. It didn't matter, now that it was over. Matt grabbed his bags and made his way back to his car. He had to make sure he looked his best tonight. Tonight was the night he was going to tell Raven his plans for their future. He needed to make sure everything was just right. He also needed to find the locket he had bought for her a few weeks before she had announced she was seeing someone.

  He had been so devastated he had locked the thing away and never thought about it, but now it was time to find it. He even remembered the speech he was going to deliver along with it. It was time for him to reveal his master plan. They were already a year behind schedule and they needed to get back on track. Once at his car, Matt threw his bag in and headed home to get ready for tonight. It was motherfucking go time.


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