The Burn List

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The Burn List Page 8

by Jennifer Dawson

  He tugs at the fabric between my legs. An involuntary groan escapes my lips as he pulls the fabric over my sensitive clit. The wicked smile he’d worn at the front door reappears. “Yeah, I do.”

  “No.” I have limits. I can’t go around meeting people without underwear. That’s obscene.

  His eyes flash, and his jaw becomes a stubborn line. “Don’t say no to me.”

  I cock a brow, prepared to try my luck. “No.”

  He growls low in his throat and lunges.

  It surprises me so much I screech, taking off in a run. I make it to the living room before a strong arm grabs my waist. Excitement builds, as I struggle in his grasp. He encircles both my arms in a death grip and then I’m lifted off the floor. Hot breath in my ear he drags me down to the couch and turns me over his knee. When he yanks my skirt up over my waist, sanity prevails.

  No matter how much I liked it last night, instinct takes over and I protest. “Lukas wait…”

  A hard smack lands across my ass and I yelp at the pain. “If you’re going to be a bad girl, you’ve got to pay the price.”

  My eyelids squeeze tight as I brace for the fiery sting.

  His hand connects with my skin.

  I jerk.

  Oh, I like this. Like it so, so much. All afternoon I’d thought about it, hoped for it.

  Slap, slap, slap.

  The sound reverberates through the room. Pain, heat and pleasure all mix and I forget my protests, arching into his touch. Again and again, his open palm lands on my ass until we are both panting.

  And I’m a slippery, needy mess.

  He slides his fingers up and down my wet slit and gives a long, put-upon sigh. “This isn’t working.”

  My heart stops. What did he mean? He couldn’t be done with me already, we’re in the middle of things. I sputter. “Wh-what…?”

  “You like getting your ass smacked too much.” His voice takes on a diabolical tone that sends shivers through my aching body. My anxiety disappears, replaced with anticipation. He toys with my clit, lightly stroking, driving me crazy. “I have no other choice but to come up with a different punishment.”

  “No, this is good.” I moan, encouraging him to continue.

  He laughs. “Oh, I know it is. That’s my point.”

  He picks me up from his lap and deposits me onto the couch.

  I cross my arms, huffing in disappointment.

  A smile flickers over his lips before he stands to face me. He looks me up and down as though I’m a horse up for auction. “I was going to save this for later, but you’ve given me no choice.”

  He digs into his pocket and pulls out a small black box, holding it out to me.

  Confused, I blink at what looks like a jeweler’s box. My heart lurches before rationality returns. He’s not giving me jewelry, we’d spent one night together. I eye it. “What’s that?”

  He pushes it closer. “Open it.”

  Curiosity mixes with apprehension and I take it from him, flipping the top open. Two silver balls lay nestled inside. Okay, I’m officially lost. “What are these?”

  His dark eyes drink me in. “Put them in.”

  What is he talking about? Where exactly am I supposed to put them? Dumbfounded, I ask, “What?”

  “Put them in your pussy.” He makes the proclamation as though it should be obvious.

  I cough. He can’t be serious. For what purpose? “Why? What are they?”

  His jaw clenches and he crosses his strong forearms over his broad chest. “Don’t ask questions. Just do what you’re told.”

  Maybe it’s wrong, but I kind of like it when he talks like that. All arrogant and commanding. Maybe if he were really like that, it would be different, but so far whenever he gets like this, it leads to very good things.

  Besides I’m too curious where this is going to argue.

  I pick them up. The metal is cool in the palm of my hand.

  “One at a time.”

  I roll one smooth ball in between my thumb and forefinger and it jingles.

  Why? I guess I’ll find out. Without taking my gaze off him, I insert first one then the other. The flash of heat in his expression tells me I’m missing something key, but I can’t fathom what.

  He crooks his finger. “Stand up and come here.”

  Worried they’ll fall out, I slide off the couch with utter care. I straighten. They stay in place and thankfully don’t fall to the floor and roll across the hardwood.

  So far so good, but I don’t see the point in them.

  He keeps looking at me, expectantly.

  I shift around on the balls of my feet, but nothing unusual happens.

  Lukas has obviously gotten some duds. I hope he’s not too disappointed.

  I take two steps.

  Deep inside, the balls clang and a spear of pleasure shoots through me. I jerk to a stop. My whole body stilling as they vibrate to quiet inside me.

  I get it. Their diabolical purpose, and exactly how Lukas intends to torment me.

  “Closer.” His grin is wide and cocky, filled with amusement.

  I take another cautious step. They clink again, knocking against something so good I have to grab on to his arm for support. “Oh god!”

  He chuckles, low and deep, the sound creating as much havoc as the balls nestled within. He runs a finger along my jaw, tilting my chin, and brushing his mouth against me. “Time to go.”


  I watch Abby from across the crowded bar as she talks to Anne, a wife of one the guys from the station. Even from a distance I can see her nipples are puckered under the thin fabric of her top, a constant reminder of her state of arousal. I want to go over there and run my fingers along her sure-to-be-slippery pussy.

  But I don’t want to ruin the fun, so I quell the urge.

  I’m not really sure how, with all her innocence, Abby has turned into the best sex I’ve ever had. A week ago, if someone told me this would be the case, I’d have said they were crazy.

  But it’s true.

  There’s something addictive about her. All that hot eagerness. Her greedy lust. Hell, she’s managed to teach me a few things.

  I like her. Not just the sex, but her. She is funny, smart and adventurous. Last night, in between marathon sessions, we’d talked about everything under the sun from families to politics. I can’t remember having a better time both in and out of bed.

  Sensing my gaze, she turns, huffs, and shakes her head before raising her eyes to the heavens.


  Ben Wa Balls have hit my intended mark. This little game I have going on is not only fun, but sexy as hell. Normally, I have one-night stands or casual hookups. I’ve never put this much thought or effort into tormenting a woman sexually before. It’s worth every ounce of my self-control.

  I cock one brow at her while raising a beer to my lips and taking a long drink, my gaze locked on hers. Abby flushes a pretty pink, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.

  Our chemistry is a surprise, and I can’t help being grateful for my good fortune.

  All of a sudden, her head snaps back to Anne, who must have said something to her, and the spell breaks. I expel a long breath and wonder how much longer I can bide my time before getting inside her. Just the thought of her willing cunt has me practically—

  “What’s up?”

  Shaken from my thoughts, I shift my attention to my friend Trevor, who watches me with amusement.

  Shit. I hadn’t noticed his approach. I play it cool, shrugging. “Not much.”

  Trevor points his beer bottle in Abby’s direction. “Sweet little thing.”

  If only that were the half of it. I nod. “Yeah, she is.”

  “Where’d you find her? She doesn’t seem like your normal type.”

  I take in her lean legs, my mouth practically salivating as I think of what must be going on under her short skirt. “She’s my neighbor.”

  Trevor chuckles, watching her with interest. “My neighbor is an eighty-year
-old man with no teeth.” He gives Abby a long, slow appreciative once-over. “You’re more fortunate.”

  My muscles tense fractionally and I frown.

  Trevor has a healthy appreciation for all women and attracts plenty of attention with his Nordic good looks. Normally, I appreciate right along with him. But the way he watches Abby—as if he’s the Big Bad Wolf come to eat Little Red Riding Hood—makes me oddly want to punch him. An unreasonable and unfamiliar response I don’t want to think too much about. I take a long draw from my beer bottle, shrugging one shoulder as my only response.

  “I met these incredibly hot twins last night. Redheads—natural redheads,” Trevor says, casually. “What do you say? I guarantee a good time.”

  My gaze slides to Abby. “Maybe some other time.”

  Trevor groans, shaking his head. “Please don’t tell me you’ve caught monogamy.”

  No, that’s not it. I just want to focus on Abby and her list right now. That’s all. “Just not interested.”

  As if sensing the discussion is about her, Abby looks over at me again and narrows her eyes into thin slits. Natural redheads can’t possibly be as much fun as she is.

  I laugh and crook my finger at her.

  She shakes her head.

  I give her a sharp nod.

  She glances around, appearing to gauge the distance between us. Chin tilting in that stubborn determination I’ve come to recognize means good things for me, she begins walking slowly toward me.

  I can’t contain my grin when she comes to a dead stop and closes her eyes for a second. The balls must have clanged against her G-spot.

  Damn, this had been a good idea. Well worth the trip out of my way to pick them up on my way home. It lets me watch what I like most about her. That expressive face of hers can’t hide anything.

  She opens her lids, takes a deep intake of air and begins again.

  Well, isn’t she a little trooper. God bless her.

  Finally she stands next to me and I peer down at her flushed, perturbed face. I snake an arm around her waist. “How you doing there, Abby?”

  She glares up at me. “I hate you.”

  Amused at her response, I can’t contain a chuckle. I give her a little squeeze. “Don’t say that. Aren’t you having a good time?”

  Trevor raises one blond brow and stares thoughtfully at Abby. “A woman who doesn’t fall at Lukas Marlow’s feet? I like you already.”

  She crosses her arms and gives me another death glare before shifting her attention to Trevor. “Hi, I’m Abby, Lukas’s…neighbor.”

  Trevor nods and extends his hand, his blue eyes running leisurely over her. “Trevor.”

  She shakes his outstretched hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Do you and Lukas work together?”

  Trevor nods; holding onto her fingers a fraction longer than I think is appropriate. I frown. Jesus, I sound like my mother.

  Trevor gives her a sly grin. “And what do you do, sweet Abby? Besides being neighborly?”

  She bites her lower lip, her lashes fluttering a bit. “I’m an accountant.”

  Trevor’s head tilts to the side, as though pondering. “Not the first profession I would have guessed.”

  Something akin to confusion passes over her face, and I once again contemplate her self-perception. I’m going to get to the bottom of it. Because a woman with this much unrestrained passion should not be so convinced she’s dull. It’s unnatural. Besides checking stuff off her list, if this is something I can help her with, I will. Because it needs correction.

  “Not the most exciting career, but it pays the mortgage.” She shrugs. Unlike other women, she doesn’t probe further as to why Trevor might think that.

  “So how long have you two been neighbors?” Trevor asks.

  I pull her a little closer. “Since I moved in.”

  “And you’re just neighbors?” Trevor takes a sip of his beer.

  “Of course,” Abby says quickly, a flush staining her cheeks.

  I’ll have to disabuse her of that notion right quick.

  “In that case,” Trevor says with a grin. “I’m sure Lukas won’t mind if I take you onto the dance floor.”

  “I mind,” I snarl. The statement more intense than I’d intended. A kick of possessiveness settles in my gut. I frown at the unfamiliar feeling. It shouldn’t matter if Trevor dances with her.

  But the thing is, it does matter. I don’t want anyone else touching that smooth skin but me. Besides, if anyone is going to get the advantage of moving her around the dance floor while she suffers through the balls, it’s going to be me.

  Trevor chuckles. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

  Abby blinks up at me as though she’s completely confused as to why I care. I can start working on that perception problem right now. I lean down and whisper in her ear, “I’m not sharing this hot little body with anyone.” She lets out a little gasp, swaying a bit. I grip her, pressing my hard cock against her stomach. “I don’t think I can wait much longer for you.”

  Her breathing kicks up and she rises onto tiptoes to get closer, resting her hands on my shoulders. “Please…”

  The soft, pleading tone in her voice makes my chest tighten. She is the sweetest. I bury my nose in the curve of her neck, inhaling her scent. One I can’t identify but am addicted to. “Please what?”

  “You know,” she says haltingly into my ear.

  Oh, I do know, but I want her to say it. Own it. “No, tell me.”

  She huffs out a breath.

  “Tell me,” I say, my voice soft and encouraging. “I want to hear the words from those pretty lips.”

  She tenses against me, before whispering, “Fuck me.”

  I am overcome with a visceral need to mark her as mine. My fingers play over the base of her spine. “Are you still wet for me?”

  She nods, her soft brown hair tickling my cheek.

  “Then come with me.” I pull away and shift my attention to Trevor’s knowing grin. “We’ll see you later.”

  Trevor laughs. “You always did have the devil’s luck.” He nods at Abby. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You too.” And before she can say more, I pull her through the crowd, walking slow enough so she won’t drop the balls, but with enough purpose no one approaches me.

  This game has come to an end. I want her right this second and don’t intend on waiting.

  Blood pounds through my veins as I lead her outside. Without a word, I walk in between two buildings and down a dark, private corridor. When we’re far enough away from the people loitering in front of the bar, I push her up against the wall and slant my mouth over hers.

  She groans, flinging her arms around me with abandon. Throwing everything she has into the kiss in that way she has that drives me crazy.

  Our tongues tangle. I fist her hair to hold her in place while I wreak havoc.

  The need to possess her, to mark her, storms through me and I don’t fight it. I want her with no doubts about my desire.

  I crush my body to hers, gripping her hips tight and rocking her along the length of my cock. “I need you now.”

  Her back bows. “Yes.”

  I slip a hand under her skirt and growl in approval when I find her soaking wet. I lick at her lips. “Did you like being naked for me under your skirt?”

  “Yes.” The word is a soft pant.

  I hook my fingers, fishing the balls out, and they fall forgotten to the ground. With my thumb, I circle her clit and she arches, driving my fingers deeper.

  I feel frustrated. Like it’s not enough. I need primal, elemental. I want a claiming. I jerk away. She looks up at me, her pretty brown eyes filled with lust and confusion.

  “Hands against the wall.” I flip her around so she faces the brick.

  She moans, lifting her ass in offering.

  Which is good, because I’m in a taking mood. I yank her skirt up and smack her hard on her bare skin. On a whimper, she pushes into my palm.

  Fuck. I’ve never me
t anyone who likes to be spanked as much as she does.

  Before I lose all reason, I whip a condom from my pocket. Unzipping my jeans, I free my straining erection before sheathing myself.

  The creamy, pale skin of her ass beckons, and I don’t deny the temptation she presents. I deliver several sharp blows.

  Her head drops down between her outstretched arms. Jesus that’s a pretty sight.


  I rain a series of slaps in alternating patterns and force until her flesh glows red and my palm burns.

  We’re panting for breath.

  I’m so hard it borders on pain. I can’t hold off anymore. Can’t wait to slide into her.

  One thrust and I sink into her tight, wet heat.

  She cries out and starts coming around my cock, her muscles squeezing me. I grit my teeth, fighting the urge to follow right along with her.

  “I’m sorry,” she says, her voice breathless.

  I bark out a harsh laugh. Only Abby would apologize for coming.

  I want her to come again. Want to feel her body quake for me.

  I thrust, deep, pulling out to the barest tip before plunging back.

  Her cunt tightens around me.

  Her head tilts back, and her hair brushes against her back. “More.”

  Any thread of restraint I have breaks. I grip her hips with both hands and drive into her with a force that leaves me shaking. Mindless to anything but the feel of her and the blinding pleasure. Over and over I pound into her with a brutal strength, sweat breaking out along my back as I relentlessly take her.

  She begins to tremble, tightening on my shaft.

  It makes me wild.

  Her orgasm ripples down my cock. She cries out, loud and abandoned.

  I clamp a hand over her mouth so people won’t run to rescue her.

  From out of nowhere, the words rip from my throat. “My pussy. Mine.”

  I thrust high and deep. I growl. “You’re mine. I own you. You belong to me.”

  Another wave of climaxes milks my cock. She bites my palm.

  It sends me over the edge. On a rush, I explode.

  “Jesus, Abby!” I clamp my jaw tight to keep from roaring while every ounce of come I have spurts hot and fast inside her.


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