Master (An Impossible Novel) (Impossible #6)

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Master (An Impossible Novel) (Impossible #6) Page 16

by Julia Sykes

  Pain flared on my right cheek, and I let out a shocked gasp. Reed had never spanked me before. Not like this. There had been playful swats during foreplay, but he hadn’t disciplined me.

  “Please,” I begged. “You have to stop. We can’t do this anymore. He’ll know-”

  The second resounding crack of his hand on my ass brought another burst of pain. “I don’t care if he knows. I’m not leaving you, Katie. And I’m not going to let you push me away because you’re scared.” Crack! “I’m not going to stop until you accept that.” Crack! “I won’t stop until you accept that I’m going to take care of you.”

  His tender words contrasted with the sharp pain he gave me. Each hit was hard enough to propel my entire body forward. It made my clit rub against his thigh. Even through my fear and confusion, desire began to pulse within me. My inner walls contracted with every slap, and the heat that arose on my enflamed skin seeped through my flesh and into my core. I knew I should protest. It was so important that I protest. Reed couldn’t touch me. He couldn’t…

  But he was touching me. And he wasn’t showing any signs of stopping. His hand came down on me mercilessly, wringing pain and that strange searing pleasure from me. Tears trickled down my face with my frustration and from the harsh sting of his discipline.

  Despite my resistance, my will began to bend to his. Even when he was giving me pain, the sensation of Reed’s hands upon me was too sweet to give up. He wasn’t going to allow my tormentor to tear us apart.

  I was ready to accept that. I had to accept it, because Reed had taken the responsibility of choosing out of my hands. Even though my fear for him didn’t fully melt, I felt stronger for taking the pain he gave me. I had thought I was protecting him by pushing him away, but we needed to work together to keep each other safe. Divided, we were easy targets. Together, we could watch each other’s backs. Reed would stand by me, no matter what.

  The tension left my muscles as the fight went out of me. The steady rhythm of Reed’s hits stopped instantly. His fingers traced light, swirling patterns over my burning skin. I shuddered as my pleasure spiked at his soothing touch.

  “That’s good, Katie,” he rumbled his approval. His fingers dipped between my thighs and found the wetness there. “Very good.” He teased around the edges of my labia, stroking me lightly, but not touching me where I craved it most. He came so close to my clit, but then retreated. I whined out my protest as lust overtook me.

  “You want me to touch you, don’t you?” He slowly penetrated me up to his first knuckle, but went no further.

  “Yes! Please, Sir. I want you to touch me.”

  He eased in to the second knuckle, and I moaned out my frustration.

  “I want you to call me Master.”

  “He made me call Him Master. That’s all I ever knew Him as.” Kathy’s words snaked through my mind with insidious effect. I stiffened in Reed’s hold. I wanted to give him what he asked. I wanted to belong to him. But the idea of belonging to anyone when The Mentor wanted to own me made my stomach turn. Reed sensed my discomfiture, and his hand left my sex. His grip closed around my waist, and he turned my body so that I was cradled in his arms rather than being draped across his lap.

  “Hey,” his gorgeous face was twisted with concern. “What happened? Talk to me.”

  “I… That’s what he made Kathy call him. The Mentor made her call him Master.” I shuddered. “I could tell by the way she talked about him that she still thinks of him that way.”

  Reed’s palm touched my cheek, and his thumb hooked below my jaw, holding my face so that I had no choice but to look up at him. His black eyes were intense, filled with a mixture of anger and hunger. “I do want to be your Master, Katie. But I want to be your Master. I don’t want to make you into something you’re not. I want you just like you are. I want to protect you, to take care of you. And yes, I do want you to belong to me. Because I already belong to you.”

  My breath caught in my throat. “What?” The word escaped me on a tiny puff of air.

  One corner of his lips tugged up in a lopsided smile. “I want you to be my submissive, Katie. I want you to be mine.”

  My head spun. “Your submissive. Is that like… Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”

  His smile turned wicked. “Among other things.” His free hand returned to my pussy, playing though the wetness that still lingered there. “Is that something you want?”

  Renewed lust shot through my sudden joy. “Yes,” I gasped out. “I want that… Master.” I added the title with apprehension, as though saying it aloud would call The Mentor’s attention to us. He had already proven his jealousy at Reed’s hands on me. What would he do to him if he knew about this?

  Reed’s fingers teased around my clit, calling me back to him with a shot of pleasure. “Say it again,” he commanded. “What do you call me when we’re together like this?”

  “Master.” This time, the word didn’t waver with fear.

  “Good girl.” His fingers drove into me in reward. He found my g-spot immediately. “Come for me. Come for your Master.” His lips came down on mine, and his thumb rubbed practiced circles over my clit. I cried out my orgasm into his mouth, brought to climax by his heated order and his skillful touch.

  Even as I contracted around him, I needed more. As he stroked me through the final aftershocks, I broke from his kiss. “Please fuck me, Master,” I whispered against his lips. I rotated my hips, rubbing my sore ass against his hard cock. It jerked, and he groaned.

  “Fuck, Katie. I like hearing my name on your lips.” He took them again, as though to taste his new title with his tongue.

  I gave a small, surprised squeak when he tore his mouth from mine and shifted my body so that I was positioned on my hands and knees on the bed, facing away from him. My pussy pulsed, loving how he so easily manhandled me. After years of training to fight men, it was so sweet to just allow myself to feel carnally vulnerable to a man’s strength.

  The cool air was electric on my exposed, abused ass. The rest of my body was still fully clothed, only heightening the sensation against my heated skin. Goosebumps pebbled my flesh, even as need caused heat to surge just beneath the surface. My hips rocked back towards him of their own accord, urging him to take me.

  His low growl was accompanied by the sound of his belt unbuckling and his zipper being pulled down. It seemed I wasn’t the only one who wasn’t willing to wait to take the time to get undressed. I shot him a lustful grin over my shoulder, and he returned my smile with a sharp one of his own as he removed his tie. I watched as he tied a knot halfway down its length.

  He leaned forward and pressed the silky fabric against my lips, and when they parted, the knot settled firmly between my teeth. I expected him to tie off the makeshift gag, but he kept the ends of the tie loose in his hand. His other arm snaked under my hips and dragged my body back into him. My cry as I was impaled on his cock was smothered by the knot.

  His hand came down on my aching ass, and I clenched around him. His soft laugh rippled over me like a palpable thing. His grip on the ends of the tie tightened, pressing the gag back into my mouth until the pressure between my lips forced me to shift my body further back onto his cock. He held me there for a moment, my head pulled up, back arched, trapped against him. He pumped into me once, twice; then held me still again.

  “I’m your Master now, Katie. That means I own every part of you,” he explained in a low voice. He pulled out and pressed his cock against my asshole. “Every part.”

  My whimper into the gag was one of fear, but he held me firmly in place with his grip on the tie. He had stretched me there with his fingers while he fucked me, but he had never taken my ass. No one had. I clenched.

  He spanked me in reprimand. “You will not keep me out. Relax.” His fingers reached around to find my clit. It was still hard with need, and pleasure lanced through me at his touch, despite my fear.

  “This will hurt at first, but it can be enjoyable if you accept it. Accep
t me, Katie.” He tweaked my clit, giving me a little shot of pain amidst the pleasure. That unique hit of erotic sensation sent desire crashing through me once again, pushing away my apprehension. My muscles gave slightly, and Reed pressed into me. I hissed at the burning pain as his cock head stretched me, and I tightened again. I tried to squirm away, to escape him, but his hold on the tie was merciless, and his hand cracked across my thigh.

  “Relax,” he scolded.

  His correction did something perverse to my mind and body. Instead of anger or fear, it awoke a wash of lust. He wanted to take my ass, and he would get what he wanted. I had accepted him as my Master, and now he wanted to master every part of my body.

  I wanted to give it to him, but it hurt.

  His hand stroked down my back as he recognized my willingness. “That’s it.”

  I shivered, and he eased in another quarter inch. His fingers found my clit again, eliciting a ping of pleasure from the little bundle of nerves. “The worst is almost over.”

  He pressed forward ruthlessly, and I cried out as his head passed through my tight ring of muscles with a little popping sensation. He paused there, never stopping his stimulation of my clit.

  A string of animalistic whines left me on each shallow breath. The bliss he elicited from my clit danced with the burn in my ass to create something darkly erotic. It was so intense that I wasn’t sure I could handle it. But I couldn’t have escaped him even if I wanted to. Not only did the tie between my teeth keep me trapped against him, but the nearly overwhelming pleasure/pain he inflicted upon my body immobilized me.

  When I acknowledged the fact that I had no desire to escape his sweet torment, the burning turned to something more complex than discomfort. It fed off the pleasure that thrummed from my clit to incite a fire at my core. An orgasm began to build within me, and Reed urged it on, determinedly stroking me toward the precipice.

  My scream of pleasure as I came sharpened when he began to slide further into my ass, the way eased by my own wetness on his cock. My head thrashed back and forth, but I couldn’t so much as inch away from his steady onslaught while he held me in place with the tie. It was too much. Surely my mind would shatter from the carnal assault on my senses.

  My clit was stinging, over-sensitive from my orgasm, but he didn’t relent in his stimulation of the little abused bud. He coaxed it back to life, pinching and rubbing until it was hard and needy again. When pure pleasure began to pulse in time with his touch, he rocked his hips back ever so slightly before shifting forward again. The pumping motion awoke a whole new set of nerve endings I had never known existed. I couldn’t manage more than a gasp as stars popped behind my eyes. His low chuckle rolled through me, stoking the heat inside.

  “I told you you would like it,” he said. Although his voice was tight from the effort of holding himself back, it was still saturated with smug satisfaction.

  He pumped his hips again and pinched my clit hard at the same time. I screamed out the ecstasy that slammed through me. As I fully relaxed around him, his thrusts increased in speed and intensity, until he was driving in and out of me in earnest. My fingers curled into the sheets beneath me, as though that was the only thing tethering me to the real world.

  I could hear him sucking in air in harsh gasps as he altered the way he fucked me. He pulled almost all the way out and stilled. Then he tugged back on the tie, urging me to thrust back towards him. I obeyed, and he let out a satisfied grunt as he began pulling on the tie in a steady rhythm, guiding me to fuck him at the speed he wished.

  His complete control over my body, my will, pushed me over the edge again. The release I found in my submission, in his complete domination of my entire being, brought me to bliss. When I began contracting around him, he let out a harsh shout. I felt him pump within me, branding me with his heat. Satisfaction flooded my senses along with my pleasure. We were bound now. I belonged to my Master, and he belonged to me.

  Chapter 17

  “How does this work?” I couldn’t quite meet Reed’s eyes. Instead, I kept my cheek pressed against his bare chest, watching my fingers trail over the contours of his ripped abs. I still wasn’t clear on exactly what it meant to be his submissive.

  “How does what work?” His voice was a lazy drawl, sated and satisfied. He had fucked me again after we showered together. All I wanted to do was pass out, but I needed to know where I stood with him.

  “Us,” the little word was tentative. I liked the feel of it on my tongue far more than was healthy. I glanced up at him, hoping my yearning wasn’t too pathetically obvious in my eyes. But when I met his, I found a depth of satisfaction there that matched my own. Light danced off them like starlight on a dark pool. I wanted to drown in those warm waters.

  “Well, what do you want to do when you quit the FBI? You could move to New York or I could request a transfer to Chicago.”

  My jaw dropped. “Are you asking me to live with you?” I could hardly believe it. We hadn’t known each other very long at all. Even if he was my Master – and possibly my boyfriend – living together was a huge step. One that I’d never taken.

  He shrugged. “Not if you don’t want to. But I’d like to be in the same city. New York is great, but I’m in a position to transfer now since I’ve been sent here on this case. It would make sense to put in the request sooner rather than later.”

  “You hardly know me,” I marveled. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because you’re my sub. I want to be close to you. Otherwise, how will I know whether or not you’re behaving yourself?” He winked at me, as though this was no big deal. “Besides, I do know you.” His fingers trailed from the hollow at my throat to rest just above my heart. “You’re sweet and funny and in need of someone who can help you be your true self. Being submissive doesn’t mean you’re weak, but your nature has allowed other people to push you down a path you don’t want. That doesn’t mean they were wrong to do it, just that you put what you thought would make them happy ahead of your own desires. I’ll always put you first, Katie. And I’ll make sure you put you first.”

  “But why would you do that for me?” I pressed again, still bewildered.

  “Filling that role completes a vital part of me. D/s isn’t just about control for me. It’s about being needed. After what my father did, after losing my mother… I was alone and angry for a long time. I need to feel that I’m essential to you. Maybe that’s selfish, but the truth at the heart of it is that I need you, too.”

  I touched my fingertips to his cheek, and he leaned in to me. “I do need you, Reed. Despite everything that’s happening, when I’m with you, I’m happier than I’ve been since my father died. I can see a whole new life for myself, and the thought of it doesn’t make me sick inside. I want to go to vet school.” I took a deep breath and committed. “I’ll apply to schools in Chicago and New York. That can make the decision for us.”

  “Excellent,” he grinned, as though the entire situation was settled.

  “I still don’t really understand what it means to be your sub,” I admitted. “You said it’s like being your girlfriend?”

  “It’s better than being my girlfriend, because we get to have wild, kinky sex.” He ground his hips up into me, and I felt his cock stiffen.

  “So you’ll tell me what to do all the time?” I frowned. He was bossy during kinky sex. I wasn’t sure I wanted that in my everyday life.

  His expression softened. “Of course not. I’ll only ever be completely in charge in the bedroom. But I will be firm with you if I think you’re doing something that will be harmful to you, physically or emotionally. I’ll never force you to do what I think is right in situations like that, but I will be… persistent. I want to take care of you, Katie, in more than just a sexual capacity. Is that something you think you could be okay with?”

  “Yes, I’m okay with that. It’s what I want. You’ve already done so much for me.” I planted a soft kiss of gratitude on his lips.

  “Good.” His brilliant s
mile returned. “Now that’s settled, we can get back to the fucking part.”

  My eyes widened. “Again? Don’t you need sleep? You were shot today.”

  “Almost shot,” he corrected. He pulled me closer and nipped my lower lip. “And why would I sleep when I have you in my bed?”

  A knock rapped against the door, and I jumped away from him.

  “Just a-” the latch clicked back, “minute.” The last word was a terrified squeak as the door eased open. I jerked the covers all the way up to my chin, as though hiding my body would hide the fact that I was naked in bed with Reed. Shit shit shit!

  All my frantic embarrassment turned to pure, numbing horror when the intruder was fully revealed.

  “Frank,” my lips formed his name, but no sound came out. His features twisted to something dark and terrifying, and his eyes were hot enough to consume Reed with fire if he glared for two seconds longer. Usually so implacable, Reed tensed beside me. He knew we were in deep shit.

  “Get your hands off her,” my father figure’s voice was low and controlled, but his hands were clenched to fists at his sides. “You have one minute to get dressed and get out of here, Miller.”

  “You can’t do that!” I cried, even as Reed started grabbing up his clothes. He might be an alpha male, but he wasn’t stupid enough to stay naked in bed with a woman while her dad was staring him down. “The Mentor will kill him if he leaves the safe house!”

  Frank didn’t look at me. “Not if he’s in New York. I’m shipping you back to Kennedy tonight, Miller. I’ll let him deal with you.”

  “Frank, wait!” I couldn’t allow him to take Reed away from me. “We aren’t breaking any rules.”

  His furious gaze turned squarely on me for the first time. The force of it ripped the air from my chest. “You’re breaking my rules.”


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