Ghost of a Chance

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Ghost of a Chance Page 15

by Jade Falconer

Ryan climbed out of the car. “Do you want to come with me? Or wait? I'll only be a couple of minutes."

  James looked at Ryan and shrugged. “It's up to you. If you need privacy..."

  "You can come if you want to. It might cause a stir if the pharmacist is a gossip, though."

  James raised an eyebrow. “Um, okay. I'll wait then. Don't run off with any pretty boys, okay?"

  He climbed out of the car and hung in the window for a moment. “There's only one I want to run off with, and he's sitting in this car,” he said with a wink. Then he straightened and wandered into the Chemists. He returned a few minutes later with a small bag and climbed back into the car. “Okay. On to Chez James."

  James drove them to his apartment and parked. They walked into the apartment, and James started packing a few things.

  "I guess we should have got some boxes or something,” Ryan said, looking around.

  James smiled and looked over at Ryan. “You sure you want my junk messing up your pretty castle?” he joked. He walked into the kitchen. “I'm sure I haven't got anything here that your kitchen doesn't already have."

  Ryan stepped up behind James and slid his arms around him, leaning against his back. “You know, since you're moving in, it's kinda your castle, too. I mean, I know all this just happened, but if you're gonna make it your home, you should think of it that way, okay? Bring whatever you want to bring. Bring everything. Maybe we'll build a kitchen on the second floor in case we're feeling really lazy some time."

  "Mmm,” moaned James, leaning into Ryan's touch. “It sounds wonderful. And sex in the kitchen is really fun."

  Ryan smiled and nuzzled into James’ neck. “You wanna bend me over a counter and have your way with me?” he breathed. That was definitely something he intended for James to do, but not the first time.

  James’ moans turned deeper. “God, Ryan, you make me want you so much,” he whispered, taking Ryan's hand. “I hope you don't think ... that's all I want."

  Ryan smiled and moved around in front of James, sliding his arms around his neck. “Are you worried about that? We were getting along pretty well before we started fooling around."

  James shrugged and looked down. “It's just every time I'm near you I'm hard now, it seems. I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea."

  Ryan leaned up and kissed him lightly. “You insatiable thing, you. Let's get some of your stuff packed up. We have all night."

  James found some boxes and they started to pack up some clothes and CDs. He didn't have a whole lot of stuff; there was a storage space back in Oakland that held all his parents’ things that he hadn't wanted to deal with. He just had enough stuff to live with.

  Soon, they had a carload and they carried it down to James’ car. “So ... are you getting hungry yet?” James asked.

  "Mm, I could eat,” he said, grinning. “I could use another shower, too, after we haul all this up all those stairs.” Ryan toyed with the idea of installing an elevator as they headed back to the castle.

  "Why don't we get dinner before we get all sweaty then?” James grinned. “There's not much to choose from, but there's a good Indian place. They have lots of vegetarian entrees."

  "Ooh, okay. I love Indian food.” He'd forgotten they were going to try a restaurant for a change. “India used to belong to the U.K., right?” He felt completely ignorant about British culture.

  "Yes,” answered James as they drove toward the restaurant. “And especially in England there are Indian restaurants everywhere. Like Mexican places in the U.S.” He found a parking place easily; it was early for dinner yet.

  Ryan followed him inside, and they got a table just as easily. He looked over the menu, and there were a lot of yummy-looking vegan-friendly dishes.

  James smiled as he watched Ryan from behind his menu. “Anything look good?” he asked.

  "Yes. You know, I didn't realize how hungry I was until I started reading the menu,” he said, laughing a little.

  A couple of waiters hovered to the side, talking among themselves. One of them disappeared into the back, and a moment later an older man came to their table.

  "My lord, it is my very great honor to serve you in our humble restaurant,” he said, bowing slightly.

  Ryan blinked. “Oh. Um...” He wasn't quite sure what to say to that. “Thanks. I'm sure the pleasure is mine.” He looked helplessly at James.

  James hid a grin. It looked like news was getting around. Suddenly the table was surrounded by waitstaff, and they were being waited on hand and foot. “Sorry,” he whispered to Ryan.

  Ryan ordered, assuring the proprietor that he didn't have to go to so much trouble, but it was no use. He bore it all with grace, thanking everyone over and over again. It seemed as if his gratitude only redoubled their efforts. When he mentioned that he was a vegan, the owner promised that there would be more vegan dishes on the menu the next time Ryan graced them with his presence.

  In a brief moment that they were alone, James said, “I think you're going to have to get used to this.” At least there had been no notice taken of the fact that James was with him. No doubt that fact would spread once it was noted. But the food was excellent, and they had to insist on paying, because the owner did not want to take their money at first.

  After thanking them for a good five minutes, they finally got out of the restaurant. Ryan wasn't sure about the wisdom of eating before hauling James’ stuff now that he was feeling stuffed and a little sleepy, but at least it would burn some calories. They pulled into the driveway, and Ryan opened the front door. “Now is one of those times servants would come in handy,” he quipped, picking up a box from the trunk and heading up the long winding staircase.

  They got James’ stuff put in a spare room, and by then they were both sweaty. James pulled off his shirt and looked at Ryan. “I need a shower,” he said.

  Ryan looked at James’ chest, feeling his body start to react immediately. “Me, too,” he said, licking his lips. He pulled off his own shirt, too, and tossed it at James, with an evil grin.

  James ducked the thrown shirt and grinned back. “We really should conserve water,” he suggested, unbuttoning his pants.

  "You think? I need someone frugal like you to keep an eye on me.” He kicked off his shoes. “I'll go run the water,” he said, unzipping his jeans as he walked to the bathroom.

  James shed the rest of his clothes and followed Ryan to the bathroom. He stopped when he saw him bent over, naked, adjusting the shower. He just gazed for a long moment. “Nice view,” he commented.

  Ryan glanced back over his shoulder, not bothering to straighten up. He looked James over thoroughly. “From here, too.” He did straighten up, then, and stepped under the water, smiling invitingly at him.

  James crossed the room slowly, moving toward the shower. He stepped into the shower, standing close, but not touching.

  Ryan stepped closer to him and put his hands lightly on James’ hips. His hair was already dampened by the spray. “Welcome home,” he said softly.

  James whimpered as their cocks brushed together. “You make me so happy,” he whispered, bending to kiss the other man slowly. Ryan slid his arms around him and surrendered to the kiss, pressing his warm, wet body against him. James made him happy, too. More than he could possibly say.

  James kissed Ryan more deeply, sliding his hands down the other man's slick skin. He stopped with his hands on Ryan's perfect ass, pulling him closer. Ryan moaned into the kiss. The possessive way James grabbed him only made him harder. He ground their cocks together, touching him everywhere he could reach.

  James began to rock against Ryan, gasping at the way their wet cocks felt together. As he got more aroused, he got more dominant, and pushed Ryan back against the wall. Ryan whimpered, leaning back, letting James push him. He loved the way he took control. It was so sexy. He was already getting close, himself.

  "You like that?” James breathed, looking into his eyes. He pushed him against the wall a little more firmly.

"Y-yes. I like it,” he rasped. He wriggled against him, rubbing more insistently. “It's really hot when you get like this,” he whispered.

  James was panting now. He reached up and grabbed a handful of Ryan's hair and pulled. “You like it rough?” he nearly growled.

  Ryan grunted a little, and his hips jerked forward of their own volition. “Oh God, yes, James. Nnnhhnn ... Feels so good,” he moaned.

  James rocked faster against him. “You're mine,” he whispered, letting the dominance take over. “You'll do anything for me...” He tugged harder at Ryan's hair.

  Ryan moaned loudly. “Yours. Yes, James. Anything...” He was panting hard, so close to the edge. “I'm gonna. Oh, fuck, James..."

  James slid his hands all over Ryan's body, claiming him. “Mine,” he moaned, thrusting faster. “Scream, baby..."

  Ryan tipped his head back and screamed out his orgasm. His body shook with his release and his hands gripped at James’ shoulders tightly. He'd never had so intense an experience in his life.

  James started to come almost as soon as Ryan did; he watched his beautiful boyfriend in the throes of passion, and was overwhelmed himself.

  Ryan was still gasping for breath for long moments afterwards. He smiled dreamily at James. “Love you,” he said softly. “I can just imagine what real sex is gonna be like."

  "I don't know if I'll survive,” he murmured, holding Ryan tightly against him. The warm water rinsed away the evidence of their desire.

  Ryan smiled, pressing his cheek against James’ shoulder. After cuddling for a few moments in the wet heat, Ryan pulled back and started to wash his hair, then washed James’ hair, smiling as he massaged the suds into his scalp. They kissed and touched gently as they rinsed off.

  Ryan felt refreshed and clean and sated all at once. All the ‘work’ for the time being was done, and it was still relatively early evening. He dressed in warm, not too tight jeans and a long-sleeved t-shirt, and tied his hair back in a bun while it was wet. “So, should we go exploring?” he asked with a little grin.

  James smirked. “I assume you mean the house,” he joked. They'd seen only a fraction of it. “I'm up for it.” He pulled a t-shirt over his head. “Lead on."

  Ryan laughed lightly. “Oh, there's plenty of time for other types of exploring. Don't you worry.” He took a candle from the mantle and lit it from the fireplace. He supposed he could just turn lights on as they went, but it seemed more atmospheric this way. He reached out and took James’ hand. “You never know. There might be an even nicer bedroom in here, and we're robbing ourselves of the height of luxury."

  "I don't care about what the bedroom looks like as long as you're in it,” James said, squeezing Ryan's hand.

  Ryan headed down the corridor, stopping to open each door and check them out thoroughly. Several of them still had personal trinkets of previous occupants, and Ryan wondered about them. Finally, at the room at the opposite end from the pink room he heard something. He paused at the door. “Do you hear that?” he asked James in a whisper.

  James frowned and listened. “Sounds like someone crying.” It was unnerving, because they knew they were the only living people in the castle. It looked like they had another ghost.

  "Sounds like a girl,” Ryan replied. He put his hand on the doorknob and looked at James for a moment before opening it. There, by the window, was a shadowy figure of a woman. It was difficult to tell how old she was, but she was neither a child nor an old woman. Ryan stepped carefully into the room. “Hello?” he said cautiously.

  The ghost looked around, facing Ryan and James but her features were still indistinct. She drifted closer, and a few more details became clear. She was quite beautiful, but looked sad. Her dress was intricate and expensive-looking. She gave a faint sniffle then said tentatively, “You are the Earl?"

  Ryan swallowed. He could feel the sadness emanating from her and it almost made him sad also. “The current one, yes,” he said softly. The energy in the room was heavy and somber, and despite his good mood a few minutes previous, he felt himself being dragged down into it.

  James still held Ryan's hand and he squeezed it comfortingly.

  The ghost drifted closer, peering more closely at Ryan. “I did not know the last one passed. I do not often concern myself with these things.” She seemed to study him. “You do not look like the others."

  Ryan blushed a little. “I don't? I kinda see a little resemblance.” He nibbled on his bottom lip and sidled closer to James. “The last Earl just passed away a couple of weeks ago. I've only been here for a few days.” He wasn't sure what to say to her. “Why are you crying?"

  The woman seemed surprised by the question and she was silent for a moment. Then she whispered, “I cry, because it is what I do. I exist in sorrow. I cannot leave this place. I wish to, but I cannot."

  "But why can't you leave?” Ryan asked quietly. He just wanted to curl up in James’ arms and sob. It seemed so tragic.

  "I do not know,” the woman replied, her very voice tinged with sadness. “I fear I am doomed to wander these rooms forever; the rooms that housed me in sorrow while I lived."

  James pulled Ryan closer to his side.

  The ghost looked more closely at the two of them. “You must indeed be a blood relation,” she said even more sadly. “The curse lives on.” She began to drift away.

  "Curse? What curse?” he asked. “Wait. Don't go. What curse?” He pulled away from James to take a step towards her. “Please don't leave. What's your name?” he asked more gently.

  "My name is Sophia,” she said, halting her departure. “I believe you may have met my son, who also haunts this castle. He was the eighteenth Earl of Elgin."

  Ryan's eyes widened. “You're Percy's mom?” he asked, astonished. “Oh, um. Yes. I've met him. But what's this about a curse?” he asked.

  Sophia regarded how close the two men were standing, and said delicately, “Forgive me if I assume too much. But I have had some experience.” She paused. “You are like Percival. You do not like women."

  Ryan blushed. He'd never considered being gay anything but a good thing. Certainly not a curse. “Um. No. Well, not that way. I guess your husband was like that, too?” he asked delicately.

  "Yes,” the ghost snapped, distressed. “It was all I could do to produce one heir.” She turned away, her anger dissolving into sadness once again. “I was so lonely. I was when I was alive, and even death has not spared me that.” Her voice was even quieter now. “I thought it would be different, but he could not even bear to kiss me."

  "Wow. That sucks. No wonder Percy married a lesbian. Did you love him? Your husband, I mean,” he asked, hoping it didn't sound too callous.

  "I did not even know him before we were betrothed,” she answered. “It was arranged. But I grew to love him. I thought he was being patient with me, because we were not well acquainted. But...” She trailed off and turned suddenly to face Ryan, and demanded, “Do you have any idea what it is like to love someone who cannot stand your touch?"

  Ryan was taken aback. “I, no. I haven't. I'm sure it must be awful,” he said softly. “Is there anything we can do to help you find your way on?” he asked.

  The woman looked at them curiously. “Help me? You would help me?"

  James wrapped his arm around Ryan to comfort him. “We want you to be at rest,” he said softly.

  Ryan leaned against James. “Yeah. We would like to help you. Any way we can. We'd like to help Percy, too.” He meant it sincerely. Even if it felt like Percy was the only thing standing between them and the mean ghost, he still wanted Percy to be at peace.

  At the mention of her son, the ghost seemed sad again. “I am his mother. I should have been able to save him."

  "Save him from what?” he blurted out. But then it occurred to him that they didn't even know how Percy had died.

  "From him,” Sophia said, looking up at the ceiling. “I did not believe the tales. I never saw them."

  "Saw who? What tales?” Ryan was confuse
d. He had no idea what she was talking about. It was really what he expected from a ghost. Percy just happened to be exceptionally lucid.

  "I believe now, of course,” the ghost said with a soft laugh. “When I saw my son again, and we were both chained to this place, then I believed. But only then."

  "You mean. Something about how Percy was killed? How did he die? You mean someone in the castle killed him?” He wanted to shake her. He should have just asked Percy.

  Sophia drifted closer. “That horrible man. Is it not torture enough that I lost my son in the prime of his life, but that I must spend all eternity with his murderer?"

  Ryan blinked. “Do you mean the fourteenth Earl killed the eighteenth Earl? Percy was murdered by a ghost?” he glanced at James who seemed to have gone mute.

  James shrugged at Ryan. “Can ghosts do that? But he did push you the other day.” He looked back at Sophia, alarmed.

  "My Percival was a delicate boy, he always was,” the ghost said softly, looking away. “I should have kept him safe."

  "Delicate? Mother, really...” Percy said, lingering near the door, as if he was afraid to enter the room.

  Ryan spun around and looked at him, wide-eyed. “You didn't tell me that you were killed by a ghost!” he said, accusation in his voice. “Are we in real danger here?"

  Percy rolled his eyes. “Not until you've bred. He wouldn't dare do any serious damage until there's a rightful heir."

  "Percival!” Sophia snapped, every inch the scolding mother despite her ghostly status. “That is not how I brought you up. Show a bit of class befitting your station. Not that you did while you were alive."

  "Oh, God,” whispered James, mostly to himself. “It's a fucking ghost soap opera."

  To Ryan's surprise, Percy stood up straight and sketched a ghostly little bow to his mother. “I was only stating the truth. Maxim wouldn't run the risk of ending the line. It was a spot of bad luck that that chandelier chain had a weak link."

  Ryan again reached for James’ hand and held it tightly. “A chandelier fell on you?” he asked.

  Percy smirked. “Yes. One that he was rattling rather menacingly as I welcomed my lover in the front hall."


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