Qin tomb compared with, 130, 131–33
stelae at, 132–33
and Tikal as trading center, 94
trade and, 94, 108, 122
as transition site between Olmec and Mayan civilizations, 120, 122
Monte Alto (Guatemala), 108, 137
Monte Verde (Chile), 244–45, 246
Mooney, James, 187–88
Moral-Reforma pyramid (Mexico), 127, 128
Moriarty, James, 229, 230
Mormons, 67
mosquitoes, 66
Mozai, Torao, 156
mummies: hookworms in, 338
Murray, Pat, 15
Museum of Anthropology (University of British Columbia): Haida birdman display at, 228
Museum of Natural History (Halifax), 220
Mycenae civilization: emergence of, 246
Namahage ceremony, Japanese, 233
Naryn (Kyrgyzstan): and Menzies’s Silk Road expedition, 23
National Maritime Museum (London), announcement about 1763 map at, 173
National University of Singapore, 34, 170, 174, 175
Native Americans
as descendants of tribes of Israel, 67
genetics of, 67–68, 70, 72–77, 84–85
horses and, 192–93
war parties of, 189
See also specific tribe or civilization
Navajo Indians: DNA of, 224
accuracy of, 48–49
between Anatolia and Crete, 6, 48–49
of Zheng He’s fleets, 202
See also latitude; longitude
Navy, Royal: Menzies’s service in, 11–13
Navy, U.S.
search of Great Dismal Swamp by, 207
stone anchors found by, 229–30
Naymlap (founder of Lambayeque royal dynasty), 140, 141, 142, 148
Neanderthals: in Anatolia, 47
Needham, Joseph, 132, 134–35, 214
Neolithic population
in Anatolia, 48
of Crete, 41–43
New Mexico: Clovis civilization in, 243–44, 245
New Zealand
genetics and people of, 76
pigs of, 82
tsunami in, 228
Nez Percé Indians, 232
Nicholas of Lynn, 158
nicotine, 60
Nigerians: genetics of, 68
Niuean people (South Pacific Islanders): genetics and, 75
Niven, William, 124
Noanama-Wanana (Columbian aborigines): genetics of, 74
North America
evidence of Chinese in, 1, 4
maps of, 169, 170
map of 1418 and, 3, 183–89
See also Atlantic Coast of North America; Pacific Coast of North America; specific topic
North Carolina
Chinese shipwrecks in, 80, 193, 194, 204–7, 208
food in, 194
Great Dismal Swamp in, 191, 204–9
horses in, 192–93
map of 1418 and, 191, 192
Menzies’s trip to, 192
Ming medallion found in, 198–202
Outer Banks of, 5, 184, 191–92, 194
Paleolithic finds in, 199
Parkinson exploration of, 209
plants/trees in, 194, 195–96
pottery of, 203–4
stone houses in, 208
Zheng He’s fleets in, 5, 181, 185–87, 191–92
See also Catawba Indians; Cherokee Indians; Nottoway River; Roanoke River; specific site
Nottoway River (Virginia and North Carolina), 208–9
Nova Cataia (Cape Breton Island), 4, 209, 211–22
Nova Scotia
mining in, 214
See also Nova Cataia
Novick, Gabriel, 68, 70–71, 72, 84, 186, 224
Nu Sun (Thompson), 158
and Chinese and Asian influence in Central and South America, 90
Mayan, 90, 133
Olmec, 121
See also mathematics
Oaxaca (Mexico), 90, 132–33
See also Monte Albán
Oceania: genetics and people of, 75
Ocracoke Island (North Carolina), 192
Odyssey (Homer), 43
“Offering No. 4” (La Venta writing), 109–10
Olmec civilization
achievements of, 102–3
age of, 89, 101
agriculture and, 101–2
architecture of, 102, 105, 121
art of, 88, 90, 92, 102, 105, 106, 110–12, 121
astronomy and, 88–89, 102, 132–36
centers of, 102
Chinese and Asian influence on, 88, 109–13
and Cholula pottery, 123
destruction of records about, 89–90, 132
engineering and, 121
extent of, 89
food for, 101, 121
as foundation culture of Central America, 90, 103, 105–18, 120, 121
jade and, 107, 109, 111, 112, 121
jaguar and, 108
La Venta as birthplace of, 91
mathematics/numbers and, 102, 108, 121
plan/layout of sites of, 106–7, 119
plants/trees of, 92, 102
political structure of, 107–8
pottery of, 88, 112, 121
pyramids and, 106, 107, 119, 125–57
religious practices of, 102, 106
ships/boats of, 101
Stirling’s study of, 105
stone heads of, 121, 137
as stratified society, 102, 106, 107, 108, 121
tools of, 102
trade in, 108, 121
urban centers of, 121
weapons of, 102
writing system of, 108, 121
See also La Venta
ool (breathing): Mayan medicine and, 114
horses in, 232
shipwrecks in, 228
Orochon people( China): genetics and, 75
Ortelius, Abraham, 225–26
Ottoman Empire, 21–22
Outer Banks of North Carolina, 5, 184, 191–92, 194
Pacal (Mayan ruler), 94
Pachacamac (Peru): pyramid at, 139
Pacific Coast of North America
and beginning of Chinese-Asian voyages to Americas, 4, 247
culture along, 227–28
maps of, 163, 166, 169–70, 224–25
shipwrecks along, 223, 226, 228–32
See also specific site
Pacific Coast of South America
and beginning of Chinese-Asian voyages to Americas, 247
See also specific civilization or site
Pacific Islands
and Chinese voyages to Americas, 39
See also specific island
Palenque (Mayan city)
Chinese and Asian evidence at, 136
and development of civilizations in Central America, 120
Menzies’s trip to, 90
pyramids at, 120, 128
Temple of the Sun at, 134
Toltec conquest of, 98
Paleolithic, 47, 48, 49, 199
Palos Verdes (California) anchors, 229, 230
Pamita (Menominee Indian): Scherz interview of, 192–93
Panagopoulou, Eleni, 42–43
Pantect Map, 159
paper ornaments, making, 88, 99
Paracas (Peru), 176, 177–80
Paramonga (Peru): Menzies’s trip to, 139
genetics and, 78–85
See also hookworms
Parham, Peter, 74
Paris Codex, 9, 90, 133
Parkinson, Marmaduke, 209
Pasha, Mustafa Kemal, 44
Patagonia: genetics of people of, 70
peaches, 231–32, 233
Pedra Furada site (Brazil), 244, 246
Pedro, Don, 166
Perge (Anatolia)
dating of, 47
and Menzies’s trip to Anatolia and
Crete, 47
Perkins, Richard, 208
Chinese names of villages/sites in, 143–45, 148, 150–51, 176
“cities of Chinese silk” in, 149, 176–77
civilizations in, 176
culture of, 150–51
dams and irrigation systems in, 148
food in, 139, 148
and geography of South America, 138
Hardy’s study of coastal cities of, 146–47
hookworm presence in, 38
land tenure in, 147
language of, 138, 143–45
llamas in, 149
maps and, 176
medicine in, 150
plants/trees in, 35, 148
pyramids in, 139, 140, 141–43
town/urban planning in, 146–47
trade and, 148–50, 176, 179
Zheng He’s fleets and, 176, 177, 180
See also Paracas; specific site
Peters, Winston, 75–76
Pevek (Russia): and Menzies’s plans to cross the Bering Straits, 17
Philip II, Duke of Burgundy, 194
pigs: genetics of, 82–83
Pima Indians, 72, 233–34
Pioneer (research vessel): anchor found by, 230
Piri Reis maps, 166
Pizarro, Francisco, 141, 149, 176, 178
Pizzigano, Zuane, 165–66
archaeological studies and, 35
Bering Strait crossing and, 4, 97
and Chinese and Asian influence in Central and South America, 97
DNA of, 36
domestication of, 49
evolution of, 39–40
herbology and, 116
indigenous to Americas in Middle East, 60
Johannessen studies about, 34–40
Mayan civilization and, 92, 93, 94–96, 97, 116
in North Carolina, 194, 195–96
at Nova Cataia, 214
Olmec civilization and, 92, 102
on Pacific Coast of North America, 231–32
in Peru, 35, 148
Raish bibliography about indigenous, 34
as source for making clothing, 100
at Tikal, 94–96, 97
in Virginia, 194, 195–96
of Windover Bog people, 241
and Zheng He’s fleets in Virginia and North Carolina, 186
and Zheng He’s transporting of plants from Americas to Asia, 97
plasters/poultices: comparison of Mayan and Chinese, 117–18
Pogo, Alexander, 133
points and meridians: in medicine, 114–16
Polaris missiles, 11–12
Polaris (star), 127, 129, 160–61, 202
Polo, Bellela, 158–59
Polo, Marco, 4, 151, 155–61, 163
Polo, Moretta, 158, 159
polynyas, 12
in Americas, 81
diseases in, 81
Machado-Joseph disease and, 185
maps of, 166, 168
Nova Cataia and, 215, 219
secret voyages to New World by, 166
of Catawba Indians, 203
Chancay, 177
and Chinese and Asian influence in Central and South America, 88, 100
and Chinese pottery at Chichen Itza, 136
of Cholula, 123
as Georgia artifacts, 199
of Jingdezhen, 203, 204
at Monte Alban, 122
of North Carolina, 203–4
of Olmec civilization, 88, 112, 121
as Pacific Coast artifact, 227
tripod, 203
white clay, 203
Zheng He’s fleets and, 204
Powhatan (Indian chief), 209
Pre-Columbian Contact with the Americas Across the Oceans: An Annotated Bibliography (Sorenson and Raish), 34
Prehispanic Cultures of Peru (Macedo), 179
Preveli Gorge (Crete), 6, 48
Provincial Museum (Xian, China), 24
Pueblo Indians: genetics and, 73
Puerto Rico
genetics and people of, 83–84
maps/charts of, 166
Puuc pyramids (Yucatán), 120
Pyramid of the Moon (Peru), 139, 142
Pyramid of the Moon (Teotihuacán), 91, 123, 124, 128
Pyramid of the Sun (Peru), 139, 142
Pyramid of the Sun (Teotihuacán), 91, 124, 128, 135
alignment of, 126–30, 132
appearance of Central American, 125–26
astronomy and, 120, 125, 126, 132–36
Chinese, 119, 133–36
and Chinese and Asian influence in Central and South America, 88
conquistadors pillaging of, 90
construction and purpose of, 119–20
dating of, 127
double, 127
Egyptian, 120, 126
largest, 122–23
layout/design of, 130, 131–32
Mayan, 90, 91, 93, 94, 118, 119, 120, 125–28, 133–36
Mongolian Chinese at Olmec and Mayan, 135
number of Mexican, 120
Olmec civilization and, 106, 107, 119, 125–27, 128, 133–36
Qin (Xian), 119, 123, 130
religious practices and, 119–20, 131, 132
skyscraper, 91
Toltec, 90, 125, 127
tombs in, 126
See also specific pyramid or site
Qin Shi Huang (emperor of China)
ascension of, 56
and Chinese influence on Mayans, 118
fleets of, 55, 62, 171
pyramid/mausoleum at Xian of, 24, 119, 123, 130, 131–33
Qing dynasty, 202
Queen Charlotte Island (British Columbia), 224
Raban, Avner, 57, 59
rabbit in the moon tale, 88, 99, 222
Rafael Larco Herrera Archaeological Museum (Lima, Peru), 149–50
rain forest
and geography of South America, 138
shrinkage of, 96–97
See also Tikal
Raish, Martin H., 34
Rand, Silas, 220
Real, Gaspar Corte, 215
Real, Miguel, 215
Registan Square (Samarkand), 30
Reidla, Maere, 239
in Americas, 247
Chinese, 99
Mayan, 98–99, 100
of Mi’kmaqs, 221
of Olmec civilization, 102, 106
in Paracas, 177, 180
pyramids and, 119–20, 131, 132
Renaissance: Chinese impact on, 1–2
Rhodes: and navigation between Crete and Anatolia, 48, 49, 53
Ribeiro, Diogo: map of, 149, 176–77
rice paddies: in Virginia and North Carolina, 195
ritual sacrifice, 180
role in exploration and settlement of, 183–89
See also specific river
“Road of Bones” (Gulag Archipelago), Brooks’s trip on the, 17
Roanoke River (Virginia and North Carolina), 184–85, 186, 206, 208
Rosenberg, Noah, 72
roses, 195, 231
Rossen, Jack, 245
Rossi Collection: “Map with Ship” in, 159–60
Rostworowski de Diez Canseco, Maria, 150, 178, 179
Ruiz, Bartolome, 178
maps and, 167
and Menzies’s plans to cross the Bering Straits, 16–17
and Pacific Coast of North America, 224–25
See also Bering, Vitus
Ryukoku University (Tokyo, Japan): Kangnido at, 77–78
Sacramento River: Chinese shipwreck in, 223
sails: for ships, 56–57, 59–60, 62
Salish people: DNA of, 224
Salish Sea (Strait of Juan de Fuca), 158
Flecker’s writings about, 29
and Menzies’s Silk Road expedi
tion, 22, 23, 29–30
Stevenage (England) link to, 30
as world’s oldest city, 29
San Cristóbal de las Casas (Mexico): Menzies’s trip to, 91, 97–100
San Francisco River (Brazil), 244
San José Mogote (Mexico): stelae at, 132–33
San Juan Chamula (Mexico): Menzies’s visit to, 98–99
San Lorenzo monument (Mexico), 102
San Luis Potosi (Mexico): evidence of Chinese and Asian influence in Americas in, 87
Sandia Cave (New Mexico), 248–49
satellite photography, 247
Scherz, James P., 192–93
Schliemann, Heinrich, 44
Schurr, Theodore G., 72
Science and Civilization in China (Needham), 214
Scott Polar Research Institute (University of Cambridge), 16, 17
seaweed: as food source, 245
Seaweed Trail, 244
Sechín (Peru): pyramids at, 139
Secret Maps of the Ancient World (Harris Rees), 171, 198
Selcuk Ephesus Museum (Turkey), 48
Serra da Capivara National Park (Brazil), 244
sex: Zheng He’s sailors and, 66
Shah i-Zinda burial complex (Samarkand), 29
Shan Hai Jing (“Classic of the Mountains and Seas”) (geography text), 171, 196, 197
Shandong Province (China)
immigrants to Japan from, 62
ship building in, 56
Shang dynasty, 57, 88, 89, 109–12, 118, 119, 132, 134, 135, 228
Shawnee Indians (Virginia and North Carolina), 80, 186, 187
Shi Ming (dictionary), 62
Shinnick, Robertson, 198–200
at archaeological sites, 56
and calculation of longitude, 53
cargo, 62
Chinese language and, 61
development of Chinese, 55, 56–57, 59, 60, 61–62
earliest known Mediterranean, 55–56
Egyptian, 57
European, 62
and first naval battle, 62
and life at sea, 11–13
mast and rigging on, 59
materials for building, 55, 58
Minoan, 57, 58–59, 60
“multideck,” 61
Neolithic, 55–56
oars for, 56–57, 59
Olmec, 101
passengers on, 61, 62
plank, 56, 59
rudder for, 62
sails for, 56–57, 59–60, 62
watertightness of, 61, 62, 101
See also maritime skills, Chinese; maritime skills, European
along Pacific Coast of North America, 223, 226, 228–32
in North Carolina and Virginia, 80, 193, 194, 204–7, 208
in Oregon, 228
in South America, 151
weather and, 228
Shipwrecks, Smugglers, and Maritime Mysteries (Wheeler), 230
Shu Zhanji, 202
Si-um (Chan Chan commander), 147
maps of, 160, 167, 168
See also Bering Strait
Side (Turkey): and Menzies’s trip to Anatolia and Crete, 47
Sierra, Antonio, 112–13, 118
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