Silk Road
customs officers on, 28, 30
dangers along the, 25–26, 30
deserts along the, 23
Jiayuguan as end of, 30, 31
Menzies’s interest in, 19
Menzies’s trips (1978, 2001) on, 4, 22–30
Mongol attacks along the, 25–26
myth of, 30–31
Ottoman blockage of routes on, 21–22
sea routes as crucial to success of, 4, 21
as trade route from China to the West, 19
trains along the, 23
Sima Xin, 61
Singapore exhibition (2005): “1421: The Year China Sailed the World,” 171
“singing sands” (Dunhuang, China), 26
Sirdumap, Biaxo (Syrian fur trader), 159
skulls: of Windover Bog people, 238–39
Smith, Captain John, 187
Smithsonian Institution: Bolles article at, 226
Song dynasty, 97, 117, 118, 148, 162, 171, 202
Soper, Fred L., 79
Sorenson, John, 5, 34–37, 40, 97
Soustelle, Jacques, 90
South America
age of civilizations in, 176
archaeological sites in, 139
art of, 139
beginning of Chinese-Asian voyages to, 1, 247
Chinese and Asian influence in, 87, 137–51
Chinese shipwrecks in, 151
and dating of human habitation in Americas, 246
genetics and people of, 74, 75
geography of, 138–39
maps of, 4, 166, 169–70, 175–76, 180
trade in, 137–38, 139
volcanoes in, 180
See also specific nation, civilization, or site
South Carolina: horses in, 193
South Equatorial Current, 244
Southerton, Simon G., 67
Spain: maps of, 168
Spinden, Herbert, 133
St. Lawrence River, 184
St. Paul, 52
St. Peter’s (Cape Breton Island), 213
Stalin, Joseph, 17
beauty of, 28
and Menzies’s Silk Road expedition, 28–29
and Mongol attacks on Silk Road, 26
Stevenage, England: Samarkand link to, 30
Chinese, 88, 99
Mayan, 99
Stirling, Matthew, 105
stone heads
at Nova Cataia, 219
of Olmec civilization, 121, 137
Stonehenge (England), 47
Strachey, William, 196
Strait of Magellan (Dragon’s Tail), 166, 168
Strasser, Thomas F., 42–43
submarines: life at sea in, 11–12
Sugauchi, Fuminaka, 75
Sun En (Chinese general), 61
Tai Peng Wang, 171
Taino Indians: genetics and, 83–84
Taiwanese: genetics and, 75
Takeshima Island Museum (Japan), 156
Tambo Colorado (Paracas), 178, 179–80
Tamerlane, mausoleum of (Samarkand), 29
Tang dynasty, 24, 117
Tashkent (Uzbeckistan): and Menzies’s Silk Road expedition, 23
Taycanamu (founder of Chan Chan), 147, 148
Teach, Edward “Blackbeard,” 192
Tectino Indians (Puerto Rico): genetics and, 83
Tello, Julio, 177
temple coins, Chinese: as Alaskan relics, 226–27
Temple, John, 134
Teopnatecuanitlan pyramid (Olmec civilization), 128
age of, 128
architecture at, 123
Chinese artifacts at, 124–25
founding of, 123
jade at, 124
Menzies’s visit to, 91, 123
mongolian skeletons at, 119
Olmec influence on, 120, 123
pyramids at, 91, 94, 120, 123–25, 126, 128, 135
and search for lost civilizations, 89
size of, 123
and Tikal as trading center, 94
tombs at, 119, 124–25
trade and, 94, 108, 122, 138
Thera fresco: ships shown on, 59
Thera (Santorini Island)
Minoans as seafarers and, 48
volcanic eruption at, 5, 53, 60–61, 246
Thessaly (Greece): Neolithic population in, 42
Thompson, Gunnar, 158–59, 160, 167, 168, 171
Tian Shan mountains (China), 28–29
Ticuna (South American people): genetics and, 72
Tikal (Guatemala)
age of, 128
architecture at, 107, 123
Asian merchants in, 94
ball courts at, 94, 108
carved tablets at, 107
Chinese and Asian evidence at, 135–36
collapse of, 93
and development of civilizations in Central America, 120
food at, 95–96, 97
jade at, 119
as Mayan archaelogical site, 92–97
medicine at, 94
Menzies’s trip to, 91, 92–97
Olmec influence on, 107
pyramids at, 93, 94, 107, 120, 127, 128
riches/wealth of, 93–94, 96, 97
shells in graves of, 137
shrinkage of rain forest around, 96–97
as trading center, 93–94, 137, 138
trees/plants at, 94–96
Timo Indians (Puerto Rico): genetics and, 83
tin, 52–53
Tlingit people (Alaska/British Columbia/Yukon): genetics and, 75
Tokelau disease, 81–82
Tokunaga, Katsushi, 75
Tokyo University: DNA tests on Juanita’s body at, 180
Toltec civilization
and development of civilizations in Central America, 120
jaguar in, 108
and Menzies’s trip to Central and South America, 91
Olmec influence on, 105
Palenque (Mayan city) conquest by, 98
pyramids of, 90, 125, 127
See also Chichen Itza
Tonga people (Malawi): genetics and, 75
Anatolian, 50
of Bronze Age, 47
copper, 137
in Karain Cave, 47
of Olmec civilization, 102
Paleolithic, 47
and tin smelting, 52
Torre do Tombo (Lisbon), 166
Torroni, Antonio, 73
totem poles, 227–28
towns/urban centers
along Atlantic Coast, 196
early European, 216
planning of, 106–7, 119, 121, 146–47, 213, 216–18
See also specific civilization or site
trade/trade routes
Asian-Atlantic Coast, 209
of Chan Chan (Peru), 148–49
between Cherokee and Catawba Indians, 203
between China-Mediterranean countries, 162–63
currency and, 137
importance of, 21
Mediterranean, 45
and Monte Albán, 122
Nova Cataia and, 215
Paracas, 179
in South America, 137–38, 139, 148–50
Teotihuacan and, 122
Tikal as center for, 93–94, 137–38
Zheng He fleets and, 31, 176, 177
See also Silk Road; specific nation or civilization
Trail of Tears (removal of Cherokee Indians), 195, 200–201
Triantafyllidis, Konstantinos, 41–42, 43, 48
Troia (Korfmann), 45–46
Troy (Anatolia): and Menzies’s trip to Anatolia and Crete, 43–46
tuch/tipte: Mayan medicine and, 113–14
Túcume (Peru)
food for people in, 141–42
Menzies’s trip to, 139, 140
pyramids at, 139, 140, 141–42
tomb excavations at, 141–42
; archaeological studies/sites in, 50–51
and Menzies’s trip (1978) on Silk Road, 22
See also Anatolia; specific site
turkeys: on Atlantic Coast, 194
Turpan (China): and Menzies’s Silk Road expedition, 23, 26
Uaxactun (Guatemala): lunar recordings at, 134
Uhle, Max, 177
Uluburun wreck, 59
Ulugh Begh, mausoleum of (Samarkand), 29
University of British Columbia: Haida birdman display at, 228
University of Cambridge: Scott Polar Research Institute at, 16, 17
University of Hong Kong, 34
Upa Indians (Venezuela): genetics and, 73
Urness, Carol, 166
Urumqi (China): and Menzies’s Silk Road expedition, 23
U.S. News & World Report: Bagley quote in, 110
Uwanaga ceremony, Zuni, 233
Uxmal (Mexico)
age of, 128
Chinese and Asian evidence at, 135
Menzies’s trip to, 90, 91
pyramids at, 90, 91, 120, 126–27, 128, 129–30
Vancouver, George, 224
Vancouver Island (British Columbia), 224–25
Venice (Italy), 166, 215
Verrazano, Giovanni da, 195
Vilchis, Felipe, 73
Chinese shipwreck in, 80
Chinese/Zheng He’s fleets in, 184–87
horses in, 193
map of 1418 and, 184–85, 208
plants/trees in, 194, 195–96
See also Nottoway River; Roanoke River
Virginia Company of London, 209
von Wieser, Franz, 167
Von Wuthenau, Alexander, 88
Wafford, James, 187–88
Waikato University (New Zealand): authentication of 1763 map by, 173–74
Waldseemüller (Martin) map (1507), 166, 168–70, 171, 173, 224
Wallace, Douglas, 239
along Atlantic Coast, 196, 208
construction methods/materials for, 212–13, 217
at Nova Cataia, 212–13, 217, 218
See also Great Wall of China; Great Wall of Vietnam
Wang Dayuan (Chinese traveler), 163
Wang (empress of China): mausoleum of, 130
“Wari Kayan” cemetery (Paracas), 177
Warsing, Jerry, 80–81, 185–86, 187, 194, 196
Washington, George, 205, 206
Washington State: Oriental artifacts from, 227
weapons: of Olmec civilization, 102
weather: shipwrecks and, 228
website, Menzies’s, 6–7
Wedgwood, Josiah, 203
West, Judi, 232
West Virginia: stone structures in, 196
Wheeler, Eugene D., 230
White, Ray, 232
Wind in the Blood (Garcia, Sierra and Balám), 112–13, 116
Windover Bog people (Florida), 237–41
Windsor Archaeological Research Project, 237
conical black hats of, 222
Mi’kmaq, 222
with Zheng He’s fleet, 65
writing system
and Chinese writing on bones and tortoise shells, 56
of Mi’kmaq tribe, 212
of Olmec civilization, 108, 121
Wu Di (emperor of China), 61
Wyo Ming tribe (Virginia and North Carolina), 80, 186
X2 haplotype (genetic marker), 239–40
Xiahe (China): and Menzies’s Silk Road expedition, 23, 25
Xian (China)
and Menzies’s Silk Road expedition, 23, 24–25
Menzies’s talk about Zheng He’s map of 1418 in, 33–34
Qin pyramid at, 24, 119, 123, 130
Xian International Studies University: Menzies’s talk about Zheng He’s map of 1418 at, 33–34
Xu, Mike, 109–10, 111
Xu (Taoist priest), 62
Xuan De era, 5, 200, 201, 203
Xuan Zong (emperor of China), 200
Yaxchilan: autumnal equinox recording at, 134
Yellow Hat Sect monasteries, 25
Yemen: Machado-Joseph disease and, 185
Yener, Aslihan, 52
Yi people (Yunnan Province), 221–22
yin and yang, 113, 114, 116
Yuan dynasty, 171
Yucatán, 90, 112, 120
Yunnan Museum for Minority Nationalities (Yunnan Province), 221
Yunnan Province (China)
comparison of Mi’kmaqs and Yi people of, 221–22
diseases in, 81, 185
See also Hui peoples
Yupanqui, Topac, 147, 178, 180
Zapotec civilization (Mexico), 89, 105, 108, 121
Zatta (Antonio) map (1776), 224–25
Zeno, Nicolo, 215
Zhang X, 56, 57
Zhejiang Province (China): ship building in, 56
Zheng He
controversy about, 165
and development of Chinese shipbuilding, 61
Great Wall of Vietnam and, 212
Menzies’s interest in, 165
Ming medallion and, 5, 202
and peak of Chinese explorations, 247
See also map of 1418, Zheng He’s; Zheng He fleets; Zheng He Symposium
Zheng He fleets
animals with, 66
astro-navigation and, 180–81, 202
on Atlantic Coast, 191–209
Australia and, 180–81
in Azores, 77, 78
beginning of voyages of, 1, 22
Catawba Indians and, 203
Chincha people as descendants of, 180
Cholula pottery exports and, 123
courage and daring of, 65–66
diseases/viruses and, 65, 81, 82, 185–86
evidence of voyages to Americas of, 2–3, 4–5
food and, 66
genetics and, 65, 66, 68, 75, 77, 81, 82, 84
importance of, 31
Indian war parties and, 189
and new perspectives on capabilities of seafarers, 41
in North Carolina, 5, 181, 185–87
in Peru, 176, 177
and plants in Americas, 37, 97, 195
pottery and, 123, 204
and ships from other nationalities, 66
and South America coastline, 151
Taycanamu as admiral in, 148
trade and, 176, 177
in Virginia, 185–87
women with, 65
Zheng He Symposium (Library of Congress, 2005), 72, 135, 170, 212
Zhenquan (Chinese doctor), 117
Zhu Di (emperor of Korea/China), 25, 77, 247
Zhu Zhanji (emperor of China), 202
Zinacantán (Mexico): Menzies’s trip to, 98
The Zuni Enigma (Davis), 232, 233
Zuni people (Southwestern U.S.), 232, 233–34
Zurita, Jerónimo, 162
GAVIN MENZIES is the bestselling author of 1421: The Year China Discovered America, 1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance, and The Lost Empire of Atlantis: History’s Greatest Mystery Revealed. His ideas have been profiled in the New York Times Magazine and the Wall Street Journal, and he has lectured at the Library of Congress, Royal Geographical Society, National Maritime Museum, and other prestigious venues. He served in the Royal Navy between 1953 and 1970. His knowledge of seafaring and navigation sparked his interest in the epic voyages of Chinese Admiral Zheng He. Menzies lives in London.
IAN HUDSON was educated at Eton College and the University of Bristol. He started working with Gavin Menzies in 2002 and has been involved with all of his book projects since the publication of 1421. Ian established the website and has managed the research team in London since then. He divides his time between London and his farm in Melchbourne, Bedfordshire.
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1421: The Year China Discovered America
1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance
The Lost Empire of Atlantis: History’s Greatest Mystery Revealed
Cover design by Richard L. Aquan
Cover photograph: © by Jordan Siemens/Getty Images
Map: “Steller’s Journal of the Sea Voyage from Kamchatka to America and Return on the Second Expedition, 1771–1742,” American Journeys Collection—Document No. AJ-099, Wisconsin Historical Society/Everett Collection
Photograph of Gavin Menzies by Heathcliff O’Malley
Photograph of Ian Hudson by Oliver Blackwell
We would like to acknowledge the following for their kind permission in allowing us to use their photographs, diagrams, and illustrations:
Bering Strait © Crissi
Diomede Island courtesy of Meredith Beck
Silk Road and Silk Road horse © Gavin Menzies
Zea mays, public domain
Tobacco © Kevin Bercaw
Hookworm, courtesy of the Rockefeller Archive Center
Tomb of the General (Jian Jun Ten or the Pyramid of the East) located in Jian, China, by Kevin Felt
Stepped pyramid at Chichen Itza, Mexico © Gavin Menzies
The Wrestler © DeLange
Las Limas monument 1 © Olga Cadena
Mochica ceramics © Museo Larco, Lima, Peru,
Chinese prisoner © George L. Parrott, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology, emeritus, California State University, Sacramento
Juanita, Inca Ice Maiden © Gavin Menzies
Chinese lion in the shape of a pillow, acquired by Henry Walters, 1916 © Walters Art Museum
Aztec jaguar sculpture, Cuauhxicalli © Xuan Che
Chinese lion, Baoding’s tomb; Mesoamerican jaguar; jade bear; and jade jaguar © Gavin Menzies
Aztec calendar courtesy of Library of Congress
Nova Cataia terrace remains and cut stone © T. C. Bell
Palos Verdes stone anchor © Ian Hudson
Cave art at Pedra Furada © Jean-Marc Lamotte
Harris World Map 5, from the Dr. Hendon M. Harris Jr. Map Collection © 2010 Harris Maps, Charlotte Harris Rees
David Deal’s interpretation of Harris Map © David Deal
Venice map © Doge’s Palace Museum, Venice
“Map with Ship” from Rossi Collection, and Waldseemüller map, Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division, Washington, D.C., United States
Kangnido map, Ryukoku University Library, Japan
1418/1763 Liu Gang map, 2007 © Liu Gang
Waldseemüller “Green Globe” © Bibliotheque Nacionale de France, Paris
Who Discovered America? : The Untold History of the Peopling of the Americas (9780062236777) Page 29