Uniform Fetish

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Uniform Fetish Page 15

by 10 Author Anthology

  Right at the moment, though, he needed to get his head out of his ass and focus. If not, he wouldn’t have to worry about finding a wife or settling down, because he’d be dead. There was no way tonight would end without any shots being fired.

  Remembering Sean’s comment, Kade lifted his arm to push down the hood of the sweatshirt he was wearing under his jacket. When his hand was at the back of his head, he gave Sean a finger salute knowing the numerous cameras pointed in his direction would pick up the gesture. The response was a chuckle and reply. “No need for that. Just doing my job and looking out for ya, buddy.”

  Without a doubt, Sean was an obnoxious asshole, but he happened to be right for once. The only way to get inside the club was to flash a membership card and act like you belonged. Looking like he was trying to conceal something would just bring unwanted attention to Kade. And that was something he couldn’t afford. His hoodie and jacket were bulky enough to hide what was underneath, but if the guard got too close or decided to search him then the op would be over before it even began.

  Walking up to the door, Kade mentally took note of the two cameras on the roof and the number of weapons strapped to the man blocking the entrance. Handguns were on either side of his chest, a knife sheathed on his belt, and Kade would bet both legs were holstered, too. Taking the fake membership card out of his pocket, he handed it to the man armed to the hilt and took a step back wanting some distance between them, in case Rambo got any sudden ideas that Kade didn’t belong there.

  Rambo ran an ultraviolet light over the card, looked at Kade and then back to the piece of plastic he was holding. Not good. The feds swore the fluorescent hologram embedded in the printing of the card was near perfect. They weren’t the ones standing there where “near” had to be good enough, though, were they?

  “Hey, man, any new talent tonight? The last time I was here the girls were getting a bit old. I’m in the mood for something a little fresher, if you know what I mean,” Kade said, hoping to take the guard’s attention away from scrutinizing the fake card. Mentioning the club’s trademark for providing girls that were barely legal should give him the credit he needed to get in, even if it did cause a sour taste in his mouth to bring it up.

  The guard finally seemed satisfied and handed it back to him with a grunt. “Yeah, a new girl is taking the stage for the first time tonight. Going to cost you big if you want to be in the front of the line that’s gonna want to tap that. She’s prime jail bait with a fine rack and a sweet little ass you just want to ram your dick in.” Rambo finished by grabbing his crotch and laughing.

  Kade clenched his jaw and quickly walked inside before his sudden anger got the best of him and he did something stupid. Like knocking Rambo’s head off of his shoulders or cutting off that dick he was apparently so fond of. Knowing the bastard was going to be locked up soon and Kade was going to be one of the people responsible for putting him there was doing little to tamp down his temper, though. What he saw when he scanned the dimly lit club only caused his mood to get darker.

  Young bodies wearing nothing but a leather bra, matching thong, and a garter leading to black fish net stockings and stiletto heels hustled drinks to tables of men that grabbed and pawed at them with their free hands. Most had their other hands wrapped around their dicks. Along the far walls, there were private booths with women on their knees tending to their clients and on the stage, two naked women kissed and rubbed against each other to the beat of the music pouring out of the speakers. The first one had pigtails for Christ’s sake and was knuckles deep into the other’s pussy. Jesus, everywhere he looked was like watching a live porno flick. No wonder Camp had this place on lockdown.

  Speaking of the scumbag, Kade spotted him keeping a tab on his operation from behind the bar as one of the waitresses leaned over the railing to talk to him. The petite brunette had her head angled away as she nodded at something he was saying in her ear. Kade wondered if that was the new girl Rambo was going on about. Judging that his hands could engulf her firm little ass cheeks, he didn’t doubt it. She was small, tiny even, and Kade felt an unusual urge to walk over and pull her out of there. Take her somewhere safe. Protect her from Camp and any of the other countless predators in the world who preyed on the scared and innocent.

  Kade took a few steps toward the bar trying to get a glimpse at her face. Some type of familiarity nagged at him, played on his instincts, spurring him to get closer. When she stood up and turned around to take a tray of drinks to a table, however, nothing could have prepared him for what felt like a sucker punch to his gut. The air rushed out of his lungs. His heart stopped, and a tightening spread across his chest. It can’t be. It couldn’t be. He hadn’t seen her in years, but that long chestnut brown hair, crystal blue eyes and full pouty mouth would forever be imprinted into his memory. The new girl was Maddy. His Maddy. And she was here? Dressed like that? Minutes away from the task force busting in and all hell breaking loose?

  Kade cursed under his breath and quickly weaved through the tables zeroing in on his new target. He needed to get her out of there … and fast.

  Chapter Two

  Madison Pilten put her tray down at the edge of the bar and headed in the direction of the changing rooms. God, she needed to sit down for a minute. Her feet were killing her. Whoever thought putting three-inch heels on a waitress was a good idea should have to wear them for an hour. No doubt the uniform—a loose term if she ever heard one—was a product of her boss’s imagination. But considering he was paying her in cash and she made a fistful of tips every shift on top of that, Maddy could overlook a blister or two. It wasn’t forever. More of a temporary solution to her current situation. Meaning she was flat broke and with little to no job experience, Camp was the only one willing to give her a job. All he’d required in the qualification arena was that she was young, pretty, and played nice with the customers.

  Maddy smiled. Two out of three wasn’t bad. Camp would probably shit a brick and then fire her on the spot, if he found out she was actually twenty-four and not the much lower age she had given him. Mom had always said looking young for her age was a blessing and eventually would pay off. Who knew she’d be right? Not Maddy, that’s for sure. In fact, as Maddy got older she’d learned not to listen to anything her mother said. Because with any compliment came the inevitable pointing out of every one of Maddy’s flaws. Repeatedly. Followed immediately by the ever popular how her mother was once beautiful and having Maddy was a burden that not only ruined Mom’s good looks but basically destroyed her life. Loving and nurturing, she wasn’t. More like a bitter, self-involved—

  Maddy stiffened, her thoughts brought to a screeching halt when a thick muscular arm wrapped around her middle and a hand clamped over her mouth. Being pulled back against what felt like a brick wall, she was dragged into the dark storage closet behind them. The door was kicked shut with a thud, the sound snaking down her spine as images of her being raped and murdered flashed wildly in her scared mind.

  No! She hadn’t gotten this far in her life to have it end now, like this. Her desire to survive took over, and she began to fight, biting down on her assailant’s hand and kicking backward with all her strength hoping to connect with something vital. The man behind her cursed under his breath when she bit harder, followed by a grunt as the back of her shoe hit what she assumed was his shin. Tightening his hold on her, the man grumbled into her ear. “Dammit, Maddy, knock it off. It’s me.”

  That voice. She could never forget the deep sound. It washed over her like warm rain, and she instantly settled. When he let her go, she quickly flicked the light switch and spun around to look up into the eyes of the man who had played the starring role in almost every one of her fantasies since puberty. Maybe even before then. Having him standing there, looking even better than she remembered was, to say the least, a shock. A good one, but nonetheless her system refused to move or say anything, afraid that he was some type of hallucination. She swallowed and blinked a few times to reassure herself she
wasn’t dreaming before a large smile crossed her lips.

  “Kade? Oh my God, what are you doing here?”

  He crossed his arms and looked her up and down. When his eyes once again settled on her, he glared at her with so much anger and disappointment that her smile fell right along with the excitement she’d been feeling at seeing him again.

  “What am I doing here? What the hell are you doing here, Maddy?”

  Two years. Two freaking years since she’d seen him last and that was how he was going to play out their reunion? Not even a hello? Fine by her. He could take that obvious distaste over her wardrobe and his judgmental attitude, and stick them both where the sun didn’t shine. She was a grown woman who could make her own choices, and if she wanted to walk around dressed like a leather-clad hooker, so be it. He had no say in the matter.

  Yeah, someone should probably tell that to her heart. That traitorous organ wanted nothing more than to jump straight out of her chest and into the arms of the man who had owned it for as long as she could remember. Kade has always been and most likely always would be the one. But he obviously hadn’t pulled her in to the closet for any of the numerous ways she had imagined seeing him again would go. And she had thought about it. A lot. Each time with one common theme, Kade would finally give in and take her, make love to her. Instead of fantasizing about how he would feel inside of her, she would know and experience what she had yearned for, for so long. The fact that he was right in front of her looking all virile and handsome with his thick dirty brown hair that brushed past his ears, heartbreaking green eyes, and short scruffy beard that drove her wild and she couldn’t do a thing about the ache he created within her, pissed her off.

  “It’s good to see you, too, Kade. I’ve been fine. Thanks for asking,” she said, sugary sweet and full of sarcasm.

  “I don’t have time for this, Maddy. Tell me what you are doing here.”

  Really? He really needed her to say it? The outfit wasn’t enough? “I’m working. But, I’m no longer going to have a job, if you don’t tell me what you want so I can get back to it.”

  “Consider yourself officially unemployed. You’re leaving. Now.”

  Kade grasped her wrist and started pulling her towards the door. What had gotten in to him? He shows up out of nowhere and thinks he’s going to run my life? Screw that and him. Maddy yanked her arm back hard enough to release his hold. She planted her feet, put her hands on her hips and jutted out her chin. She wasn’t going anywhere. “No. I’m not.”

  Maddy watched the muscle along his jaw work, the sure sign he was truly angry and more than a little frustrated. She knew every look, every expression. What she didn’t know was why.

  Kade had always looked after her, stood up for her, protected her. This was more, though. Different. He was acting like an overbearing jerk and for what? Because she was showing some skin? Okay, there was quite a bit more than some being exposed. But, still all the vital parts were covered, and hell, he’d even seen her in less every time she’d accidentally on purpose put on one of her string bikinis and sunbathed whenever she knew he’d be home to get a glimpse. No, something other than her attire was bothering Kade, rattling around in that brain of his, and she was going to find out what it was.

  “Why is this such a big deal, Kade? It’s just a job.” One that she needed, but she wasn’t going to tell him that.

  He reached out, banded his hands around her upper arms and shuffled her sideways until she was looking directly at him. “Do you have any idea who you work for? What really happens here?” His grip tightened, and she watched his brows furrow creating a network of worry lines spread across his forehead. “Christ, Maddy, do you know what could have happened? What he could’ve done to you?”

  There was genuine concern written all over his features, but she still wasn’t any closer to understanding what had him so adamant about her leaving. Camp hadn’t forced her to do anything she didn’t want, and in the two weeks she’d worked there, the only time she’d been even remotely scared was a few minutes ago when Kade had pulled her into the closet.

  Sure, the customers got grabby. It was a strip club, after all. But, when any of them decided they wanted something more than a scotch or beer, one of her co-workers—more dedicated to customer satisfaction than she was—would go that extra mile to take care of them. Maddy didn’t. She stayed within her comfort zone and, as much as she could working there, on the side of legal that didn’t include the handcuffs.

  Besides, nobody got hurt, and the girls were old enough to know what they were doing. Admittedly, she’d asked. A few had looked even younger than Maddy, but they assured her they were of age. So again, what was the big freaking deal? She appreciated that he still worried about her wellbeing, but he was treating her like a child and not a woman who could make her own decisions. And that was going to stop.

  “I’m not that naïve virgin anymore, Kade, and I’m sorry you’re not happy about me being here. But I am. I like working here, and I like the money I make doing it. So, I’m going to say this to you one last time.” She moved her head so that her face was within an inch of his, reinforcing her words with the resolve she knew he’d recognize in her eyes. “Not. Leaving. End of discussion.”

  Before she knew what was happening, before the gasp of surprise worked its way passed her lips, Kade pinned her against the wall. Both of her hands being held high above her head by one of his as his hard body pressed into hers. His hot breath fanned across her mouth while something dark and feral burned in his eyes. If anyone else gave her that look, had her in such a helpless position, she would be frightened. But this was Kade, and the only fear she had was that he wouldn’t continue, wouldn’t satisfy the hunger pulsing through her veins.

  Her breathing hitched when he started to run his free hand up the outside of her thigh, roughly dragging his fingers along her skin as he inched higher. He palmed her backside, and she lifted her leg, hooking it around his waist. She rotated her hips, grinding against the rough material of his jeans and the start of his erection, trying to encourage him. To touch. To feel. To do anything he wanted her to her.

  Kade groaned in response. “You’re right. There isn’t anything naïve or virgin about you.”

  He grabbed her ass harder and pulled her tighter against him, effectively stopping her movements. Her whimper of protest at being held still was silenced when Kade descended on her lips, claiming her mouth. His tongue immediately demanded an entrance that Maddy was all too eager to give.

  Kade consumed her, the kiss anything but gentle. It was hard and punishing, and Maddy loved it. Loved the way he tasted. The way he felt. How he bit and sucked on her tongue. How her body reacted and wanted more. This wasn’t their first kiss, but this was the one she had hoped for, dreamt of. Demanding. Controlling. And setting her body on fire.

  Abruptly, he broke the contact. The sound of their labored breathing filled the room as he moved to whisper in her ear. “Is that what happened, Maddy? Someone took that sweet cherry you offered me, and you found out you liked having a cock between your legs so much you came here to get paid for it?”

  His words registered in her lust-filled brain like a slap to the face. He thought … she was a prostitute? That she was whoring herself out for money? She swallowed against the lump that settled in her throat and said in barely a whisper, “Get off me.”

  When he didn’t move, the hurt and betrayal she’d been feeling quickly turned to anger. She bucked against him and said the words again, clipped and forceful. “Get. Off. Me.”

  Kade let go of her hands but didn’t step back. Instead he placed his forehead on hers. “I’m so sorry. Forgive me, Mud Pie.”

  Maddy’s heart threatened to melt at hearing him use the name, the endearment that had started as a tease about the day they’d met but had turned into so much more. She shook her head, refusing to give in to the tug on her emotions the sentiment created or to him. He should know, did know, her better than to assume what he had. There was no ex
cuse, and she shook her head again. “No.”

  Kade stepped back, pain and regret evident in his features and the look in his eyes. He opened his mouth as if he was going to speak but stopped and tilted his head. Like he was listening. To someone. He muttered a few choice words, unzipped his jacket and reached into the inner pocket. The movement exposed the handle of a gun holstered to the side of his chest.

  Before she could even ponder the possible implications of why Kade was wearing a weapon, he quickly pulled out what resembled a small two-way radio, pushed the button on the side and leveled his gaze with hers. “All teams ready and in position. Hold for confirmation of target’s location. Switching to audio feed Alpha.”

  Apprehension grew in the pit of her stomach. Kade wasn’t there because of her. He was there because he was a cop. Add in that he had a gun and was talking about teams and targets and none of that equaled anything good. “Kade? What’s going—”

  He cut her off. “No time to explain.”

  Grabbing her arm, he pulled her to the far corner of the room and pushed on her shoulders silently commanding her to sit. Without protest, Maddy slid down the wall and waited for his next instruction, suddenly too scared to do anything else.

  He knelt down in front of her and put the radio in her hand. “This is my back-up com device. If you need me, push the button and I’ll hear you. Everyone will. Okay?”

  She glanced down at the radio, then back up at him and nodded, the fear lodged deep in her throat rendering her speechless.

  Kade hesitated, gave her a weak smile, and stood. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, but until then you cannot go out there. Promise me, Maddy. No matter what you hear. You will not leave this room.”


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