Uniform Fetish

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Uniform Fetish Page 18

by 10 Author Anthology

“What will you be doing?” Abby grabbed her new wine glass and drank from it.

  Nodding his thanks to the waiter when he handed him a fresh beer, Nate said, “I’m a flight instructor at the Naval Air Station here in Pensacola.” Being this close to Abby was torture. Nate took a long swig from his chilled beer bottle, thankful for the reprieve the cold drink gave him by controlling the heat threatening to consume him. “What do you do for a living?”

  “Nothing as exciting as what you do.”

  Nate eased back in his seat, feeling more comfortable now that his body had cooled down. Tessa and Claudia claimed John’s undivided attention, which worked well for Nate because he could always catch up with his cousin later, and he’d leave it to John to answer Claudia’s questions. Right now, his interest lay on the woman sitting next to him.

  “Try me.” Nate wondered how easy it’d be to steal a kiss from her. Would it be easy at all? What did and didn’t she like in bed? How far would he have to push her before she let him in her bed?

  “I’m a teacher.”

  “What do you teach?”

  “Calculus.” She bit on a piece of cheese.

  Leaning forward, he said at her ear, “If you’d been my calculus teacher I would’ve been sure to do all my homework and extra credit.”

  “I’m pretty sure you did exactly that.” The corner of her lip curled into a smile. “I bet becoming a fighter jet pilot required a lot of extra work.”

  “It did.” Nate eased back in his seat, studying her. His thoughts ran wild as he imagined what her mouth tasted like. He reached for a loose strand of hair and pulled it behind her ear. It’d been a calculated move to see her reaction to his touch. If she’d backed away he would’ve known there was no point in pursuing her. But her response was the opposite and exactly what he’d hoped for.

  “I can only imagine,” she said.

  Glancing around the crowded bar, then returning his gaze to her, he asked, “When’s your boyfriend coming to get you?”

  “Oh, you’re smooth.” Clearly amused, she shook her head and took a drink from her glass.

  “No knight in shining armor to rescue you from me?” It’d be his bad damn luck if she had one. One of his rules was never to pick up another man’s woman. He sure as hell wouldn’t appreciate it if anyone tried to sweet talk his. And if it ever happened, Nate would beat the shit out of the other man first. Then again, that was neither here nor there. He’d yet to find the one that’d make him want to settle down. His woman—whoever she was—would come from the right family, the right background, so she’d fit in nicely in his life and career post-Navy.

  “You know, you could’ve just asked me straight out if I have a boyfriend.”

  Nate straightened in his seat. Looking intently at her, he quirked a brow. “Well, do you?”

  “What if I do?”

  “Answering with a question means you don’t,” he said.

  This time Abby leaned toward him. Placing her hand on his lap, she gave his thigh a squeeze, setting his body to attention instantly. “What difference does it make? It’s not like you’re asking me for a one night stand.”

  He chuckled and covered her hand with his, before removing it from his lap and resting it on hers. “That’s not my style.”

  “What’s your style?” she asked in a low, silvery tone.

  Nate reached behind her and ran his fingers down her back. The goosebumps spreading on her arms confirmed the electrifying air around them wasn’t his imagination. “Darling, you won’t know I seduced you until you’re breathless, lying naked next to me.”

  Amusement and something else flickered in her eyes. Abby set down the glass of wine and leaned in his direction once more, closing the short distance between them. For a moment he thought she’d kiss him. Instead, her breath fanned his cheek. Then she whispered at his ear, “I’m not sleeping with you.”

  “Is that a challenge I hear?” Nate gripped her slim waist, drawing her closer to him. John gave him a nod and led both Tessa and Claudia out of the bar.

  “Not a challenge.” Abby straightened, making eye contact with him. “It’s a fact.”

  “Like the fact I’ll take you home.”

  A soft chuckle slipped through her lips. “You don’t give up easily, do you?”

  “I like working hard for what I want.” He cupped her chin and brushed the pad of his thumb over her lower lip. “And I want you, Abby.”

  Chapter Three

  I can’t believe you left me at the bar with a stranger. Abby hit send on her phone screen, while she waited for Nate to bring his car around. Some kind of friends Tessa and Claudia were. With friends like them, she didn’t need enemies.

  Within a couple of seconds a message from Tessa flashed on her screen. Nate is not a stranger. He’s my cousin, remember?

  Her super sexy, panty-dropping cousin. Claudia’s message displayed next.

  Where are you? Abby texted back.

  Planning to get laid. Tessa replied.

  Mike just picked me up. Claudia’s text showed on her phone.

  Don’t do anything we wouldn’t do. Talk to you tomorrow.

  Blinking, Abby stared at her phone, wishing she hadn’t drunk all that wine. She was already tipsy, and the light breeze enveloping her made her head feel a bit lighter. Given the circumstances and against her better judgment she’d accepted a ride home from Nate. What would the harm be anyway? She’d already told him she wouldn’t sleep with him. Though his words still echoed in her mind and made her heart leap—in the promise of the good time embedded in them—deep down she knew Nate wouldn’t go any further than she’d allow him.

  The thunder of a bike shattered her out of her thoughts. Abby looked up in time to see Nate approach her in a Harley. “Where’s your car?” she asked over the roaring sound.

  “What car?” The wicked grin on his face reminded her she’d assumed he had a car.

  “Right. Nine One Half Mile road.” Abby blurted her street name and accepted the helmet he offered. His fingers brushed hers for a brief moment, and a shudder passed through her. Ignoring the way her body tingled, she climbed on the bike and secured her helmet.

  Nothing could’ve prepared her for the feel of his thighs against hers. Why did she think wearing a cute short dress was the way to go today? Her dress scrunched up to her thighs, baring her legs to him. The bike’s rumbling didn’t help her any either. It wasn’t until then she realized just how turned on she was. The engine reverberated through her like a huge vibrator, and with Nate’s ass cradled between her thighs, she’d be lucky to get home without embarrassing herself.

  “Are you ready?” Nate asked over his shoulder, touching her bare thigh.

  She jerked at his unexpected touch. Her sex involuntary clenched, and Abby bit the inside of her cheek fighting down her arousal. Not once had she ever imagined an orgasm could be possible on top of a motorcycle. Speechless, afraid to give away the way she felt, Abby shook her head in response. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she rested her face on the wall of his back, squeezing her eyes shut at the explosive stream of sensations racing through her.

  Blood coursed through her veins a thousand miles per hour—that was how it felt anyway. Her heart hammered loudly in her ears as if it competed against the booming sound of the bike. Abby pressed her body closer to Nate’s even though there weren’t any gaps to seal.

  Her place was twenty minutes away, yet it was the longest ride she’d ever had. Every stop and go combined with the constant rumbling of his bike teased her, pushing her further and closer to an explosive release. Nate reached her street, and she pointed to the left.

  “It’s 401 West,” she managed to say, holding her breath, counting the endless seconds before she got home. Nate revved up his engine. Abby bet anything he’d done it on purpose. Tightening her arms around his waist, a scream fell from her lips as uncontrollable waves of ecstasy spiraled through her.

  A few minutes later he pulled up in front of her place. An embarrassing h
eat crawled up her neck to her face. She didn’t need to look in a mirror to know a shade of scarlet red covered her face. Thank goodness it was late and dark out. As best as she could manage, she rose from her seat on the back of the bike and stepped away.

  “Thank you,” she said, handing him her helmet.

  He removed his helmet, then studied her for a moment. His inquisitive gaze and the ghost of a smirk on his face entranced her, yet again. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes. Thanks for the ride.” Abby turned on her heel, her damp panties and the stickiness between her legs reminding her of what he’d done to her with his darn bike.

  “That’s it?” he asked, falling into step right next to her.

  “It was nice meeting you.” Reaching her door she faced him.

  Nate took a step forward, towering over her. His muscular frame overwhelmed her with anticipation. Her mind ran wild with thoughts of what he’d do next. “You have an orgasm on my bike and all you have to say is, ‘Thank you, it was nice meeting you’?”

  Her mouth fell open at his statement. Deny. Deny. Deny. “I did not.”

  “Liar.” He cupped her face. “I’ll make you scream louder.”

  “I’m not sleeping with you.”

  “Not tonight.” Nate leaned forward, until the heat of their breaths intermingled. With his mouth less than an inch away from hers, he whispered, “But you will share my bed.”

  Abby parted her lips, waiting for the feel of his mouth on hers. Disappointment and frustration filled her chest when instead his lips curved into a smile that reached his eyes. “Sweet dreams, darling.”

  Chapter Four

  Walking away from Abby the other night had taken everything in him. If he’d pressed a little harder, he wouldn’t still be planning her seduction now. But Nate enjoyed their banter and her false resolve not to sleep with him more than he should have had. Nate couldn’t resist taking a step back and reengineering his approach with her. Oh, she’d sleep with him all right. It was just a matter of time. He wasn’t going anywhere for the next two and a half years, and didn’t think she would either. So why rush things? He might as well make the best of his time in Pensacola while he lived there. He’d gradually amp his game, enjoying every minute of it, because when he finally had Abby, he’d possess her.

  Adjusting his aviator shades Nate worked his way around Tessa’s backyard, acknowledging family, friends, and other acquaintances he hadn’t seen in a few years. When Tessa invited him to her pool birthday party, he’d been under the impression it’d be a small affair. Boy, had he been wrong. He’d be surprised if the police and fire department didn’t show up and ask people to leave.

  Nate scanned the crowd. People stood chatting by the foot shaped pool. Others hung out at the Jacuzzi, while a few appeared to be having a good time playing pool volleyball.

  Where the hell is Abby? She’d been the reason he’d come to Tessa’s birthday party. Yeah, he knew where she lived, but showing up at her doorstep unannounced would reek of stalking. Whereas bumping into her here would seem coincidental and worked better for what he had planned.

  “Hey, you’re here.” John patted him on the back, and walked alongside him to the bar.

  Peering at him through his shades, Nate asked, “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Jack and Coke, please,” John said to the bartender then looked at Nate. “What can I say? Your cousin is a lot of fun, and you know we’ll be here for a while.” He shrugged.

  Nate studied John for a moment before he grabbed one of the drinks the bartender set on the counter in front of them. “You’re scaring me.”


  “If you’re thinking of setting roots here, you may have to look elsewhere. If I know Tessa well, she isn’t the kind to settle down young.” Nate darted his gaze to Tessa, who was laughing at something the woman standing next to her said. “She’s always been an adrenaline junkie, unless something’s changed since the last time I saw her.” He downed half his drink giving his words more thought. “Nuh. Nothing’s changed. Sorry, my friend. I don’t think she’s for you.”

  “Why don’t you save the unsolicited info and go sweet-talk your girl before someone else does.” John motioned his head in Abby’s direction.

  Nate’s jaw involuntarily tightened when Abby lifted her hair, allowing the guy she was with to fix her navy blue bikini ties at her neck. Removing his shades, he followed the other guy’s hands’ movements. He swallowed back a growl when the guy placed his café latte hand over the side-tie of Abby’s bikini bottom.

  It took Nate a while to get across the pool. Friends and family stopped his progress along the way yet again, inquiring about how long he’d be home for, and where he’d be deployed next. By the time he made it to the spot where he’d last seen Abby, she’d already left. Feeling frustrated, he raked a hand through his hair and strode inside the house, seeking whatever peace and quiet he could get. He wasn’t ready to leave. Not yet. Not until he talked to her.

  Nate went in search of the family room, which if he recalled correctly would be at the end of the long narrow hallway. Halfway down the corridor the powder room door opened, and Abby bumped into him. If this wasn’t a coincidence he didn’t know what was. His hands immediately caught her by the waist. “Hey, easy there.”

  She lifted her eyes to him, a crease forming between her brows. “Nate.” Abby glanced up and down the hall. “What are you doing here?”

  “Afraid your boyfriend may find us out?” he asked, backing her into the small room.

  “He’s not—” The words died in her mouth as he shut the door close behind them with his foot. “I don’t….”

  “You knew I was watching,” he said, matter-of-factly. With his hands still on her waist, he turned them in a circle and crowded her against the door. “You deliberately let him help you with your bathing suit.” He bent his head forward until her breath brushed his lips. “Didn’t you?” he asked in a low voice as he raised a hand and ever so slowly trailed his fingers along her jaw.

  “Maybe.” Abby tilted her chin, bringing her mouth closer to his.

  He touched the tip of his tongue to her upper lip. Nate retraced his fingers on her jawline, dropped them in a caress down the curve of her neck, and lingered on her bikini ties. “You shouldn’t tease me like that.”

  Abby gripped his T-shirt, stretching it, yet not pulling him any closer than they already were. “Why not?”

  Her nearness made his head spin. Infected by her warmth and the magnetism of her touch, Nate wrapped his arm around her waist and closed his mouth over hers. Forcing her lips open, he thrust his tongue in the hotness of her mouth, exploring her, giving but taking back twice as much. Abby returned his hungry kiss, tangling her tongue with his, stoking up the fire of their flirtatious game.

  Abby tasted as sweet as he’d imagined, but if she thought he’d allow her to lead, she was in for a surprise. Gripping her hips, crushing her to him, Nate showed her just how turned on he was. He pressed her back against the door, slid his hands up, and cupped her breasts. Deepening their kiss, swallowing the moan coming from her throat, he teased her, outlining the cups of her bikini top. His thumbs circled her nipples until the tips swelled.

  Breaking their contact, he brushed his lips along her jaw, then grazed her earlobe. Her intoxicating fragrance of honeysuckle and jasmine brought to mind white sand beaches, and it almost made him forget where they were. He wouldn’t have sex with Abby here, in a powder room, but he’d give her something to think about until next time he saw her.

  He pressed kisses along the arc of her neck, working his way to her breasts. Her chest lifted with every intake of breath. Nate eased down her lacy cup, freeing her breasts, taking a moment to admire the dusty pink tips. Scorching heat traveled in a straight line to his dick, and his balls grew heavy, intensifying the longing to sink into her. And he would, but not today. His mouth watered in anticipation of the softness of her breasts. He closed his lips on one, caressing her, teasing
her nipple further with his tongue, and sucking her into his mouth.

  Arching her back, Abby laced her fingers in his hair. Nate switched his attention to her other breast, stroking her with his tongue, tormenting her taut nipple. He could feel and hear Abby trying to catch her breath. No matter how hard she tried to suppress her panting, her soft whimpers filled his ears. Leaving her breast, Nate swept his lips down her ribs to her stomach, until he was on his knees. As he lingered on her navel, he spread her legs apart, then pulled on the ties securing her bikini, baring her to him.

  “Just as I imagined,” Nate whispered, staring at the perfectly manicured, narrow strip of hair.


  Glancing up at her, Nate said, “What, darling?” He drew a finger along her folds, inhaling deeply in an effort to rein in his control at the feel of her hot wetness. “Do you want me to lick you here?” He closed his lips over her sex. “Like this?” he asked against her skin.

  “Yes,” she said, breathless.

  With the tip of his tongue, he trailed her folds, then gently sucked her into his mouth. “You’re my favorite dessert,” he said, licking at her clit.

  Tugging at his hair, Abby opened wider for him. “Just like that. Please don’t stop.”

  Nate pulled her leg over his shoulder, increasing his strokes, drinking her in, devouring her pussy. Thrusting his tongue inside her the same way he planned to bury his cock in her. Soon. Blood pounded in his dick and brain. The hammering in his ears was so loud he no longer heard Abby’s moans. Her leg tightened on his shoulder and her sex contracted around his tongue, a signal her release was near. Nate licked her faster and harder. Her body vibrated, and he took pleasure in the satisfaction that she’d become undone in his mouth.

  When her body stopped trembling, he rose to his feet and sealed his mouth over hers in a kiss that was as savage as the promise she’d be his. Nate cupped her sex and thrust a finger in. “Next time it’ll be my cock inside you, making you shout my name.” He stepped back and pulled her away from the door. After looking out the hall, making sure there was no one around, he said over his shoulder, “There’s an officers’ ball next Saturday. I’ll pick you up at seven sharp.”


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