Twisted Slumber

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Twisted Slumber Page 3

by K Loraine

  "I'll accompany you. A stroll in the garden, the night air. It will be good for both of us." Shaking my head, I look to my friends. "No. I think I'd rather go back to my room. There's a balcony. I can get some air from there."

  Disappointment colors his face, but he doesn't push the issue. Instead, he nods and brings my fingers to his lips and presses a soft kiss to my knuckles. "Tomorrow, I will give you a tour of the grounds." My heart sinks. How can he be so affectionate and so distant all at the same time? I don't like to play games. I nod and take my leave, my friends following closely behind me. Mal doesn't look at me. Instead, he leans back in his chair and smirks at Phillip.

  As we walk up the stairs, Merri looks at me with concern in her eyes. "Are you all right?"

  I shrug and murmur, "I'm fine. He's just not what I thought he was."

  "Well, give him a chance. He's got a lot on his mind. All these guests. Foreign dignitaries. I'm sure it's not easy."

  "You're right. I guess I just expected something different."

  "This isn't California. Things are different in a world like this. It just takes some getting used to," Merri says as I open the door to my room.

  She's right. I shouldn't compare him to the men I know in California. The sons of movie stars, the up-and-coming actors, the Hollywood playboys. "Drink?"

  Fleur sighs and drops onto my bed. "I thought you'd never ask." Walking over to the phone on my bedside table, I call down to the kitchens and ask for a bottle of red wine to be delivered. In no time, there are three glasses and two bottles of beautifully aged Cabernet at our door. I smile and pour for each of us, then the three of us sit on my bed in our fancy dresses, and talk about the boys we've met here.

  Merri has a flirtation going on with one of the guests. His name is Tate and he is from a land I've never heard of. But Merri seems to know everything about it. Apparently, her family is originally from the same place. She tells me all about his brother who had been missing for a very long time and has only recently been returned to his family and fell in love while in Scotland. And Fleur has found herself a lovely lady who lives not far from here, her family growing up next to Phillip, and her childhood spent playing with him. But Aspen, Aspen is not interested in anyone. She says her only reason for being here is to make sure I stay out of trouble. She's basically taken on the role of mother since I lost my own, even though we're the same age.

  "So, what is happening with you and Phillip and Malachi?" Aspen asks.

  My cheeks flame. "Nothing. Nothing has happened with either of them."

  "Liar." She stands and pours herself another glass of wine before taking mine and doing the same. "You didn't see the way both of them were looking at you when you weren't paying attention to them. They both want you. It was like watching a dog eye a juicy steak."

  I laugh. "You're calling me a steak?"

  She nods and takes a long gulp of her wine. "I call them as I see them. And those two men want you. I think we might see a fight to the death."

  "I think, you're reading too much into this."

  "But, the question is, which one of them do you want?"

  I swallow my sip of wine and think about what the question. I'm attracted to both of them. But do I want either of them? And not just physically want. Do I want to be with either of them? The idea of choosing makes my heart squeeze with confusion and anxiety. I've never felt like this before. I sigh and stand before opening up the doors that lead out to the balcony. I don't know who I want. Both? But that's ridiculous. I can't have both. I might not even be able to have one. Turning around, I look at all three of my friends. "I think we're getting a little ahead of ourselves. It's not like either of them has actually even kissed me.”

  Merri sighs and gets up, grabbing her wine glass and placing it on the silver tray. "Well, that's it for me. I have a date in the gardens."

  I smile. "You didn't tell me."

  "Well, I was trying to keep it a secret, but if you're going to stand out there by the window all night, you're going to see me."

  "Okay, have fun. Go get yourself ruined in the garden."

  She giggles and leaves, the other two following her, heading out to do who knows what. I stay in my room, letting images of vibrant green eyes and warm chocolate brown ones fill my head. Each one makes me swoon, each one makes me hot. Do I really have to choose?

  “Shit, I think I’m lost,” I say as I wander between the trees surrounding me the next day. I needed some sunshine, some fresh air, some quiet. The girls have been chattering non-stop since we arrived, and I love them dearly, but I need time alone like I need food to sustain me.

  Right now, though? I want nothing more than company. My shoes crunch on fallen leaves as I wind through the narrow trail, hoping to find my way back to the castle.

  “Well, if it isn’t my favorite Hollywood princess.” Phillip stands in the clearing next to a pure white horse who’s drinking from the nearby stream. “If I’d known you were venturing out, I would have accompanied you.”

  “I don’t need a babysitter.”

  He grins. “I didn’t say that, did I? But what a shame it is to have a beautiful woman in my midst and not be at her side.”

  Cheeks warm, I look away from him before he sees the smile in my eyes. “You weren’t kidding when you said there was a lot to do on the grounds.”

  “It’s why I insisted you stay the week. I’d keep you longer if you let me.”

  That makes my stomach flutter. I want to stay. This place is so beautiful. So freeing. I’m not constantly navigating my father’s obsession with a curse that doesn’t exist, or running from paparazzi who want to get a look at the poor little rich girl whose mother died tragically. “Maybe I’ll come back.”

  "I should be so lucky.”

  I can't be sure I heard him correctly, but it sounds like he wants me to stay. His brown eyes are warm and soft, gentle, but here's hunger there, and I can't ignore it. He’s the handsome prince every little girl dreams of. At least, he's the one I did. I remember vividly the stories my mother would tell me when I was a little girl. Of the handsome prince, fighting the dragon, saving the princess from danger. I wonder if that’s why my father convinced himself that this curse is a real thing. Not because someone told him he should, but because it's the last part of my mother both of us can hold onto.

  "What are you thinking of, Aurora?" Phillip steps closer to me, hand outstretched. I must have a strange expression on my face, because his tone is concerned.

  "My mother. And the story she told me when I was little. You make me think of her."

  He grins. "I make you think of your mother? That's new. No one has ever told me something like that."

  A soft laugh bubbles up before I can stop it. "No, not like that. I was just thinking that you are exactly the kind of man I pictured when she would tell me fairytales. You're the prince who rescues the princess."

  He steps closer again, this time leaving only the barest of inches between us. "And, do you need rescuing?"

  I swallow, anticipation building in my chest for something the two of us have been dancing around since the day we met. "I'm not a damsel."

  "I didn’t say you were.”

  Licking my lips, I train my gaze on his full, sensual mouth. "But if I needed a rescuer, I would want it to be you."

  He slides a hand around my waist, the contact making my heart flutter wildly. The reaction I have from his touch is unlike anything I've ever known. Well, with the exception of my one secret interaction with Mal. How is it that both of these men can elicit such a response from me in such a short time? I've always been the woman who is hard to get. The one who will never settle down. The one who barely gives men the time of day. Not because I don't want love, but because I haven't found anyone worth my heart.

  “Aurora,” he breathes. "I need to tell—"

  Hoofbeats approaching stop him mid-sentence, but he doesn't release me. I turn my head toward the direction of the noise. On a velvet black steed, Malachi races towar
d us. His dark hair is tousled in the wind, shirt open to expose his chest, and a fierce expression on his face.

  “Fuck.” Phillip puts me behind him, as though he needs to protect me from this man. But I feel something completely different, and the guilt rolls through me instantly.

  "There you are. I’ve been given the task of finding his Royal Highness. I think that’s you." Mal smirks at the two of us from his seat atop his horse. "I see I have arrived just in time to save our little Aurora from putting herself in a compromising position with you."

  I frown and step away from Phillip, putting both hands on my hips as I face Mal. "Excuse me? Exactly what century are we in?"

  Mal lets out a deep chuckle, and the sound sends goosebumps skittering across my skin, raising my nipples as arousal courses through me. It's all I can do not make eye contact with Phillip for fear that he might see exactly what his stepbrother does to me.

  "Who sent you to find me?" Phillip asks.

  Mal puts on a careless look of complete innocence, as though it's completely natural to him. "Why, your father, the king of course."

  "He's here?" Philip's entire body tenses. "They were not supposed to arrive until tomorrow for the ball."

  Mal narrows his eyes. "Well, you know my mother. Always game to ruin a lot of fun."

  Phillip takes my hand and pulls me toward his horse. "Come, Aurora. I'll see you safely back to the castle."

  Mal smirks again, and I want to wipe it off his face. It bothers me that he's judging every move I make. I don't know why, and I don't know if I like it or not.

  Phillip mounts his horse then pulls me up with little effort to sit behind him. I wrap my arms around his waist, loving the feel of his hard body and the scent of him as I lean against his back. "Hold on tight.”

  Mal watches, his eyes narrowed in obvious displeasure, but he doesn't say a word. He only follows behind us, not quite matching Phillip’s speed. But I think that’s simply because he wants to keep an eye on me. I wonder, not for the first time, what it will be like to have the attention of both of these men focused on me at the same time but in a much different arena. One where the two of them are not fighting for my favor, but fighting to bring pleasure. I glance over my shoulder, seeing Mal chuckling, his eyes boring into me as if he knows exactly what I'm thinking. My cheeks burn hot, and I bury my face in the back of Phillip's shirt to hide my embarrassment. But Mal can't know what I'm thinking, can he?

  Am I that transparent?

  I might be.


  "So, are you really not going to tell us what happened between you and Phillip and that handsome dark-haired man this afternoon?" Fleur asks, hands on her hips as she stands at the balcony in my bedchamber. She's wise to me. I think this woman knows me better than I know myself sometimes.

  I drag a brush through my long hair and try to ignore her, but she strides across the room and stands in front of me, arms crossed, eyes trained on me. Heaving a sigh, I set down the brush and lock gazes with her. "It was nothing. I was out for a walk. The three of you were off doing God knows what, with God knows who, and I came across Prince Phillip."

  She levels her gaze at me, her bullshit meter clearly going off. "And the other man? He was staring at you like you were something he wanted to eat."

  My skin prickles with the prospect of just how much damage Mal could do, especially if he had me on my back. "That's his stepbrother. Malachi. He's not supposed to be here, but something tells me there's nothing that will keep him away."

  "Well, he’s hot as fuck. If you don't choose him, maybe I'll take him for a ride,” Aspen says.

  "I think he's just trying to get at Phillip. Their parents haven’t been married long, but there's a definite rivalry between them."

  Merri brings her teacup to her lips, eyebrows raised. When she sets it down, she comes closer to the two of us. “Has Phillip declared his intention? You know, he seems to be a traditionalist. At least, that's what I've heard."

  My whole body warms at the memory of being in his arms. And then I'm also hit with a wave of guilt, fresh and new, insistent. I shouldn't think of Mal when I have Phillip. "I… I think so."

  "You think so?" Fleur cocks an eyebrow and stares at me as though I've grown a second head. "He either has or he hasn't."

  "Oh, leave her alone. The poor girl is being sought after by two of the hottest men we've ever seen. Let her enjoy it. She’ll make her choice." Aspen takes my hands and pulls me toward the balcony. "Just enjoy this beautiful place. Your choice will be clear when it's time."

  I stare out at the landscape before me; miles of trees, rolling hills, and mountain peaks in the distance remind me that I'm not home in Hollywood. But I feel at home here and I sigh. "Thanks."

  She hands me a delicate china teacup filled with the fragrant tea and rests her palm on my shoulder. "It's been a long day. You need some rest before the ball tomorrow. Not to mention, we have breakfast with the King and Queen.”

  My belly tightens in anticipation of meeting Phillip’s parents. Well, Phillip's father. Mal’s mother has taken up the role of Queen. Aspen ushers the other two women from my room, both of them protesting but finally acquiescing to her demands.

  I'm left alone, blissfully so, to ponder my own thoughts and the events of the past few days. Setting my cup down on the small table near the French doors that lead to the balcony, I stride into the dressing room and sigh at the racks of clothes filling the large closet space. Shoes, ballgowns, silky underthings, lingerie, anything I could want, really. All in my size, all to my taste, and eerily perfect for me. I shouldn’t be surprised. Phillip is a royal with unlimited resources at his disposal and a penchant for nice things.

  I trail my fingers over the selection of silky nightgowns and pajamas before I select a soft pink silk sheath that will come down to my calves. It has a matching robe of the same color in delicate lace. It's romantic, indulgent, and I don't feel one ounce of guilt for wearing it. The fabric wisps over my skin as I slide it on, and I relax into the feeling. Then I return to my place on the balcony, tea in hand as I watch the sun sink below the horizon, ushering in the night. A cool breeze blows along my skin, sending goose bumps across my arms.

  Movement from below draws my gaze, and a gasp catches in my throat when I see Mal standing and watching me. He’s dressed in black from head to toe, his green eyes glowing with an intensity I want to unpack. I need to discover what it is that makes him this way.

  He smiles, winking in that devilish way he has, before turning and walking toward the house again. I can't deny what’s happening with him. This strange magnetism that I feel with Phillip as well. But I don't understand how.

  My eyelids droop as fatigue from the day finally takes hold. I place my cup back on the saucer and stride carefully to my bed. Then, unceremoniously, I throw myself into the center of the large mattress and stare up at the ornate carvings on the ceiling. Dragons and clouds swirl together, all mixed with delicate flowers and creating a scene I can't make sense of. My vision blurs as I drift off to sleep with Phillip's voice in my mind and the memory of his scent clouding my senses.

  The dream takes hold almost immediately. I'm still clad in my soft pink gown, but I’m outside near the creek where I met Phillip this afternoon. The sun shines through the trees, casting beams of light across the grass. Golden rays illuminate the thicket, making me feel as though it were a fairy realm itself.

  I hum softly to myself, a song my mother used to sing for me, and I picture what it would be like to dance with Phillip the ball. My feet begin to move in a waltz, and I close my eyes, twirling out and coming in, making my own music as I practice. But a warm hand wraps around my waist, the other taking my right palm into a hold I’m familiar with. He begins humming the same tune, and I open my eyes to see not Phillip, but Mal. His green eyes lock onto mine and he smiles.

  "What are you doing here?" I ask.

  "You called me."

  “Did I?”

  He nods and leans in, his lips
brushing my cheek as he whispers, “You did. I can have you here. I can have you without risking everything else. Will you let me?"

  My heart is a caged bird hammering at the bars for freedom. He is a predator, but why does he exhilarate me? "No one can have me. That's not why I'm here."

  The music is playing in my head, and Mal spins me around effortlessly. "If you still think this whole affair was designed for anything other than a way for my brother to seduce you, you're mistaken. You are our destiny. Neither one of us will get out of this without meeting it."

  I frown, confusion swirling inside me. "What you mean?"

  He stops our dance, hands pulling me tight against his body, the scents of amber and fire curling in my nose, sending waves of heat through me. "One of us is destined to save you. The other destined to lose you. But which of us will succeed?”

  Before I can open my mouth to protest, he nips a spot on my neck. I'm overwhelmed by everything about him, his large presence, his delicious scent, but I feel it most with his hot mouth on mine. My breath is gone, but I’m weightless in his arms, and the world around me disappears as he takes the kiss deeper, this time his tongue dancing with mine, his need insistent. Mal is danger and desire. He's what I shouldn't want, but desperately crave.

  He breaks the kiss and pulls back, staring deep into my eyes. No, not my eyes. Mal stares straight into my soul. "Oh, Aurora, would that I could be the one to save you." He closes his eyes and opens them again, and the green has darkened to almost black. "I wish this wasn't the only dance we were able to share."

  My heart is racing as I struggle to recover from his kiss. Through a daze, I murmur, “Come to the ball. Dance with me there."

  He smiles, then dissolves into nothing. The world around me returns to the beautiful glen, each moment growing brighter and brighter until I have to close my eyes against the sunlight.

  I wake up still smelling him, still feeling his lips on mine, taking what was his, and remembering the hard length of him.

  Would that I could be the one to save you.


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