Madness Unbalanced

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Madness Unbalanced Page 12

by ML Guida

  “It’s nothing. I just got…sick.”

  “I feel different. Did the doctors do something to me?”

  He shook his head. “No, I did.”

  “What did you do?”

  He brushed her hair with his shaking hand. “I…I claimed you.”

  Every time he touched her the burning anguish faded, but a weariness draped over her. She could barely keep her eyes open. Warmth went up her arm, but this wasn’t burning. The sensation was tender and made her feel safe.

  Suddenly, a throbbing headache beat away any warmth and happiness she felt. She pinched her lips together tight. “What do you mean you claimed me?” She couldn’t hide the irritation.

  He winced. “You were dying. I didn’t have a choice.”

  The hackles of the back of her neck stood up. “You didn’t answer my question.”

  He lifted her chin. “Claiming means you belong to me and can be with no other.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “You took away my choice on who I wanted to be with?”

  “Chloe, you would have died. I would have done anything to save you.” His eyes and voice were so earnest, but she didn’t want to be controlled.

  The throbbing headache was unbearable. She put her two fingers on her temples, trying to block out the pain. “I won’t be a slave to you.”

  “You would never be a slave to me, Chloe, but I’ll always be one to you.” He bent over and brushed his lips over her throat, sending sizzling sensations whizzing over her.

  She dropped her fingers. “I’m tired, Drake. My head’s about to explode. I don’t want to talk about this.” She squeezed her eyes shut, the bright overhead light shot stabbing pain into her temples. “I’m tired. I need to rest.”

  “Yes, of course.”

  She opened her eyes a tiny bit. Drake sat on a nearby chair, guarding her. Would it really be so bad to have a dragon for a mate?

  “Chloe, Chloe, wake up,” a female voice urged.

  Chloe opened her eyes. She sighed in relief, the pounding headache was gone. She was stiff, but the burning sensation inside her had vanished.

  A beautiful blond woman, dressed in a shimmering blue gown, smiled at her. “How are you feeling?”

  Chloe looked at her with curiosity. “Who are you?”

  “I am Queen Cosima, and I’ve come to check on you. How are you feeling?”

  “Much better. My headache’s gone.”

  “Yes, unfortunately Tryker discovered that you had a nasty reaction to one of our anesthetics.”

  “Well, I fell better.” She scanned the medical facility. “Where’s Drake?”

  The queen’s smile faded. “I’m afraid, my dear, he’s under the impression you didn’t want him here.”

  Chloe sat straighter on the bed. “What? No. I had the worst headache I’ve ever had.”

  “You told him you didn’t want to be mated?” Chloe detected the scorn in the queen’s voice.

  “He sprung claiming on me. I don’t want to be controlled.” She lowered her gaze. “Men…men haven’t always been good to me.”

  “Has Drake ever done anything to make you suspect you would be miserable?” the queen asked gently.

  Chloe lifted her head. “He does have a temper…and he knocked me out and he kidnapped me.”

  “Yes, he does, but am I correct in understanding you help him remain calm?”

  Chloe shrugged. “I guess so.”

  “What has been done can’t be undone. Here let me show you something.” She handed Chloe a mirror. “Look.”

  Chloe gripped the mirror tightly. “Oh my God, my eyes! They’re gold like Drake’s.”


  She lowered the mirror and frowned. “Why aren’t yours gold?”

  “I am the last of the female Zalarians.” Her voice echoed with sadness. “Our eyes didn’t change when we mated, but there were women who had gold-colored eyes. With humans, it’s different. The exchange of fluids, and claiming, changes your body.”

  Chloe sighed. “So, I’ll never have silver eyes again?” Her eyes were different than anyone else’s and she’d always liked them.

  “No, you don’t know what he’s done for you, do you?”

  Chloe shook her head, her scalp prickling. “What’s he done?”

  “You were dying, child. Drake went to our Fates, which in your culture, you would consider a goddess. He begged for your life. The Goddess granted his request, but he had to pass a test.”

  “What kind of a test?”

  “He had to be willing to die for you.”

  “What!” She sat rigid on the bed. Her breath dried up on her lips. “He’s not…”

  “Don’t worry.” The queen patted her trembling hand. “Your mate is alive, but he had to prove himself worthy. The test required Ythie, the goddess, produced a dagger. The sacrifice required blood for blood, heart for heart.”

  Chloe remembered the blood on Drake’s chin and his chest, but not much else.

  “Drake had to stab himself in the heart. He had no idea whether he would live. All that mattered to him was that you would live.”

  Her voice was like a cold shower, knocking some sense into Chloe. Tears swelled in her eyes, blurring away the queen’s face. “Oh, my God.” She bit her lip. “Drake.”

  She moved her legs and sat on the edge of the bed, catching her breath. She rubbed her eyes. “Where is he?”

  “He lost his temper in the hospital when he thought you were dying. My husband is making him repair it. Would you like to see him?” The Queen put out her elbow.

  “Yes.” She glanced down and realized she was wearing her clothes, a pink shirt and jeans. When Drake had first kidnapped her, he’d taken her clothes from her room. Warmth bloomed in her heart at his thoughtfulness. The dragon even had taken a bullet to please her.

  A tall dark-haired man hurried over. “Your majesty, I don’t think it’s wise to move her yet.”

  “I don’t you’ll be able to get her to stay, Tryker.”

  He scowled. “You told her what Drake did?”

  “Of course. Chloe, this is our doctor. He helped stabilize you, but it was Drake that saved you.”

  Chloe smiled. “Thank you. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me.”

  “Well, if you insist on seeing your mate, then I might as well help you.” He stuck out his elbow. “Shall we?”

  Chloe smiled. Together the Queen and her doctor escorted her out of sickbay that reminded her of all the space shows she’d seen with the blinking boards above the bed. They slowly walked down a white tiled hallway until they reached what looked like a waiting room with chairs.

  Shirtless, Drake was busy painting a wall. His muscles glistened with sweat.

  “Drake,” the queen called.

  Drake turned around. Their eyes locked.

  Chloe gasped. In the center of his chest was a long cut with stitches. God, it must have hurt. She unwound her arms from escorts. She stretched out her arms. “Drake, I’m sorry. I love you. Will you forgive me?”

  He dropped his paint brush and drew her into his arms. He kissed her hard, branding her. She raked her hands through his hair.

  “Drake,” Tryker warned. “Stop. You’re liable to hurt her wounds. She’s not completely healed yet.”

  Her dragon lowered her to her feet. “I would never hurt her. She’s my life.”

  Chloe touched his wound. “And you’re mine. I claim you.”

  He knelt in front of her. “Your slave forever.”

  She laughed. “When I get better…” She whispered in his ear what she wanted him to do.

  He ran his hands down her arms. “Consider it done.”


  Three Months Later

  Chloe woke in Drake’s arms, spooning next to him. He’d kept his promise. They were at the Rocky Mountain Paranormal Conference, and Tom Burrows was here.

  “Are you ready for this?” he whispered in her ear, his warm breath making her hot.

  She rubbed up agains
t him, loving how she could get him aroused so quickly.

  “You keep doing that, and I’m likely to take you again.” He ran his hand down her backside, making her shiver.

  She glanced over her shoulder. “Promises, promises.” His eyes were lion gold, glowing with a blend of adoration and respect and…something magical. The something magical was what sparked her body with heat and made her trust that everything she was, everything she could be, was reflected in the depths of those eyes.

  He kissed her naked shoulder and gently rolled on top of her. His calloused thumbs caressed her nipples, making them bud. He molded his hands over her breasts and then his hands rode the curve of her hips. When he reached her thighs, he parted them and wedged his hips between her legs.

  She slid her hands up and down his back, still marveled at his strength. He put his hot mouth on one breast. She clawed her fingers into his hair, pressing him to her breast. Her breath was ragged as the shivers climbed up her back. Hunger and desperation spurred her on, rolling her hips.

  She was already wet and slick enough that he easily slipped his cock inside her heat. She took him deeper and deeper, enjoying the flesh that filled and impaled her.

  “Wrap your legs around my hips.”

  Not hesitating, she complied with his command. Drake lifted his hips and rode her with big, powerful strokes that became increasingly violent and ruthlessly savage. Their flesh smacked against each other. He drove into her with a ferocity that made him both moan with the bold jolt of pleasure.

  Each time with Drake, Chloe experienced a new wave of ecstasy with his magnificent ridged cock that stimulated her into mind-blowing orgasms. This was no different. She gasped as her body splintered into a thousand red-hot fragments that caused her to throw her arms wide, clutching the sheets tightly. The sheets anchored her as she arched her hips, meeting his fervent pace.

  Drake tossed his head back and released a roar. His long, hot seed surging inside her, she gripped his shoulders tightly, her own spasms mimicking his pulsing, ragged shudders.

  “You never cease to me amaze,” she whispered, feeling him still rocking his hips and his ridged cock, stimulating more pleasurable sensations.

  “I never tire of pleasing you.” His eyes turned serious. “Do you still want to do this?”

  She sighed. “Yes, I need to confront Tom Burrows, and I want you with me, but you need to let me handle him. I need to do this for myself.”

  “You know I can’t resist you.”

  He kissed her and she drew on his strength. She’d never be at peace until she confronted her nemesis.

  They lay in a bed for another hour. He let her set the time to get up. By lunch, they were both heading down to the conference. She wanted to hold Drake’s hand to give her strength, but she had to do this alone. Tom Burrows was her problem.

  Chloe put on a simple black skater dress that showed off her curves and sandals. She wore her hair down, and long silver earrings that glittered. She still was getting used to her golden eyes that looked mysterious and regal. They reminded her of a lioness’s.

  “You look ravishing. I’m not sure I should let you out of this room.” He picked up a lock of her hair and twirled it in his finger. The simple movement pumped sensations through her, down to the soreness between her legs.

  She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. “You promised, remember? I have to do this.”

  “I know, but if he hurts you…”

  “Trust me, he won’t. Not if we do as planned.”

  Drake smiled. “Remind me not to get on your bad side.”

  She playfully punched him in the arm. “Like you don’t have a bad side.”

  His eyes turned serious. “Not anymore. All because of you.” He took her in his arms and kissed her.

  She lost herself in his embrace and was almost tempted to spend the day in bed with him again. Forcing herself to complete her plans, she pushed on his chest and broke off his kiss. “Please.” She panted. “I have to do this.”

  “I know, but I intend to pick up where we left off.”

  She nodded eagerly. “Agreed.”

  “Let me put this on you.” He clasped a necklace around her neck that had a silver dragon with a golden eye.

  The delicate chain was light on the base of her neck, while the pendant itself was warm on her chest. She looked into his smoldering eyes, and he took her breath away.

  He rested his hand over the dragon. “I’ll be there if you need me.”

  “I know.”

  They entered the hotel lobby that had posters and posters of romance novels and photos of famous authors hanging on the walls. Chloe’s heart pounded faster. She hadn’t been to a romance conference since her naked picture was splattered over the internet. Her legs were trembling, but she needed to do this. Their plan was perfect.

  It wasn’t hard to find Tom. He was sitting at the pool, talking with three attentive women. His blond hair was perfectly parted and the same smugness reflected in his eyes. She could only assume they were eager writers. Last time, she’d been one of them, and he’d used her naivety against her.

  He caught her gaze. A smirk spread across his face. He said something, and the three women turned around and gawked at her. Chloe lifted her chin in defiance and didn’t falter in her step.

  The horrible memory of the Romantic Love Convention rushed over her, and she couldn’t stop trembling. Heat rushed up to her cheeks. She’d never forget the whispers and the horrid looks people had given her, even Stella, who was supposed to have been her best friend.

  She could do this. She wasn’t the same timid woman. Besides, Drake believed in her.

  Chloe sat at the bar and ordered a Mojito. She stirred her drink and played with the gold necklace around her neck, fingering the dragon pendant. This was it. She drew on her power and descended into Tom’s body. He was so smug that he was suffocating.

  You have no talent.

  Tom frowned but kept on lording over the women.

  One of them is a reporter. She knows what you did. Waiting for you to slip up.

  Tom grabbed his drink, his hand shaking. Fear quickened inside him. He scooted away from the woman closest to him.

  The secret’s out. No one will believe you didn’t try and seduce me. You’re a parasite–a monster.

  Tom cracked his neck and squirmed in his chair. “Excuse me,” he said loud enough for her to hear. He sauntered over.

  The reporter is watching you. She plans to print your story and ruin you if you publish any more naked pictures of Chloe Pitt. It will go viral.

  He glared at Chloe and slammed his fist on the table.

  You’re a predator. You’ll pay for what you did.

  Chloe jumped out of his body and back into hers, refusing to cower. Getting him angry was only part of the plan.

  A loud growl made Tom’s face pale. Chloe glanced over at the bar where Drake was standing. He had his arms crossed over his chest and murder in his eyes. She gave him a warning look to let her handle it.

  Drops of sweat broke out on Tom’s upper lip. “I didn’t drug you.”

  “Yes, you keep saying that. But I have been in your head.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” His voice shook with anger and fear.

  “I know the names of the women you hurt. Beth Williams.”

  His eyes widened, but he kept his mouth shut.

  “Sarah Black, Nancy Sterling.”

  He licked his lips. “This isn’t possible. Those women…”

  She lifted her eyebrow. “Were too scared to talk?”

  He shrugged as he straightened his tie. “So? Who’s going to believe you? I’ll just accuse you of slander and sue you.”

  Her heart thumbed hard, pounding so fast that she broke out in a hot sweat. She could do this. She faced her enemy and held her head up high. “We both know the truth.”

  One of the women walked by. She gave him a long look, as if she knew something.

  Tom grabbed her wrist. “C
hloe, you’ll never prove otherwise. No one will believe that I drugged you or those other women.

  She tilted her head and gave him her sweetest smile. “Really? Try telling that to Bill Cosby.”

  Anger and hate flashed in his eyes. “You’re a slut. I even had your picture blown up to remind me what a little whore you are.”

  She gasped. “You’re despicable.”

  “Am I? Just look at what you’re wearing, trying to tempt me again.” He gave her a lecherous grin. “I would have had you last time if you hadn’t been so curvy, but undressing you was more than pleasant. My lips and hands were everywhere–licking, fondling, squeezing.”

  Rage surged through her, and queasiness gripped her stomach. She couldn’t talk and quickly took a sip of her drink, refusing to let him unnerve her. She fingered her dragon pendant that gave her strength. “Is that what you think?”

  Luckily, her voice didn’t tremble.

  “Why else would you saunter in here?”

  She looked around the pool. “Other women are wearing similar dresses to mine. Are they all sluts?”

  “Yes. Mine for the picking. I’m an agent. I’m a god. Women will do anything to sign with me. I can make or destroy careers based on whether or not they please me.”

  “Like you did me?” she asked softly.

  “I knew you wouldn’t say yes, just by looking at you. I’ve gotten to the point that I can tell whether or not a woman will come to me willingly.” He tightened his grip.

  She pulled on her wrist. “Release me.”

  “Why? What are you going to do about it?”

  She fingered her dragon pendant. “You’ll see.”

  Behind him, men and women were coming out of the conference, watching them curiously, but some were scowling and whispering. Her friend Stella Evans was one of the women. She was a coordinator of the conference and headed toward them. Fire flickered in her green eyes.

  Chloe held her head up high. “If I had slept with you, you would have signed me?”

  He laughed. “No. I just wanted to fuck you.”

  “Mr. Burrows, you need to come with me immediately.” Stella had her hands on her hips. She snapped her fingers and two security guards hurried over.


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