Caught in the Devils' Hand

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Caught in the Devils' Hand Page 14

by Ruby Duvall

  “First, I’ll remove your belt and kiss your petal-soft lips,” he began, though his actions didn’t mirror his words. He adjusted his grip on her skirt, pulling it up even more until half of her shins were exposed. “Then I’ll part the cloth and marvel over the sliver of porcelain skin that I find.” Her skirt traveled higher, passing over her knees. She felt her heartbeat fluttering lightly in her head, and her breath came softly through her lips.

  “I should touch you gently by stroking the skin on your stomach and see if it’s still as soft as I remember, but I’m too impatient,” he said, the last coming out with a bit of emotion, his whispers becoming harsh for a brief instant. “My lips will travel lower, tasting the skin on your neck, the insides of your breasts and the dimple in your stomach.” She shivered, imagining exactly what he said and feeling as if he were really doing it. She felt silly, though, with her hands clutched tightly to her chest.

  “Then finally, I will eagerly lie between your legs, your knees draped over my shoulders, and nuzzle the fragrant curls protecting the sweet treasure between your thighs,” he said, ending his sentence with a low moan. “What a delicious pussy it will be.”

  Her mind latched onto his words, remembering them from another time, and she blinked in sudden revelation.

  “That’s what a pussy is? D-down there?” she asked, her mouth formed in the shape of a small o. He looked at her with amusement, the mood a bit lighter as the tightness smoothed away from his face.

  “You did not know, Shumei?” he murmured.

  “No…I had heard the word but didn’t know its meaning at the time,” she softly explained, embarrassed yet more comfortable at the same time. She felt his hand stroke her naked knee, but it didn’t stay long and slipped under her dress. She gasped in sudden surprise and her hand shot down to grip his wrist. He turned his wrist to grab her hand and free himself.

  “By the gods, Shumei, don’t stop my hand when it’s so close,” he groaned, pulling her hand up to place on his shoulder. “Hold this instead. Grip it hard when I make you feel good,” he instructed, his face tense again. She looked at him with a mixture of arousal and fear but kept her hand in place. It wouldn’t do now to start fighting him. She’d break the deal and he’d still be able to have his way.

  His hand found her knee again, delving under the skirt bunched up on her thighs. It smoothed its way along the inside of her leg, going slowly and yet much too fast. He watched her as he brought his hand up inside her dress, his eyes intent and his mouth open. When his fingers found her, he cupped her without hesitation, and she couldn’t help the shaky intake of breath.

  “This, my dear, is your pussy,” he explained, his hand massaging gently. Her eyes fluttered closed, too embarrassed to meet his gaze any longer. “And…between your lips,” he huskily groaned, his longest finger slipping inside, “is a beautiful bit of flesh that makes you moan my name.” She dug her fingers into his shoulder, her other hand fisting, as his finger rolled against the knot of nerves hidden inside. “My favorite part of foreplay is sucking a woman’s clit.”

  “Clit?” she hoarsely mimicked, learning a new word. His finger rolled it in slow circles and she moaned at the cloth ceiling in time with Vallen’s low groan. His body was hard against her hip.

  His hand left her without warning and her eyes popped open. She glanced at his face, but he was looking at his free hand, bringing it to his mouth as he licked the moisture from his middle finger.

  “Now then,” he said, his voice a bit too low. “Any other words you wish to know the definitions of?” His gaze met hers again, and she almost bemoaned the fact that candlelight mostly hid the brilliant blue of his eyes. Her mind searched her memory of the incident with Kimen, looking for the other word that had been foreign to her.

  “I think…cock?” she shyly asked, not sure if she had remembered the word right. Judging by his swift grin, though, she knew she had.

  “By the Gods, Shumei, you are such a delight,” he sighed, stroking his hand up her arm to take her hand from off of his shoulder. His arm under her pulled her close, turning her to her side and flush against his body. When he placed her hand over the large bulge in his pants, she stiffened in both shock and pleasure, the latter of which was reflected from Vallen.

  “What you hold in your hand is a cock,” he said gruffly. His face was so close, barely an inch away, and though his eyes were closed in bliss, she still tried to look away, her face turned slightly toward the ceiling as embarrassment nearly choked her. His hand over hers tightened, making her hand squeeze him harder. He hissed and she shakily sighed.

  “It was made to stretch your pussy and rub against your clit until you fall apart in my arms,” he groaned. Suddenly, his mouth was on hers, demanding, stroking and delving deep. Arousal burst inside of her, and she arched into his hard body as she answered his kiss. Her sex was hot and throbbing, her breasts aching for his touch as she pressed them tighter against his chest.

  She felt his hand leave hers, but she continued to grip the hard flesh under her fingers as he worked on the intricate knot against her back that held her belt together. She moaned eagerly into his mouth as his wet tongue slid against hers. Squeezing him gently beneath her grasping hand, she was rewarded with a groan and a new flash of stimulus that went straight to her clit and made it sing.

  Suddenly, her belt went slack, making her dress sag slightly. She was rolled to her back again as he slid the pillow back under her head and rose above her, breaking their kiss. He was true to his earlier description and pushed the sides of her dress open, though much more roughly than she had imagined. She did feel slightly embarrassed when her naked body was revealed to his hungry eyes, but the most prominent emotion screaming through her veins was the need to feel his cock surging inside her.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered, straddling her thighs. She eyed the shape of his chest and shoulders underneath his shirt and felt a longing to see his body in a similar state of undress. She had never seen any part of him naked except for the prominent bulge displayed at the top of his thighs.

  “I…” she began, hesitant to say anything. He slowly began to lean forward, his arms reaching out to prop himself over her.

  “What, Shumei?” he whispered. She brought her hands up to touch his shoulders, following them as he leaned down to kiss the underside of her jaw.

  “I want to see you too,” she breathed, barely loud enough for him to hear. A deep, satisfied pulse of pleasure raced along her nerves and she moistened between her thighs. Evidently, what she said had made him very happy.

  “Your wish is my command.” He swiftly leaned back up, and she lost her grasp of his shoulders. His hands were quick as they ripped open the ties to his shirt, first the outer and then the inner. He did take a little time to sweep aside the front of his shirt, letting her get a good look at the complete perfection of his body. The fine skin on his face matched his chest, which was smooth and gently sculpted. His pecs were high and tight, his stomach flat with a hint of toned abdominal muscles and the small dark brown pads of his nipples made her ache to touch them.

  His arms moved behind his back to tug at his sleeves and pull the shirt off his shoulders, which rolled as he removed his clothing. Suddenly, one arm was free and he quickly pulled out the other, tossing the shirt to the side. His arms were well shaped and had hints of blood-filled veins tracing his arms just under the skin.

  She felt her heart skip a beat, and her thighs tightened in impatience. He inhaled deeply, his chest swelling, and her heart flipped as he slowly leaned down again.

  “I can tell by your reaction that you are very pleased. That gladdens me, dear Shumei,” he said with a confident grin. His lips settled on her collarbone but drifted down to lick and then lightly kiss the smooth insides of her breasts. He didn’t linger long though, impatient as he had described earlier, and quickly made his way down to her stomach, where he paused long enough to dip his warm, wet tongue into the hollow of her navel.

  She sq
uirmed since it tickled and heard a soft laugh. Finally, she felt his body settle down between her legs and she opened her eyes to look down at him from her slightly elevated position. She watched as he gently lifted first one knee and then the other, hooking them over his shoulders and opening her to his close inspection. Her face had never blushed brighter than it did right then.

  “S-stop looking at me so…it’s embarrassing,” she half-whispered, half-squeaked. She saw him stretch forward, his nose taking in a big gulp of air as he breathed her in.

  “Your body’s scent is gorgeous. Your rose-colored lips look like a heavy flower under a protective tangle of soft black curls. You are exquisite,” he uttered, his voice sincere. She felt her sex swell upon hearing his words and the flower he mentioned seemed to open just a bit as if ready to bloom.

  “Vallen…” she sighed. His eyes darted up, and a new look on his face spoke of some part of him that was utterly satisfied.

  “Say my name again,” he whispered, though she barely heard him. His hands slid over her hips, his stare fixated on her eyes, which were glazed with passion. Another pulse of their heady magic filled her.

  “Vallen,” she loudly groaned. She restlessly rubbed the insides of her feet against his bare flanks, her arms still lying useless at her sides. She wasn’t sure what to do with them or how to use them to make her demon lover go faster. However, just calling his name earned her a reward, for he plunged his face between her legs. His fingers came around her legs to force open the petals of her flower as his tongue slid wetly from his mouth and laved the sensitive flesh in front of him.

  She cried out, her legs shaking against his shoulders as her head pressed back into the pillow and her eyes closed. His tongue was fast and strong, licking everything that would produce a noise from his lover. When he finally made direct contact with her clit, her entire body jerked in reaction.

  “V-Vallen!” she squeaked out, her hands now clenched into tight fists. She used her arms on the carpet to brace herself as she lifted her hips, seeking more as she clenched her inner muscles.

  His breath was hot and fast against her bare sex, for he felt the pleasure just as she did. His tongue slid inside the shivering walls of her sex before emerging again to flick at the tiny red center of the exotic flower that he was consuming. He repeated this endlessly, shoving his tongue inside and then retreating to tease her clit. He still hadn’t taken it with his lips as he had said he would earlier and she was so desperate for a release that she opened her mouth to beg him to finish.

  But at that exact moment, his lips left her entirely.

  “No, don’t stop, please,” she gasped out, her hips shakily settling on the carpet again. She could hear his heavy panting and feel hot puffs of air against her body. His torso lifted beneath her legs, and she let them fall to the sides as he sat up, his face the perfect example of barely contained lust.

  “You are glorious,” he said, but his voice was incredibly low, inhuman. His voice almost made the tent shudder, the deep tones resonating in the very marrow of her bones. She felt a shiver of fright but it was also a shiver of anticipation. She watched as his hands tugged at the ties keeping his pants cinched tightly to his waist. The pants loosened and drooped, hanging low and barely holding onto his hips. He simply could have loosened a flap in front, but he chose to push his clothing down his legs, though he didn’t take the time to remove them completely since he’d also have to remove his shoes.

  His cock sprang free, long, thick and dark against the white of his belly. The tip glistened slightly and the entire shaft bobbed lightly in time with his rapid heartbeat.

  She made an extremely impatient mewl at the sight and only had a flicker of disgust with herself for acting this way. If he wanted her to enjoy it so that his gratification was complete, she might as well enjoy it for real, without regrets.

  “Tell me what you want, Shumei,” he said, his voice still as low as before. She shivered again, her desire deepening. “What do you want? And where?” He held his shaft in his hand and looked pointedly at the pouting lips of her sex. She knew exactly what he wanted to hear out of her mouth.

  “I want your cock. I want it inside my pussy,” she breathed, emboldened by the words she knew now to be naughty. They were adult words, but she certainly had the right to use them now. She saw him shudder and stiffened as a thick drop of hot arousal dripped from her.

  “Please, Vallen…hurry,” she croaked, her hips wiggling in a slow dance to show her impatience. He let out a shaky breath and tilted himself over her, but he took her legs with him, one knee cocked into the bend of each elbow. He caught his weight on his palms and suddenly her feet were in the air, her hips tilted up at the perfect angle to meet the tumescent member waiting just a kiss away from her core, like a bee about to drink from its favorite flower.

  She moaned at the open, erotic position he had put them in. Her knees were close to touching her shoulders since she was propped up, but since her legs were spread wide around his torso, she had room to breathe. She absently noticed that her new black ankle-length boots were still on her feet and somehow seeing that she still wore them made it that much more intense.

  “Vallen…there’s one more word I don’t know,” she panted, her heart hammering inside her chest. His eyes, so close to hers, held an indescribable emotion. She had seen it but few times before—when Kimen had tried to seduce her, when Majo had crawled forward to kiss her and when Akiji had jerked her to him at the fields. It was a look of hunger, but Vallen’s expression held a deeper hunger than any she had seen on another’s face.

  He hungered for something more—even if he didn’t say so, even if he didn’t know so. Though he wanted sex, a mistress to keep him alive, he wanted something much more precious.

  “What is it then? Before I go mad,” he said with that guttural voice.

  “Fuck…what does fuck mean?” she asked, her voice high and breathless. She felt a great wave of pleasure wash over her, and it made her softly cry out as she held eye contact with the demon above her.

  “It’s what I’m about to do to you. Though it’s not always the word I would use, right now I’m going to fuck you.” He watched her earthy brown eyes widen slightly in understanding and her eyebrows turned up in longing. “I’m going to fuck you until this insanity leaves me.”

  Those words hung heavy in the air as he notched the head of his phallus into the well of her body, pushing surely and swiftly. He sank in to the hilt, fully sheathed inside her. Both of them cried out, feeling the sensation twofold, and she dug her fingers into the pillows as her toes curled inside her boots.

  Vallen was in paradise. It was a common myth that sex demons merely raped women, but all of his previous lovers had wanted it a second time even after the fact. He knew that Shumei still desired him and desired him greatly, but she had been the first woman to deny that desire and unfortunately, she was the first woman in a great long while to make him want her a second time after the deed, having taken the energy he required.

  He pulled out slowly, watching her face for her reaction. Though she had closed her eyes the way many women do, he loved the way she bit down on her lower lip, the way she turned her head slightly to the left when the feelings became more intense. He thrust back inside, marveling at the warm suction of her body as it automatically tried to pull him in. He watched her face tighten and her lips part around a sharp moan. He did it again, earning a new sound. He did it again and again.

  She was drowning in sexual bliss. Her legs bobbed lightly in the air as he swiftly drove himself inside her, her breasts bouncing with every thrust. Her skin felt hot as though she were suffering from a fever. A thin film of sweat was slowly building and the air felt heavy and thick. Thinking was becoming very difficult and she couldn’t hold onto any singular line of thought. All her mind wanted to focus on was doing everything possible to reach a climax.

  His rhythm was too slow though, and she was left at a plateau of sensation with no higher ground to go to. As
if he knew her thoughts, he said in his demonically deep voice, “Ask me to go faster…to go harder. I need your permission in case it’s too hard and hurts. I need it, Shumei,” he groaned. “Ask me to fuck you harder!” She moaned at his words, excited at the prospect of getting more power between her legs.

  “That’s what I want,” she sighed desperately, opening her eyes and looking at his face as he fluidly pumped his hips between her thighs.

  “Say it, Shumei. Say it,” he growled, though there was a hint of worship in his gaze. She felt her eyes watering up.

  “Fuck me, Vallen. Fuck me hard!” she cried out, gasping for air as her eyelids slid shut again. She felt him lean into her more, which made her knees touch her shoulders. He began to plow roughly between her thighs, slapping his pelvis hard against hers. Though it did hurt a little, a mild burn, it also felt incredibly satisfying, and she continued to encourage him through clenched teeth.

  “Yes! Yes!” Her legs were bouncing wildly in the air and she had a death grip on the pillows.

  “By the gods, Shumei!” he bellowed, his deep yell reverberating inside their dim, candlelit world. She felt her womb clench and with a final high-pitched, scratchy gasp of air, she cried out his name.

  Something uncurled inside her as if it had been quietly waiting and it flung out tendrils of sizzling power that made her body spasm. Vallen had pulled out, letting her legs fall to either side of his hips, his bellow still echoing around them. The power jumped from her to him, and he cried out again as his seed splashed hot and thick against her belly. She felt one of his hands on her knee, gripping hard as he pumped his other hand over his organ and covered her stomach with streaming shots of fiery liquid. His pleasure-filled moans were loud, deep and unbelievably masculine. He hid none of his feelings and let them all out in heart-wrenching shouts.


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