The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc

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The Sentinels The First and the Second (second edition) Smashwords edition.doc Page 6

by The Sentinels- The First

  "I didn't hear your answer Harry," Grayson said quietly, smiling at Harry.

  "Yes it did," Harry said; Grayson inched closer to Harry slowly.

  "Yes it did what?" Grayson teased Harry.

  Harry's face turned tomato red again; he hid his face, but Grayson lifted Harry's face by the chin and looked him straight in the eyes. Harry looked directly back at him then spoke.

  "It felt fantastic, it was amazing," Harry said, the sad look slipping over his face again.

  Harry began to lower his head again; had tears been forming in Harry's eyes? Grayson used the tips of his fingers to lift Harry's face this time.

  "Hey why do you look sad? Did I do or say something wrong? Did I hurt you when we were doing it? If I did let me know please, I'll help fix it," Grayson said a little worried; he sat up some to look Harry over which caused Harry to smile at him wryly.

  "You didn't hurt me, and you didn't say or do anything wrong. It's just that this will be the only time I will feel that fantastic and amazing with you. I have liked you since preschool, since we were four years old, Gray. Back then, I thought you were a girl of course, but even after I found out you were a boy, I still liked you. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you and that has never changed. I remember coming to see you with my Mom three days after your Dad died, but you didn't really want to do anything, so we just sat huddled together holding hands. I could understand though, my Dad had died a little over a year before that, killed by a drunk driver. No one ever knew really, the only one that ever told me anything was you, do you remember?" Harry asked Grayson, Grayson nodded but remained silent as Harry continued.

  "I remember that you came up to me and said I'm sorry about your daddy, you can borrow mine if you need to ok? I remember crying and yelling that no one was better than my daddy was and I ran off; but you know what I remember the most? You didn't take offense at my words, you just walked over quietly and sat next to me. You had some Kleenex in your hand, and you grabbed my hand and held it. The whole time I cried you said nothing, but you never once let go of my hand. When I was done, you waited with me until I was ready to get up and walked hand in hand with me, still clutching the Kleenex, waiting for me to ask for it. I stretched out my hand and asked you 'Can I please have the Kleenex?' and you kindly handed it to me and I turned and hugged you, and you never once let go of my hand," Harry paused looking at Grayson and sighing.

  Grayson waited patiently for him to continue, knowing Harry had not finished speaking.

  "I also remember feeling so sad that I couldn't say those words back to you when your Dad died. I always wanted to be there for you just as you were always there for me. I don't think that I will ever love someone the way I love you, Gray, but I will never force you to like me either, not that I could. Thank you for doing this for me; I think it's going to be hard for me to be your friend for a while though; I need some time to clear my head, but I promise I won't run away from you again. I'll be here for you no matter what, just like you have always been there for me; I'm sorry I abandoned you," Harry finished and once again began to get up.

  However, Grayson was at an advantage, he was already sitting up and he moved fast, pinning Harry's shoulder to the bed, he leaned in and kissed him, a little forcefully, parting Harry's lips with his tongue and slipping it inside Harry's mouth. At first, Harry's hands were flat on Grayson's chest, pushing him slightly away, but nowhere strong enough to push him off. Grayson climbed over Harry's leg and spread them, sliding in between and up Harry's legs until he reached Harry's crotch.

  Still kissing Harry, Grayson ran his hand up Harry's leg, caressing the underside of his thigh with his fingers then lifting it and wrapping it around his own waist. He stopped kissing Harry and kissed down his throat to his chest, licking each nipple until Harry dug his fingers into Grayson's back.

  Grayson continued to travel down until he started stroking Harry, it didn't take long for him to get hard and Grayson copied what he could remember Harry doing to him earlier with his mouth. He took him in his mouth as far as he could and used his tongue on the shaft. Harry gasped and gripped Grayson by the head and arched his back. Was he coming so soon? Yeah, he was coming and right in his mouth or more like his throat. He felt him throb in his mouth, and then he tasted the salty, sweet, slightly metallic taste. He pulled Harry out of his mouth and saw that Harry had his hands over his face.

  "I am so, so, so sorry Gray, I didn't even feel it coming, I just came, I'm so sorry," Harry mumbled into his hands.

  Grayson didn't respond, simply spit some of it back into his hand and gently prodded Harry in the back with his wet hand, sliding his fingers in and immediately finding the prostate. Harry gasped in surprise and arched his back.

  "Grayson, please," Harry pleaded but Grayson wasn't stopping, he had to be loose enough for Grayson not to hurt him and he was bigger and harder now than when he'd first had sex with Harry.

  Grayson moved his fingers quickly spreading them apart a little, some of his own semen oozing out; Harry was still soft back there.

  "I'm going to slide in now ok Harry?" Grayson said quietly as he slid in as far as he could go but Harry was still a little too tight, he pulled out a little, Harry was definitely tighter than before.

  "Harry are you ok, am I hurting you? Do I need to use my fingers a little more?" Grayson whispered his questions.

  Harry reached up, pulled Grayson down by the back of the neck, and whispered into his ear.

  "You're not hurting me, now please kiss me and slide in at the same time," Harry instructed him.

  Grayson shivered and felt like he might come just from Harry's words. How had he never realized how sexy Harry was? Kissing Harry hard, Grayson did as he was told, sliding in, and pushing more aggressively than he had before, then burring himself deep, all the way to the hilt again. Both moaned loudly as Grayson did this.

  Never breaking the kiss, he lifted Harry's hips a little leaned into Harry and began to thrust hard; he wasn't taking it easy this time. His control had gone out the window, simply by entering Harry. He pounded into Harry continuously; Harry's voice was barely audible, he only gasped and moaned, getting louder as he got closer to coming.

  Grayson could feel Harry tightening up. He had to hurry or he wouldn't be able to thrust Harry into oblivion. He wanted to make him pass out from the pleasure, but was that even possible?

  Grayson loved this new feeling of being able to make someone go crazy from the pleasure, and of having that control over someone and them having that control over you; it was very exciting. Grayson slammed into Harry, thrusting into Harry repeatedly until Harry cried out Grayson's name, arching his back, and once again, Grayson noticed that the line of his arched back was very graceful.

  Harry came hard almost hitting Grayson in the face with it. Grayson leaned back so he wouldn't get hit, almost in a full crouching position as he thrust upward. He slammed into Harry again, and he felt it immediately, he'd hit Harry's sweet spot. Harry's butt clamped down on him as tight as could be, sucking Grayson in. Harry's cry of pleasure was cut off by the massive orgasm that hit Harry when Grayson pounded into his sweet spot again.

  Harry convulsed and contracted around Grayson as he pulled out and copied his last move, hitting Harry's sweet spot again, and he heard Harry gasp,

  "No more Gray, I can't take it, too intense, please."

  "I'm sorry Harry ... can't stop ... almost there Harry, OH GOD! You feel so good!! Almost there ... AHHHH!!!"

  Grayson slammed into Harry's sweet spot again, and again, and one last time, feeling Harry clamp down on him even tighter as Grayson felt himself explode into Harry. Grayson moaned loudly in ecstasy and both arched their backs, feeling another wave of orgasm hit Harry. Harry's moan of pleasure died in his throat as his back squeezed Grayson for all it was worth, it was too intense; Harry's tensed body and arched back relaxed then went limp.

  He'd actually made Harry pass out; oh, shit! Well he should be ok. Grayson checked him everywhere and made s
ure he was ok; his pulse was strong, but beating fast because of the lovemaking.

  Once his breathing regulated, Grayson got up and got some clean towels and some water and lotion. He wiped the unconscious Harry down then used some lotion so his skin wouldn't dry out. He really did have a sexy body, even as a guy, Grayson admitted to himself, he had to admire Harry's body for what it was. Grayson finished wiping Harry's body down mainly in the back, he felt a little guilty since he'd been the one to get him so messy, especially the back area.

  Then as gently as possible dressed Harry in his underwear and shirt, folding his pants and leaving them at the foot of the bed. Then Grayson contemplated just jumping into the shower but he was tired, he'd shower later. He wiped himself down everywhere then applied the lotion to himself and put his swim trunks on, he left his pants off because it would be uncomfortable to sleep like that, and he didn't have a shirt with him so no worries there. He got up and hung Harry's backpack on the coat hanger on the back of the door, attaching a note for Harry just in case Harry woke up first and tried to take off without talking with Grayson first. He put everything away and lay back down, relaxing.

  Grayson couldn't help himself when he saw Harry curled up into a fetal position. He wanted to wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, pull him into his chest, and hug Harry to him, so he did just that. He placed his arm under Harry's head and plopped his head on a pillow and pulled the blankets back over both of them, he was almost asleep when he thought of something.

  "Harry, I think I may love you too, please don't give up," Grayson said, kissing the top of Harry's bowed head.

  Who was he kidding he didn't think he loved Harry, he knew it, but he was scared.

  "Jo, I think I am in love with Harry, what do I do? I'm so confused," Grayson said out loud, Jo appeared at the foot of the bed and smiled at them.

  'Be happy silly, what else?' Jo said simply.

  "Really, is it that simple?" Grayson asked.

  'It's never that simple honey, but try your best, remember, and you will see success.' Jo said patting his leg.

  'Anyway, he has loved you since preschool; he's pretty loyal in my book, he's a looker too. Just let things flow and see where they take you; above all else, enjoy each other and love each other, you can solve almost anything if you work together. Now go to sleep honey, you barely got any sleep last night; I'll let the others know somehow.' Jo said squeezing his foot gently.

  "No Jo, I'll just use the intercom; I'll call them and let them know. Thank you Jo," Grayson said.

  'Oh, by the way, they all heard you, and I'm pretty sure you made Eric and Matt want to use your second room, for the same purposes that you used this one.' Jo winked at Grayson, who felt himself turn pink with embarrassment but said nothing.

  Grayson grabbed the house phone, hit the intercom button, and waited for them to pick up. Sheila picked up the phone on the other end.

  "Phillips residence, this is Sheila, how may I help you?" Wow, she was pretty good at customer service wasn't she?

  "Hey Sheila, I'm downstairs in one of the guest rooms but I was talking to Harry, and he fell asleep, so I figured since I'm tired, I am going to take a nap now too. It is 1P.M. right now, so if I am not up by 4 P.M. please call me on the intercom and wake me up. You can call me by pressing the number four intercom button and the call will come through to me, thank you Shelia. Oh and there are many things in both of my rooms you can play with; help yourselves, to anything. If you guys want to take a nap also, there is an extra guest room next door to my room on the left you can use," Grayson said sleepily.

  "Ok Gray, thank you. Sweet dreams and sleep well, same goes for your boyfriend Harry," Sheila giggled at the end and hung up.

  Damn! Jo was right, they had heard them; oh well, since the cat was out of the bag anyway; Grayson hugged Harry tighter to him unwilling to let him go. Grayson was so used to being alone these last two years, except for Jo, that this feeling of happiness because of someone else was overwhelming and unexpected. He honestly thought he would never get it back, he didn't quite know how to react to it.

  It was scary to have your happiness depend on another person, but it was even scarier when that person was no longer there. Lifting his head Grayson kissed Harry on his soft lips, Harry purred contentedly in the back of his throat. Grayson tucked Harry's head back into his arm and fell asleep.

  Chapter Five

  Grayson was looking down on Harry and himself. Harry's face was tucked into Grayson's shoulder and chest; his hair, which was a little longer than Grayson's, had feathered and was splayed out across Grayson's bicep and was partially covering Harry's face. Harry's hair seemed to be framing his sleeping face, which looked peaceful and serene.

  He looked happy; his arm was around Grayson's waist, and his leg wrapped around and in between Grayson's legs and thighs, and a secretive smile played across Harry's soft full lips. He looked beautiful, he looked happy.

  Grayson turned to look down at himself; he was slightly confused; he was looking down at himself and Harry, sleeping soundly curled up into each other, but why? Was he astral projecting? He hadn't done his regular weekly astral projection exercises as Jo always had him do; maybe his body was simply doing it out of force of habit since he was a few days late on his practice. That seemed the only reason he could think of that he would suddenly astral project without willingly doing so himself. Well he needed the practice so he may as well do his exercises while he was here.

  However, before I practice, it won't hurt if I sneak a kiss first.

  Grayson leaned his astral body into Harry's and touched his lips to Harry's gently. Harry made a contented sound in the back of his throat and seemed to purr. Grayson whispered in Harry's ear.

  'Yep, I definitely love you; I was just scared to admit it, sorry Harry, I love you.'

  Grayson felt a big weight lift off his shoulders. Wow, had the fact that Harry thought that he didn't love him really bothered him so much? Hmmm, he guessed it had, but more than that, he knew what had bothered him the most. Harry had left him, left him alone, without giving him any time, without asking him why, without ever giving him a chance to process what Harry had told him.

  It was true that Grayson had told him he only saw him as a friend, but come on, he'd been fifteen years old for fucks sake! To have your best friend, who is a guy, tell you he loves you in that way, out of the blue like that, would overwhelm anyone, even a girl which he was not. Yet Harry never gave him a chance to process what he had told him, never gave him some time to think, and when he tried to talk to Harry, he would only give him small short answers.

  Grayson had tried to talk to Harry, but Harry hadn't wanted anything to do with him anymore, just like that, ripped away from him. Grayson had tried for two years to talk to Harry but Harry had not given him a chance. So he had stopped trying in the end, he would simply watch him from afar, like some creepy stalker, always watching over him, always trying to protect him even when Harry didn't know he was there. He'd never once thought that Harry wasn't his best friend, but all Grayson could do was wait for Harry to be ready.

  He'd really missed Harry and now that he had him back, he would not give him up, no matter what it took. He kissed Harry one last time and walked out the room and up the stairs to his room. The first thing that stood out the most was Jo, bright and shinning, he was used to seeing her like this now after countless times of practicing with astral projection. She smiled at him as she walked over to him and hugged him; she could touch him easier in this form.

  'Wow you are getting better at it, your light is stronger right now; I'm proud of you Gray.' Jo said with a huge smile on her face.

  He turned to the other teenagers in his room; all four of their attractive faces were serious, they had their eyes closed, and they were holding hands. Sheila was chanting something, when she finished chanting it, the others would repeat it. They did this a number of times before Grayson asked Jo,

  'What are they doing Jo?'

  'They are rais
ing energy so that they have enough to do the ritual. Sheila thought of something that you might be willing to do, so they are preparing in the event of your acquiescence.' Jo said; Grayson waited a moment but Jo did not elaborate.

  'So what is her idea?' Grayson asked Jo.

  'Sheila thinks the reason you don't want to have sex with me or Harry is because you are too embarrassed, so she thought if they could put some type of curtain or blanket or something not see through, around you and either, me, or Harry and me, then you would be more willing. I can't exactly tell them that is not the problem, but I have a little more hope you will comply with it since Harry will probably be willing to let me use his body. That and you already had sex with Harry twice once more shouldn't hurt you. Are you willing to do that Gray?' Jo asked him, turning to look at Grayson as she did.

  Grayson thought for a second, well, at this juncture, what else could he do? It would be something he'd have to deal with emotionally later but he had a feeling they had to do it soon or they would lose their chance at helping Jo. He didn't really have much of a choice.

  'Yeah, I guess I don't have much of a choice huh, but I'll only do it if Harry allows you to use his body. I still won't do it directly with you Jo, no matter how young you may look, I still see you as a Mother.'

  Jo placed her hand on Grayson's face cupping it in her hands and pulled him down and kissed him on the lips, it wasn't a sexual kiss, but a thank you kiss. That was just how Jo kissed; she rarely kissed anyone's cheek, she generally kissed on the mouth, even if the person couldn't feel it.


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