Taken by the Wind

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Taken by the Wind Page 10

by Serenity Snow

  She gave one firm mound a light tap and a fresh wave of arousal flooded Juliet and her cream dampened her panties.

  Aria pinched her nipples harder sending pricks of pain racing through her and her clit pulsed in response while her fingers tightened in Aria’s hair.

  She’d engaged in light S&M before and found it interesting—now she found it delicious. Her body tingled for more and Aria gave her other breast a harder slap before lowering her head to flick her tongue over a rosy tip.

  “Mmm!” Juliet’s head tipped back against the wall and her lids lowered. “I want you,” she murmured.

  Aria drew the nipple into her mouth and sucked before releasing it. She turned her attention to the twin while her fingers pinched and plucked the abandoned turgid peak. She scraped her teeth against the delicate flesh before swirling her tongue around the areola.

  “Juli, baby,” Aria growled. “You taste so good and you smell like a field of summer flowers. I could just devour you.”

  She closed her lips over the tightly furled nipple and drew it into her mouth. She sucked hard, sending pin prickles of pain skittering through Juliet.

  She gasped and Aria claimed her parted lips as she glided her hands over Juliet’s back and down to cup her firm ass. Juliet rubbed against her, her clit aching for contact, her skin an inferno as her juices leaked from her, preparing her for penetration she hoped would come.

  “Aria.” Juliet breathed out roughly as she tipped her head back and soft lips skimmed over her throat.

  Aria slipped her hand between them and glided it over Juliet’s cloth-covered mound. She tugged the little bow to release the snap to allow Aria’s fingers to glide over one bare lip, already damp with Juliet’s juices. Then, she gave the flesh a stinging swat.

  “You are so sweet and hot, Juli,” Aria murmured, and then sucked Juliet’s throat as she drew her finger down the slit to the opening of her body.

  Aria pushed the tip in to test the readiness of her pussy. Sliding in through the sticky juices, her finger breached the tight channel.

  Juliet lightly scratched the back of Aria’s neck. “Please,” she begged. “I need more.”

  Aria drew her finger out and pressed two back into the damp cavern.

  Juliet moaned as long fingers stroked into her. The depth was shallow and she thrust forward to impale herself only to have Aria draw her fingers back.

  “Don’t rush it, baby,” she murmured. “Savor me enjoying pleasuring you.” She thrust her fingers deeper into Juliet’s pussy and her muscles clenched around them. “I am enjoying the look on your face, the smell of your arousal, and the sexy little moans coming from your throat.”

  “Your fingers feel incredible,” Juliet cried.

  “Then why do you want to rush the moment?” Aria asked and withdrew her fingers to add a third. Then she rested her thumb against Juliet’s clit and stroked it easily, the pad gliding just along the side finding the right spot.

  Juliet let out a low scream and heated air rustled around the room. Aria moved her finger in a circle creating a wave of wicked bliss that curled around Juliet. She gasped, rubbing her back against the wall as her hips jutted forward.

  “Oh, yes,” she whispered. Sweat began to bead her brow as waves of rapture washed over her. She mewled, soft breezes filling the room with every exhale.

  Juliet trembled, letting her other hand grip Aria’s shoulder.

  Aria drew her fingers out and thrust them back, fucking her with rough strokes. Juliet writhed against her hand, eyes open now as she looked into Aria’s dark, lightning-rich stare.

  “Oh, fuck. Oh, yes!” She screamed as Aria took her faster, slamming her fingers in, drawing them out and sliding them back, finding her sweet spots with ease.

  Juliet’s body tensed as bliss started to close its hand around her. Another thrust, a press against her clit and she was crying out, body pulled tight as a violin’s string.

  Warm air rushed over her, swallowing her only to wrap her in a cool embrace before moist air snaked into her through her parted lips.

  Air, heavy yet fragrant with the scents of summer, pressed her hard against the wall, shoving her arms up against the rough texture. The cool moistness of the air kissed her clit as it slid inside her and Aria ground against her.

  She felt full, her body expanded around a shaft of fresh air. A warm clit ground against her and Aria moaned, roughly. The sound of wet sex barely registered, but the sensation that claimed her had her full attention.

  “Goddess,” she cried as she came again. Her body trembled as she strained against Aria’s hold.

  Wind whistled around them and Aria released her. Juliet slumped against her, head falling to rest on her shoulder, body spent, yet satisfied.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Where in the hell is she?” Tucker demanded quietly of Morgan as they stood near the bar. His gaze was on Callie, watching as she conversed with Alice. He didn’t really like her spending too much time with the other woman.

  Alice hadn’t been easily swayed by their charm and still wasn’t. She put up a good front, but she wasn’t won over by any of them.

  “How should I know?” he hissed. “She was talking to her mother last I saw.”

  That worried him a little since Sam had arrived alone, but was spending a little too much time with Declan, who wanted Sam in his bed and Juliet under his control. The man must know what Juliet could become.

  “You need to find her before the potion loses its potency. It needs to be at full strength if we are to have any hope of stealing her will,” Tucker said coldly. “You aren’t nearly as effective as you should be.”

  “It’s not my fault,” he muttered. “I told you I couldn’t get into her.”

  “That is your fault, and you better fix it or you’re a dead man walking, buddy,” Tucker told him.

  Morgan gave him a cold glare. “Don’t threaten me,” he muttered. “I’m doing my job.”

  “Not nearly as good as you’re capable of,” he retorted and he turned his head to see what had caught Callie’s attention. “Here she comes. Go to her. Make sure she drinks that.” Tucker walked away from him shaking his head and counting to ten to regain his composure.


  “I’ve been looking all over for you,” Morgan said as he approached Juliet. “Why don’t we step out onto the terrace for a little air?”

  “Oh, okay,” she said.

  “Here’s your drink,” he said. “I got waylaid at the bar so I just got it.” He gave her a smile and as she returned it, he saw the distraction in her face. Her mind was on someone else.

  He tried to get a feel for her, but he couldn’t. She was like looking into a lake on a moonless night.

  “Thanks.” She took the drink he handed her and headed out to the terrace. She took a sip and his nerves settled a little.

  “Where did you disappear to?” he asked as she pushed open the door and stepped outside.

  “I didn’t,” she said. She gave him a look over her shoulder. “You’re a psychiatrist?”

  “Yes,” he said feeling a little more at ease despite not being able to read her. “And you like planning weddings?”

  “Most of the time,” she replied. “I meet interesting people.”

  “Me, too.” He gave a little laugh.

  “Really?” Juliet asked curiously.

  A soft song erupted on the air and he frowned. Juliet turned her head and a light breeze blew over them. The song was irresistible. He closed his eyes and the demon half of him was drawn to it, like a moth to a flame.

  When he opened his eyes again, he took the steps down to the ground following the song.

  “Uh—Morgan?” Juliet called.

  Her voice was faraway, distant and forgotten as he moved along the patio tracking that song. It was so seductive he had to possess the singer.

  “Hello, Morgan.”

  He turned in the dimly lit porch and saw her standing against the backdrop of the darkened building. She was
almost ethereal, bronze-colored with curls rippling around her face. Her lips were parted and sparkled with silver.


  He went to her, and she caressed his arm. “Yes?”

  “Morgan what are you doing with her?”

  “She means nothing,” he said softly. “She’s just a mark. My coven needs the air stones she wears, so my job is to seduce them away from her.”

  She laughed softly and made him want her even more. Her eyes shone with light he wanted to touch.

  “Morgan.” She waggled her finger. “It’s not nice to mess with one of Mother Nature’s daughters. It really pisses her off.” Her curls blew as a harder breeze swirled around her. “Who is ‘we’?”

  “Dark Hollow.”

  “Who is the leader?” she asked softly in a voice that made him hard and hungry to fuck her.

  “A demon named V,” he chuckled.

  “Just V?” she asked.

  “I don’t know his real name,” he told her.

  “And what does V want so badly with the girl?”

  “He wants to take over the underworld, but he needs more power. The wind stones will give him the edge he craves.”

  “Tell him she’s spoken for and not even evil can have her now. He’ll have to go to war with me if he persists in attempting to tame her powers.”


  She smiled, but her lips held a cruel edge. “Tell him this is my city, and I will destroy him if he continues to trespass on my territory.”


  Her voice was an annoyance and her presence unwanted. He turned and an energy ball formed on his fingers. “I’ll get rid of her for good, and we can finish what we’ve started. Then, I’ll just cut the stones off her wrists,” he said softly. He was about to throw it when fire sliced through his gut. His eyes widened.

  “That was a mistake.”

  Her voice was a whisper, a cutting wind across his face. He turned back to her and her eyes flashed with lightning. Her face was a funnel cloud of dark wind. He screamed or he tried to, but he wasn’t sure if it was from the pain burning inside him like a thousand volts of electricity or from her face.

  Morgan shoved her away and stumbled on legs that were jelly. Wind snaked around him and he summoned up a protection spell of darkest energy, but he couldn’t think. He couldn’t focus and his magick died before he could execute the spell.

  Air was sucked from his lungs and he clutched at his throat, mouth open. Air slithered into him hot and dry as sand.


  “Morgan!” He fell to the concrete, eyes open, and face dark blue. His eyes were filled with fear and she could smell the stink of it as he groaned.

  Juliet took a step closer, sensing eyes on her. The scent of lightning, burning flesh, and rain drifted to her.

  “Who’s there?” she cried out tentatively.

  “H-help m-me.” He trembled though his body was rigid, arms held close to is body.

  “I’ll be right back,” Juliet said, but a sudden fog caught her attention. It moved toward her and she backed up.

  There was nothing malevolent in it as it whispered past her.

  She turned and rushed back to the patio with every intention of telling the constable what she’d seen. She didn’t really care for Morgan, but he hadn’t deserved to be attacked like this.

  “Help!” she screamed, hoping someone would hear her. She didn’t want to leave Morgan alone too long.

  She climbed the patio stairs and rushed over it to burst into the ballroom.


  Alice was running to her in a split second and Aria was by her side before she could even draw her next breath.

  “What’s wrong?” Aria demanded taking her hands.

  Her skin was warm, and Juliet drew in a steadying breath, heart racing. “It’s Morgan,” she said. “He’s been attacked or something. He’s on the first-floor patio.”

  “We need a doctor,” Alice called.

  The music slowly faded and some of the crowd turned to see what the commotion was about.

  “Doctor. We need a doctor!” Alice called.

  Two parted from the crowd and came running over. The female’s face was filled with concern while the male’s held a question.

  “Lead the way,” the female ordered.

  They made their way back to Morgan and found him barely alive.

  “I’ll get Tucker, “Alice said and left them.

  Aria wrapped her arm around Juliet’s waist and pulled her against her. “What happened?” she murmured.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t see anything except him collapsing,” she said.

  “Come on,” Aria said leading her a few steps further away. “You don’t really need to see that.”

  “He just walked away from me,” she murmured. “We were talking, and I kept thinking I wish he’d finish so we could go back inside.” Juliet looked into Aria’s eyes. “I wanted to dance with you.”

  Aria’s lips twitched in a faint smile. “And you were ready to take that risk of coming out?” she asked softly. “Your mother is still here and even if she wasn’t, word would still get back to her.”

  “I know,” she murmured. “I just—I know.” She swallowed tightly.

  “Where is he?” Tucker demanded. “What happened, Juliet?”

  “One minute we were having drinks and the next he just walked away,” she said and frowned as she looked up into his brown eyes. “When I found him he just asked for help.”

  Tucker went to him and Callie followed, though staying a few steps behind.

  “I hope he doesn’t die,” Juliet said. “I didn’t want to go out with him, but I didn’t wish ill on him either.”

  “I know, sweetie,” Aria murmured and kissed her temple.

  “Morgan,” Tucker said sternly as he fell to his knees next to his friend. He leaned closer for a moment but Juliet didn’t hear him speaking only saw his lips moving. “Morgan?”

  “He’s gone,” the female doctor said. “He only lasted as long as he did because he’s half incubus. Whoever attacked him wasn’t human.”

  “Someone needs to call a constable,” the male doctor advised.

  “Already done,” Alice said. “We need to get back inside, cousin.” She took Juliet’s hand.

  Juliet gave Aria a look, but let her cousin lead her away. Aria followed and got both bottles of water.

  “Thanks. That drink Morgan gave me left me a little thirsty.”

  “You drank it?” Aria demanded.

  “Yes, it was good. Why?”

  “He may have put something in it,” Aria told her. “He was half demon for crying out loud.”

  “I know. Their mothers were good witches seduced by incubi,” Juliet told her. “It’s common knowledge.”

  “How do you know that makes them good? Nurture doesn’t always win out over human or demonic desire,” Aria told her coldly. “For all you know he knew that woman who attacked you and he instigated it for a reason.”

  Juliet’s brows knit into a frown. “You’re not making sense, Aria,” she murmured. “It sounds like you’re saying—but why would he want to attack me?”

  “The wind stones, Juliet,” she said tightly. “Do you even know what you’ll become or the power those stones would give the dark world? They could use the knowledge gained from the stones to harm other marked.”


  “The wind whispers to he or she who has connected with the stones. All you have to do is know how to listen, to understand what it says.”

  “I confess I don’t know nearly enough. The information I have is slowly revealed to me in the BOS my grandmother left me. It was my great-grandmother’s.”

  “They were just watchers, protectors of the information and the stones. They could never use them.”

  “My mother tried to use the grimoire, but she couldn’t,” Juliet said more to herself than Aria.

  “The power is yours alone to command unless you give it awa
y willingly during Mid-Summer. After you’ve become demi-aurai, then you’ll be safe.”


  “You’re not true blood aurai, but you have some so you need the crystals to boost your powers.” Aria’s hand brushed hers and Juliet turned her head to look at her.

  Her eyes were cool, but beneath the clouds she saw warmth just waiting to curl around her and then a light breeze brushed across her face. Juliet loved the way Aria did that.

  Juliet averted her gaze then and noticed a curious pair of eyes on them. “Can you help me?” She knew the nosy older woman would be asking her mother questions before the end of the night, but she looked away finding her eyes snaring Aria’s again. That’s exactly where she wanted to be, lost in her strange eyes.

  “I will train you, Juliet, but you have to be willing to learn,” she replied as she leaned toward her.

  More air brushed over her, reminding her of when they were in the grotto. Heat and intimacy of the small enclosed space had only added to her willingness to let go.

  Juliet shivered, her nipples hardening in remembrance and renewed desire. She started to touch Aria and clenched her hand as she forced it to stay at her side.

  “I’m more attracted to you than I’ve ever been to any woman,” Juliet told her and closed her eyes wishing she’d thought before she spoke. She didn’t think Aria wanted a true loving and long-term relationship.

  However, she was already falling for her and knew she was going to crash and burn.

  “I feel the same way,” she murmured and Juliet felt a warm rush through her and her stomach tightened.

  “Besides lore and how to use my powers, what else are you planning to teach me?” she asked and stopped breathing as she waited for the answer. She didn’t expect hearts and roses, but she wanted them.

  Aria turned her head and leaned closer to whisper in her ear, “How to give yourself to me.”

  Juliet angled her head to look into Aria’s eyes. The hunger in those gray depths made her pussy weep. “I already want to be yours, but do you want to be mine, Aria?”

  Chapter Eighteen


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