The Dragonsong Trilogy Box Set

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The Dragonsong Trilogy Box Set Page 4

by H. C. Brown

  Chapter Five

  Lumos rested his back against a tree and chewed on a blade of grass. He had spent the last few hours searching for food without luck. The Magus had left him water in the form of a spring-fed rock pool, but the walnut trees and a fine pear tree sat just out of reach. He grimaced. Perhaps the butterfly would return to help him before he died of starvation.

  A glint of gold broke between the trees and he pushed slowly to his feet. Thalia. Should he go to meet her or wait some distance away? The girl was as flighty as an unbroken stallion. He moved toward her then stopped in the meadow, standing in full sunlight. He smiled and waved.

  “It is good to see you again, little butterfly. Have no fear. I will stand some distance away.”

  To his surprise, the witch walked into the circle and placed a basket on the ground. The cat gave a chirruping sound and bounded toward him. “It is good to see you, too, my friend.”

  “She understands that we speak together and asks that you remain here. She has food for you and will bring a basket each day until she finds a solution to your problem.” The cat purred and rubbed against Lumos’s legs. “She is very afraid. I beg you to act wisely.”

  I will, you have my word. Lumos smiled at Thalia. “Thank you, sweet butterfly, as you can hear my stomach growls for the lack of food.” Lumos rubbed his stomach. “I know you are concerned, but, if you wish to help me break this circle, we will have to talk together.” He noticed Thalia’s look of fear and cursed his impatience. “Not today—another time when you are feeling a little more secure.”

  “I am s–sorry I ran away. Indeed, I acted like a child.” Thalia wrung her hands and cast him a worried look. “I will step outside the circle so you may eat.”

  Compassion for the trembling girl, standing so bravely, overwhelmed him. Lumos opened his arms. One, step at a time, I will conquer your fear, little butterfly. “Will you keep me company? Perhaps, if you sit on the fallen log, we may chat a while?” He met her gaze. “If you allow me, I will gladly instruct you in ways to develop your magyck. Brew mentioned you have a desire to develop your talent.”

  The girl’s eyes narrowed in suspicion and her lips formed a thin line.

  “I do not know you, nor do I trust you and why should I?”

  Lumos sighed. She does not believe me … and why should she? I am a stranger and she knows nothing of the ways of the Fae.

  “Thalia, I am sorry, I should not have presumed you would trust me to teach you, but I know you possess great power. I can feel magyck all around you.”

  “Aye, I h–have magyck and the king would have me put to d–death because of it.” Thalia lifted her chin. “Since being abandoned here, I have prayed for someone to teach me, good sir, but I am afraid of you. Although my heart tells me to t–trust you, I find I cannot.” Thalia straightened. “I will sit with you as I trust Brew’s intuition more than my own of late.”

  With a sigh of relief, Lumos waited for Thalia to move toward the fallen log and sit down. Yes, breathe in my scent, little one, and know I am yours. He moved slowly toward the basket and peered inside. Berries, nuts, biscuits and a bowl of honey sat beside a slab of flat bread. Water glistened in a terracotta flagon. Although hunger gnawed at his belly, two days without food had not weakened him—in his Fae form, he could survive for a week if necessary. He sat in the warmth of the late afternoon sun and broke the bread in half.

  “This is wonderful, thank you.” He smiled and held the bread out to Thalia. “Will you share this with me?”

  “I think not.” Thalia screwed her skirt into bunches. “How do you know about magyck?”

  After pouring honey over the piece of bread, Lumos pushed the delicious morsel into his mouth and chewed slowly. His heightened senses caught the allure of feminine arousal drifting across the meadow. A favorable reaction, this is good.

  The dragon in him roared, making his attraction to the witch evident.


  One kiss and she would be bound to him forever, but the witch must come to him willingly. After the horrendous treatment she had endured, he doubted she would allow him to seduce her. The girl had lost her trust in men—all men. He inhaled the scent of her, memorizing the sweetness of the female. The dragon’s heartache radiated through him and he sighed. We can never hope to have her now, dragon, she fears our presence. She is lost, damaged beyond repair.

  “Never lost. Her heart is strong, protected, and pure.” The Nightdragon stirred restlessly. “She belongs to us, Lumos—you must find a way.”

  He sighed. Gods, the second their eyes met, he could smell a wave of fear coming from her. He cleared his throat and reached for the water. He took a sip and studied her over the rim of the bottle. “I am Fae, although it will be hard to prove my claim. You see, the silver that blocks my magyck also prevents my wings emerging.”

  “Where do you c–come from and why did the Magus do this to you?” Thalia leaned forward. “Who is this man that dares to use magyck to cause harm?”

  She is beginning to relax. I must remain unthreatening. “My realm is Drakka.” Lumos reached for a strawberry. “This name will be foreign to you because Otherworld realms are hidden to Nomags.” He noticed Thalia’s blank expression. “Ah, let me explain, Nomags are non-magyck folk.” He popped the strawberry into his mouth. “The Magus plans to gain control of Drakka by putting a rogue on the throne. I stand in his way.”

  “What does the Magus have to gain?”

  Lumos inclined his head. This sweet butterfly had intelligence. “Do you know of the Dragonfae?”

  “No, I am afraid the name has no meaning for me.” Thalia pushed a strand of hair behind one ear. “I have heard stories of dragons. They are myths told to frighten children.”

  Lumos smiled. “Dragons protect children and they are no myth. Nomags have trouble seeing what is in front of their eyes.” He lifted his chin. “The Dragonfae protect the Gate to the gods and do the gods’ bidding, but our numbers grow thin due to the constant attacks of late. Drakka is a realm of incredible beauty and wealth, a jewel many have sought to own.” He rubbed his chin and considered how much information he should reveal. “The Magus of Fullmount wants this wealth and the power of the dragons. He is a Darksider and looks to Lucifer for guidance. The man cares little for our gods and practices the art of dark magyck and has beguiled many a young Dragonfae.”

  “Some of your own kind have joined him?” Thalia got to her feet and began to pace. “What do the gods think of this betrayal?”

  Anger overcomes her fear. She is truly a child of Cymbeline. “The gods gave us free will. We are not slaves.” He shrugged. He dipped bread into the honey and ate it slowly. “To believe is to enjoy all the benefits the gods bestow upon us. Those who do not are not cast aside, merely ignored until their path becomes clear.” He sucked honey from his fingers. “Like all races, the Fae have both good and evil.”

  “What would make a good Fae turn evil?” Thalia shrugged. “I have always believed men were born that way, good or evil, although the evil ones can hide their true self, it seems.”

  Should I tell her? Lumos observed her from below his lashes. Glossy, auburn hair fell down her back in streaks of gold and complemented her semi-translucent complexion. He could see Dragonfae flames dancing within the depths of her soft, brown eyes as if lit by the brightness of her soul. She already exhibits the fiery eyes of a chosen one. Her full mouth was set in a constant pout as if begging for his kiss. What am I thinking? He dropped his gaze, unable to block out the voluptuous body barely concealed beneath a thin, linen dress and cleared his throat.

  “I do not believe any being is born evil. Some wizards have the power to plant wicked suggestions in Nomags but, with us, it is more difficult.” Lumos shrugged. “The Magus of Fullmount convinced us he had denounced Lucifer and we offered him sanctuary in Drakka. For our understanding, the Magus brewed an elixir, a potent, addictive drug then concealed the substance in a barrel of wine. He sent the rich, aromatic drink as a gift
to the Dragonfae.

  We receive many such offerings from those seeking our protection. Most of us who experienced the seductive effects of the potion discarded the wine. By the time we discovered the Magus’s plot, many of the young dragons had succumbed and now these Dragonfae are dependent on the Magus’s generosity.”

  He pushed his hair back from his eyes and watched for Thalia’s reaction. “Kird is the Magus's puppet and I have been chosen to fight him for the throne. This is why the Magus trapped me here. If I fail to meet Kird on the battleground in three months, Drakka will be forfeited.”

  Thalia stared at Lumos in disbelief. A fine tale to be sure. She crossed her arms over her chest and stared down at him. The man had not moved or threatened her in any way. Her heart no longer raced with fear at the sight of him. In fact, Lumos attracted her as if he had awakened her senses. She had the urge to step forward, touch his silken hair, and run a hand over his broad shoulders. I am losing my wits.

  “I find it hard to believe you would allow yourself to be caught so easily, if what you say is true.”

  “The Magus used you to trap me.” Lumos gave her a wry smile. “You sang to me and I began to search for you. The last time I left Drakka, I made a stupid mistake. I told Lucinda I would go to search Broclarre at the first full moon. She was one of my lovers and is already resentful of you.” He reached for another strawberry. “Lucinda is the only one who could have betrayed me to the Magus. I told no other except the king.”

  “Me?” Thalia drew a deep breath. What in the gods’ names, did he mean? “I did not sing to you. You are mistaken.”

  “You called to me, little butterfly.” Lumos met her gaze.

  Thalia listened to his rich baritone singing the song, her song. The prayer of deliverance from the horror in her mind. To be sure, she asked for the dragon to love her nightly, because no man ever would. How could he know these words? Perhaps, he had heard her singing them last night and, if so, why did he believe they referred to him?

  “I–I do not understand. What you say is madness. By the goddess, if this is true, I fear the Magus has used us both for his own means.”

  “Thalia, little butterfly.” Lumos pushed slowly to his feet and spread his arms palms up. “I am Lumos, the Nightdragon. Your song brought me here. Look at me. Do you know of any Fae that have fangs? I am both Fae and dragon—a shape-shifter. The gods mixed Fae and dragon blood to create the Dragonfae. We protect the innocent and never to do harm. Although, it seems of late, the Magus has found a way to corrupt us.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I believe jealousy made Lucinda betray me to the Magus and gave the evil being time to plot for my imprisonment.” He dropped his arms. “The Magus waited here for my arrival with an army of Shadow Walkers and then hit me with a blast of dark magyck so powerful it knocked me senseless. I awoke trapped and bound in silver.” He smiled. “When you peeked at me around the oak tree, I was so glad to see you actually existed. I thought the Magus may have conjured your song in my mind.”

  Sitting down hard on the fallen log, she fought to gather her senses. My Nightdragon? He is my Nightdragon? He really exists? Goddess, could this be true? One second, this man had informed her he was a Faerie, the next a dragon. Shadow Walkers, an evil Magus—she had seen none of these creatures in her forest. Did he think her time there alone had turned her into a blithering idiot? She pressed the palms of her hands against her eyes. Cymbeline, tell me what I must do.

  Drawing a deep breath to calm her nerves, she let it out slowly, dropped her hands, and met Lumos’s intent green gaze. “I think you have lost your wits, good sir.” She stood and brushed the grass seeds from her skirts. “One other thing. Nightdragon, why do you constantly refer to me as ‘butterfly’? Have I not told you my name is Thalia?”

  “It is the Fae meaning of your name.” Lumos frowned. “I see you doubt me, but I speak the truth.”

  “No … you do not. You are no b–better than the men who brought me here.” She lifted her chin and glowered at him. “You will not fool me with your silver tongue. I will have you know, my name is the reason my father banished me. He said my name means ‘Soul Catcher’—that I am so evil my parents left me for the wolves to devour. In turn, he left me to the brutality of one of his men.” Thalia turned. “I cannot bring myself to trust you, not yet, but I will not allow you to starve because I am not a Soul Catcher. Neither will I help set you free. It seems we are both trapped in this forest, Dragonfae.” She called to Brew and took the path back to the cottage, walking swiftly until the building came into view.

  A feral roar, followed by a terrifying whoosh as thousands of birds took flight, echoed through the forest. Small animals rushed by, their eyes bulging with fear. She turned and gasped at the plume of white smoke pouring into the sky inhaling the stench of fire tainting the pristine air. Gods, the forest, is on fire. The top of a silver ash shuddered, toppled, and then crashed to the ground. Lumos.

  She sprinted back toward the meadow, dodging the terrified wildlife. On the perimeter of the circle, she stopped and fear shook her to the bone. Her jaw dropped open at the sight of Lumos punching his blood-soaked fists into a tree. Smoke poured from the Fae’s nose with every sickening thud and the meadow hung heavy with the smell of fire. The tree toppled and with a tragic pirouette slowly crashed to the ground. Thalia ran blindly toward him. “Lumos. Stop! Please.”

  Chapter Six

  Fullmount Palace

  Drog, the Magus of Fullmount, gazed into the scrying dish and chuckled with glee at the destruction Lumos was inflicting on the Singing Forest. He absorbed the Dragonfae’s anger, relishing in his pain. The man’s agony filled him like the sweetest wine. Lucifer, the Fae’s heartache made him drunk with euphoria. Although Lumos had refused the tainted wine and not succumbed to Drog’s potion, the Dragonfae had been easy to manipulate once the beast had found the mate he had sought for more than a century. His dragon had become intoxicated with desire, the beast’s senses trained on one objective—Thalia.

  The instant the dragon had landed in the clearing and morphed into Lumos, his capture had been simple. He would have killed the Dragonfae then, if not for the chance, his brother, Axim, would step up to take the challenge at Drakka. No, a far better plan was to make Lumos miss the deadline, and forfeit the realm.

  Inhaling to draw in more of Lumos’s frustration, Drog puffed out his chest at his ingenuity. He had set his brother, Boris, the task of finding the Dragonfae’s mate. A simple spell had found the few females with dragon flames dancing in their eyes. By secreting each of the females scent via articles of clothing around the Dragonfae lair, Boris only had had to note which of the concealed garments attracted Lumos. Drog had found to his great satisfaction the girl Thalia was the daughter of King Garro—a Nomag. The girl chosen by the gods for the Dragonfae heir, an innocent, had proved an easy target for Boris. The young Magus had cast a simple spell to turn Thalia’s people against her, blaming the girl for the death of their queen. The king had banished the female from the herd—or whatever these people called a group of Nomags.

  The Magus rubbed his hands together and chuckled. A shiver of pure bliss ran down his spine. After all, his ingenious spell had transformed the king’s man accompanying Thalia into a lusty fiend worthy of his place in the Underworld. How he had enjoyed immersing himself in the innocent’s terror.

  He grinned into the gloom. His plan had worked beautifully. Six months had passed since his gift of fifty casks of the finest wine—tainted with a mind-controlling potion—had arrived at Drakka. Now with twenty dragons under his enchantment he had an army to rival the gods’ militia. He needed to gain control of Drakka and destroy the Gate of the gods.

  The girl’s mind had proved easy to infiltrate. Nomags had no idea true magyck existed. The creatures had no barriers against dark telepathy and he could bend Thalia to his will with a snap of his fingers. Now, he would use Lumos’s desire for the Nomag female to control him.

  He snorted with glee. He would dangle the
girl in front of the Fae like a carrot for a donkey. He would control Thalia’s mind, with a suggestion here, a little push there, and he would have the girl manipulating the Dragonfae for him with consummate ease. Lucifer, imagine the satisfaction of having the Nightdragon under his control?

  With a laugh, the Magus observed Lumos destroy tree after tree. Damn, he could taste the blood streaming from the Fae's knuckles, and feel the crack of his bones. Delicious. How easily he had drawn the Dragonfae heir to the Singing Forest. The girl’s Dragonsong had been an unexpected bonus, then, to witness Lumos’s response to Thalia’s silk scarf, the Dragonfae’s desperation had been an unexpected delight. The lovers would have crossed paths eventually but perhaps a few years later. In truth, Thalia would probably die if Lumos mated her at this young age. The Faerie females matured at one hundred summers for a reason. The Magus shrugged—he did not care a fig about a Nomag of eighteen summers. He preferred to set his sights on complex matters.

  He licked his lips and chuckled as Lumos slammed his blood-soaked hands into the trunk of another tree with steam billowing around him. How I wish I could lick the blood from your knuckles, Dragonfae. The love struck dragon had proved easy prey. Ah, Lumos, I have you imprisoned in a magyck circle, stripped of your powers, and at my mercy. In three months, Drakka will be mine.

  Chapter Seven


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