Dragon Alliance Dark Storm : Dark Storm

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Dragon Alliance Dark Storm : Dark Storm Page 59

by J. Michael Fluck

  As Gallanth started to rise from his attack run, dozens of ballista spears and hundreds of arrows were being aimed at him. Several were striking his shield and quickly starting to wear it down, and several of the sorcerer apprentices on the Morgathian warships were also trying to direct spells at him. As the mighty gold dragon and Vatara ascended, they left over twenty ships either totally or partially in flames. His shield was almost gone by then, but the strike had as much of a psychological effect on the sailors of the Alliance fleet as it did a physical effect on the Morgathian navy with the loss of that many ships in one pass. It was up to them now, as Gallanth rose above the naval battle and started to fly back toward the harbor and the now dwindling fight.

  Many chromatics had started to teleport away before the Alliance dragons stopped the remainder with dispelling roars. The defeat of Doomshadow and Dreadstone, as well as the arrival of reinforcements from Denar Weir and other weirs was just too much for the more cowardly chromatics. However, those remaining knew they had to fight to the death, for surrender was not an option for them. Gallanth flew toward the heart of the city where the Draden Weir garrison was consolidating and where Pekram lay but carefully observed the ongoing aerial fight.

  Denar Weir was finishing off the last of the chromatics in the squadron that had attacked Gallanth. Tridenth and Bristurm silenced the second lead red dragon, for Havocfire had disengaged and managed to teleport away before the Capital Weir could stop him. “A fierce pair those two,” Mkel said out loud.

  “Yes, a good team they are, especially in a full-out fight. They just need refinement at times,” Gallanth added.

  “Gallanth, a good battle today, and congratulations on your victory over the Usurper dragon!” Tridenth called out to praise Gallanth.

  “Yes, Captain Mkel, a brilliant victory against a powerful foe,” Bristurm added his own compliments to the gold dragonrider and fellow Weirleader’s.

  “Thank you for your assistance, Tridenth. Your victory over that large red dragon was impressive as well. We did not want another heavy fight after the duel with Doomshadow. Your help is greatly appreciated,” Gallanth thanked the bronze dragon as he flew in beside him.

  “Yes, my friend, you and your weir came at the exact right time,” Mkel added.

  “I am sorry for your weir’s loss. Pekram was well known to us,” Tridenth added.

  “Yes, he was a resolute fighter and soldier,” Bristurm commented.

  “Thank you, my friend. Again, good fight with that red dragon. You and Tridenth are a credit to the Alliance and the weirs. We have to go to our soldiers now. We will talk soon, for you have to come to Draden for the hatching of Silvanth’s and Gallanth’s egg and the bonding,” Mkel answered and flew toward the city after returning the junior dragonrider’s salute. They flew back over the ice ships, which seemed to have their situation under control now and were casting off the Morgathian vessels as they steamed toward the black fleet, which was now fighting a retrograde battle against the Alliance Navy.

  “Thank the Creator that all of our and the dragons’ hard work paid off. The thousands of cooling, heating, and lighting crystals the weirs donated to the navy to construct and maintain those three ships were worth it. They are magnificent and will be the enforcers of the seas with the bronze dragons. See how even a kraken that attacked the Bastion was barely able to make a dent in it, and the ship’s own batteries even drove it off,” Jodem thought out loud, partially to organize his thoughts and give praise to all the efforts in the creation of those monstrous capital ships, but partly to get Mkel to shift focus off of Pekram. He knew, however, this was a losing proposition and followed Gallanth down and into the heart of the city.

  They landed on the wide main street in front of his gathered weir, Gallanth having to hit the ground hard as his wingspan was too wide for the street, and Mkel dismounted quickly. As they walked up to the garrison company, they saw that Lieutenant Ablich had done a good job in consolidating the casualties and organizing the weir’s forces to a light defense while initiating preparations to move. The wounded were placed in a deserted tavern and were being treated by the battle healers and cleric Watterseth. The soldiers, dwarves, and elves of Draden Weir parted to allow Mkel to walk through with only the younger of his soldiers congratulating him and Gallanth on their victory. The veterans knew this was not the time, but Mkel understood his young soldiers’ enthusiasm. He walked up to Watterseth, who had just healed a nasty neck wound on a young soldier, and he and Mkel made eye contact.

  “All here will recover, save two, Weirleader,” Watterseth quickly said, but with a heavy tone in his voice. Mkel nodded and briefly talked to all his wounded, congratulating and thanking them for what they had done to lead the weir to victory. He and Ordin then were directed to a back room by Watterseth where they saw Pekram and Ordin’s dwarf clansman lying on a table, covered with sheets. They both knelt down beside their fallen comrades and held their friends’ hands. Mkel felt tears roll down his cheek as his three dragonstones started to glow brightly, along with Gallanth’s eyes as he stood outside. The powerful gems were pulsating energy, reflecting Mkel’s emotion and pain. He could not help but think of his father and the two boys who now would also be without theirs. To see his friend, military mentor, and fellow soldier lying there, this outspoken mountain of a man now lying silent, was almost too much for him to bear.

  “Dragonrider, they are at peace now and fighting for the Creator in the next life,” Ordin said reverently. Mkel nodded and stood up. They covered their friends and walked out of the building and over to Lieutenant Ablich.

  “I want the weir to withdraw back to Draden as soon as possible,” he told his second in command as Caraeyeth landed and Heathiret quickly dismounted and jogged over to them. “Heathiret, I need you and Caraeyeth to help Ablich move the weir’s battalion back home, Gallanth is too weak for a mass teleport, and we both feel you and she are ready,” he directed her, and she acknowledged.

  Lupek arrived as Razorclaw landed with a quick back-wing and a sorrowful screech. The ranger leader jumped off his and almost ran over to Mkel. Lupek had an uncharacteristic look in his eyes, a look of pain more than any sword or arrow could have inflicted. He and Pekram were very close, as well as being related through marriage.

  As Mkel and Lupek met, both immediately knew what the other was feeling, and they embraced each other. The rest of the weir council and the rangers were all on the ground now and standing behind Mkel and Lupek, many also with tears in their eyes.

  “We will talk to his family as soon as we get back. Father Watterseth, I will need you with me,” Mkel said as clearly as he could.

  The weir cleric nodded an acknowledgement and answered, “He is at peace now, but his memory and life will not be forgotten as we have all been touched by his soul. Take solace in this, Mkel, and know that he died with valor doing what he loved, leading his soldiers and putting a sword into an evil enemy,” Watterseth offered his comforting words. Mkel nodded and told Toderan to help Ablich get the garrison back to the teleportation circle at Atlean Weir and send his soldiers home. He had to get into the air, so he gave his final instructions and thanked his soldiers for their bravery in the fight and for an outstanding job defending Atlean from such odds. He had to walk a fine line with showing concern while not being too emotional over Pekram. This was especially tough for him though. Gallanth also gave his thanks and then quickly took off after Mkel mounted. They slowly rose above the city.

  As Mkel’s adrenaline and grief subsided, he started to feel the pain from his shoulder wound as well as his sharing the pain of Gallanth’s injuries. The Capital Wing had just silenced the last amount of organized chromatic resistance. As the skies were being cleared, Ferranor and Talinor Weir had just arrived and Selenth and his wing tore into the remaining chromatics. Mkel saw Bkert and Rapierth lead the Atlean dragons back to their weir. They had lost six dragons this day, and the rest
of their metallics were injured. They all fought valiantly. Even two of the Capital Weir dragons, Draconth and Aventh were forced to retire.

  “This fight was almost as ferocious as Battle Point during the Great War,” Valianth called over to Gallanth as the Capital Weir flew up to gold dragon.

  “Gallanth, congratulations to you and your rider on a hard-won victory over the Usurper and the Covenant sorcerer. They were responsible for the death of many metallic dragons and thousands of other Alliance soldiers and creatures,” Valianth congratulated them.

  “Yes, this was a significant blow to Morgathia and a turning point in this dark storm,” Therosvet added to his dragon’s comments.

  “The question is how they and the Shidanese were able to amass a fleet and army of this size and coordinate an attack of this magnitude. They threw over twelve hundred dragons at the Alliance and thousands of ships. This force alone is amazing, and we are lucky our strength held out against these odds. The Creator was looking over us,” General Becknor added.

  “Yes, this is what that little drow sorceress was talking about and why you and Michenth kept the Atlean Weir behind from the attack on Shidan general,” Jodem added.

  “Your perception is correct. Michenth saw a shadow over Atlean and requested they stay behind just in case. Queen Eladra felt the same, and I know Gallanth had similar visions as well. These signs and their foresight saved this city,” Becknor answered.

  “Gallanth, you and your rider are hurt. Let me help you,” Valianth said seeing that the Draden dragon and rider were injured, tired, and wanted to leave.

  “No, Valianth, the Atlean dragons are in worse shape than I,” Gallanth answered.

  “I will only address your chest wound, for Doomshadow’s horn went deep. There will be no arguments,” Valianth ordered the junior gold dragon, and his eyes flashed as did the wound on Gallanth’s chest. Mkel took this opportunity to put some aloras salve on his shoulder wound, which eased the pain. As the light subsided, the large puncture on the golden hide was partially healed, as were the nasty bite wounds on his shoulder.

  “Thank you, Valianth,” Gallanth replied.

  “Now, you two must go back to your weir and take care of the family of Senior Sergeant Pekram. His loss will be felt by all and especially by Draden. We will see you by seeing crystal for the after-battle review and in the soon-to-be-scheduled senate meeting that will take place as a result of this tremendous attack,” Valianth finished.

  “Again, thanks to you, Lord Valianth, General Becknor,” Gallanth said as they started to swerve away. Mkel saluted General Becknor and Colonel Therosvet, and they flew toward Atlean Weir. “Gallanth, I can’t believe after all that has happened this last year, that Pekram is gone,” Mkel started to talk to his dragon.

  “He saved many lives both then and especially today. He is at peace, my rider, serving the Creator. We will miss his presence in this life, his wisdom and his guidance, but we can honor him by continuing the fight against the darkness. In this way, his memory and spirit will live on forever,” Gallanth explained to his rider.

  “Did you see the burst of energy that Gallanth and Mkel’s dragonstone crossbow directed at that chromatic, sir?” Therosvet asked General Becknor.

  “It was pure energy, like Michenth’s and the bolts from my sword. This is like what he did when his previous rider Jmes was killed in the Great War defending Michenth and me,” Becknor answered.

  “It was triggered by the emotion from the death of their close friend. This is how he must have survived his lone attack against Aserghul and Shanaris, and his rider only adds to this with his own emotional power. We must keep a watch on this, for it might be the key to our survival in the storms to come,” Valianth prophetically stated.


  Birth of Light

  A senate meeting had been called in another emergency request by the premier within a week of the failed naval attack and invasion of Atlean. Mkel had not even gotten a chance to bury Pekram as of yet but had been spending time with his family and the dwarf Teshner’s kin.

  “This is too soon to gather and hear the Enlightened senators pontificate and spew their hatred and venom against the weirs and dragons, and the Alliance itself, as they see it,” Mkel complained to Jodem and Gallanth as the full senate was about to convene. For the second time since the Great War, all the weirs’ dragons and riders were summoned to Draconia by the premier. The massive attack, while foiled, sent shock waves throughout the Alliance. While there was great jubilation at their victory, there was also a sentiment of antagonism and resentment toward the weirs for “bringing this violence onto the soil of the republic,” at least according to the Enlightened senators.

  The Enlightened Party’s allies in the Truth Sayers’ guilds had been sending out seeing crystal reports and articles in the periodicals insinuating that this attack was connected to the metallic dragons’ greed and was forced upon the Shidanese. While not truthful, the majority of the guilds were becoming masters at skirting the governing Article of the Alliance that required total truth in all reporting and public information. This was reported so fast, as if they almost had dragon or elf foresight that the attack was to happen. Enemies from the outside and inside against the Alliance, Mkel thought.

  Senator Gindren pounded the hammer to announce both that the senate gathering was about to begin and the arrival of Premier Reagresh and General Becknor, with Valianth right behind them. Gallanth had told Mkel that the arch dragon Michenth wanted to attend but his brief fight with the chromatics and the unleashing of his powerful breath weapon had completely exhausted him. All of the senate quieted as the large gold dragon majestically walked into the immense assembly room with the premier and General Becknor leading him and two mithril knights flanking them both. All were quickly seated, and the senator called the meeting to order. He then turned over the lead speak to Premier Reagresh.

  “My good senators, citizens of the Alliance, elf, dwarf, and dragon friends, we are again called here for an unprecedented second time so soon after the last gathering. As this has not happened since the tribulation of the Great War, I feel that unfortunately those uncertain times are upon us again. This recent massive and coordinated attack against our coastal cities, especially Atlean, was the most deadly force arrayed against us since our victory at Battle Point over the juggernaut of the Morgathian army that had challenged our very right to exist. This deadly armada and the enormous number of chromatics that were literally thrown against us, nearly succeeded in seizing our largest coastal city.

  “If it weren’t for the strength, skill, and tenacity of our military and especially our dragons, we could easily have seen a good portion of our shoreline and our cities brought to ruin. For this, I want to thank our army, navy, and especially our weirs for the successful defense of our homeland and for the tremendous victory they achieved over both Shidan and this massive hoard that was arrayed against us. Let us all give them our thanks and resounding applause,” Reagresh stated as he stepped from the senate lead podium and started a vigorous clapping that quickly caught hold of the whole of the senate, but moderately so in the Enlightened section of the hall. All of the dragons present gave the assembly a courtesy nod of acknowledgment as did their riders and the other Alliance military personnel present.

  “Now we must attend to the republic’s response and counter to this deadly attack. I will order the resumption of the invasion of Shidan with the aid of the weirs. King Ibliss and his hierarchy will indeed pay for this treachery. Our kindness and patience was taken as weakness, by him and many more. The weirs saw that the first of our response was quick, decisive, and devastating, as the good king’s palace was laid to ruin. Our forces will take the kingdom of Shidan by storm and institute a more representative form of government that respects its own people and its neighbors. Once Shidan is held and then helped along, we will focus on reducing the growing Morgathian
threat. Although with the recent defeat of such a massive naval force, they can’t be much of a menace on the seas at present. I hereby order all Morgathian vessels, both warships and merchant, as open for capture or destruction. The sun will set on the black talon ships as well as any bearing the Blood Wolf pirate colors,” Reagresh stated.

  “Premier, I do protest this stern overreaction,” Senator Kushien opened the senate floor for discussion, but he was on a short leash after his outburst and removal from the assembly hall at the last gathering.

  “The chair recognizes the senator from the High Mountain province, but I warn you, Senator, after your last tirade, stupidity and treachery will not be tolerated,” Senator Gindren warned his outspoken Enlightened colleague.

  “Thank you, Senator Gindren. We have seen the images from the weirs’ overzealous attack on the sovereign kingdom of Shidan and the devastation that our dragon benefactors caused there. I would say to you, fellow senators, that not only is this more than sufficient punishment for any infraction King Ibliss and the Shidanese might have conducted, but I would go as far as to say it borders on the punitive and cruel. This whole attack on our soil was only the Shidanese responding to the weirs’ unprovoked destruction of a peace-loving monarch’s very home. The pirating that has been taking place and even the assassination attempts on the dragonriders by the Black Scarabs are only a measure of desperation from this republic’s and especially the metallic dragons’ greed and lust for gemstones, power, and control,” Senator Kushien quickly blurted out before the whole of the senate erupted in shouts and arguments over the Enlightened senator’s not-so-well-thought-out words.


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