First Impressions

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First Impressions Page 21

by Aria Ford

  I shrugged. “Not really. Not tonight anyway.”

  “I saw those girls surround you,” she said, laughing. “It looked like they wanted to eat you up.”

  “Most do,” I said without emotion. She stepped closer to me.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” she asked.

  “Already have one, but thanks,” I said, holding up my beer for her to see.

  “The next one then,” she offered. “We can just talk until then.”

  I looked at her again, trailing my eyes down her body. Her breasts her tiny, but her ass was amazing. I could have stared at it all night, but I didn’t. I looked back at her face, preparing to reject her easily. She was a cute girl, but not at all my type.

  “Listen,” I began, but I didn’t get a chance to finish. Someone shoved me from behind, sending me flying forward. I caught myself before I could knock the redhead down. Spinning around to see who pushed me, I felt my face flush with rage.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” some guy screamed, inches from my face. “That’s my girlfriend, you piece of shit!”

  “Dustin!” the girl yelled. “Get out of here. We aren’t together anymore!”

  “Look, man,” I said, holding up my hands in a placating gesture. “I’m not interested in a fight.”

  Without warning, his fist swung at me. My head jerked to the side instinctively, avoiding his ham-fisted jab. I threw my beer to the ground and tackled him. My training took over, and I immediately pummeled his face. It took the strength of both bouncers and the bartender to pull me off him. They didn’t let me go until we were outside.

  “All right!” I yelled, yanking away from their grasp. “I’m out! Enough.”

  “You’re drunk,” the bartender said. “Your night’s over.”

  “Is there someone we can call?” one of the bouncer’s asked. “If we don’t call someone, we have to call the police. That’s the club’s policy.”

  Without a word, I pulled Jacqueline’s business card out of my pocket. I handed it to the bartender and pointed to her cell phone number on the back.

  “Okay,” the bouncer said with a nod. “I’ll be right back.”

  He disappeared inside to call Jacqueline. The other bouncer stood close to me, making sure I didn’t leave. It wasn’t long before Jacqueline pulled up in front of the club. She rolled down her window so I would know it was her.

  “Get in,” she ordered.

  “Well, gentlemen,” I said to the bouncers. “It’s been fun.”

  I stumbled to Jacqueline’s car and fell into the passenger seat. Jacqueline looked at me with disdain before she drove away. We made it to my apartment quickly, and she helped me inside without a word.

  “Are you still mad at me?” I asked as we stepped into the living room.

  “You’re drunk,” she said.

  “That’s not an answer,” I argued.

  She sighed. “Get some sleep, Ryan. I have to go.”

  I don’t know what came over me, but before I knew it, I kissed her. Her lips felt amazing against mine. I pulled her close and sighed deeply, my lips still pressed firmly against hers.

  She yanked away from me and stared at me in disbelief. Her face was flushed, but she didn’t seem angry. If anything, she just looked confused. I smiled shyly and tried to kiss her again, but she moved away before I could.

  “Lay down with me,” I said softly.

  “What?” she asked. “What the hell, Ryan?”

  “We won’t do anything,” I promised. “Just come to bed with me. Please.”

  At first I was sure she would say no. Her eyes flashed dangerously, and she glanced at the front door. I expected her to storm out, just like she did at the diner. Instead, she sighed and turned back to face me. There was something behind her eyes that I didn’t recognize. It might have been desire or just pity. Whatever it was, she nodded and followed me into my bedroom without a word.



  As the sunlight blasted through Ryan’s uncovered windows, I opened my eyes to see him lying next to me with his face pressed into his pillow. He was on his stomach, and I could see every muscle of his back, moving up and down with each breath he took. The sight made me swallow hard and turn away. I shook myself, remembering that Ryan was family. My attraction to him could not continue.

  Slowly, I pushed myself up and threw my legs over the side of the bed. I sat there for a second, adjusting to being awake, before I readied myself to leave. Just as I was about to stand, Ryan shifted beside me. When I turned around, his light-blue eyes were wide open.

  “Where are you going?” he asked sleepily.

  “Figured it was time for me to leave,” I said.

  “Why?” he asked, sitting up quickly. He moved fast for someone who was drunk just hours before. He barely seemed to have a hangover.

  “Why did you get so drunk last night?” I asked, not answering his question.

  He sighed. “A lot of reasons. I don’t even know where to start.”

  I frowned and turned completely around, curling my legs beneath me on the bed. “The beginning?” I suggested.

  “Why do you want to know?” he asked suspiciously.

  “Because I’m the one who picked your drunk ass up last night, remember?” I snapped.

  He nodded. “I appreciate that.”

  “Plus,” I said, my tone softening. “I care about you, Ryan. Despite my anger and despite how irritating you can be, I’ll always care about you.”

  Ryan’s eyes were locked on mine, and I saw something stir behind them. I bit my lip and looked down at my hands, waiting for him to speak and break the awkward tension between us.

  “It’s been hard,” he finally said, his voice softer than I’d ever heard it. “Adjusting to civilian life isn’t easy. I knew it wouldn’t be. They tell us that all the time, but I just never imagined it would take this long. Most of the time, I still feel like I’m a SEAL, like I’m on some mission that I don’t yet have my orders for.”

  “In a way, you are,” I said kindly. “This is all just one big, long mission. The only difference is, you have to make up your own orders as you go.”

  “Yeah,” he scoffed. “That’s not exactly easy.”

  I sighed. “I know. I mean, I think I know. All I can say is that you’ll make it through this. You will adjust, and your life will be great. I’m sure of that.”

  “Thank you, Jacqueline,” he said, smiling weakly.

  “So, that’s why you got so drunk?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Partly. Things have been hard, but I’ve also been really confused about you.”

  Ryan’s eyes were on my face as he spoke. My heart stopped, and I swallowed hard, shifting uncomfortably on the bed.

  “Ryan,” I said warningly.

  “Just listen, okay?” he asked, scooting closer to me. “I know it’s weird. Bradley is your brother, and in so many ways, he’s mine too. Your parents adopted me years ago. There are a million reasons why you and I should see each other as family, but I just … I don’t see you that way, Jacqueline. Not at all.”

  I stared at him, not knowing what to say. The truth was, I didn’t see him as a brother either. When I looked at Ryan, I saw a frustrating, attractive, defensive man who intrigued me. No matter how much I tried to put him in the same box as Bradley, he just didn’t fit.

  “If you don’t feel the same way,” he said softly. “If you aren’t attracted to me at all, then that’s okay. This will be the last time I ever mention it. I swear. I just had to tell you, at least once.”

  “Ryan,” I said again, taking my glasses off and running my hands over my face. “This is crazy. We’re supposed to be brother and sister.”

  “But we aren’t,” Ryan interrupted. “Not by blood. We didn’t even grow up together, not really. You aren’t my sister, Jacqueline. You’re Bradley’s sister.”

  “And what about our parents?” she challenged. “Don’t you still think of them as …”

“I’m not talking about them right now,” he said. “I’m talking about you. What do you feel?”

  My heart was pounding inside my chest. It beat so hard and fast that I felt sure he would hear it. His eyes were focused on my face, just waiting for me to speak. I didn’t. I couldn’t. There weren’t words to describe how I felt. The only thing that could were actions.

  When I finally met his gaze, there was desire in his eyes. Without thinking, without pausing to remind myself why this was a bad idea, I moved forward. My lips found his easily, and I melted. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling myself closer to him. As our lips worked together, Ryan came alive. His tongue found mine, and he tasted me with a desperation that sent chills down my spine. When he pulled me into his lap, I forgot how to breathe.

  Our kiss deepened. I ran my fingers through his short, black hair, and he gripped my hips with desire. I could taste every drink he had the night before, but I didn’t care. My brain was no longer in control. My body wanted Ryan, and that’s what it would get.

  He slid his hand under my shirt and pulled it over my head, leaving me sitting in his lap in just my bra and a pair of sweatpants. When he unhooked my bra and slid it over my shoulders, he groaned hungrily and threw me on the bed. I was panting before he even put his hands on me.

  Ryan hovered above me while I ran my fingers over his abs. Everything about him was sexy. He was already shirtless, but I was desperate to remove his pants. Before I had the chance, he attacked my body with a groan. His lips found mine while his fingers pinched and teased my nipples. I gasped against his mouth, wrapping my legs around his waist.

  Breaking our kiss, Ryan trailed his tongue slowly down my neck to my chest. I shivered and moaned desperately when his tongue found my nipple. He took it in his mouth, sucking and pulling on me until I could barely stand it. In one motion, I pulled his face back to mine and rolled us over. I pinned him to the bed, my hands feeling every inch of his skin.

  “When did you get so damn sexy?” he breathed.

  I grinned and kissed his chest, letting my lips linger just long enough to tease his skin. I kissed my way down his chest to his stomach, slipping my hands in the waistline of his pants. Looking up at him, I yanked his pants and boxers down. He kicked them to the floor as I stared at his perfectly shaped cock. I moaned and climbed back on top of him.

  We kissed again, his dick pressed between us. I rocked my hips back and forth to tease him. By the way he moaned, I knew it worked. He rolled me onto my back and removed my pants. I laid in front of him in nothing but a pair of red panties. He eyed my body appreciatively and then tore the panties from my body.

  He fell against me, kissing me fast and hard. His fingers slid between my legs and played in my folds, feeling my wetness.

  “God,” he groaned, rubbing my clit and setting my body on fire. He stroked me for a few seconds before he couldn’t take it anymore.

  Ryan reached over and grabbed a condom from his bedside table. Ripping it open with his teeth, he slid it over his ready cock and positioned himself above me. I put my legs on his shoulders, lifting my hips for him to enter me. When he did, we both moaned, and I could barely breathe.

  He held onto my legs and took me so hard that my head bounced against his headboard. I didn’t care. In that moment, I didn’t care about anything. Ryan was the only thing on my mind. He wrapped one arm around my legs for support and moved the other hand to my clit. He rubbed me with this thumb while pounding against me with full force.

  I screamed out with pleasure and threw my arms over my head. My entire body was on fire. With every grunt that escaped Ryan’s throat, he brought us both closer to ecstasy.

  “Holy shit,” I cried. “Don’t stop. Oh god! Don’t stop.”

  Ryan’s thrusts grew harder. His thumb rubbed furiously against my clit. My screams were reduced to whimpers as my body shook. My breasts were bouncing, and my head slammed against the headboard again and again. When I came, I felt my walls collapse around him, and I screamed louder than ever.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, releasing his own pleasure seconds later.

  He panted and held onto my legs tightly, his body convulsing. When he could breathe again, he collapsed onto the bed beside me, leaving me lying there sweaty and weak.

  “Fuck,” he said again. “Shit, that was amazing.”

  I nodded and rolled to the side. My body was still shaky from the incredible orgasm, but my brain was finally working again. As I laid there, I couldn’t believe what we just did. Ryan was right, it had been amazing, but how could I let myself go there with him?

  “I should go,” I said weakly, jumping to my feet and frantically searching for my clothes. I got dressed so fast that Ryan barely had time to sit up.

  “What?” he asked with a hurt look spreading across his face. “Why?”

  I didn’t answer. I just grabbed my glasses and hurried out of the room, not stopping until I reached my car.



  I woke up Monday morning to the sound of knocking on my door. Hoping it was Jacqueline, I threw my covers off and ran into the living room. I’d been trying to call Jacqueline for two days, ever since she left after we had sex, but she never answered. When I threw open my front door, I expected to see her standing there.

  “Bradley,” I said in shock. “What are you doing here, man?”

  My heart raced. If Bradley was showing up unannounced like this, then something must have been wrong. I studied his face for a second, trying to discern whether he knew about me and his sister.

  “Get dressed,” he ordered. “Meet me outside.”

  With that, he turned and walked toward the parking lot. I let the front door swing shut before moving to my bedroom. I threw on whatever clothes I could find and then brushed my teeth quickly. I still didn’t know why Bradley was here, but I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. If he did know about me and Jacqueline, what would he say? Would this be the end of our friendship?

  As I walked outside, I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans. After all the missions Bradley and I went on together, this one felt the most dangerous.

  “Hey,” I said, stopping in front of Bradley. He was leaning against his car and eying me with concern. “So, what’s up?”

  “You hungry?” he asked. “I think I saw a diner just across the street,”

  I nodded. “Yeah, it’s pretty good.”

  “Let’s go,” Bradley said, jerking his head to the side.

  Together, we crossed the street and stepped into the diner. I led Bradley to my usual booth in the back corner, and we sat down. It wasn’t long before a waitress appeared to take our drink orders. We ordered and then she walked away, leaving us alone.

  “Are you going to tell me why you’re here or what?” I demanded. Being blunt was always something Bradley and I did well. We never bullshitted each other.

  “You need to come see Mom and Dad,” he said with a determined look on his face.

  “Are you fucking serious?” I groaned, leaning back against the booth. “That’s why you’re here?”

  “Yes,” he said. “And yes, I’m serious. Enough is enough, Ry. It’s time.”

  “Look,” I began, but the waitress appeared by my side. She put our drinks down and then took our food orders. When she left, I turned back to Bradley. “I understand why you’re doing this, okay? I really do, but you’re wasting your time. I’m not going. I won’t see them.”

  “Why?” Bradley demanded. “Give me one good reason and I’ll drop it. I swear.”

  “You know why,” I snapped. “You were there the night they kicked me out, remember? You watched while your dad dismissed me like I was nothing. Brad, they took me in, adopted me, and then threw me to the wolves. What the fuck am I supposed to do? Run back to them on bended knee? You know me better than that.”

  “That was years ago,” Bradley said. “They’re over it, and you should be too.”

  “Well, I’m not,” I said. “Honest
ly, I don’t think I’m ever going to be over it.”

  “Family is forever,” Bradley argued. “No matter what you do or how long you stay away, we’re still your family. We always will be.”

  “You are my family,” I corrected. “You are the only person who has never turned your back on me. To me? That’s what family means. Your parents? The almighty Keetons? They aren’t my family. Can’t you just accept that and move on? Please. It would make both our lives so much easier.”

  “No,” Bradley said with frustration. “Dammit Ryan, when are you going to grow up? When are you going to realize that not everything is their fault?”

  “I know it isn’t,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm. “But this is. They were supposed to stand by me, Brad. They were supposed to be my parents, just like you claim they are. But they didn’t. They weren’t. They didn’t act like parents or even family. They acted like assholes, and now? I’m done. Okay? I’m done with them.”

  “Is that true?” Bradley asked. “Or are you just too afraid to face them?”

  I glared at Bradley with anger, but he didn’t back down. He stared right back at me, waiting for the answer I would never give. Finally, our food came and broke the tension between us.

  “Let’s just eat,” I said with a sigh. “This conversation isn’t getting us anywhere.”


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