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Cronkite Page 98

by Douglas Brinkley

  Minneapolis Star, The, 330

  Minor, Dale, 557, 571, 637, 638

  Minow, Newton N., 229, 265

  missile defense, 197–98

  Mississippi, murder of civil rights workers in, 296–97, 298, 301

  “Missouri Method” of journalism, 55

  Missouri School of Journalism, 55

  Mitchell, Billy, 71

  Mitchell, John, 471

  Mondale, Walter, 573, 576, 577

  Monrobot (computer), 167

  Monroe, Bill, 618

  Monroe, Marilyn, 513

  Montgomery, Bernard Law, 119, 120, 123, 124

  Moon race, 332–33, 336, 337–38, 407, 408–26

  Moonves, Les, 641, 642–43, 662–63, 664

  Moore, Michael, 639

  Moratorium Day, 443

  Morgan, Edward P., 171, 320

  Morning Show, The (CBS TV), 178–79, 180, 181, 196

  Morris, Joe Alex, 87, 88

  Morton, Bruce, 509, 576

  Mosbacher, Bus, 244

  “Most Trusted Man in America,” 481, 497, 582–83, 657

  Mount Moriah Cemetery, Kansas City, MO, 659

  Mowrer, Edgar Ansel, 48

  Moyers, Bill, 348, 352, 576, 615

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 539

  Mrs. Miniver (film), 96

  MSNBC, 616, 621, 660

  Mubarak, Hosni, 562–63

  Mudd, Roger, 189–90, 257, 353, 502, 509, 576

  and bicentennial coverage, 514, 515

  and civil rights movement, 294–95, 296

  and Cronkite, 336, 451

  History Channel interview of Cronkite, 646

  and Kennedy assassinations, 280, 397

  and LBJ’s resignation, 392–93

  and 1964 political conventions, 309, 312, 313, 317, 318, 320–21

  and 1968 political conventions, 400

  and 1976 political conventions, 518

  as possible successor to Cronkite, 532, 537

  and “The Selling of the Pentagon,” 450, 451

  Muehlebach Hotel, Kansas City, MO, 516

  Mundt, Karl E., 188

  Munsters, The (CBS TV), 289

  Murdoch, Rupert, 516

  Murphy, Audie, 228–29

  Murphy Brown (CBS TV), 613

  Murphy, Mary, 642, 643

  Murray, Bill, 526

  Murrow Boys, 105, 107, 108, 115, 121, 130, 136, 141, 155, 189, 209, 224, 531

  Murrow Boys, The (Cloud and Olson), 107

  Murrow, Edward R., 293, 301, 319, 455, 516, 531, 584, 587, 657

  and American Foreign Correspondents Association, 113

  on bombing raid over Germany, 108–9

  cancer surgery, 275

  with CBS Radio, 47–48, 60–61, 64, 73, 74–76, 78, 101, 120, 124, 127, 130, 154, 165, 291

  on CBS’s 1956 convention coverage, 184–85

  and Cronkite at CBS, 166, 172, 175, 176, 176–77, 203, 206–10, 220

  death of, 335–36

  departure from CBS, 225–26

  and Edwards, 245

  “Good night and good luck” sign-off, 262, 335–36

  “Harvest of Shame” documentary, 208, 217, 219, 336

  job offers to Cronkite, 105–8, 151, 152

  and Kennedy inauguration, 222

  and 1952 Election Night coverage, 167, 168–69, 170

  and 1960 political conventions, 206–7, 208–10

  Paley and, 207–8, 209, 217–18, 219, 220, 225–26

  Peabody Awards to, 108, 149, 208

  Person to Person TV series, 189

  “Report on Senator Joseph McCarthy,” 176, 178

  RTNDA speech, 207–8, 601

  See It Now TV program, 157, 177, 178, 291, 293, 335

  and Smith, 246

  and television, 141, 142, 149, 156–57, 158, 160, 161

  “That’s the way it was” sign-off, 120, 262

  with U.S. Information Agency, 226, 245

  voice imitations of, 146–47

  in Washington, D.C., 147

  Murrow, Janet, 275

  Muse, Vance, Jr., 36–37

  Museum of Broadcasting, 587–88

  Museum of Television and Radio, 250

  music, 592–93, 594, 623–24, 656

  Muskie, Ed, 437, 444, 481, 518

  Mutschler, Richard, 432, 550

  Mutual radio network, 40, 115

  Myers, Dee Dee, 626

  My War (Rooney), 622

  Nader, Ralph, 437, 571

  Nagasaki, Japan, 131

  Nation, The, 356, 637

  National Academy of Arts and Sciences, 436

  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 192, 196, 197–98, 224

  Ambassador of Exploration Award to Cronkite, 648

  Apollo 1 tragedy, 336–37

  Apollo 4, 338–39

  Apollo 7, 408, 409

  Apollo 8, 409, 427, 430

  Apollo 9, 409

  Apollo 10, 416

  Apollo 11, 336, 409, 410, 411, 412–26, 597, 603

  Apollo 12, 426, 444

  Apollo 13, 428–29, 436

  Apollos 14 through 20, 429

  Challenger disaster, 590, 591, 603, 626

  civilian astronauts, 589–90

  Cronkite and twentieth anniversary of Apollo 11, 603

  Cronkite’s citizen astronaut campaign, 589–91

  The Dream Is Alive (IMAX film), 589

  and environmental concerns, 428

  Glenn’s Friendship 7 mission, 232–36

  Glenn’s second space mission, 626–29

  Gordon’s Faith 7 mission, 422

  Grissom’s Liberty Bell 7 space flight, 229–30

  Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, 286, 411, 589, 590, 591

  and Moon race, 332–33, 336, 337–38, 407, 408–26

  Project Gemini, 332–34, 336, 338

  Project Mercury, 224, 227, 232–34, 236–37, 257, 408, 422, 430

  Shepard’s Freedom 7 mission, 227–28

  and Soviets’ first man in space, 226

  space flight participants, 590–91

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 295, 332

  National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), 229

  National Association of Television Program Executives International, 598

  National Guard, U.S., 342

  National Press Club (NPC), 33, 148, 365, 611

  National Public Radio (NPR), 76, 104, 123, 174, 175, 297, 379, 622

  National Review, 464, 467, 651

  National Sailing Hall of Fame, 653

  National Voice of Democracy, 249

  Naval Academy, U.S., 227

  NBC affiliates, 73, 130, 142

  NBC Blue and Red radio networks, 40

  NBC News, 157

  and Apollo 11, 412–13

  boycott of, 359

  Brokaw with, 485–86

  Camel News Caravan, 150, 175–76, 188

  vs. CBS News, 175–76

  CBS News first-place ratings over, 364, 465, 480, 533

  and CBS’s half-hour news format, 256–57

  Cuban Missile Crisis coverage on, 256

  first-place ratings over CBS, 210, 216–17, 242, 248, 284, 315

  and Glenn’s Friendship 7 mission, 234, 235

  and Iranian hostage crisis, 535

  and Kennedy inauguration in color, 222, 242

  and LBJ’s death, 489

  Meet the Press, 180, 217

  Mudd with, 576

  and 1952 elections, 164, 166

>   and 1960 elections, 205–6, 210

  and 1964 elections, 307, 325

  and 1968 elections, 399, 400

  Outlook, 181

  and Pentagon Papers, 460

  president of, 188, 257, 279, 304

  ratings and AFTRA strike, 358

  ratings competition between CBS News and, 205–6, 217, 251–52, 256, 265, 289, 295, 315, 321, 364, 465

  Reagan assassination attempt on, 552

  Swayze with, 55, 150, 156, 176, 187

  and Vietnam War, 361, 379

  “Vietnam Weekly Review,” 342, 345

  Williams with, 616

  See also Huntley-Brinkley Report

  NBC Nightly News, 465, 480, 641

  NBC Radio, 73, 115, 130


  Daily Show, The, 499

  and Kennedy assassination, 270, 271, 273, 274, 275, 279

  and 1949 and 1952 political conventions, 159

  Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In, 217

  Saturday Night Live, 217, 526

  studios, 253–54, 279

  successful television formats, 217

  Today show, 178, 179, 217, 495, 516, 523, 572, 623

  Tonight Show, The, 179, 180, 217, 495, 499

  NBC White Paper program, 216

  Neal, Roy, 234, 335

  Nelson, Gaylord, 433

  Netherlands, 124

  Cronkite in the, 125–29

  Operation Market Garden in, 117–20, 125

  starved and displaced Dutch people, 127, 128

  and V-E (“Victory in Europe”), 125–26, 127

  Network (film), 520–21, 601

  New Left intellectuals, 393

  New London, Texas, school explosion, 1937, 56–58, 613

  Newman, Edwin, 188

  Newman, Paul, 174

  Newport, Rhode Island, 243, 244

  New Republic, The, 381, 538–39

  news commentators, radio, 30, 47

  Newsday, 346

  News of the Night (CBS News), 171


  daily newspapers in U.S., 55

  as the“fourth estate,” 47

  newspaper reporters, 47

  press-versus-radio war, 71

  UP’s wire service reporters, 53–65

  wire services and, 30, 41–43, 54, 71

  See also early journalism career, Cronkite’s

  News Tonight (ABC News), 641

  News Twisters, The (Efron), 464–65

  Newsweek, 155, 187, 195, 234, 284, 292, 317, 318, 343, 385–86, 467

  Big Three anchormen on cover of, 446

  and Carter’s “Dial-a-President” event, 526

  Cronkite on cover of, 265, 283

  and Cronkite’s Middle East intervention, 529

  News with Walter Cronkite, The (CBS News), 171

  New York-Cornell Medical Center, 623

  New York Daily Mirror, 38

  New York Daily News, 146, 149, 323, 574, 617, 647

  New Yorker, The (magazine), 132, 379, 448, 489

  New York Herald-Tribune, 96, 99, 131, 180, 256, 264, 317–18

  New York Journal American, 230

  New York magazine, 506, 568, 598

  New York Opera, 593

  New York Post, 140, 306, 516, 623, 647

  New York Times, 77, 137, 146, 148, 163, 325, 357, 652

  and G. W. Bush administration, 637, 639

  CBS News ads in, 188, 220

  on CBS news coverage, 210, 216, 474

  on Cronkite 1968 news coverage, 398

  on Cronkite and TV journalism, 658

  and Cronkite’s impending retirement, 537, 540

  on Cronkite’s liberalism, 602

  and Cronkite’s Middle East intervention, 529

  Cronkite’s Orwell opinion piece in, 571

  on Eisenhower-Cronkite interview, 230

  and environmental issues, 431, 433

  Friendly’s resignation in, 355

  on Glenn’s Friendship 7 mission, 233

  on Huntley and Brinkley, 185, 187, 360

  on Iranian hostage crisis, 539

  on Iraq, 604

  McCarthy-Cronkite interview in, 391

  and Nixon’s trip to China, 467

  Pentagon Papers in, 459, 460

  and political conventions/elections, 184, 292, 318, 319, 320, 321, 326, 538, 539, 573, 574, 575, 576

  on presidents, 201, 299, 539

  on Rather and Cronkite, 596

  RFK-Cronkite interview in, 391

  space coverage, 333–34, 418, 423

  on television, 141

  and Vietnam War, 342, 367, 378–79, 381, 393

  and World War II, 90–91, 94, 96, 97, 102, 119, 131

  New York Times Book Review, 622

  New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 447

  New York Times Magazine, 624

  New York World-Telegram, 92–93

  New York Yacht Club, 244

  Nielsen, Arthur Charles, Sr., 288

  Nielsen ratings, 280, 288–90, 291, 292, 293, 295, 315, 367, 383, 465, 577

  Night Beat (CBS News), 249

  Nightline (ABC News), 535, 614, 615–16

  1984 (Orwell), 570–71

  “1984 Revisited” (CBS Reports), 570–72

  Niven, Paul, 222

  Nixon in China (opera), 593

  Nixon, Pat, 452, 564

  Nixon, Richard M., 164, 422, 501, 592, 593

  and Cronkite, 440–56, 465, 466

  and Cronkite’s Presidential Countdown program, 211–12, 213, 214

  Enemies List, 467, 481, 572

  and EPA, 431–32, 436

  Ford’s pardon of, 503

  impeachment of, 502

  and the news media, 440–48, 451, 454–55, 457–58, 466

  and 1960 elections, 204, 205, 210, 211, 212, 220, 310–11

  and 1968 elections, 365, 390–91, 399–400, 409

  and 1972 elections, 471, 478

  and Pentagon Papers, 459–60

  and President’s Commission on Campus Unrest, 435

  resignation of, 470–71, 502–3, 505–8

  at Sadat’s memorial service, 562, 564

  and U.S.-Soviet Wheat Deal, 474

  and Vietnam War, 442, 443, 447, 448, 451, 463, 472–73, 513

  and Watergate scandal, 470–71, 475–79, 496–97, 501, 502

  Nixon, Robert G., 83

  Nobel Peace Prize, 296, 346, 560, 608

  Norfolk, Virginia, 81, 83, 84

  Normandy invasion (D-day), 80, 103, 110–14, 119, 288, 298–99, 572–73, 620

  North by Northeast (Cronkite and Ellis), 580

  North Carolina Is My Home (Kuralt), 249

  North Carolina seashore, 602–3

  Northridge earthquake, Los Angeles, CA, 612–13

  NOVA (PBS), 555

  Now the News: The Story of Broadcast Journalism (Bliss), 120, 442

  nuclear power, 533

  Nuremberg, Germany, 127

  Nuremberg trials, 131–36, 654

  Obama, Barack, 204, 664, 667

  Oberdorfer, Don, 367

  O’Brian, Jack, 230

  O’Brien, Miles, 628

  O’Brien, Tim, 384–85

  Ochs, Phil, 435

  O’Donnell, Kenneth, 390

  Of a Fire on the Moon (Mailer), 417

  Office of War Information (OWI), 78

  Oganesoff, Igor, 381

  O’Hair, Madalyn Murray, 409, 425

  Ohio National Guard, 434, 435

  oil industry, Texas, 23, 36

il spills, 429, 438

  Oklahoma Memorial Stadium, 59

  Oklahoman, The, 49

  Oldfield, Barney, 16, 181

  Oliver Quayle and Company, 481, 497

  Olsen, Kenneth, 109

  Olson, Lynn, 107


  1960 Summer Games, 202–3

  1960 Winter Games, 201–2, 223

  1972 Summer Games, 471

  Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 579

  101st Airborne, 118–19

  “109 Days to Venus” (CBS News), 287

  Ono, Yoko, 593

  On the Edge of the Spotlight (K. Cronkite), 401, 559–60

  “On the Road” features, Kuralt’s, 363–64

  Operation Desert Storm (Iraq), 604–7

  Operation Eagle Claw (Iran), 539

  Operation Market Garden (WWII), 117–20, 125

  Operation Overlord (D-day), 103, 113–14, 119

  Operation Rolling Thunder (North Vietnam), 342, 347, 354

  Operation Torch (WWII), 81–83, 86

  Order of DeMolay, 30

  O’Reilly, Bill, 487, 651

  O’Reilly, William, Sr., 487

  O’Reilly Factor, The (Fox News), 487, 651

  Origins of Television News in America, The (Conway), 150

  Orr, Kip, 77

  Ortiz, Al, 621

  Orwell, George, 570–71

  Osgood, Charles, 365, 555, 556

  Oswald, Lee Harvey, 274, 276–77, 278–80, 282, 284

  Outlook (NBC News), 181

  Outside Looking In (Willis), 402

  Overseas News Agency, 326

  Overseas Press Club Award, 346, 559

  Oxmoor House, 579–80, 581

  Paar, Jack, 179, 180

  pacificism, 79, 128, 453

  Packer, Sir Frank, 244

  painting, 579–80

  Paley, William S., 172, 179, 181, 206, 243, 355, 458, 565

  and Apollo 11, 413

  and civil rights movement, 178, 295

  and Cronkite on CBS board of directors, 584

  and Cronkite’s commercial appeal, 154

  and Cronkite’s Evening News broadcast, 250–51, 251, 254, 256, 258

  and Cronkite’s treatment of Goldwater, 305

  departure from CBS, 584

  and firing of Aubrey, 291

  and firing of Mickelson, 210, 247–48

  and Friendly’s resignation, 354

  honors Cronkite’s career, 587–88

  journalistic training, 218–19

  and Kennedy assassination, 271, 282

  and LBJ’s purchase of KTBC radio, 285–86

  memoir, 321

  and Murrow, 207–8, 209, 217–18, 219

  and Murrow’s departure from CBS, 225–26

  and 1952 elections, 162, 169

  and 1964 political conventions, 311, 312, 316–17, 318, 319, 320, 321–22

  and 1968 political conventions, 399


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