A Christian Easter

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A Christian Easter Page 4

by Pat Simmons

  Redeeming Heart

  Driven to Be Loved

  Love at the Crossroads

  Stopping Traffic

  A Baby for Christmas

  The Keepsake

  What God Has for Me

  Making Love Work Anthology

  Love at Work

  Words of Love

  A Mother’s Love

  Holiday titles

  A Christian Christmas

  A Christian Easter

  A Christian Father’s Day

  A Woman After David’s Heart (Valentine’s Day)

  Christmas Greetings


  Candace Clark has a phobia about crossing the street. As fate would have it, her daughter's principal assigns her to crossing guard duties as part of the school's parent participation program. Candace begrudgingly accepts her stop sign and safety vest, then reports to her designated crosswalk. She’s determined to overcome her fears, and God opens the door for a blessing, and Royce Kavanaugh enters into her life, a firefighter built to rescue any damsel in distress.

  Yes, diamonds are a girl's best friend, but in Solae Wyatt-Palmer's case, she desires something more valuable. Captain Hershel Kavanaugh is a divorcee and the father of two adorable little boys. Solae has never been married and longs to be a mother. Although Hershel showers her with expensive gifts, his hesitation about proposing causes Solae to walk and never look back. As the holidays approach, Hershel must convince Solae that she has everything he could ever want for Christmas.

  Until death us do part…Desiree “Desi” Bishop is devastated when she learns of her husband’s affair. God knew she didn’t get married only to one day have to stand before a judge and file for a divorce. But Desi wants out no matter how much her heart says to forgive Michael. She sees God’s one acceptable reason for a divorce as the only opt-out clause in her marriage. Michael Bishop is a repenting man who loves his wife. If only…he had paid attention to the red flags God sent to keep him from falling into the devil’s snares. Although God’s forgives instantly, Desi’s forgiveness is moving as a snail’s pace. After all the tears have been shed and forgiveness granted and received, the couple learns that some marriages are worth keeping.

  Pregnant Halcyon Holland is leaving her live-in boyfriend, taking their daughter with her. When her ex doesn’t reconcile their relationship, Halcyon begins to second-guess whether or not she compromised her chance for a happily ever after. But Zachary Bishop has had his eye on Halcyon for a long time. Without a ring on her finger, Zachary prays that she will come to her senses and not only leave Scott, but come back to God. What one man doesn’t cherish, Zach is ready to treasure and love unconditionally a ready-made family.


  Christmas will never be the same for Joy Knight if Christian Andersen has his way. Christian and his family are busy making sure the Lord's blessings are distributed to those less fortunate by Christmas day. Joy is playing the hand that life dealt her, rearing four children in a home that is on the brink of foreclosure. She's not looking for a handout when Christian Andersen rescues her in the checkout line. Can time spent with him turn Joy’s attention from her financial woes to the real meaning of Christmas and true love?

  How to celebrate Easter becomes a balancing act for Christian and Joy Andersen and their four children. Chocolate bunnies, colorful stuffed baskets and flashy fashion shows are their competition. Despite the enticements, Christian refuses to succumb without a fight. And it becomes a tug of war when his recently adopted ten year-old daughter, Bethani, wants to participate in her friend’s Easter tradition. Christian hopes he has instilled Proverbs 22:6, into the children’s heart in the short time of being their dad.

  Three fathers, one Father’s Day and four children. Will the real dad, please stand up. It’s never too late to be a father—or is it? Christian Andersen was looking forward to spending his first Father’s day with his adopted children—all four of them. But Father’s day becomes more complicated than Christian or Joy ever imagined. Christian finds himself faced with living up to his name when things don’t go his way to enjoy an idyllic once a year celebration. But he depends on God to guide him through the journey.

  David Andersen doesn’t want a woman to get any ideas that a wedding ring was forthcoming before he got a chance to know her if their first date is on Valentine’s Day. So he has no choice but to wait until the whole Valentine’s Day hoopla was over, then he would make his move on a sister in his church he can’t take his eyes off of. For the past two years and counting, Valerie Hart hasn’t been the recipient of a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner invitation. To fill the void, Valerie keeps herself busy with God’s business, hoping the Lord will send her perfect mate soon.

  For Saige Carter, Christmas wouldn’t be complete without family and friends to share in the traditions they’ve created together. Plus, Saige is extra excited about her line of Christmas greeting cards hitting store shelves, but when she gets devastating news around the holidays, she wonders if she’ll ever look at Christmas the same again.

  Daniel Washington is no Scrooge, but he’d rather skip the holidays altogether than spend them with his estranged family. After one too many arguments around the dinner table one year, Daniel had enough and walked away from the drama. When Daniel reads one of Saige’s greeting cards, he’s unsure if the words inside are enough to erase the pain and bring about forgiveness.


  Jillian Carter became a teenage mother when she confused love for lust one summer. Despite the sins of her past, Jesus forgave her and blessed her to be the best Christian example for Shana. Jillian is not looking forward to becoming an empty-nester at thirty-nine. The old adage, she’s not losing a daughter, but gaining a son-in-law is not comforting as she braces for a lonely life ahead. Shana’s biological father breezes back into their lives as a redeemed man and practicing Christian. Not only is Alex still good-looking, but he’s willing to right the wrong he’s done in the past. The widower father of the groom, Dr. Dexter Harris, has set his sights on Jillian and he’s willing to pull out all the stops to woo her. Now the choice is hers. Who will be the next mother’s love?

  How do two people go undercover to hide an office romance in a busy television newsroom? In plain sight, of course. Desiree King is an assignment editor at KDPX-TV in St. Louis, MO. She dispatches a team to wherever breaking news happens. When it comes to dating a fellow coworker, she refuses to cross that professional line. Award-winning investigative reporter Brooke Mitchell makes life challenging for Desiree with his thoughtful gestures, sweet notes, and support. He tries to convince Desiree that as Christians, they could show coworkers how to blend their personal and private lives without compromising their morals.

  Call it old fashion, but Simone French was smitten with a love letter. Not a text, email, or Facebook post, but a love letter sent through snail mail. The prose wasn’t the corny roses-are-red-and-violets-are-blue stuff. The first letter contained short accolades for a job well done. Soon after, the missives were filled with passionate words from a man who confessed the hidden secrets of his soul. He revealed his unspoken weaknesses, listed his uncompromising desires, and unapologetically noted his subtle strengths. Yes, Rice Taylor was ready to surrender to love. Whew. Closing her eyes, Simone inhaled the faint lingering smell of roses on the beige plain stationery. She had a testimony. If anyone would listen, she would proclaim that love was truly blind.

  MY TESTIMONY: IF I SHOULD DIE BEFORE I WAKE. It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning, great is Thy faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23, God’s mercies are sure; His promises are fulfilled; but a dawn of a new morning is God’ grace. If you need a testimony about God’s grace, then IF I SHOULD DIE BEFORE I WAKE will encourage your soul. Nothing happens in our lives by chance. If you need a miracle, God’s got that too. Trust Him. Has it been a while since you’ve had a testimony? Increas
e your prayer life, build your faith and walk in victory because without a test, there is no testimony.

  The Guilty Series Kick Off

  When do you know the most important decision of your life is the right one?

  Reaping the seeds from what she's sown; Cheney Reynolds moves into a historic neighborhood in Ferguson, Missouri, and becomes a reclusive. Her first neighbor, the incomparable Mrs. Beatrice Tilley Beacon aka Grandma BB, is an opinionated childless widow. Then there is Parke Kokumuo Jamison VI, a direct descendant of a royal African tribe. He learned his family ancestry, African history, and lineage preservation before he could count. Unwittingly, they are drawn to each other, but it takes Christ to weave their lives into a spiritual bliss while He exonerates their past indiscretions.

  One man, one woman, one God and one big problem. Malcolm Jamieson wasn't the man who got away, but the man God instructed Hallison Dinkins to set free. Instead of their explosive love affair leading them to the wedding altar, God diverted Hallison to the prayer altar.

  Malcolm was convinced that his woman had loss her mind to break off their engagement. Didn't Hallison know that Malcolm, a tenth generation descendant of a royal African tribe, couldn't be replaced? Once Malcolm concedes that their relationship can't be savaged, he issues Hallison his own edict, "If we're meant to be with each other, we'll find our way back. If not, that means that there's a love stronger than what we had." Someone has to retreat, and God never loses a battle.

  Cheney Reynolds Jamieson made a choice years ago that is now shaping her future and the future of the men she loves. A botched abortion left her unable to carry a baby to term, and her husband, Parke K. Jamison VI, is expected to produce heirs. With a wife who cannot give him a child, Parke vows to find and get custody of his illegitimate son by any means necessary. Meanwhile, Cheney’s twin brother, Rainey, struggles with his anger over his ex-girlfriend’s actions that haunt him, and their father, Dr. Roland Reynolds, fights to keep an old secret in the past.

  Two worlds apart, but their hearts dance to the same African drum beat. On a professional level, Dr. Rainey Reynolds is a competent, highly sought-after orthodontist. Inwardly, he needs to be set free from the chaos of revelations that make him question if happiness is obtainable. To get away from the drama, Rainey is willing to leave the country under the guise of a mission trip with Dentist Without Borders. Will changing his surroundings really change him? Ghanaian beauty Josephine Abena Yaa Amoah returns to Africa after completing her studies in America. She prays for Rainey’s surrender to Christ in order for God to acquit him of his self-inflicted mental torture. In the Motherland of Ghana, Africa, Rainey not only visits the places of his ancestors, will he embrace the liberty that Christ’s Blood really does set every man free.


  How important is a name? To the St. Louis Jamiesons who are tenth generation descendants of a royal African tribe—everything. To the Boston Jamiesons whose father never married their mother—there is no loyalty or legacy. Kidd Jamieson suffers from the “angry” male syndrome because his father was an absent in the home, but insisted his two sons carry his last name. It takes an old woman who mingles genealogy truths and Bible verses together for Kidd to realize his worth as a strong black man. He learns it’s not his association with the name that identifies him, but the man he becomes that defines him.

  Aaron “Ace” Jamieson is living a carefree life. He’s good-looking, respectable when he’s in the mood, but his weakness is women. If a woman tries to ambush him with a pregnancy, he takes off in the other direction. It’s a lesson learned from his absentee father that responsibility is optional. Talise Rogers has a bright future ahead of her. She’s pretty and has no problem catching a man’s eye, which is exactly what she does with Ace. Trapping Ace Jamieson is the furthest thing from Taleigh’s mind when she learns she pregnant and Ace rejects her. “I want nothing from you Ace, not even your name.” And Talise meant it.

  It’s salvation round-up time and Cameron Jamieson’s name is on God’s hit list.

  Although his brothers and cousins embraced God—thanks to the women in their lives—the two-degreed MIT graduate isn’t going to let any woman take him down that path without a fight. He’s satisfied with his career, social calendar, and good genes. But God uses a beautiful messenger, Gabrielle Dupree, to show him that he’s in a spiritual deficit. Cameron learns the hard way that man’s wisdom is like foolishness to God. For every philosophical argument he throws her way, Gabrielle exposes him to scriptures that makes him question his worldly knowledge.

  Sandra Nicholson, Kidd and Ace Jamieson’s mother is on the threshold of happiness, but Kidd believes no man is good enough for his mother, especially if her love interest could be a man just like his absentee father.


  Shae Carmen discovered that her boyfriend was not only married, but on the verge of reconciling with his estranged wife. Humiliated, Shae begins to second guess herself as why she didn’t see the signs that he was nothing more than a devil’s decoy masquerading as a devout Christian man. St. Louis Outfielder Rahn Maxwell finds himself a victim of an attempted carjacking. The Lord guides him out of harms’ way by opening the gunmen’s eyes to Rahn’s identity and they direct him out of their ambush! When the news media gets wind of what happened with the baseball player, Shae’s television station lands an exclusive interview. Just when Shae lets her guard down, she is faced with another scandal that rocks her world. This time the stakes are higher. Not only is her heart on the line, so is her professional credibility.

  Lately, nothing in Garrett Nash’s life has made sense. When two people close to the U.S. Marshal wrong him deeply, Garrett expects God to remove them from his life. Instead, the Lord relocates Garrett to another city to start over, as if he were the offender instead of the victim.

  Criminal attorney Shari Carmen is comfortable in her own skin—most of the time. Being a “dark and lovely” African-American sister has its challenges, especially when it comes to relationships. While playing tenor saxophone at an anniversary party, she grabs the attention of Garrett Nash. And as God draws them closer together, He makes another request of Garrett, one to which it will prove far more difficult to say “Yes, Lord.”

  Landon Thomas brings a new definition to the word “prodigal,” as in prodigal son, brother or anything else imaginable. It’s a good thing that God’s love covers a multitude of sins, but He isn’t letting Landon off easy. His journey from riches to rags proves to be humbling and a lesson well learned.

  Real Estate Agent Octavia Winston is a woman on a mission, whether it’s God’s or hers professionally. One thing is for certain, she’s not about to compromise when it comes to a Christian mate, so why did God send a homeless man to steal her heart?

  Minister Rossi Tolliver (Crowning Glory) knows how to minister to God’s lost sheep and through God’s redemption, the game changes for Landon and Octavia.

  On the surface, Brecee Carmen has nothing in common with Adrian Cole. She is a pediatrician certified in trauma care; he is a transportation problem–solver for a luxury car dealership (a.k.a., a car salesman). Neither one of them is sure that they're compatible. To complicate matters, Brecee is the sole unattached Carmen daughter when it seems as though everyone else around her—family and friends—is finding love. Through a series of discoveries, Adrian and Brecee learn that things don't always happen by coincidence. Generational forces are at work, keeping promises, protecting family members, and perhaps even drawing Adrian back to the church he had strayed from. Is it possible that God has been playing matchmaker all along?


  Cinderella had a prince; Karyn Wallace has a King.

  While Karyn served four years in prison for an unthinkable crime, she embraced salvation through Crowns for Christ outreach ministry. After her release, Karyn stays strong and confident, despite the stigma society places on ex-offenders. Since Christ strengthens the underdog, Karyn refuses to sway awa
y from the scripture, “He who the Son has set free is free indeed.”

  Levi Tolliver is steadfast there is a price to pay for every sin committed, especially after the untimely death of his wife during a robbery. Then Karyn enters Levi’s life. He is enthralled not only with her beauty, but her sweet spirit until he learns about her incarceration. If Levi can accept that Christ paid Karyn’s debt in full, then a treasure awaits him.

  Despite being deaf as a result of a fireworks explosion, CEO of a St. Louis non-profit company, Noel Richardson, expertly navigates the hearing world. What some view as a disability, Noel views as a challenge—his lack of hearing has never held him back.

  It also helps that he has great looks, numerous university degrees, and full bank accounts. But those assets don’t define him as a man who longs for the right woman in his life.

  Deciding to visit a church service, Noel is blind-sided by the most beautiful and graceful Deaf interpreter he’s ever seen. Mackenzie Norton challenges him on every level through words and signing, but as their love grows, their faith is tested.


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