One Good Favor

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One Good Favor Page 5

by J. L. Langley

  “I’ve never seen a horse with blue eyes.” Tracy reached forward to pet Gus.

  Gus’s lips came up, his ears went back, and he opened his mouth.

  Tracy jerked his hand back, barely keeping it from being bit.


  Gus turned toward Evan and licked the side of his face.

  “Ugh.” Evan shrugged his shoulder against his face, wiping it off.

  Tracy laughed so hard he ended up leaning against the stall door. “He thinks he’s a dog.”

  “Tell me about it. Sorry about that, I don’t know what got into him. He’s never tried to bite before.” Evan shooed Tracy out of the stall and closed the door. There was a puff of hot air on his cheek, then his hat was plucked off his head. “Gus!”

  Evan pulled up to the bar and cut the engine. “Tracy, thanks for going with me. Are you sure you want to be seen with me? It might not be a good idea, given what your buddies think.”

  Tracy turned, putting his arm across the top of the truck seat and leveled a stare at Evan. “Honestly Evan, I don’t give a d-damn what they think. I’m beginning to wonder why I ever became friends with the whole lot of them.” He nodded his head once to emphasize his point.

  Grinning, Evan dipped his chin in return. “Then let’s go.” He opened his door and got out, grabbing the new phone off the clip on his belt. “Wonder where Mark and Doreen are?” He’d gotten the same phone number again, but he’d have to reprogram all his contacts. Changing numbers had been appealing, thinking maybe the one he had was bad luck, but then he’d come to his senses and realized that it was Gus that was bad luck where the phones were concerned. The salesman had looked at them like they’d sprouted another head when Tracy suggested the man show them the “horse-proof” phones.

  Evan dialed his header’s number as he met up with Tracy at the front of the truck.

  “You guys ride tomorrow?” Tracy tipped his hat toward a couple of giggling women as they came out of the bar.

  “Yeah, we qualified this morning. You?”

  “Qualified y-yesterday. I drew Bodacious.”

  Evan let out a low whistle. Bodacious was one tough customer. That was the bull that put Larry Kincaid in the hospital last month.

  “‘Lo?” Mark answered his phone as they reached the door of the bar.

  With the loud music it was hard to hear, so Evan covered his free ear with his hand. “Where are you?”

  “In the back, towards the bathrooms.” Mark hollered into the phone.

  “‘k. We’ll be there in a sec.” Evan hit end, flipped his phone closed and replaced it on his belt. “They’re toward the back, near the bathrooms.”

  They began weaving their way through the crowd. The bar was busy. Evan saw lots of familiar faces, but not the one he was looking for. He’d asked Tracy about Aaron, but according to what Brett told Tracy, it was Gus that came to Evan’s rescue.

  Tracy waved to someone and elbowed Evan. “There they are.”

  Mark, Chris Johnson and Gayla Buchanan sat at a little table, but Doreen was standing on the chair beside Mark, waving her arms at them.

  “Looks like someone’s had a bit to drink, eh?” Evan chuckled.

  “Certainly looks that way.” Tracy stopped and looked around. “There’s the bar. You w-want something?”

  “Nah. I’m good. Go ahead.”

  As Tracy walked away, Mark pulled Doreen off of the chair, so she could sit in it.

  “Going somewhere, Tex?” A low, husky voice asked from right behind Evan.

  “Aaron.” Evan whipped around and came face-to-neck with his cowboy.

  Aaron’s eyes and upper face were shielded by his gray felt hat, but his lips were turned up slightly on one side. He seemed taller face-to-face like they were. His shoulders seemed wider too, stretching the blue denim shirt to capacity. Evan would be willing to bet the shirt did great things for those pale, almost translucent eyes. He sure wanted to find out, but first he had to get them out of here.

  “We need to talk.” Evan looked around for a place they could have a bit of peace, quiet and privacy. He didn’t see any, and no way in hell was he going to the bathroom with Aaron; he didn’t trust himself to keep his hands off him. And in a place like this, that was liable to get them both killed. Even now his fingers were itching to reach up and touch the wide, muscular chest in front of him.

  “Do we now?” Aaron’s lips twitched. “Won’t your friend mind?” He put a lot of emphasis on the word friend.

  “Friend?” Oh. He thought Tracy and Evan were together. Well they were, but not like he implied. “Nah, Tracy won’t mind. He’s just a friend.”

  Aaron bobbed his head, his lips turning up in a genuine grin. “Come on then.” He turned and walked away.

  Evan’s gaze zeroed in on his nice, round cowboy ass. Damn, the man filled out a pair of Wranglers well. He glanced back at Mark. He should tell someone where he was going, but Aaron wasn’t waiting around and Evan wasn’t about to lose him again. He hurried through the crowd, following the gray hat. Thankfully most people preferred black hats. It made Aaron easy to find in a crowd. With the way Aaron vanished, Evan was afraid to let him out of sight. He watched as the gray felt hat disappeared out of the bar.

  When he reached the exit, he couldn’t find Aaron in the crowd coming into the bar. “Shit.” Looking around, he pushed through the throng, apologizing as he went. If he’d lost Aaron again… His gut tightened. What was it about this man that affected him so? After a brief but pleasant fuck, he wanted to get to know Aaron better. He hadn’t had delusions about having an honest to goodness relationship in ages. His lifestyle didn’t make that a viable option. But Aaron turned up everywhere Evan did, so he must follow the rodeo, right? And that made them getting to know each other better possible…didn’t it? Provided Evan could ever keep Aaron from disappearing.

  He took off at a fast clip toward his truck. He could stand up in the bed and get a better view of the parking lot.

  Evan’s steps faltered, Aaron was leaning against the truck.

  How did Aaron know that was Evan’s truck? Mark’s words about Aaron being a stalker popped into his head. Okay, he was being goofy. Evan chuckled to himself. It wasn’t real hard to find out, it certainly wasn’t classified information. Most folks, even the buckle bunnies who followed the circuit, knew who belonged to what vehicle.

  When Evan drew within arm’s reach, Aaron grabbed him by the lapels of his black western shirt and pulled him close. He tilted his head, slanting his lips over Evan’s with fierce and commanding pressure. Their hats hit, knocking Evan’s onto the back of his head and making him have to grab for it.

  Aaron tasted of mint and honey, fresh, warm and sweet all at the same time. Evan leaned into the big body, pressing Aaron flat up against the pick-up door.

  Before Evan knew what hit him he was swept away, moaning into Aaron’s mouth. At that point his hat could have fallen off and blown away and he wouldn’t give a rat’s ass. The kiss was rough, almost painful, then their tongues tangled and it slowed down a bit, turning into a barely banked passion. His cock hardened and that same tingly, excited feeling he got before he roped coiled in his gut. He never wanted it to end.

  Aaron’s chest was warm under Evan’s hand and his heart raced to match Evan’s. He actually moaned into Aaron’s mouth and moved closer. It was, without a doubt, the most amazing kiss he’d ever shared.

  Aaron pulled back first.

  Evan stood there dazed, staring at Aaron’s chin. It took all he had not to beg Aaron to continue.

  Holding on to Evan’s shoulders, Aaron looked around the parking lot, turning his head left and right. “That was stupid. I completely forgot myself. Seems to happen a lot when you’re around.”

  “Huh?” Evan glanced up, fixing his hat, and met Aaron’s gaze. Oh, well this was for the best. They needed to talk. Evan was determined to see Aaron again. He hadn’t had many lovers and none he particularly wanted to get to know better, but he damned sure was going
to find out what was between himself and his ever-disappearing cowboy.

  “This is not exactly a good place to be doing this. You’ve already been beat up once.”

  Evan shook his head, but he fished for his keys anyway. “Everyone on the circuit knows I’m gay. I don’t hide it.” He got his keys out and hit the remote door locks, unlocking the truck. “Where to?”

  Aaron gave him a downright naughty grin. “Your motel.” His voice dropped an octave.

  Evan imagined those pale eyes lighting up from the shadows of his gray hat brim. His cock throbbed, remembering that husky voice whispering right into his ear. He wanted that again. “Let’s go.”

  Aaron chuckled, already heading around the truck to the passenger side.

  “What do you do?” Evan asked as he pulled out of the bar parking lot.

  “I work with horses. Training them. Mostly roping, but I’ve trained barrel racers too. How long have you been competing?”

  “About five years now.” Unfortunately, the motel was only a block away and it didn’t give much time for conversation, but Evan didn’t think Aaron was going anywhere any time soon, at least he sure hoped not.

  When they pulled up in front of the motel room and got out, Evan locked his truck and handed Aaron the room card while he unhooked his phone from his belt. He needed to call Mark and tell him to make himself scarce for the night. Doreen wouldn’t mind Mark staying with her and, hell, Mark owed him one.

  As Aaron pushed the door open, Evan dialed the phone.

  Shaking his head and smirking, Aaron closed the door behind them. “You and phones.”

  What was that supposed to mean? Evan barely had a phone nowadays, with Gus around. “I just got th—”

  “Where are you?” Mark shouted over the background noise of the bar.

  “At the motel. Listen. Can you stay with Doreen tonight?”

  Aaron nudged Evan over to one of the two beds in the room, pushing him to sit on the edge and began pulling off Evan’s boots.

  Mark laughed into the phone. “Oh man. You took someone back to the motel, didn’t you?” Tracy, and it sounded like Doreen, made “woo hoo” noises and catcalls in the background, then it sounded like Mark gave someone a high-five.

  Evan rolled his eyes but couldn’t help grinning at his juvenile friends. “Yes.”

  Tossing Evan’s second boot behind him, Aaron stood and pulled Evan to his feet. He arched a brow as he unfastened Evan’s belt buckle and jeans.

  Evan’s prick perked right up at the proximity of Aaron’s hands to his groin. He swore he could hear his heart pounding in his chest.

  Waving goodbye in Evan’s face, Aaron reached for the phone and his pale eyes lit up with a wicked gleam. He took the phone from Evan and lifted it to his own ear. “Bye, Mark.” He pushed disconnect and tossed it onto the bed behind him, then he took Evan’s hat and tossed it aside. It was a bold move, but it fit Aaron. Had it been anyone else, Evan probably would’ve been upset.

  He caught Aaron around the back of the neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

  Aaron obliged, exploring Evan’s mouth as his hands continued to divest Evan of clothes. He got Evan’s shirt unbuttoned and halfway off his shoulders and nipped his way down to Evan’s collarbone. Damn, it felt good. Who knew being bitten could be hot?


  Growling, Aaron lifted his head and glared toward the phone.

  Well shit. Evan really needed to get that, or Mark was going to worry, and Evan damned sure didn’t want his buddies coming back here to check on him. “I need to—”

  Aaron shook his head. “I don’t think so, Tex.” He tugged Evan’s shirt the rest of the way off and, quick as lightening, he snagged Evan’s wrists. Using the shirt sleeves, he tied Evan’s hands in front of him. “You talk on the phone entirely too much.” He kissed Evan on the chin and shoved him.

  Falling back onto the bed with a gasp, Evan looked down at his wrists. This wouldn’t keep him bound.

  “Evan is fine. Go away.”

  Evan glanced up in time to see Aaron hit end on the phone and toss it over his shoulder. It hit the floor with a thud and a clack. Damn, that was a new phone.

  “Put your hands over your head and relax, babe.” Aaron got down on his knees between Evan’s legs where they hung over the side of the bed. Keeping his eyes on Evan, he unbuttoned Evans jeans. “Well?”

  Oh God. Those blue eyes were something else. At first it was kinda creepy, since Gus had eyes that color, but now… with heat in Aaron’s gaze? Gus was the last thing on Evan’s mind. Evan groaned and put his hands over his head, his cock jerked, trying to get closer to Aaron’s long, tanned fingers at they parted the fly of his jeans.

  When Aaron pulled Evan’s jeans and underwear down, his cock slapped his belly, leaving a wet spot.

  Aaron growled, stood up and took off his gray hat. He set it on the other bed, then bent over and licked the drop of cum off Evan’s belly, teasing his tongue around the tip as he did. It was exciting to watch and even more so to feel. Evan swore he was going to come right then and there. He shifted his hips up a little, hoping his cowboy would take the hint and suck him.

  “Mmm… not yet.” Pulling Evan’s pants down to mid-thigh, Aaron stepped back. His gaze raked over Evan. “That is a pretty sight. You all bound and at my mercy. I reckon that rope of yours would look lovely tied around you.” He reached down and unsnapped his pants. His fingers were mesmerizing. Slowly he unhooked the snap and zipper. It was almost a caress.

  God, Evan wanted those hands on him so badly.

  “Scoot into the middle of the bed, but leave your pants where they are and keep your hands over your head.” Aaron hooked his thumbs in his waistband and pushed his pants down. His prick fell through the slit at the bottom of his denim shirt where the buttons didn’t reach. It was a thing of beauty and bigger than it had felt the other night. The man would make a stallion self-conscious.

  Evan wiggled his legs onto the bed and shimmied into the middle, never taking his eyes off Aaron. It wasn’t easy to do with his hands tied over his head and his legs hobbled together, but he managed. It also made his dick wag and bop against his hip.

  Aaron sat on the edge of the bed and tugged his boots off, watching every little movement of Evan’s cock. His gaze was so heated Evan fancied he could actually feel it. He shivered.

  If this was what it was like to be tied up, Evan liked it. The anticipation was about to kill him, but Lord was it sweet. It made him ache. If anyone had told him he could feel this comfortable in front of someone else, he’d have never believed it. Aaron was something special.

  Aaron stood and began unbuttoning his shirt.

  Evan’s prick leaked a little more. His breathing was so audible he could hear it over the rustle of clothes, and Aaron continued to strip.

  His chest was tanned and powerful. Aaron’s stomach was corded with muscle ending in a v at his groin. The only hair on his body was a black patch above his cock. He was breathtaking. If he’d had long hair, he’d have been the picture-perfect Native American. That and different eyes. Evan had never seen anyone so dark with eyes that light. Personally, Evan liked the short hair and the pale eyes. It made Aaron unique.

  By the time Aaron was naked, Evan was writhing. The harsh, normally itchy motel bedspread actually felt nice against his ass. It distracted him from the tightness in his balls. Even the air on his cock as it moved felt delicious. Maybe being tied wasn’t so good after all, he wanted to touch himself.

  “Damn, you look good squirming around.” Aaron climbed onto the bed and lowered himself until his breath caressed Evan’s hip.

  Evan shivered.

  Grabbing Evan’s cock, Adam rose up on his elbow and swallowed him down in one smooth motion, moaning all the way down and adding a vibrating sensation.

  “Shit.” The sensation traveled all the way up his spine. Evan arched up off the bed.

  “Mmm…” Aaron looked up at Evan, letting his dick slip from his mouth. He swirled h
is tongue around the head and down the shaft with his piercing blue gaze locked to Evan’s. Inserting his finger into his mouth he sucked then pulled it out.

  Evan moaned.

  Taking Evan back in his mouth Aaron trailed the spit-slicked finger over Evan’s balls. It almost tickled.

  Aaron continued to suck him and play with his balls until Evan’s whole body was tense and ready to explode. If Aaron didn’t stop soon, Evan was going to come. Not that that was a bad thing, but he was dying to feel that huge cock in his ass again. “Please.”

  After swallowing around the head of Evan’s cock and constricting his throat one last time, Aaron released Evan’s cock and sat up. “You ready to ride, Tex?”

  Excitement shot right through Evan. His cock jerked at the invitation. He tried to ask, “Condom?” but it came out as a whisper.

  Luckily, Aaron heard him. He nodded, got off the bed and went digging through his pants, giving Evan a nice view of his ass. “Get your pants off, but keep your wrists tied.”

  Evan hurried to comply, flopping and floundering ungracefully, but it couldn’t be helped.

  Aaron came up with jeans in hand, pulled a foil packet out and tossed the jeans back down. “Lube?”

  “The red duffle bag in front of the dresser.” His voice sounded raspy and rough, even to himself.

  Aaron got Evan’s duffle and dumped the contents onto the other bed. He quickly located the tube of lube and tossed it onto the bed next to Evan. Ripping the foil package open, he climbed onto the bed. Lying down on his back, he rolled on the condom then looked up at Evan. “Get ready cowboy.”

  Evan didn’t need any more encouragement; he straddled Aaron’s hips. “What about this?” He held up his hands bound with the black shirt.

  “Oh, leave them. I like you being the one bound. Maybe we’ll try a bit of leather next time, maybe a lead rope.” Aaron retrieved the tube of lube and saturated his fingers with it before tossing the tube away. “Come here.” He jerked his chin up and gripped Evan’s hip with his dry hand. His slick fingers touched Evan’s ass cheek before slipping in between.


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