Endless Abduction

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Endless Abduction Page 66

by Gloria Martin

  “Of course, let me just get the men up and we can get going,” he said and then left me in the passenger lobby. A few other men just as big and tall as Roderick appeared from a hidden door at the back of the lobby and stared at me.

  “So, this is her, Prince Roderick?” one of them asked and my eyes widened.

  “You’re a prince?” I asked and Roderick directed me to a seat and strapped me in. “Wait. Can you tell me if I will be able to…breathe on Avant?” I asked him and he chuckled.

  “If I am able to survive on Earth, you will be able to survive on Avant, rest assured,” he said. Once I was strapped in, all the others took their seats and the ship started to move on its own. No one seemed to be driving it! All I could do was watch everything with wide eyes. I couldn’t believe this, yet it was happening.

  I stared out the large window, and watched as we rose form some wooded area and shot through the sky. It felt as if the ship was gliding, while the sky was whipping by us. Soon we were in the dark expanse of space. Stars all around us and I had the clearest view of the moon. I felt the ship charge up and then it was zipping through space faster than I could fathom. Light tunneled around us and then as suddenly as it began, the light show ended and we slowed.

  There was a large planet directly in front of us and we were heading towards it. It was dark on the side of the planet we entered and all I could think was that the clouds looked like normal clouds…even if there were two moons in the sky. The clouds seemed normal.

  “This is Avant,” Roderick said, as we traveled through a city as bright as New York, or Paris maybe.

  “And where on Avant are we going?” I asked him. He pointed to a spot I couldn’t quite make out yet due to our altitude.

  “There, the royal palace. It is where I live,” Roderick said. My eyebrows shot up in more shock than I already was in.

  “So you are a prince? Of what?” I asked. One of the guys with Roderick snorted.

  “Of Avant,” he replied, as if I should have known.

  “Of Avant, the entire planet?” I asked, and Roderick nodded once.

  “Yes…I wish to speak to you on a matter…regarding that,” Roderick said. As the ship landed smoothly. I glanced out the window and saw that we were in a hangar, of sorts.

  Roderick unfastened his belt and leaned over to unfasten me from my seat. He stood and held out his arm, such a gentleman. I stood and slid my arm around his, and my hand gripped his bicep. His very firm and tone bicep that contracted as I squeezed it. Then a ball of light enveloped us again and before I could blink, we were in a huge, ornate room. And there was a throne. Two thrones encrusted with jewels. Are those real thrones?

  “I went to Earth to find a wife Isabella…so that I could take the throne and succeed my father as king of Avant,” Roderick said abruptly. My eyes popped open and I stared at him, in awe.

  “You want me to be your wife?” I choked out the words. Roderick looked at me, almost worriedly.

  “Yes…will you?” he asked hopefully.

  “Why should I?” I asked and he shrugged.

  “Because, I believe I could make you happy as my wife and I also believe that you would come to like it here on Avant. You are here, aren’t you? Of your own will?” he asked me and I had to admit that he had a point. I wouldn’t have so boldly told him to bring me to Avant if I weren’t restless with my own life back on Earth…but restlessness passed, didn’t it? I couldn’t actually tie myself to a completely new life on a new planet for Pete’s sake.

  “You can’t become king any other way?” I asked him and he shook his head. “So, how about I help you become king and then I can go back to Earth?” I asked and he shook his head again.

  “Would it be so terrible being married to me?” he asked softly, and I looked up into his golden eyes and became a little hypnotized, like when we first met. There was definitely something between us and I couldn’t deny that fact. I knew I’d always be wondering ‘what if’ if I told Roderick to take me back to Earth in that moment.

  “Okay…okay I’ll marry you,” I whispered.

  A look of pure happiness and relief crossed Roderick’s features as he looked up and began calling orders to people I hadn’t even realized were around. Everything was pulled together in a blur and all I realized was that in one moment I was standing in the middle of the throne room while Roderick called things to order and the next I was standing across from him in front of the raised dais where the throne sat. There was a man in a long white robe standing in front of us and he was smiling at me.

  I couldn’t believe it. I had met an alien, travelled to his planet, found out he was in line to rule the entire planet, and was now marrying him all in under twenty-four hours. I was about to be the wife of an alien king…that was definitely going to take some getting used to.


  After we were married, in what was a very private and small ceremony, Roderick was crowned and all the shock of the evening had invaded my nerves. I was shown to the ‘royal chambers’ so I could sleep. Come morning, Roderick brought me to a huge closet just down a small corridor in the room that also had a door leading into the bathroom of sorts which I used and bathed in a huge Jacuzzi tub because there wasn’t any shower.

  While in the closet, there were two girls who looked to be about eighteen or so and they picked something out for me to wear. It was a beautiful off-white gown. The material was form fitting and it had sleeves, but there was no back. There was a thin gold chain across my back that held it together. When I asked them why they dressed me in a gown, the girls replied the dress was ceremonial for my crowning.

  The girls put long golden earrings on my ears and a circlet around my arm that had some intricate filigree work surrounding a red ruby. After that they brushed out my hair and pinned it over my shoulder. I was then given flats that were comfortable and would be hidden by the length of the dress. I was ready for Roderick and to become his queen.

  “You look beautiful. Like a true Avantian queen,” he said.

  “Thank you, your Highness.” I smiled at his gasp. “Better get used to calling you that.”

  “I ordered breakfast to be served on the west terrace. That way we can travel through much of the palace and dine with the backdrop of the ocean,” he said.

  As soon as we left the huge bedroom, my eyes went everywhere they could possibly go. We went down a curving hallway which was half glass so I could see the full view of the cliff we were on and the strip of beach down below. Roderick started telling me about these quarters and those rooms and that hallway. I zoned him out and took in the grandness of it all. Once we left the hallway, we came to a circular room that was kind of like a living room. It had a piano facing the view of the ocean and there were large couches situated around a huge burning fireplace that I was sure you could fit three full-sized line-backers inside of.

  Everything was marble, the floors, the pillars. The colors ranged from white to dark cream and everything seemed to be lined with gold. There was a staircase that led down to a grand foyer, Roderick pointed to a hallway to the left of the staircase and said it led to a kitchen and family dining room, to the right was a living room with a balcony. We walked through the double doors of the foyer, which was flanked by guards, and out onto a short catwalk. The air was bitingly chilly, though Roderick seemed like he hardly felt the weather. I was glad that the dress I wore was somewhat warm. He was wearing a sort of steampunk looking light grey vest that had a collar and buttoned up diagonally over a pair of regular looking dark blue pants. His impressive arms were bare though and my eyes lingered on his defined muscles while we walked over to the next wing of the palace.

  The place was huge with a wing for the royal family that I didn’t even see all of, a wing for guests of the court and officials. There was also an entire wing of the palace dedicated to parties with two ballrooms, a huge dinner room and beautiful gardens meant for day parties. Then there were servant’s quarters near the industrial-sized kitchen. Roderick said th
ere were also training grounds and stables for horses. By the time we got to the terrace, which was kind of hidden behind the throne room and formal library, which housed Roderick’s study, I was speechless.

  “How do you like it all?” Roderick asked me. He actually pulled out my seat for me like a gentleman, and sat across from me.

  “Well it’s certainly something. It’s impressive,” I said. My eyes kept drifting to the ocean just past Roderick’s head and he glanced behind him to see what I was staring at.

  “Do you think this can be your new home?” he asked me. I was surprised he asked at all. It wasn’t like I could change anything and go back to Earth.

  “It’s just different than what I’m used to. Back home I had a simple life…at least you have horses,” I said. He smiled. “Well, I thought since this was an alien planet, the animals here would be different from on Earth,” I explained. Roderick’s expression cleared up in understanding.

  “They are. But the differences are subtle, like the people here. Yes, we are taller than humans on average and the males are more…built than those on Earth. Our skin is thicker against the weather and our race has evolved to a certain degree that allows us, some of us, to carry certain mental abilities that humans would consider as supernatural…. But for the most part, Avantians and humans stem from the same genome, if we had lived on Earth then we would have evolved at a slower rate like your kind. Different planet, different solar system, calls for differing results,” he explained and then gestured to the food on the table in front of us. “You should eat.”

  “I don’t know if I’m hungry,” I said. He lowered his fork as he was taking something that looked like a thin pancake to put on his plate.

  “Isabella you have been asleep for two full days and you haven’t eaten since you got to Avant, you need to keep your strength,” he said, with an edge to his voice.

  “This is all real. Nothing is changing?” I asked him and he nodded, his eyes locked onto mine. I knew he was completely serious without having to say anything.

  “You are my wife and Queen of Avant,” he said and smiled. I took a long drink of water before putting some bread and fruit on my plate.


  After we had breakfast, or brunch really, Roderick led me back into the throne room. There was a gathering of about twenty people or so, all finely dressed. In front of Roderick’s throne was a man standing next to a table, with a crown placed on a pillow.

  “This is your crowning ceremony. All you have to do is repeat what the officiant says and let him put the crown on your head,” Roderick spoke to me quietly as we passed by the people standing below the raised thrones, and where the officiator stood. I took a deep breath and nodded.

  Roderick walked me up to the man so that I was facing him and then he surprised me by leaning in and kissing my cheek, before he went to sit on the throne.

  As soon as the official started speaking I zoned out again and ran on autopilot. I put my hand on a golden ball when instructed and repeated the words when prompted. All I could think about was the people standing in the court watching me. I didn’t know the first thing about being a queen; the queen of an entire planet no less. I was still coming to terms with the fact that I had been sort of abducted and ended up married to Roderick, but to be a queen of an alien planet? I hardly knew the first thing about Avant. Until I woke up, I hadn’t known the planet even existed!

  Once the crown was placed on my head, the court clapped and celebrated. Roderick stepped off his throne, and with a smile he slid his hand into mine and squeezed it most gently. His gentleness with me sent my heart rocketing in my chest. I smiled up at him and he watched my face intently.

  “What now?” I asked him.

  “We have a feast with the court so they can be introduced to you,” he said, and then he called the room to order. “Let us all travel to the banquet hall,” he said warmly.

  He slid my hand up to rest around his bicep and walked out of the hall, and everyone followed behind.

  “Where are your parent’s Roderick?” I asked him out of curiosity. There had to be a king and queen who ruled before he was crowned, but I haven’t seen them, nor has he spoken of them.

  “They took a small departure to the Southlands…a vacation of sorts. They will return tomorrow,” Roderick said. He looked as if he had more to say, but didn’t.

  When we all reached the formal dining hall, Roderick led me to the head table and pulled out my chair. Next to me sat a very beautiful woman and across from me was a man, who Roderick was trying to ignore, though he smiled every so often.

  “My Queen. We have not been formally introduced. I am Kaden, your husband’s good friend.” I smiled politely at him.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kaden,” I said and he inclined his head.

  “You are rumored to be mystical, my lady. No one believed King Roderick would find a wife,” the woman next to me spoke up and introduced herself as Annalisa.

  “Why is that?” I asked curiously, as I glanced at Roderick who rolled his eyes.

  “Don’t listen to them,” he said. Annalisa lowered her head to drop the subject, but I was curious.

  “I want to know. Don’t listen to him,” I told Annalise. She looked up at me with a shocked and shy smile.

  “Well. If it wouldn’t insult the king too much. It was common knowledge that he is…” She paused. Looked up at Roderick, who was scowling. She bent her head as a blush rose on her cheeks. Kaden snorted.

  He continued speaking. “Even that, my Queen, is an understatement. It’s a wonder how he is so agreeable with you.” I watched Roderick’s scowling face drop, almost in shock at his friend’s blunt statement. I couldn’t help but laugh. All the people within earshot of our small conversation looked at me in surprise. I was laughing at the king of the entire planet after all. I felt I had some liberties as his wife.

  “That is strange. He has been nothing but kind to me,” I said. Kaden stared at Roderick with such shock, I had to take them seriously. Was Roderick a mean guy? “You seemed so shocked to think that your king can be kind.” He shrugged, almost shyly.

  “Of course the Court and the people respect Roderick. He has proven himself to be more than a worthy leader, many times over. His attitude is just less than agreeable, more than half of the time,” Kaden said. Roderick sighed.

  “This line of conversation is exceptionally boring,” he said. I let it go. I reached for my glass of wine.


  The dinner with the court lasted forever and I realized why they had dinner so early. I had to meet pretty much every member and have some sort of conversation with them so that they’d know I’m a normal person. Roderick and I were walking back to our wing of the palace and I was freezing.

  “How is it that you barely feel the cold?” I asked him and he looked down at me in slight alarm and then took his vest off to wrap around my shoulders. It was as warm as a furnace. My eyes went to his perfect torso and I tried not to make it obvious that I was staring.

  “I told you before, thicker skin,” he said, with a grin.

  “Ah, right. How come it was so important I talk to everyone tonight?” I asked him. Roderick practically dragged me around the table to talk to each member of the court.

  “Because soon they will return to their regions of the planet and talk about meeting their new queen. They will tell anyone who asks about how sweet and refreshing you are to be around,” he said and I fell silent. I was more surprised to hear him being nice to me again after he was pretty stoic at the dinner for the most part.

  “How come you do that? You’re nice to me in private, but in public you’re like…I don’t know, a brick wall?” I asked him. He snorted and looked down at me in confusion.

  “You would compare me to a wall?” he asked. I laughed at him.

  “It’s an expression for unyielding,” I said. He nodded as if that was a good thing.

  “As King and ruler, I should be.” I shook my head. Roderick’
s expression began to look frustrated.

  “You should be strong, but having good relationships with people who are more than scared of you, seems like a good advantage when ruling. I’m not saying you should be friends with everyone, but you could be pleasant,” I said.

  “I see what you are saying,” he said slowly, and I nodded and gave him an encouraging smile. “Do you wish to retire now?” he asked me as we reached the family quarters. I nodded. He took my hand and led me upstairs to the bedroom…our bedroom.

  All day I had been trying to convince myself that everything was real and trying to force myself to get used to it. I wasn’t sure if it was working entirely. When we stepped into the room, my eyes went past the fireplace and little reading area to the bed. I hadn’t noticed the roof was domed over the bed. There was a skylight. It was tinted but you could see through it at night.

  “Hey…uh, after we…ah…after we got married, what happened exactly?” I asked Roderick. He walked over to the bed and sat on the edge.

  “Nothing. You were changed and left to rest. We did not consummate the marriage while you were…unconscious,” he said. I breathed a small sigh of relief. “I would want the moment to be mutual between us,” Roderick stood up and walked over to me. My heart sped up as he got near me. He slid his hand over my shoulder and pushed my hair off, baring my skin to him. He leaned in and gently kissed my shoulder. I shivered at the warmth and contact. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to have sex with Roderick yet. He was gorgeous, unbelievably so, and kind when it came to me, but he was still a stranger.

  “Um…” Roderick’s hands slid to my waist and he drew me back against his warm chest. His lips brushed my neck and jaw and goosebumps spread across my skin. “You—you’re right about things being mutual, and…” One of his hands slid from my waist to my stomach and started to slide lower. “I don’t think I’m ready to…uh…consummate it just yet.” I managed to finally get the words out, even if a bit breathlessly, and Roderick stopped immediately.

  “You aren’t ready?” he asked me, his voice carrying a tinge of surprise and disappointment.


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