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Played Page 19

by Tasha Fawkes

  Wishful thinking on her part, or her true persona? Is she really such a tigress in the sack? I imagine her with that guy who was with her at the party and shake my head. No way. Still, it’s a question that intrigues me and piques my curiosity in more ways than one. I want to discover the answer to that question myself, but that also triggers a new issue. That invisible yet necessary line between employers and employees. How do I get around that?

  Finally, I decide to just throw my suggestion out there and see what happens. Of course, I will emphasize that her job will be safe regardless of her answer. She can always say no. She doesn't know me, not really, and I don't know that much about her, so the trust level isn't there, but I’ll just have to wait and see. Still, thinking about Ashley and her writing, especially the sex scenes she described, I have a feeling that she will go for it. Because she obviously has a crush on me, I don't feel like I’m particularly taking advantage; rather, I’m making myself available to her.

  I also need to assure her that I still want to publish her manuscript even if she doesn't want to have sex with me. Sure, it needs some tweaking, but it’s good stuff. Really good stuff. I don't think she will turn down an opportunity to explore in greater depth exactly what’s involved in the relationship of a Dom/submissive. She has to know the author's mantras: Write what you know. Show, don't tell. If she’s going to write about it, she has to have accurate details, and to be frank, there are several instances in her manuscript that lack… flavor. What better way to hone her writing skills, especially in this niche, than learning by doing?

  She'll go for that, won't she? At least the character in her book would. Another thing to consider is the subject matter of her book. I have no idea regarding her sexual preferences, but anybody who can write hot, über-detailed scenes like she did, enough to get me hot and aroused, has to know what they’re talking about, and if the opportunity arises, no pun intended, I’m more than willing to take advantage.

  I’m already seated at the table I reserved in a corner of the restaurant where we will have the opportunity to speak more privately. While I’m expecting her, when she walks through the door, it’s if I’m seeing her for the first time. I am, really, in spite of the fact that she’s worked for me for quite a while. She doesn't have her hair pulled into the long ponytail she usually wears at the office. Her wavy black hair hangs loose around her shoulders, tendrils draping her face. The effect doesn't appear to be deliberate, nor an attempt on her part to be seductive, which it is. The look is more that of a woman rushing to get where she needed to be. I smile. She looks like a breath of fresh air. So cliché, I know, but it feels like that. Here is a woman who isn't out to impress, doesn't put on false airs, doesn't have to work hard at conveying her sexual appeal. I notice again how tall she is, how perfect her proportions. Why haven't I ever seen her before?

  I’m certainly not one to ignore pretty women but somehow, Ashley has escaped my radar. Until now. She pauses inside the door and speaks to the hostess, who gestures in my direction as she escorts her to my table. As she approaches, I rise and wait for her to slide into the booth seat across from me before sitting down. She smiles nervously, but then again, not unexpected. I am her boss after all.

  "Your server will be here in just a moment," the hostess points at the leather-bound menu at each place setting. "Can I get you something to drink? A cocktail? Coffee?"

  Ashley's reply startles me.

  "Can I have a diet cola please, extra ice?"

  I nod and glance up at the hostess. "Two diet colas, extra ice please."

  The hostess nods and quickly walks away while Ashley looks at me and smiles.

  "I never imagined you as a diet soda person. Scotch perhaps, maybe gin, but not diet cola."

  I offer an easy shrug. "The purpose of our lunch today is to get to know one another a little more, actually. After all, if we're going to do this, we have to be comfortable with each other, right?"

  She nods.

  I continue. "I want to know your likes and dislikes." I have her attention. "My intention is to imply more than just your choice of drink. If we're going to do this, I need to make sure that we're compatible. I want to know what makes you tick. What makes you hum, what you enjoy drinking and eating, and then comes the sex." I pause and give her one of my best stern looks. "Nothing worse than entering this kind of a relationship and having things go downhill fast."

  Before she can reply, a server arrives, places to tall glasses of diet cola bubbling with carbonation in front of each of us, setting straws on the table next to the glasses. "Would you like a few minutes to look over the menu before ordering?"

  I shake my head. Time to display some control. "I'm ready to order." I glance at Ashley, who stares at me, one eyebrow slightly lifted. "Two small spinach salads, the works, with balsamic vinaigrette dressing on the side. For the entrée, pork medallions, brown rice, and asparagus."

  The server glances at Ashley, but she’s still looking at me. She offers a slight nod and the server turns and walks away. I continue speaking. "In our new… relationship, it's important that we set the stage. I'm the one in control. You're not."

  A slight flash of alarm, eyes wide, mouth slightly open, but she quickly brings her reaction under control in a matter of seconds. "Speak your mind, actually."

  "I'm just… I didn't realize that it’s starting already."

  She fidgets with her straw but doesn't pull it from its paper case. She’s nervous, no doubt about it. Another reason why I've taken the lead quickly. "I want to reiterate, Ashley, that no matter what happens, there will be no repercussions if you decide to back out. At any time. That being said, I certainly hope that you'll take me up on my offer. After all, I can give you a very intimate look at the kind of lifestyle you describe in your book. You know the saying, right?"

  "Write what you know," she says softly.

  I grin. "Exactly." I adjust my napkin and the polished silverware atop it, trying not to stare but finding it difficult to keep my eyes off of her. "First, I want you to feel comfortable with me. Once we agree to this… relationship, not only will I be your boss, but I'll be your lover, your Dom. But I want you to know that at work, those lines will not be crossed. At work, I'm your boss. Nothing more, nothing less. Outside of work…"

  "I.… I understand."

  I say nothing more as the server brings our salads and entrées. The salad dressing is in a small porcelain curette. I watch as she doles out a slow, trickling stream of the dressing onto her salad. Her hand trembles and she refuses to look at me. Okay, slight detour.

  "So, Ashley, tell me about yourself."

  She glances up, startled, hand frozen in the air. "There's really not much to tell," she finally says. "I've been working at—"

  "No," I say, shaking my head. She place the porcelain curette back on the table. I extend my hand and place it over her wrist. Her skin feels soft and warm. For the first time, I notice that she keeps her fingernails shorter than most, and her fingers look strong, capable… I force my thoughts away from how those hands will feel wrapped around my dick. I give her arm a squeeze. "Tell me about you. Where did you come from? Who are your people?"

  "My people… well, I grew up in Brooklyn," she begins. "Um, well, I have two parents, but they got divorced when I was about ten. An amenable divorce," she clarifies, poking at her salad. "My dad got an apartment not too far from where we lived, so me and my younger brother, Andrew, spent plenty of time with each parent. He lives across the river in New Jersey now with his girlfriend. We get together on holidays, a good thing, but other than that, we don't see each other very often."

  She pauses and stabs a few leaves of spinach onto her fork and lifts it to her mouth. I watch, not just because I find her nervousness adorable, but I want to see how she feels about being watched. Watching is a big part of our new relationship. This might just seem like a getting-to-know-you lunch as far as she is concerned, but for me, it offers a glimpse into what I might expect from her.

p; "Where do you want to go from here?"

  She chews quickly, swallows, and then looks at me, touching her index finger to the corner of her lip. A self-conscious gesture.

  "I went to NYU to study journalism—"

  "No, Ashley. I mean, what is it you want out of life?"

  I can tell that the abrupt change in topic from her background to asking about her dreams, goals, aspirations of life startled her. So far though, she's responding like a person would during a job interview. I don't want that. I want her to tell me what she thinks, feels, and believes in. How long will it take her to understand that? She recovers quickly. She places her fork on her napkin and looks me straight in the eye.

  "I have no idea," she replies, offering a tiny shrug, another indication of her personality. "What everyone wants, I suppose. To earn a living, make enough money to get by, to be happy with my job, to find myself in a solid relationship… what about you?"

  I grin. That's what I wanted to see. I respond to her query. "Well, I'm an only child. My dad comes from old money, New York money, and he married a woman half his age, and after several tries, well, there I was. My father died when I was three-years-old, so I never really knew him." I take a sip of my cola and then continue. "My mother is overprotective, almost excessively so. I'm a type A personality, obviously, and I graduated from Yale with an MBA."

  Ashley nods, cuts one of her pork medallions into small pieces, stabs at piece with her fork and lifts it to her mouth, chewing thoughtfully. "Why did you go into publishing?"

  Interesting question. I also take a bite of pork, matching my movements to hers without breaking eye contact. She doesn't either. Very good. Very good indeed. "After two years working at my family's company, import-exports, I knew that wasn't exactly what I wanted. I went back to school, got a bachelor's degree in comparative literature, and then I started Pen and Quill."

  She laughs softly. "And what did your family have to say about that?

  I grin. "My mom freaked. But we compromised. I'm still the CEO of our family business, but I delegate. What I enjoy most is the publishing industry."

  She nods, seemingly now at a loss for words. "And you, Ashley. You're gifted as an editor. I appreciate your work. But why do you want to become an author, and why erotica? More specifically, why this niche of erotica?"

  I watch as a blush travels all the way from the base of her neck up into her cheeks. Still, she doesn't flinch.

  "This is kind of personal, but—"

  "Actually, if I have my way, after lunch, we're going to go upstairs and get naked together. How much more personal can you get?" Her blush deepens, the pulse in her neck throbbing. Is she game or will she cut and run? I hope for the former, because the more time I spend with her, the more attracted I am to her. I enjoy sex, and while I appreciate beauty as much as the next guy, I don't place as much importance on looks as I do, well, how to say it politely? Enthusiasm between the sheets? The urge to push the envelope? Many of my partners were okay, in a traditional sense as far as sex is concerned. Of course, I have some like Crystal who indulge like me, and with whom I feel I can be who I want to be. Still, I've never found a partner that I feel… trite as it sounds—complete with. One who can match my appetite, one who is totally in tune with me, my rhythms, my needs, my desire to experience total unity.

  I’ve always been good at sex, but after so many years, it just seemed routine. After a while, it just got boring. That's what attracted me to the world of BDSM. But what about Ashley?

  "Well, I've never really…" she pauses, takes another bite of pork, chews and swallows, then follows that with a long sip of her cola.

  I watch. She clears her throat, darts a glance down at her plate, then up, this time not breaking eye contact. She straightens her shoulders.

  "I've had a few boyfriends over the years," she admits. "I lost my virginity when I was seventeen, with a guy I'd been dating for about a year. After that, it didn't seem like such a big deal anymore, as long as the guys were protected."

  She pauses, lifts an eyebrow in question, and when I nod in understanding, she continues.

  "I've had a handful of flings, but none of them lasted very long… anywhere from a weekend to a couple of weeks."


  "Why what?"

  "Why just flings? I would expect someone with a solid head on her shoulders to be more demanding, to want a long-term relationship."

  She swallows. "Well, none of them turned out to be what I was looking for."

  I’m intrigued by another ensuing flush of color darkening her cheeks before she continues.

  "I like sex, don't get me wrong, but to be frank, I could live without it."

  I grin. "That's because you haven't met the right partner yet."

  She almost makes a face. Almost.

  "I'm currently in an on-again off-again relationship with Stewart… the guy you met by the elevator, but it's more of a friends-with-benefits thing." She pauses. "At least on my end. He thinks he wants to marry me."

  "And you don't?"

  She shakes her head. "Stewart's a good guy, but he's just… he's just not the one."

  "So, what do you feel is missing? From these relationships?"

  Her eyes lock with mine again. "I'm not quite sure how to explain it. Maybe my ideas of sex and passion and excitement are just a childhood fantasy, but I thought it would be, well, more special." She shakes her head. "I'm not making myself clear. It's hard to explain."

  "Not really," I say, placing my fork on my plate. Neither of us have eaten much, but I now have a greater understanding of what makes Ashley tick. She’s looking for some excitement, something different, something to ignite a deep sense of thrill that she can't even identify. Passion that she longs for. A deeper connection, not only in a sexual relationship, but between her and her partner. I have no doubt that I’m the man who can do that.

  "Well here it is, Ashley, in plain English. Take me up on my offer and I'll show you what you're missing. But first, we need to make sure that we're sexually compatible and that you'll be comfortable with this world." I wipe my mouth with my cloth napkin and offer a small shrug. "If you want to write erotica, about bondage, about domination, you have to understand what it's all about. You can't just read about it. You have to live it. You have to feel it. You have to experience it."

  I reach into my pocket, extract my wallet, and place several bills on the pristine white tablecloth. I stand and hold out my hand. She looks up at me and for a few seconds, and I think she might change her mind, but to my pleasure, she lifts her hand and places it in mine.

  "All right then." I smile. "Let's go."



  I’m freaking. What's the matter with you? What do you think you're doing? This is going to ruin everything!

  I’ve always admired Daniel, it isn't that. He gets my engines revving. I’ve been fantasizing about him for a long, long time. But this could end badly. Fantasies were just that. I don't really know anything about the kind of man he is. At work, yes, sort of. Out of work? No clue. He could be an arrogant bastard. He could be lame in bed. He could be twisted, as in the I'm-going-to-cause-you-pain kind of twisted. I’m looking for something exciting in the bedroom, but I don't necessarily want pain. A pinch here, a slap on the ass there is okay, but nothing truly painful. I want to enjoy the sex too, not just endure it.

  I've also heard the rumors. Office gossip. He’s often seen about town with a different woman on his arm every night. How in the world am I going to compete with them? The women he goes out with—again gossip—are the hoity-toity type. Socially aware, known in their circles, attached to boardrooms or high-power positions. Does he do… does he have regular sex with them or are they all into the bondage scene? I scoff. What difference does it make?

  I‘m here now. Me. I’m going to dip my toe into the waters and see what happens. He promises nothing, except that I will still have my job and he'll still publish my book. If things don't work out like I expe
ct, things will just go back to the way they've been.

  Won’t they?

  I know nothing about the world of bondage. Sure, I’ve read about some of it, but reading and doing are two different things. I imagine myself handcuffed to a bedframe with pink, fuzzy, padded handcuffs, and him having his way with me.

  No doubt about it, that image gets me hot. Just the thought of it has my nipples tingling and hardening and my pussy clenching with anticipation. At the same time, I know that I’m no match in sexual prowess nor as experienced as Daniel. I know that he can please me, but what if I don't please him? Can I please a man like him? Self-doubt creeps in. I'll be mortified if I don't.

  No, I’m making a mistake. I’m leaving myself open to ridicule, to—

  "Don't be nervous," he says as he guides me out of the restaurant and down the short hallway toward the elevators. He planned it this way. A light lunch in the restaurant of the Westin Hotel. A room already reserved upstairs for our rendezvous. I can't help my vivid imagination from running amok. I fantasize him emerging from the bathroom wearing a pair of leather chaps, holding a short whip or something. God, how cliché is that? No, no he wouldn't do that, he isn't the type.

  Is he?

  Anything I know about bondage I’ve read about in other books, other romance novels. At the moment, more than any other time in my life, I feel like a fraud. Embarrassed, I stand next to him in the elevator, the scent of his cologne or aftershave, whatever it is, wafting toward me. He smells good. He always does. He holds my hand; warm, strong, offering a sense of security and comfort.

  I might as well just fess up. I look up at him, watching as he watches the numbers of the floors we pass light up in fluorescent green. "Daniel, I should tell you..." He glances away from the numbers and looks down at me, giving me his full attention. "I'm probably not as experienced as… no, that isn't right." I shake my head, along with an eye roll. "I'm not as experienced as some of the other women you've been with, so—"


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