Awakened in Shadows

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Awakened in Shadows Page 10

by Tigris Eden

  The knock on the door startled her.

  “We need to leave,” Jesminda ordered.

  “Be right there.” Jo shut off the water, grabbed her makeup bag, and shoved her case inside before throwing away the used syringe and empty vial of blood. When she walked out, Jesminda was looking out the window.

  “Guys are here. Dietrich and Sam.”

  Groaning, Jo grabbed her other bag off the floor and made her way down to the shop. She unlocked the door and let Dietrich and Sam in. Both men stared at her in shock. Shit. She wasn’t wearing her contacts. They both cleared their throats, but Dietrich was the one who recovered first.

  “You’re Jo?” He whispered it with such wonder in his voice; it was like he was seeing her for the first time. He doesn’t realize the place is yours. He wouldn’t either; she didn’t mix with the patrons very often.

  “Um, yeah, Jo, that’s me. This is my place.”

  “I eat and hang out here at least twice a week if not more. Your spot is on point.”

  “Thanks,” she squeaked out. Damn, but she was a hot mess around Dietrich.

  “How come I’ve never seen you in here before?”

  Maybe because she kept to herself.

  “I usually stay upstairs, my staff is good at running things. I saw you, though.” Every single time he came in and left with women.

  “You saw me, huh?”

  Jo nodded her head yes.

  The one Jesminda called Sam, stuck his hand out to introduce himself.

  “I’m Sam, and can I just say your eyes are killer sexy.”

  Smiling, Jo took the hand he offered.

  “Thanks, Sam.”

  “Anytime, sugar.” The male winked at her before going over to talk to Jesminda.

  “The douchebags at the apartment ya’ll went to were gone. Place was empty.” Dietrich looked over Jo’s head at Sam and Jesminda. She stood just in front of him like a damn puppy waiting for a treat. She wasn’t a lovesick schoolgirl. She was an adult. Stop being an idiot. “Jes, you didn’t take care of business if the asshats were able to still move. There was no sign of anyone.”

  “They were down, D. Must have had help. What about the dead guy on the couch?”

  Dietrich shook his head. Jorunn side-stepped, trying to get out of their line of conversation, but she’d barely made it two feet before a strong hand gripped her arm. The heat from Dietrich’s hand made her shiver. He looked at her then back to his hand before saying, “You’re riding with me. Jes, take Sam the dog wonder with you and call your mate to tell him I’ll meet you guys back at base. He already knows about the apartment. Make sure you clean your shoulder before Faith sees you.”

  The entire time he spoke, his shades were focused on Jo’s face. He didn’t look to Jesminda one time. Jesminda, however, looked to Jo. Her expression was a mix of confusion and curiosity.

  “You look better. You all patched up?” She asked Jo, who knew exactly what she was asking. It wasn’t like Jes didn’t know she’d taken the vial from Hammer’s apartment. She hadn’t even stopped her.

  “Yes, Jesminda.”

  “Good, remember what I said. Stay off the fourth floor.”

  “Why you being such a bitch, Jes?” Dietrich asked. She didn’t want him to think the same thing Jesminda did, so she quickly interjected.

  “It’s nothing. She thinks the kids could be uncomfortable because I’m a stranger.”

  “Bullshit. What’s going on?”

  “Let Jorunn tell you. I don’t have time for the drama or the excuses. It’s late. I’ve already missed putting Faith to bed. I now have to go and explain to Draven how I let myself get shot, and we’ve got a trip to plan. I’m out. Sam?” Jesminda looked to Sam, who followed her out the front door.

  Dietrich still hadn’t let go of Jo’s arm, and he stared at her for long moments. His gaze gutted her deeply, even though he still wore his shades. Did he ever take them off?”

  “When I feel like it.”

  Had she said that out loud?

  “Yeah, you did, Peaches. Now, do you want to tell me what’s happening with you and Jes? The broad is usually super friendly.”

  “She thinks I’m a junkie,” Jo blurted.

  “Are you?”


  “Then who gives a fuck what she thinks. Best to ignore the dumb shit. People are going to form their own opinion regardless of what’s true or not. If you know you’re not a junkie, then fuck ‘em, you’re not a junkie.”

  Wow. He didn’t even judge her, just gave it to her straight.


  “This all your shit?” he asked, looking at the bags at her feet. It was all she was taking for the trip. So yeah, this was all her stuff. She nodded her head and watched as the lights from the passing cars illuminated his face. Such a hard face. Did he ever laugh or smile?

  “All right, then. Let’s bounce.” He bent, picked up her bags, and walked to the door.

  “We need to see my father before we leave,” her voice came out small even to her own ears.

  “I know. It’s where we’re headed now.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Dietrich dropped her bags in the back of the car before turning to look at the woman in front of him. She was beautiful, despite being covered from neck to feet in clothing. He didn’t know if she was trying to hide her lush form or what. If so, she was doing a horrible job. He could see everything from the shape of her hips to the swell of her breasts. The delicate line of her neck was the perfect place for a man to nibble. The fuck is your problem? She’s a means to an end. Getting down to the details of her physique was not his concern. Damn, but she made him curious.

  Everything about her called to his protective instincts. Not like it had with his sisters, but more. She barely came up to his chest, and he knew she was feeling him. When he caught her staring she would flush the nicest shade of warm red, and her scent would heat until it surrounded him in a hazy cloud. There was a sheer brutality behind his reasons for wanting to keep her out of harm’s way, a darker part of him was willing to take it to the extreme if need be. He’d murder for this broad, do very bad things if it would make her happy. And wasn’t that just some fucked up shit? It was exactly the reason why he was not going to fuck her. Too risky.

  Jorunn wanted him, and he was going to exploit that to get what he wanted. He wouldn’t push her too far, just enough to bend her to his will. Dietrich stepped closer. The inviting smell of peaches and warm sugar immediately saturated his space. She always smelled so inviting.

  “You like me, don’t you, Peaches?” He purposely dropped the words on her so suddenly, he knew she couldn’t form a proper response. “It’s a’ight. Your body’s response is all the answer I need. A man like me can smell when a woman wants him. It’s programmed into our genetic makeup. That animal side of the brain never really shuts off, sweetheart.” He moved closer, making sure she could feel his heat. “I like you too, but I’m smart, Jo. Understand? You don’t want to follow me into the darkness, not someone as pure as you. My journey in this life is not for someone as beautiful as you, church mouse. But, if you’d like a sample…” He reached for her face then and brought it up so she was looking straight at him. “That I can do.” He was so close that if she tilted her head up any farther, her lips would greet his. In a way, he was daring her to make the first move. Giving her a little bit of a push to see how far she would take it. Her pulse had picked up, and he could feel the heat of her breath against his neck as she tried to calm her nerves.

  Frightened little church mouse.

  She looked down, swallowed what he assumed was the lump in her throat, and eased back. Had she looked up, she would have seen the grin on his face. This assignment will have at least a few perks, he thought.

  “Dietrich…I…” He didn’t give her a chance to finish. He laced his fingers with hers and made his way to BARE. She wasn’t ready for his kiss, and really, he wasn’t sure if he was ready for hers either.

  ~ ~ ~
/>   He was holding her hand. Strong fingers interlaced with hers. Their palms were touching, actually touching. He’d actually confessed he liked her! LIKED HER! Yes, on the inside, she was giggling like a schoolgirl. But on the outside, she was trembling. He’d almost kissed her. But he hadn’t. Why? He thinks you’re too pure for his attention. Well, she’d just have to tread carefully when it came to him. Her stomach fluttered with a dozen butterflies, if not more. Strength flowed from him to her; he was that potent. He exuded male confidence and dominance that had everyone staring as the two of them made their way through the club.

  Jo wasn’t used to the type of attention Dietrich was receiving, and he didn’t seem to mind. His gait was smooth—fluid, yet predatory. She knew he slowed his pace so that she wouldn’t stumble.

  How wonderful.

  Jo saw Beats in the DJ booth, and her brother Khalid at the entrance to her father’s office. Her brother saw them coming and his posture changed. He looked at their linked hands and frowned.

  “Why’s he leading you around like some pet, Jo?”

  Where would he get that notion, and why would he care all of a sudden?

  “Khalid, I left you messages,” she changed the subject.

  “Yeah, I got them. Father has it under control. I was busy dealing with a messy cleanup. Did the ape here tell you how he fucked Cassandra last night?”

  No, but she already knew. The air surrounding Dietrich was already charged, but at the words from her brother, aggravated energy began to bounce off him in rapid succession. Jo could feel it as it crackled against her skin, and knew that he could go from agitated to extremely pissed in a matter of seconds.

  “Kid, how many times you gonna stick that foot in your mouth before you choke?”

  Khalid stood taller and tried to get in Dietrich’s face, only he wasn’t quick enough. Dietrich, still holding her hand, reached out with his free arm and picked Khalid up by the neck. He flung her brother into the side of the wall. No qualms about it. He treated Khalid like an annoying fly he simply shooed out of his way.

  “Next time, kid, don’t puff your chest out like some damn peacock. You feeling froggy, then jump. Otherwise, it’s a waste of time. Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. If your sister has a problem with what I did or didn’t do, she can address them with me directly. She’s a big girl.”

  Jo tugged her hand from his, and he let her. She went to her brother, who was sitting on the floor with both hands at his neck as he glared daggers at Dietrich. Hissing, she turned to look up at her brother’s aggressor. “You didn’t need to do that.”

  “We have shit to do, Peaches. Don’t have time to baby the kid.”

  “I’m not a kid, asshole.”

  “Says the kid,” Dietrich finished.

  Jo stood and turned her rage on Dietrich.

  “You had no right! He was only telling the truth.”

  “That you’re my pet, or that I fucked Cassandra?”

  “Does it really matter?” She yelled back. She was pissed now because Cassandra had obviously slept with him.

  “I don’t know, Jo, does it matter? You want to know something, ask me straight out. Don’t beat around the bush. You want to know if I fucked her?”

  Yes. No!

  “Ask me.”

  She shook her head.

  “Gotta tell you, Peaches, you’re a real piece of work. If I fucked her, I fucked her. Doesn’t matter either way. Not gonna stop being who I am just because I’m babysitting you, sweetcheeks.”


  “You’re a jerk.”

  “I know. Now leave the kid so we can talk to your father. Now, Jo. He’s gonna survive. I didn’t even hurt him.”

  Khalid looked from her to him and then back again before giving her a quick jerk of his head, letting her know he was okay. But damn, she was just looking out for her brother. She looked to Dietrich once more. His shaded gaze never left her face as he held out his hand like he assumed she would take it. No matter what. His actions were infused with authority. She wasn’t going to argue. Later maybe, but not now. They really needed to speak with her father.

  She took his hand.

  Yup, just up and took it. Had she thought about it before taking his hand? Yes, but only for a split second. Her mind may be rebelling at his treatment of her, but her body surrendered.

  # # #

  Inside her father’s office sat a man she’d never seen before. He had black hair and ice-blue eyes and smiled at her with obvious affection.

  “Jorunn McLellan. So good to finally meet you, my dear.” His voice was cultured, with a slight accent.

  “I’m sorry, but who are you?”

  The man stood. Dietrich’s hand tightened on hers as he moved her closer to him.

  “Why the fuck is he here, Phineas, is there something we need to know? You purposefully trying to make the Unit your enemy?”

  “Nonsense.” Her father looked at the man before looking to her and Dietrich’s linked hands.

  “I’m no enemy. Only if you make me,” the guy in question countered. “I did mention clean earlier. Did I not, Phineas?”

  Her father looked at her from head to toe as if inspecting her. For what she wasn’t sure, and what did he mean by clean?

  “Enri, I assure you, had I known she’d taken VAB today, I would have told you. She is well within her means to function. She has no real reaction to the drug. It only negates whatever change is trying to take place inside of her.” Her father’s disappointment was clear in the way his brows dropped over his eyes. “Jorunn, you were to come to me.”

  “Come to you for what?” Dietrich looked at Enri and Phineas. “Her next fix? You keeping her drugged up? For what purpose?”

  He didn’t release her hand. If anything, his grip tightened.

  “It’s to keep me alive, Dietrich. Father, I had an episode today. Khalid didn’t tell you?”

  “No, your brother did not mention it to me. Why didn’t you?”

  “I assumed you knew. You always know when I don’t feel well.”

  Phineas stood from his chair and made his way over to stand in front of her, his arms open, offering comfort. Jo let go of Dietrich’s hand immediately and went to her father.

  “I’m sorry, Father, you have a lot going on these days.”

  “This is all so touching,” Enri clapped his hands together, and Jo took a step back from her father so that she could take in the stranger. Dietrich looked as if he were going to shred his back molars, he was so angry. He obviously didn’t like Enri, and made no point to hide his blatant hostility toward him. Enri looked at her as if she were something special. Something amazing.

  “She’s very exquisite. More than exotic. I dare say…otherworldly, my friend. Those eyes, hell, everything about her is beauty personified.” Enri stepped closer, and Jorunn took two steps back, right into Dietrich’s chest. His arms banded around her waist and she felt his growl before she heard it.

  “Careful there, Dietrich. We wouldn’t want anyone to think you actually care,” Enri chuckled through a sinister smile.

  “Phineas, we just came for the vials.” His arms squeezed her before he loosened his grip. One hand was splayed across her stomach, causing the air to vacate her lungs. The other hand was placed right above, his thumb directly beneath her breast, rubbing the underside in a soothing motion, that had her sucking in air. “Like it or not, I’ll be keeping a close eye on Jo. I’ll make sure she comes back in one piece.”

  Her father didn’t react right away, but Enri was smirking while Phineas was thinking. That was never a good sign.

  “You’ll keep an eye on her at all times.”

  She felt Dietrich nod.

  “Even if it means staying in the room with her, protecting her, and ensuring she is well cared for? At all times. In all things?”

  What in the world?

  Dietrich cleared his throat.

  “Yeah. All that shit and more.”

  “Good, then I’ll l
eave her in your care.”

  “Excellent choice, Phineas. These two will get on quite well.”

  Jo had a sinking suspicion her father had fed her to a lion. A lion with sharp teeth and even sharper claws. She couldn’t be in the same room with Dietrich for longer than ten minutes without being shredded by his sheer dominance. Now they were roommates? Her libido didn’t stand a chance, and neither did her heart.

  Chapter 10

  Dietrich couldn’t take back what he’d said and wasn’t sure if he wanted to. Her father took her into a room, where D assumed she could get her dose of the Feral’s blood mixed with her father’s Demon blood. She didn’t want him to watch, and he was okay with that. He understood it made her feel vulnerable. It was too intimate. Enri watched him from across the room, an odd look on his face.

  “There a reason you’re checking me out?”

  The Fallen Angel didn’t say a word, just continued to stare. Dietrich leaned against the wall and waited. The sounds from the club drifted in, playing a familiar beat. While he stood and waited for Jorunn, he formed his plan of attack. The only way to conquer two obstacles was to divide his time. He needed to act interested, while at the same time, aloof. But he also needed to draw her in. Just not too close. He’d feed Jorunn enough to keep her coming back for more until she cracked and gave in. Then everything would fall into place.

  “That’s a good look on you, Omari.”

  Dietrich ignored Enri. He couldn’t stand to hear the Fallen’s smooth, cultured voice. It reeked of over-privileged arrogance and greed. It was an annoying trait that only made Dietrich want to knock him out that much more. He’d rather shove glass in his dick’s pee hole than hear the Angel talk. D inwardly flinched at the vivid image he’d painted. Maybe he wouldn’t go that far. He loved himself too much to do something like that.

  “Seriously, I can see you forming your plans now. Wonder how it all works out?” Enri stood, leaned his arms across the back of the chair with his arms clasped together to hold his weight and teetered back and forth. “Jorunn is quite the lady. Bet she tastes as good as she looks.”


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