Awakened in Shadows

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Awakened in Shadows Page 14

by Tigris Eden

  “Seriously, I’d rather shoot a hole in my head than deal with that crazy ass secretary. She’s a nasty piece of work.”

  The others all laughed.

  “Xee, can you make sure you and Gabe outfit them properly. Standard tracking injections and inoculations. Ann should probably talk to them, as well. Do a proper eval.”

  Xee nodded and asked the others to join her. Dietrich turned his attention to Jo.

  “I have something for you. Follow me.”

  Chapter 13

  Gabriel followed the corridor down to where his old office used to be. He could feel the Seraph watching him. The back of his neck prickled with awareness. Fucking morons. He’d done nothing to violate their terms. He hadn’t killed anyone, and he was working logistics, all menial tasks to keep him from the good fight. What he really needed to do was sink inside the soft warmth of his Blossom before he went ballistic.

  Gabe descended the stairs into the sub-levels of the Unit’s building, and instead of walking, he hit the drop-off and descended straight to the bottom where Grey and Isiah waited. Both Seraphs were dressed in their warrior armor with swords at their backs. He shook his head, trying to hold in his laughter. They really needed to get with the times. No one dressed like that anymore.

  “Isaiah. Grey.”

  “Gabriel,” they both grumbled at the same time.


  These two needed pussy more than he did. They were strung tight. The metal collars around their necks a sign of their captivity. Always the groomsmen but never the groom. They were destined to be alone and destined to die alone. If ever the day came. He didn’t even think they had dicks anymore. He knew firsthand their ugly story.

  “What’s going on?”

  “We’ve come to warn you. Phineas gave the location to others. Your team is not the only ones travelling to France.”

  “Who? Why?”

  Why would Phineas do that? Greed. That could be the only reason. Maybe he’d been given an offer he couldn’t refuse. Or maybe, the first generation Demon was pure idiot.

  “No one can say the why of it for sure, but he told Enri, who in turn told his temporary master. He’s issued a decree that all his available resources consider finding the Sahidic their top priority,” Isaiah shared.

  “I gotta inform the others.”

  Grey nodded in agreement.

  “We’re also here to renegotiate your terms.”

  Renegotiate? For what purpose?

  “Okay,” Gabe said slowly. “Why?

  “Because Kapua is with child. As a father, you’ll be compelled to protect, kill if necessary. With the coming battle, we can’t hold you responsible. But understand that with each kill, you are one step closer to becoming Fallen.

  His Blossom was pregnant? Shit.

  But how? As far as he knew, he couldn’t father children with her.

  Chapter 14

  Jorunn was in Dietrich’s room, packing the clothes Xee had lent her. She was packed for a week. She was bent over her bag when she heard him come in.

  “Peaches,” he rumbled. She knew he was talking to her but was too afraid to look up just then. She acknowledged him with a quiet, “Yeah,” and kept shoving things into her bag.

  “Look at me, Jo.”

  Why did her body melt when he talked to her that way? Because you’re a pushover. No, that wasn’t it. Her body couldn’t ignore the male strength he exuded, or his arrogant demeanor. He knew. Somehow, he knew she wanted to please him in all things. Gah! Was she that obvious? Turning, she faced Dietrich.

  “Come here.”

  On shaky legs, she made her way over to him. She needed to shore up her defenses when he was around. He was either going to say something mean, or ridiculously sweet. Right now she couldn’t handle either. She didn’t want whatever this thing was between them. All the signs that led straight to heartbreak were evident. In the short amount of time they’d spent together, her body was plugged in to wanting him. If she thought for one second she was a junkie before, when she’d needed VAB, that addiction was nothing compared to the one she had for Dietrich Johnson.

  “You need to understand a few things.”

  She nodded, not able to speak because suddenly her tongue was too thick, and she feared she’d do more than stumble over her words.

  “You need to be able to trust me. Feel safe.”

  She nodded again.

  “Give me the words. Vocalize your understanding.”

  “Okay…I need to trust you and feel safe,” she repeated slowly.

  “Why do you think that’s so important?” The words were intoned with authority and his own brand of compulsion.

  “It could be the difference between life and death?” She squeaked. Before she’d retreated into his room, Gabe had given them the news about another party going after the Sahidic. He’d gathered them all up in the common room. His words were clipped, the information he communicated, short and to the point. After, she was sent out of the room so that only the team members could discuss what that meant. She understood the severity of their situation. They weren’t the only ones looking for the cup or the blood.

  Dietrich moved closer, making her back up. He prowled forward until the backs of her legs hit his bed. His hands reached out and collared her wrists, holding them between the two of them.

  “If I ask you to come to me…” He pulled her closer, using her wrists as leverage. It almost made her stumble. “Don’t hesitate. Just come.”

  Jo nodded again. Eyes wide as she tried to get past the smell of him invading her air space.

  “Words,” he growled. “I need the words.”

  Jo swallowed.

  “If you call. I come.”

  “Good.” He looked at the bag on the bed, then back to her. “You all packed?”

  “Just about.”

  Emotions deep down inside of her were rising rapidly. She’d been trying her hardest to hide them, but somehow, they kept surfacing, wanting to be seen. Noticed. Cultivated into something that would bring her closer to her goal. Dietrich pulled her hands behind her back, pushing her breasts forward into his hard chest as he rubbed his erection against her stomach. It was stuff like this that confused the hell out of her. Why couldn’t he just do what they both needed and put them out of this never-ending misery? Her entire body shivered at the contact. He was, once again, making his need for her known, but not acting on it.

  It was time to call him on his bluff.

  Standing on tiptoe, Jo moved forward. His hands tightened around her wrists, but he didn’t stop her from stretching up and feathering a light, tentative kiss across his lips. He didn’t react immediately. But she did, that one single kiss went right to the heart of her. A gut-wrenching feeling that twisted and turned until it ached so badly, she thought she was surely having another episode. Jorunn could see the tendons in his neck go taut. He was just as affected as she was. Or he’s trying not to kill you. So, she kissed the stubble on his chin, then grazed her lips across his jaw before pulling back to see if her advances had any effect on the man at all.

  She wanted to incite the aggressive passion she could see rising quickly behind his eyes. Taunt him until he took charge. Only, he just stared at her. What he didn’t do was stop her. So she did it again. This time, she touched her tongue to his mouth, tasting it lightly before pulling his full bottom lip into her mouth and sucking. His hands released her wrists and grabbed the base of her neck, and that’s when he took control. Her only warning was a rumble of a growl before he dominated the kiss. He devoured not only her mouth, but her jaw, neck, and even nibbled on her shoulder until he came back to her lips and plundered. Her hands went to his shoulders, and Jo pulled herself closer to his demanding strength.

  Her back bowed, and then she was on the bed. One of his knees pushed her legs apart to make room for his weight, and Jo let out a low, hungry moan. She wrapped her legs around his waist and aligned herself so that his erection was against the seam of her jean shorts.
She rubbed frantically, like a cat in heat. Pushing her hips forward and back, making repeated contact with his jean-covered erection. Her clit swelled, and she hissed as her back arched off the bed and Dietrich’s hips pushed forward. He overpowered her. His mouth ravenous as he took from her. His hands went between them and he undid the buttons of her shorts, pushing his hands inside to cup her soaked flesh.

  “Motherfucker! You’re bare.” His words, although audible, were deep, gut-roughened as he rocked against her pussy. His fingers dug into the heart of her as he moved back and forth. They were still wearing their clothes, and Jo desperately wanted him to remedy that. She spread her legs farther, hoping he would get the message as they ground against each other in rapid movements. She was right there. Right there, when a knock at the door halted their progress.

  “Go the fuck away,” he yelled over his shoulder. The knock grew louder, more incessant until Dietrich cursed and pulled back. He stomped to the door and flung it open. Jo quickly sat up on the bed. Her t-shirt was askew, her shorts undone, and her lips were definitely swollen. Her hands went to her face and she touched her lips gently. They throbbed and ached from the absence of his touch. The blood flow there was returning quickly. Damn. Dietrich could kiss.

  She could tell it was Gabriel at the door. He probably had more to say about their newest development. They talked for a few moments before Dietrich shut the door and faced her.

  “Fuck, you’re turning out to be more work than I care to admit. Get your bag. Plans have changed. We leave in ten minutes.”

  So much for the sex.

  As she rose from the bed, she jerked her bag towards her and yanked the zipper shut. She was pissed, and sexually frustrated.

  “Jorunn, I almost forgot. I have something for you,” Dietrich said from the other side of the room. If it didn’t have anything to do with the two of them getting horizontal, she didn’t want it. “Jorunn, did you hear me?”

  “Yeah, I heard you,” she snapped.

  He laughed.

  It was the first time she’d ever heard him truly laugh. It was deep and melodious as he walked over to her and turned her around.

  “The church mouse is angry.”

  “Whatever,” Jo huffed out.

  Dietrich turned her to face the door and dropped an arm over her shoulder. A long gold chain with three stones dangled in front of her.


  “It goes around your waist. Like a belt, but it lays against your skin.”

  She wasn’t going to read too much into the jewelry. She was coming to learn that D never did anything without a valid reason. So why the chain? There were two black stones and one quartz.

  “Here, I’ll put it on you. Don’t take it off,” he said against the back of her neck. The heat of him disappeared, and when she turned around to thank him, he was gone. Of course, he disappears. If she were a toddler, she’d drop to the ground, roll around, and throw a fit at the unfairness of it all.

  Jo grabbed her bag off the bed and made her way out into the hall. She bumped into Adam, who was coming out of his room.

  “You’re not coming?” She didn’t see any bags with him.

  “Yeah, I’m coming. It’s standard, but we all usually have a pre-bag on board D’s jet. So, I’m good.” He looked down at her bag and reached for it. “I’ll take this. Follow me.”

  Jorunn didn’t see Dietrich anywhere when they reached the jet. Maybe he was off doing some final checks before they departed. She followed Adam through the hanger to where the door was open to the sleek black airplane.

  ~ ~ ~

  Dietrich sat in the cockpit of the jet and tried to forget what he’d almost let happen back in his room. Shit! He could still smell her hot pussy on his hand. He was not going to get sidetracked again. No matter what. The icy cage around his heart was cracking. No, he was stronger than that. At best, she was a good lay. Nothing more. He was only here to watch over her, gain information, and trade it for his sister. The chain he’d given her worked two ways. It served as a mental link to him, and it would make her more eager to share information. It also kept him connected to her. He’d be able to find her anywhere, should she get lost. Or worse, taken.

  For the first time in a very long time, Dietrich prayed for strength. He was close, so fucking close to getting Yewa back. He just needed to finish what he’d started. And by finish, that meant not fucking up the job or fucking his charge. He was not to follow his gut instinct on this one because it been wrong before. Andina had warned him once about women and their cloying scents and the many ways they seduced men. He’d been a fool once in not listening to his now dead sister.

  He’d fallen for Lindsay, the slave owner’s daughter. She’d been the only one to treat him with kindness, and at the time—he’d thought—respect. But Lindsay was a collector of things she found exotic.

  When he and his sister had arrived on Shadows-on-the-Teche, a sugarcane plantation owned by the Weeks family in New Iberia, Louisiana, Lindsay had immediately taken a liking to him. Going as far as promising him and his sisters freedom. After the brutal journey across the Atlantic, he and his sister along with handful of others had been sold to Mr. Weeks. The only thing he’d wanted then was no more death, no more bloodshed. He’d been a foolish young man, thinking he and his sister would be able to thrive in such an oppressive environment. Even the slave owner’s dogs had been treated with better care than they were.

  He wouldn’t be naïve like that ever again. Dietrich thought that if he were manageable, they’d eventually let him and his sister go. He’d been wrong. Very wrong. Instead, they’d gagged and beat him because he refused to be called something other than Omari. He’d been tied to a tree and had his hands and feet burned. During this time, the owner’s overseer had brutally raped and beaten his sister to within an inch of her life. And they’d done it all in front of him. She’d only been a young girl then, not even an adult yet.

  It wasn’t until they’d tried hanging him that he knew there was something more to him and his family. Healers, they had always been. It was a common thing among his people, and he’d never heard of anyone surviving death before. But in his case, it was true. He’d survived the hanging. Others of his kind had stood around and watched. Some were happy to see him go, others saddened.

  When they’d released the rope, he died, but he came back. His eyes changed from the light brown of his youth, to an opaque white. Such strength had infused him, he’d thought he’d go mad from the power. Akua and Yewa had cleaned his body and kept him hidden. It was Akua who’d spoken of the Primori Walker who could walk both the lines of the living and the dead. Back then, he’d leaned more towards the living. Now, he knew he was one step closer to communing with the dead.

  A Primori was born out of cruelty and violence. Their sole purpose to avenge and set the wrongs to rights. To mete out punishment to the person or persons who’d wronged him. Once that was completed, he’d be awakened and live a full and happy life. His work was clearly not done, however. His sister was still out there. He’d avenged those at the plantation by freeing as many slaves as he could, but he hadn’t been able to save his sister. Once he retrieved her, he’d go and walk on the side of the living again. Maybe then his heart would heal, and he could live out the rest of his days in some semblance of peace.

  Mouth busted into the cockpit and saw the look on Dietrich’s face. “Sorry, man.”

  “Yeah, you’re definitely that, sorry. Now, what do you want?”

  Mouth looked contrite but said nothing else.

  “Everyone is on board. Jes, Draven, Adam, Jorunn, NuNu, and Jacobi.”

  “All right, send Jorunn up here, and make sure the rest of the knuckleheads don’t fuck with Draven or his mate.”

  “What about Adam? Is he fair game?” Mouth asked.

  “Don’t give a fuck what you do to his ass. He’s too pretty anyway.”

  “Excellent,” Mouth laughed.

  Mouth backed out of the cockpit, and D could hear him tell
ing Jo that her presence was requested. Then he heard the guys start in on Adam.

  ~ ~ ~

  Jo made her way to where Dietrich sat in the cockpit and looked around. His shades were firmly in place and effectively cutting her off from whatever it was he was feeling. She really wanted to see his eyes. He wanted her out in the open, but he refused to let even a small sliver of his emotions slip, and when it did, he was quick to lock it away. The chain at her waist felt like a symbol of possession. Even the guys had looked at her chain in shock. Mouth had gone as far as to say she was Dietrich’s property.


  She didn’t like the word, but if it meant she belonged to him, she’d take it.

  You’re reaching.

  Maybe she was.

  Maybe she wasn’t.

  Damn. She really hated the back and forth.

  She hadn’t had time to call her family with all the crazy meetings and getting ready, and the almost sex with Dietrich. Her brain was scrambled. The one thing she was aware of was that she hadn’t needed any VAB or the twins’ blood. She was still feeling in top shape, with no sign of an episode coming on. The brief amount of time she’d spent in the sun had given her markings an ethereal glow, but no one had said anything. They stared a bit but otherwise said nothing. Dietrich had promised that she’d be safe around them, and she was. It felt good to show her body and to not have to cover it up for once.

  “Take a seat.” Dietrich gestured to the co-pilot chair. Jo sat. She didn’t know the first thing about flying. He must have caught the look on her face because he grinned. Actually grinned. First a laugh, and now a true grin. She was making headway.

  “Was that a smile?” She joked.

  She wanted to kiss him again. But she’d already made the first move. The ball was in his court. He eyed her sideways and grunted.

  “Tell me about Rose and Colin,” he suggested instead.

  “They were my foster parents in Scotland.”

  “You were born there?”

  “I guess, I don’t know for sure. Like I mentioned earlier, it’s just the clearest memory I have.”


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