Power From Within: Vol 1 - Birth Of A Utopia

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Power From Within: Vol 1 - Birth Of A Utopia Page 9

by Lee Sonogan

  “What gives you the right to do this to people, other than leaving them to the authorities of the world governments,” said the Ambassador of America. “This is my burden. I had to do it. Even the evillest person deserves a second chance. I put my reputation at risk for something I truly believed needed to be done. Human prisons and reform systems can't do anything for them compared to what I can do. They are safe within a dimension within my mind. They have the chance to get out of this place I have created. I have sent my AI robots into this dimension to decide and influence change as much as possible. Because I can only sense the life forms in this world and notice thoughts of the evil hearted man and woman. Seventeen out of one hundred and fifty people were truly changed there. Twelve of them are on the 'Sword and shield' corp. I have created. And they worked hard to earn the right to be there like anyone,” said Joven. “I agree in what Joven is saying about earning their redemption to be civilised. Our world began by holding fair completions of death to punish our criminals who didn’t understand the difference between good and evil actions,” said the Ambassador of the Seluberathi. “Regardless, of your progress towards criminals. It's the fact that you made this decision by yourself. We, the nations of the world have decided to punish you by limiting your personal power you have shown over us recently. We appreciate what you have done and gave to us. We admit that you have significantly changed our species to be more civilised and advanced. But we do not need you to help us govern the nations with us anymore. We have voted and most of us have decided for you to go. Feel free to consult with countries on certain matters and be allies to us through your 'Sword and shield' corps, but you cannot dictate our laws any more. Please respect our decision,” said the UN's lead speaker.

  Joven pauses to think. All eyes are on him. They all wait for his response. Joven had never been in this situation before. No one had. Many ideas run through his mind. Very fast, he considers all of them. Then, he is committed to a decision. He begins to describe his decision. “If that’s what you have decided. So be it. You represent the nations, and when you people can't live up to the standard I provided them with, you will regret letting me go. There are other duties I can focus on. I have a settlement planet that I can govern and work on now. Your right, the knowledge and technologies I gave to all the nations, makes me pretty much useless. You got this far under me, I wish you luck in maintaining the quality I provided to every single person on the planet. I will continue to help people who want it and need it… Govern your own people and I’ll govern mine,” said Joven. There are five seconds of silence. The crowd in the UN looks shocked. Then, some boos. The room gets loud. Pictures are taken every 2-4 seconds. People who Joven has worked with look at him differently. Turning around he sees people yelling into their phones or typing into them. Others have aggressive conversations with each other. Then there were people filming every little move Joven made. One of the lead speakers bangs against a table to attempt to establish some silence. It did not help. Conflicted, he did not know what to say. This moment was one of the times where Joven could not see clearly. Perhaps his emotions clouded his thoughts and powers. All of it became too much. It was very unsettling. Mentally and physically, he wanted no more. Joven teleports away.

  A woman sits behind a news desk and reads the news of a monitor. She reads it perfectly without making one mistake. All the crew to this report, do it seriously. The cameras remain very still on screen. They were live. A current poll is on the screen that reads “Pro Joven 49% - Anti Joven 51%,”. A news director cues her in to speak off camera.

  “This is the four o’clock news on channel DDC with Rachel Crews. Hello, everyone. Today, the world is stunned by the UN's decision to remove our leader of nations and superhuman 'Joven' after him revealing a video on social media revealing that he has a dimension within his mind full of prisoners and criminals. A secret kept from the public since his video he created to reveal himself and possibly longer. Joven has justified his action by saying that it was a necessary thing to do and the best option to change them into civilised human beings. And providing the support for them in this dimension. He has made a complete case in what he has done for these criminals. But the lying and lack of information about this unknown place has made the people of Earth question Joven's intentions, actions and his powers,” said Rachel Crews.

  “How does he define a person that deserves to go to this 'Purgatory' like place. Does he read our minds, does he suffer from a messiah complex and think he has a right more, then us humans,” said a member of the 'No Powers' organisation interviewed at their official headquarters. “More and more thoughts coming from everywhere, people are saying the same thing. With Joven losing a significant about of support, he has been gaining a lot of support on social media. Creating a social media page called 'Bring Joven back to leadership'. The supporters on the page believe that this decision should have been put up to a vote of everyone on the planet. Kale the public spokesperson of Joven had this to say on what happened today,” said Rachel Crews. “Me and Joven's friends, were not aware of this video when posted but, we were aware of the situation. We have been in discussion with him and support his reasons for what he has done. He has accepted a burden that no one could ever comprehend. He has sacrificed so much for the people of the world and we hope that everyone still holds in their hearts love and respect for him”. “The world waits for answers and sees what Joven will do next. We are surely going to see more changes after these events. Now and in the future. We will be back shortly,” said the women DCC news reporter.

  Cuts to mainstream television ads. There’s an ad for a famous fast food chain. It has a catchy musical jingle. The actors in the commercial over sell a new deal at the fast food restaurant.

  Chapter 19: Beginning of the end

  It was a dark night. Coldness hits the air. The inferno is the brightest thing in the sky. In the dark, it was still bright enough to see the forest landscapes in the distance. Someone draws closer. A man with a slump and a hunchback, walks towards an edge of a tall cliff. He looks foul and contagious. His body twitches as he moves. “This pain is too much. I don’t wish to suffer any more,” thought the sick man as he coughs up blood. He does not wipe the blood off his face. A vulture flies pass him and crows. He starts talking to himself. “Live for the darkness. Life is sorrow. Satisfaction is a part of pain,” murmured the man. The inferno in the sky is creating lighting. It strikes a large tree in the distance. He makes it to the end of the cliff. A painful feeling overcoming his whole body sends him to the ground. He shakes back and forth on the ground as his body expands. Which causes bones to break and stick out of the skin. It grew taller with the human features changing. Clothes still hang from its body. A cloak of energy forms around its body. Singeing the grass around him. His face morphs into itself becoming unrecognisable. Its mind became fire and death. The transformation is finished as this newly formed monster screams in agony. It looks over the cliff and sees the tree on fire. Stares at it and breaths heavily. Does this until the tree burns to a crisp. It feels the death in its roots. To spread death is what it wanted to do. Its primal instincts desired power off its victims. Sensing the area, it locates its prey. Then it turns around and runs in the direction it came from. The former man is gone, and a monster remains. Hunting consumed its mind.

  Apollo is washing dishes in the 'Saloon' pub. He wears his wizard robe while working. In his head, he sings a little tune to make the job go faster. There were many dishes to get through. Maintaining the pub helped him relax and not think about other responsibilities he oversees. The sink water becomes too dirty, so he drains the sink. A young warrior in full armour runs into the kitchen area. “You know that guy who talks to himself that shows up at the bar?” said the young warrior. Apollo takes off his gloves and put on his warrior gloves. “Yeah?” said Apollo, curious. “He has transformed into a monster and attacked people just out of the town near the well,” said the young warrior in a panic. “Sound the alarm, and get some back up. I
’m going to check it out,” said Apollo. “Yes sir,” said the young warrior. The young warrior leaves the kitchen. Shortly after, Apollo rushes to the well out of town. People watch him as he rushes away from the pub. He runs in the direction to the well. He enters a forest. Far from the town he hears the alarm go off. He hears sound very close. He sees the monster. It acts crazed as it growls at people. “Are you still in there?” yelled a civilian. Little did the civilian know, the person he knew was gone. The monster grabs the civilian with one hand and raises the civilian up in the air. It holds the human tight. The civilian begins to transform. Bones break and crack. A cloak of dark energy engulfs its body. The monster drops the civilian’s new form to the ground. It makes a large thud. The four other civilians stand back in fear.

  “It's infecting people like a virus. Everyone return back to town!” yelled Apollo, concerned for his people. The civilians run back to town. Apollo creates a spell that shoots a magic ball of energy at the monster. It flies through the bodies of the virus monsters. Their body recovers, and they do not even flinch. The virus monsters walk towards Apollo. But Apollo decides to flee. The virus monsters chase Apollo. Apollo enters the gates of the town and the gates close just before the virus monsters got there. They scratch and pound at the door. Apollo enters a tower against the walls of the town and enters a meeting room to see Eric, Bob and other warriors. “Ok, we have a threat out there. There some sort of virus monsters. We need to de-contaminate this problem before it spreads. We need to gather everyone and lead these from the town and trap them. There’s a fort in the 'Forsaken desert'. We must lead them through all the bobby traps and if necessary, make our last stand at the fort. They cannot be defeated by magic, or I assume swords. Our only chance is to trap them forever in the traps,” yelled Apollo. They all take this very seriously and gather all they can. The warriors move as a unit to the outside of the wall near the virus monsters and hear a scream. Apollo uses a telescope and sees a human civilian transforming into a virus monster. “Now we have three of them,” whispered Apollo. A man dressed in robes conjures a spell and materialises three fake sheep like creatures. “Nice thinking Herman,” whispered Eric. “Hope this works,” whispers Bob. Herman makes the fake sheep like creatures walk over to the virus monsters. When the fake sheep like creatures get close, they make a 'baa' sound. Gaining the virus monsters attention. To the warriors surprise the virus monsters run at the sheep. “Yes, it worked,” thought Apollo. Herman makes the sheep like creature’s sprint towards the direction of the 'Forsaken desert'. “Let's go!” yelled Apollo.

  Time goes past and the warriors chasing the virus monsters enter the 'Forsaken desert'. The environment was dry and full of sand. In the sky, the inferno makes the desert very hot and windy. Sand gets in their eyes. The magical illusions continue to work. “Herman and Ragnar will stop. Herman, Ragnar and I will share a telepathic communication connection together. Ragnar will enter the mind of a bird creature and see through their eyes. This gives us the locations of the traps beyond Herman's sight of his spell. And they will both give me information on where we should try the first trap. Herman make your sheep creatures line up on the edge of the trap ahead!” yelled Apollo. “Yes sir!” yelled Ragnar and Herman as they slow down and head to a close mountain top. “For the rest of you, we need to make sure these monsters fall into the trap with our fire-power!” yelled Apollo. Eric spits out a toothpick in his mouth that he had the whole time. “A long transparent pit trap is a mile away, facing north,” said Ragnar though the telepathic connection. “Just a mile to go time,” said Apollo. The warriors see the virus monsters and the sheep creatures standing in a line close to each other. The warriors aim in the virus monster’s directions. They get closer and the monsters do not notice them approaching. The virus monsters dive at the sheep creatures without concern of their safety. “Fire!” yelled Eric. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! EXPLOSION! They hit the virus monsters with everything they got, knocking them backwards into the transparent pit trap. They fall very deep beneath the planet. The sound echoes up from monsters falling, then the sound subsides. The warriors cheer in victory. Their plan had been successful.

  Their enemy was fallen and there was only one thing left to do to finish the plan. “Well done, everyone that was easier than I thought,” said Eric. “These monsters were not that bright,” said Bob. “We should make a sealing barrier above this pit now,” said Apollo. The magic users of the group stand in a line next to the pit and use their magical energy to create the sealed barrier. Hologram forms of a language appear over the pit. They shine as magical beams. The barrier gets stronger. Ragnar and Herman return to the warriors. “Nice idea,” said Herman to Apollo. Bang! A virus monster flies into the sealing barrier. The warriors stand back in a defensive formation. Another one does the same thing and cracked it. Surrounding the pit, the magical users struggle to keep the barrier alive. The language on the barrier starts to fade. Some warriors start to panic. Bang! Hits it again, nearly breaking through. Apollo determines the best plan of action for his warriors. The safest one. “Retreat to the fort!” yelled Apollo. The virus monsters crash through the ceiling of the barrier and land on three warriors and instantly start to infect them. They are torn up and then they began to change. The warriors fled to the fort as the virus monsters chase them down and infecting warriors on the way. Some warriors get backed into a corner and then have to defend them self. Their numbers grow with every kill. They seemed unstoppable. Apollo is close to the front gates. He hears the screams of his fellow warriors behind him. The plan has failed. He jinxed his warriors and himself.

  Apollo in the lead flings opens the forts gates with ease. “Hurry. Quick. Quick!” yelled Apollo. The warriors rush in and board up all entrances. Using anything they can find in the fort. They all meet at a spot in the fort overlooking the entrance. The virus monsters thrash at the gate below them. Every warrior in the fort can hear it. “There is gotta be at least twenty of them!” yelled a young warrior. Eric drops an explosive on top of them and the explosion sends some virus monsters to the bottom the pit surrounding the large fort. “Sealing team, seal them in!” yelled Apollo, making commands. Barrier magic forms over the pit. A virus monster looks up and sees the sealing team using their magic. One gets a running start and jumps up to the fort and lands on the other side of the sealing team. It roars at them. Two of the sealing team cover their team to get away. Most of the sealing team get away. The two who stayed behind were not. A cracking sound is heard below the warriors. The fort is breached by the other virus monsters at the gate. They pile into the fort like zombies. Herman creates a black hole from his magic and locks the door behind him with haste. “This is your fault Apollo!” yelled a warrior. “Do you think your black hole magic was affective?” Asked Bob. “I'll see,” said Ragnar. Knowing the fort well, Apollo yells “We should head down stairs to make our last stand!”. Everybody moves out and go down into the bunker of the fort.

  The warriors make it to their panic room of the fort, to make a last stand to remember. Herman poses in a stance and sees through the mind of a bird creature that was outside. “The black hole only seems to drain their energy, and not destroy their physical bodies. It may be slowly them down,” said Ragnar with his eyes closed. “Keep watching to see if they are affected by the magical barriers in front of us,” said Apollo. “Ok I'll get close,” said Ragnar. He uses a form of magic to make the bird creature invisible and made it fly inside the fort with the virus monsters. “These barriers will work!” yelled a member of the sealing team. They desperately use their powers to make the barriers as strong as they can be. “Is there a secret tunnel out of this fort?” Asked a warrior carrying a large two-handed axe. “Only a thin ventilation shaft over there,” said Apollo. Magic users in the groups enchant themselves with a spell and they turn themselves very small and go through the ventilation shaft. “Cowards!” Yelled Apollo. “The black hole has withered, and the virus monsters are starting to crack the magical barrie
rs,” said Ragnar. “We have lost and I sure as hell not going to be one of them,” said a warrior as he pulls a pin off a grenade and pushes it into his own head. EXPLOSION! The warriors left create a barrier to shield them from the explosion. Some warriors start to panic. One of the warriors screams and charges through the magical barriers and goes for the horde of virus monsters. They demolish the warrior and charge at the last magical barrier. Herman grabs on to Ragnar and says, “sorry guys” and they teleport away. Apollo sacrifices his life-force to unleash a final attack, destroying many of the virus monsters. But more come from within the fort at the barrier. They break through the barrier and destroy all who were left inside.

  Chapter 20: Symmetrical Energies

  60 – 70 percent of our body mass is water. Similar to Earth with about 71 percent of the Earth's surface being water. This was not Earth. It is night time out in the ocean. The ocean moves around with crashing waves. A sky with thunder and expending fog. The inferno is fierce and blinding. All light in the area is dull with flashes of bright light coming from lighting and the sky. Ocean life flees from something coming in every direction. The tone of colour of the ocean gets slightly darker. The virus monsters mush and cross the ocean. They are barely seen in the fog or barely heard in the thunder. Moving in a formation. They make sounds that are foul. Which remain unheard. The ocean splashes at them. They continue to march. Their body language can only be described as zombie like. They all stop and make a horizontal formation. The virus monsters just stood at their spot along the line. Then, they began to grow a cloak of energy surrounding their bodies. They scream. The bodies of the virus monsters began to extend and change the body. They seem more powerful. Their appearance are more demons like. Spikes stick out of the back of their bodies. Their faces morph into themselves and water fills inside the. Their cloak of energy powers all of them as a unit. Floating, they all strike at the same time in the ocean.


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