Mason's Resolution

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Mason's Resolution Page 2

by Kristine Allen

  Damn, he really disliked me. Asshole. What did I care what he thought of me, though? I didn’t owe him diddly shit. He wasn’t my dad or my big brother. Hell, the way he made my body respond just by looking in my direction, we better not be related or I had more issues than being stifled. A giggle slipped out at the thought. Shit, yeah, I was getting way more than tipsy.

  After the dancers finished their final performance, we headed out to the next bar. The limo ride included another glass of chilled champagne. I loved the feel of the bubbles tickling my nose as I drank, and then the way they floated across my tongue and down my throat. It brought an unbidden vision of me sharing some of the champagne from my mouth to Hollywood’s before I took him in my mouth, letting the bubbles tease his cock. Jesus, I was so very naughty.

  And so very drunk. I laughed, again.

  We arrived at the bar and were ushered to the front of the line because of our reservation for the bachelorette party. Thank God, because the line was crazy long. The bar was absolutely hopping by the time we made it inside, with music blasting in surround sound and colored lights flashing and spinning. My favorite song was playing, and I squealed as I grabbed Letty’s and Kristina’s arms and proceeded to drag them out on the crowded dance floor. The bass pumped so loud I could feel it reverberate from my feet to my chest and take hold of my heartbeat.

  As we danced to the next song, hands slid around my waist and rested on my hips as a male body pressed up against my back, bumping and grinding to the beat of the music. I glanced over my shoulder into the smiling face of a nice-looking guy who was a little shorter than I usually went for, but he was cut, had muscular arms, a great smile, and rich chocolate-brown eyes. Mmmm, he might do for the night. I flashed a smile, looked up at him, and pressed closer against him. Letty gave me a thumbs-up, and we continued to dance as a couple of guys joined them, too.

  We must have danced through four songs or more, and I was sweating like crazy from shaking my ass. As I gathered my damp curls, holding them up off my neck to try to cool myself, I felt his lips touch my shoulder, followed by his teeth and then a soothing stroke of his tongue. God, I loved it when a guy kissed my neck and shoulders. My eyelids fluttered closed as my head fell back and my mouth fell open in a sigh.

  Oh yessssss.

  He spun me around and slid his arms around me to rest his hands at the top of my ass as a slow song started up. Pressed up against his body, I could feel his erection, and I knew he could be mine for the night if I really wanted him. We swayed to the music, and he kissed my ear, then my neck. He pulled back to look me in the eye. His smile was radiant as he leaned into my ear to be heard above the noise and told me he wanted to take me home. Bingo.

  I gave a sly smile and coyly said, “Maybe.” It didn’t pay to appear too slutty. Right? Then he kissed me… and I had to say… that part was a little disappointing. Sorry to disappoint, but there were definitely no fireworks. He wasn’t a very good kisser, but I wasn’t planning on marrying the guy; I just wanted to get laid. Hell, it could be worse.

  He followed me back to the table and offered to buy me a drink. Since I was starting to lose my buzz after all the dancing and sweating, I graciously accepted. Everyone introduced themselves, and Steph gave me a questioning look before she leaned over to tell me to be careful and asked me if I was sure it was a good idea to hook up with some stranger I didn’t know. My droll look and raised eyebrow told her she was pretty much the pot calling the kettle black after taking her fiancé home for a one-night stand back in college. Look where she was today. How could she fault me?

  She laughed and held a hand up to me as she said, “Okay, okay, okay! ’Nuff said.” We both laughed and hugged, and then I kissed her cheek. Dang, I loved her. She really was my very best friend. Nah, screw that. She was my sista from another mista.

  It wasn’t long before I desperately had to pee. Excusing myself, I headed through the pulsing crowd to the bathrooms, guided by the neon Restrooms sign in the back corner. Thankfully, there wasn’t much of a line, and I was able to get in quickly. After doing my business, I washed my hands, fluffed my hair, boosted the girls, and checked my makeup. A quick blot with a paper towel pulled the shine off my face. Yep, good to go.

  A hand snaked around my upper arm as I exited the restroom and pulled me off to the back of the corridor.

  “Hey! What the…?” I didn’t get another word out before I was pressed up against the wall with his hands holding me immobile by the tops of my arms. Flashing hazel eyes met mine just as I realized it was Hollywood. His mouth pulled in a tight line. I watched him close his eyes momentarily, as if he was fighting to keep his cool. He then took a deep breath before looking at me and blowing out the air he had held in his lungs.

  “Jesus fuck, Becca! What the hell do you think you’re doing? You’re all over that guy, and you don’t even know him. You were acting like you were planning to fuck him right there on the dance floor,” he spit out. “Please tell me you aren’t trying to pick him up. You’ve got to be smarter than that, Becca…. Besides, he looks like a fucking tool.” His frustration was evident in his every breath and movement. What the ever-loving hell was up with him? Why did it matter to him if I screwed every guy in the bar? And why did my body start doing these crazy things just because I was close to him? Breathing the same air. Catching fire where our skin touched.

  Whoa. What’s up with this shit?

  “What’s it to you? You aren’t my keeper, you know. I don’t even really know you, for that matter. I’m a big girl, and I can make my own decisions. Shit!” He really was too much, and damn, he needed to back the fuck up. Being up close and personal to him had my nipples tightening and poking through the thin fabric of my dress. They felt abraded by the fabric and the friction of brushing against his chest. I wasn’t completely sure, but I thought I felt his hard cock press against my hip. I pushed closer to him. Oh my Lord, yes, it was, and may I say, he felt very well blessed. Oh, who was I kidding? More like huge. Then my heartbeat picked up speed and fluttered in my chest like a thousand tiny butterflies.

  “Fuck,” was all he said before he lowered his head and ran his tongue along my lower lip. Threading his fingers through my hair, he tipped my head and claimed my mouth with his in a savage and blatantly hungry kiss.

  Now this man… this man could kiss, was my last coherent thought as I grabbed his ass tight and pulled him closer to me.

  The last fucking thing I planned to do was kiss her. I was pissed at her, dammit! But she had been driving me insane all night. Watching her grope and rub against those half-naked strippers set my teeth on edge from the start. It got worse when I watched her lick every last drop of her shot with that little pink tongue. When she placed the glass in her mouth like it was a cock, it was seriously all I could take. I almost fucking shot my load in my pants. I had to fucking walk away before I made a complete ass out of myself.

  Why was she pissing me off so much?

  Just when I thought I had cooled off, that fucking asshole was grinding against her and running his hands over her body on the dance floor. Yeah, by then I was damn near seeing red. Hell if I could explain where all the possessive feelings were coming from. I was pretty sure some of it had to do with the fact that her best friend almost died at the hands of a guy she thought she knew. So, part of this had to be about her safety and the fact that she was treating that safety with absolute disregard. Right? I mean, I barely even knew this girl. Sure, I had hoped to get lucky with her tonight, but I didn’t want to be her boyfriend. Fuck no. Plus, I felt an obligation to keep her safe for Reaper and Steph. Besides, I didn’t get attached, nor did I do relationships. That just wasn’t me. Hell, I wasn’t stupid. I was blessed with good looks, so finding hot women who were willing was no issue. I fucked them until the novelty wore off and moved on. Things were a lot less complicated that way.

  When she walked off from the group, I couldn’t help but follow and wait for her to emerge from the bathroom. She sputtered when I grabbed her

and pulled her down the hall farther. I totally lost my shit and chewed her ass out. The sight of her plump, red lips parted in astonishment broke me, and I had to taste them. That’s how I found myself with her hot, panting body pressed up against the wall of a night club and my mouth devouring her like I was starving and she was my first taste of food in a month.

  She tasted like cranberries, and she smelled fucking amazing. She had on a rich, musky perfume that teased my senses. It wound up around me, through my nose and around my body like a serpent. The moan that slid across her tongue and into my mouth as I dropped my hands from her hair and grabbed her ass left me undone. I slid my hands down to her thighs and lifted her up to straddle me as I braced her against the wall. Her skimpy red dress slid up her thighs as she wrapped her legs around me and fisted her fingers in my hair, deepening the kiss.

  Groaning, I broke away for air and rested my forehead against hers. We both panted breathlessly. Her pulse pounded in her neck, and I couldn’t resist running my tongue along it. It was as if I could taste her excitement. Her skin was salty from the fine sheen of sweat, but still sweet, and I wanted more. My teeth nipped her skin as I nuzzled along her neck and shoulder.

  “Becca, I know this probably sounds crazy, but I can’t let you go anywhere with that guy. It’s killing me to watch you with him. I want it to be me. I need it to be me. You have to know you affected me from the first second I saw you. If you aren’t on board with that, you need to let me know now, and I’ll walk away.” I inhaled a ragged breath. “Because I’m not going to sit by and watch you do this with someone else. So, if you want him, say so and go. Otherwise, we’re going out to the limo and heading back to the hotel. You hear me?” In my mind, I begged her not to say no, but she needed to have a choice. I didn’t force myself on anyone. Ever.

  “Yes. Jesus, yes, Hollywood, please.” Her whispered plea had my cock surging toward the heat at the juncture of her thighs, exactly where it wanted to be buried. My body pressed harder against her to relieve some of the tension, but fuck if it didn’t make things worse. With a groan, I slid her toned legs down to the floor and straightened her dress. Taking her hand firmly in mine, I pushed my way through the crowd to the front door. The night air was cool on our heated skin, bringing goose bumps to hers, as I tucked her in the limo and told her to wait there.

  My legs carried me back into the bar on autopilot, and I found Reaper with his arms around his bride-to-be’s waist as he kissed her shoulder. Shit, I knew he couldn’t stay away from her all night. I laughed at him, and he gave me a dirty look that said, “Fuck off.” Steph blasted me with a huge smile. Her smile faltered when I said Becca wasn’t feeling too hot and asked me to take her back to the hotel. When she wanted to wrap everything up early, I told her no and tipped my head toward all the girls out dancing and having fun on the dance floor.

  “Becca said she didn’t want to cut everyone’s night short, so I’m gonna make sure she gets to the hotel okay, and I’ll send the limo back for you all as soon as we get there.”

  Reaper raised an eyebrow and gave me a knowing smirk, which earned him the same “fuck you” look in return. After everything we’d been through together over the years, we knew each other as well as we knew ourselves and could easily communicate without words. Still, he leaned over toward my ear so I could hear him over the noise.

  “You’ve been looking like you want to break every fucker that got close to her tonight. I’m not stupid, you know. Don’t fuck with her and break her heart, bro. That’s Steph’s best friend, and you know she’ll kick your ass.”

  “Shit, man, don’t get your panties in a wad. I’m just making sure she gets back safe, that’s all.” With a grin, I left before he could say more.

  HOLLYWOOD CLIMBED IN THE limo and, after telling the driver to take us back to the hotel, closed the privacy screen. For a minute, he just sat across from me with a brooding look on his face. When he spoke, his voice was strained and hoarse.

  “Come here. Now.”

  I raised my brow at his commanding tone, but if I was honest, it fucking turned me on. Yep. Panties officially, and totally, soaked. Lordy, he really was the full package—good looking, alpha male, ripped as hell, tall, a phenomenal kisser, and he felt very well blessed in his… umm, yeah… that. I decided I would follow his commands, but on my terms. Dropping to my hands and knees, I crawled over to him in a sultry manner and rested my hands on either side of him. Okay… so I tried to be sultry… Anyway, moving on….

  The leather of the seat was cool to the touch. When I slid my hands up his outer thighs to the waistband of his distressed-looking jeans, his hands flew to stop mine. I looked up to his face in question.

  “What? You don’t want me to set you free? Isn’t this why you wanted me over here?” I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth. He was breathing harder and had an intense look on his face. He sat slouched back in the seat with his hands still holding firm to mine.

  “Becca, Jesus, I’m not trying to fuck you in the limo. Not for the first time. I just wanted to hold you. I just needed to taste you and touch you,” he rasped. His hands clenched mine briefly, and his eyes flashed to mine, appearing more gold than before.

  When I leaned forward and brushed my lips against his, the faint taste of beer lingered on his lips. We kissed deeply before I broke off and ran the tip of my tongue along his jaw until I reached his ear. Nipping it softly, and intentionally misconstruing his statement, I whispered, “Well, what if I want to taste you too?”

  “Aww, fuck me,” he whispered to himself, his resignation clear in his expression and tone.

  After extricating my hands from his, I proceeded to unbutton his jeans and was pleased to see he went commando. My lips curled in delight. Hell, yeah. It was too tempting not to run a fingernail lightly down to the base of his member. His sharp intake of breath as his lids lowered halfway told me he wanted this, even if he wouldn’t admit it.

  The knowledge made me bold, and I grasped his ever-hardening cock in my hand, stroking firmly and softly in an alternating pattern. And holy shit, I was correct in my assumptions—he was probably the biggest I had ever seen. My fingers and thumb didn’t even touch when wrapped around him. He was like silk-encased steel, and he was hot and pulsing in my hand.

  There were obviously no complaints over my actions, as his silence continued, broken only by his harsh breaths. His precum glistened at the tip of his silky-smooth head, so I leaned forward to catch the shiny drop with my tongue. Jesus, his taste was like an aphrodisiac, and I quickly took him as deep as I could, allowing my tongue to swirl around him as I sucked and stroked him. God, I loved the feel of him in my mouth, but I was willing to bet it wouldn’t be half as good as having him between my legs.

  “Jesus fucking H. Christ. Shit, Becca. Stop. Fuck, you’re going to make me come if you keep doing that. You need to stop.” He was groaning with his head flung back on the back of the seat. Despite his words, his fingers reached down to entwine in my hair and gently encouraged my rhythm.

  He didn’t hurt me or force his massive cock down my throat like some guys tried to do. Even in his moment of abandon, he was considerate, and I appreciated that.

  Some women hated giving a guy a blowjob. Hell, I loved having that kind of power over them, and it was an especially intoxicating feeling considering how in control he had seemed all night. One of my hands remained wrapped around his firm cock, while the other slid to gently massage his balls.

  Oooooo, he manscaped. Nice.

  There was no way I was stopping until I tasted him. When he began to massage my scalp with his fingers, I moaned. The vibrations must have been enough to set him off because I felt his balls tighten up and pull closer to his body. Then he tensed and murmured encouragement and disjointed words as his cock seemed to swell even bigger.

  “Oh God, Becca, yes. Suck me harder. Fuck. Jesus. You’re doing so fucking good. Shit. Gonna come. Stop. I can’t… No. Don’t stop. Shit. Shit. Shit.” He bellowed right as I felt his co
ck swell and pulse with his hot release washing over my tongue and hitting the back of my throat. I continued to lick and suck as if I was trying to collect every last drop, which I was.

  First, let me tell you, I had never—and I mean ever—swallowed when giving a guy head, but for him? For him, I felt insatiable when it came to the taste of him. He started to jerk and spasm as I continued to lick and suckle his cock. He roughly pulled me up to straddle his lap, my dress scrunching up to the tops of my thighs. Just to fuck with him, I slowly licked my lips while staring him dead in the eyes.

  “Fuck, that’s enough. Too much, baby. Dammit, I can’t handle too much of you doing that… It’s so fucking sensitive after. Thank you, that was…. Shit, that was fucking amazing.” He kissed me, and I knew he tasted himself—damn, that was hot as hell.

  His hands roamed up and down my back, squeezing my ass and pulling my core tight to his cock. My wet panties rubbed along the length of his semi-erection, and I felt my pussy tighten in anticipation.

  God, I wanted him. Now. Desperately. Reaching down between us, I grasped him in one hand, stroking him until he was fully erect again. He gripped my hips firmly in his calloused hands. Then I slid my soaked panties to the side, intent on sliding him into my slick folds.

  He broke away from the kiss to exclaim, “Fuck, reach around me and grab the condom from my back pocket.” His sexual frustration with the delay was evident in the drawn look on his face.

  Dammit, what was I thinking? I had never fucked a guy without a condom either. Too many diseases out there. What the hell was it about this guy that had my safety practices and my very sanity flying out the window? It was as if I couldn’t think straight with him this close to me. My head dropped and my face buried in his neck.


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