Harlem Girl Lost 2

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Harlem Girl Lost 2 Page 18

by Blue, Treasure E.

  “No, hand ’im de money.” He gestured toward his gunman.

  Vonda followed his order.

  The gunman placed his weapon against the wall and proceeded to count it out. While they waited for him to finish, Bosco questioned the girls. “What cha gon do wit so much drugs? Where you got such business? I know every spot in Harlem, I never saw ya.”

  Vonda cleared her throat and knew he was growing suspicious. “We don’t clock in Harlem; we clock upstate.”

  “Where?” he asked quickly, trying to catch her in a lie.

  “Binghamton, New York. We get a lot more than what you get here. Ten dollar pieces here go for fifty dollars up there.”

  He nodded. The gunman finally finished counting out all the money, and Vonda was thankful because it was only a matter of time before he caught her in a lie. The only way she knew about Binghamton was because she’d heard her brother Chubby talk about it all the time.

  Bosco gestured to the gunman to come over to him and whispered something in his ear. He immediately walked back down the hall and inside the bedroom closest to the front door. Seconds later, the gunman came right back out empty-handed. All the girls grew perplexed as they stood around without a word being said as the gunman gripped his gun tighter.

  Suddenly, they were all surprised to hear movement coming from the room he had just come out of, but what they saw next stopped their hearts. A woman appeared from the room with a brown paper bag in her right hand. When they looked in her face it was none other than Cookie, the girl who’d caused them all to be arrested nearly seven years ago. They were ready to panic when Cookie walked past without acknowledging or seemingly even noticing any of them.

  The girls watched her place the brown bag on top of the table in front of Bosco and turn around and walk back off as her dilated eyes stared straight ahead like a zombie. Her clothing was worn and she looked much, much thinner than they last remembered. It was obvious to them all that she was on some form of drugs by the way she now looked. Vonda and Lynn finally let out a breath and forced themselves to maintain their smiles, but Tiny could not help but sneer at Cookie as she passed her by.

  “Dat’s, my scientist. She cook up de best crack in Harlem. She bag up all de product for me and don’t steal a dime because I pay her wit all de crack she need,” Bosco said with a wide smile on his face. He nodded to the girls, and Tiny took her cue and opened up the brown bag and pulled a thick brick of cocaine in cellophane.

  Tiny put the brick on the triple beam scale on the table to weigh it. After they were all was satisfied that it was in fact a half a key, Tiny smiled and said, “Yep, 500 grams exactly.” She then made a small incision in the bag with a knife that was also on the table and used the point of the knife to scoop out a small amount and put it to her nose and snort.

  She closed her eyes and started sniffing loudly and scooped out some more and put it on the back of her hand and into her mouth, then used her tongue to mix the cocaine around her gums. They stared at Tiny closely as they awaited her approval. She finally opened her eyes and turned toward Vonda and Lynn and nodded.

  “Yes, me dear, my product is de best.” Bosco looked toward the two girls and said with lust in his eyes, “I did me part, let’s go in me room now.”

  Vonda knew Tiny still had her gun on her and quickly spoke up and said, “Ok, but I want my girl Tiny to wait here till we finish.”

  “Tiny can stay. Solomon, ya keep an eye on her and give her fifty dollar of cook-up and have her sit on de couch.”

  Tiny smiled widely and thanked him.

  “No problem, mon, ya did me good.” He examined the two girls’ backsides again and closed the door behind him as they walked into his bedroom.

  Solomon told Tiny to have a seat on the couch and walked down the hall into the room where Cookie was. Tiny waited until he went into the room, then stood up quickly and reached inside her pants to pull out her gun. She placed it in her waistband and quickly sat back down before he came back. When he came out he had a huge piece of crack rock in a sheet of aluminum foil and handed it to Tiny.

  “You mind if I smoke here?”

  Solomon shrugged. “Do you. I don’t care.”

  Tiny went into her sock and pulled out a pack of Newports and opened it, pulling out her glass stem and a lighter that she had stored inside. She broke off a little piece and began smoking it. Tiny’s entire demeanor began to change as she started twitching and geeking. Solomon knew from experience of crackheads’ behaviors and simply ignored her. Tiny started rocking back and forth as she kept gazing at the bedroom door where the person who’d ruined her whole life was at, and she began to grow angrier.

  Inside the room, Vonda and Lynn had already stripped Bosco out of his clothing and had him totally naked lying on the bed. He told the girls to do the same, but they chose to tease him first to kill some of the much needed time and began to rub his erected penis and kiss him all over his body. Bosco wanted more and demanded them to remove their clothes as well. Vonda stole a quick look at her watch, knowing they had five minutes left till all hell would break loose. So, she and Lynn would have to do the ultimate and actually engage in a sex act with him to dwindle the time even further. They took turns giving him head, and when he could no longer take their hot mouths, he ordered Lynn to get on top of him.

  “Come on, ride me pony.”

  Lynn, needing to burn some time quickly responded, “You got any condoms?”

  “What ya say?”

  “Condoms. Before we can do this you have to use a condom,” Lynn repeated.

  In frustration he quickly rose to his feet and walked over to the dresser to find one. Without any luck, he slammed the drawer closed and went to the door and yelled, “Solomon, go to Cookie room and get me condom, mon, fast!”

  Solomon quickly followed his boss’s orders and went to Cookie’s room to retrieve one. Just hearing her name again made Tiny angrier as she smoked some more crack to prevent herself from running in the room blasting.

  There was a knock on the door as soon as Solomon exited the room. He gripped his shotgun and walked toward the door and looked through the peephole to see who it was and said in a loud, booming voice enough for the people on the other side of the door could hear.

  “Who the fuck is it?”

  “It’s me, Shorty.”

  At ease as he stared at his familiar face, Solomon smiled and asked, “Where the fuck you been?” He began unlocking the door as he continued. “We been looking all over for you.” That was the last thing he would ever say as he received a bullet wound right between his eyes, delivered by Shooter.

  Hearing the gunshot, Bosco panicked and got into battle mode and quickly pushed Lynn off of him and ran to the closets. The girls knew he was going for a weapon and reacted equally fast and jumped on him from behind before he could open the closet door.

  Vonda screamed as she fought with him, “Don’t let him open the door, Lynn. Don’t let him open the door!”

  They fought violently as Bosco flipped Vonda off his back and down to the floor. He was much too strong for them, and he kicked Lynn in the chest, causing her to fly backwards.

  Free, he began cursing in his native tongue. “Fuckin bumbaclot, want to fuck with real dred, I will show ya some’ting!” He opened his closet and reached inside and pulled out a Samurai sword and said, “Ya done fuck with de wrong dred!”

  Vonda raised her hands in terror, staring back into Bosco’s flaming red eyes as he raised the weapon high in the air to cut her in half, when suddenly the bedroom door flew open and Tiny came in blasting.

  “Die you motherfucker! Die!” she yelled as she hit him up with bullets all over his body until he fell back on the bed.

  Vonda turned around, still in panic, and looked hysterically at Tiny, who was still pulling the trigger of the revolver. Jessica and Cleveland ran into the bedroom seconds later with their guns drawn ready to shoot anything that moved.

  Jessica looked at Bosco’s lifeless, nude body on th
e bed and yelled out, “Vonda! Lynn! Are you all right?”

  They stood on their feet and said they were ok. They quickly retrieved their clothing and began to dress.

  Cleveland returned down the hall and stealthily crept toward the bedroom door and signaled to his men with his hand as they got in place and drop-kicked in the door, ready to shoot anything that moved. When they entered, they all pointed their weapons at the lone woman sitting on the edge of the bed almost in a catatonic state watching television. They knew she wasn’t a threat and lowered their weapons. Suddenly, the girls entered the room one by one. When Jessica entered, she fell in momentary shock to see the one person in the world that had caused her so much heartache and pain—she could not believe it. They stared at Cookie for a long while, and she barely looked away from the television as if none of them were even there.

  Jessica had thought about this moment for nearly seven years, wondering what she would do if she ran into Cookie on the street. All of them had—they wanted to kill her. But, looking at her now, so helpless and so weak, and for reasons that Jessica didn’t know, she suddenly felt sorry for her and didn’t want to do her any harm.

  Jessica thought back to what her friend told her in prison when she said she wouldn’t wish crack on her worst enemy. She realized at that moment that she understood what the girl had meant. She wasn’t going to kill Cookie, because she was already doing it to herself.

  The men looked around the room and found the mother lode. They found over nearly ten kilos of cocaine and assorted bags filled up with crack rocks. They searched Bosco’s room and found stacks and stacks of cash and hauled it all out into the living room. Jessica and Vonda saw Tiny staring at all the cash and drugs, and she started twitching. They blocked her from exiting the bedroom and Vonda said, “No, Tiny. I want you to stay in the other room.”

  Tiny’s eyes widened and said, “Stay in there for what?”

  “To keep an eye on Cookie, that’s what,” Jessica stated.

  “Why do I have to watch her? Her brain is fried. She is no threat to us,” Tiny said in frustration.

  “Because we want you to,” responded Vonda. “And besides, you’re getting paid for the job, remember?”

  Tiny reluctantly agreed. “Ok, but let me know what y’all gonna do with the drugs and money. Make sure I get my cut.”

  “I’m telling you right now, Tiny, we ain’t keeping no drugs,” said Jessica. “We’ll decide later what’s going to happen with the money, and then we’ll tell you.”

  Tiny nodded. “Ok, but hurry up, I’m ready to go.”

  They nodded, and Tiny quickly added, “Oh, yeah. Leave me a gun; I ran out of bullets.”

  “Why you need a gun, Tiny?” Jessica questioned. “She ain’t gonna do nothing. Her mind is fried.”

  “Shit, I don’t know that. She could snap out of that at any second and try to kill me. I ain’t taking no chances.”

  They looked at Tiny with apprehension until Jessica gave her a gun.

  “Don’t do anything stupid, now, like shooting her. We got enough bodies on our hands, and there’s no need to kill her ’cause she already gone.” Jessica gave Tiny a stern glare. “Don’t shoot her, Tiny. I mean it.”

  They closed the door and went into the living room with the rest them of the men. When they were gone, Tiny went into her pocket and pulled out her stem once again. She opened up the aluminum foil and broke off a large piece of crack and began smoking it. She blew out the dense smoke and it instantly raced through her bloodstream as she began to leer back at Cookie.

  Tiny mumbled under her breath, “Six years, six long motherfucking years, bitch!”

  She looked at Cookie once again and then toward the door and sneered wickedly. “Don’t shoot her, Tiny. I mean it.”

  When Jessica and Vonda got to the living room, they already had Li’l man tied up in a chair with his hands tied behind his back.

  Cleveland approached Jessica. “You ready to do it? I got that thing you told me to get.”

  Li’l man’s eyes widened when he heard them talking about him. “Please, please . . . don’t kill me! I, I did everything you asked me to, so please don’t kill me. I won’t say nothing, I promise!”

  Everyone looked at Jessica for a decision. She contemplated what she wanted to do with him.

  Shooter reminded her, “He saw our faces, so we got to kill him.”

  Li’l man started crying and pleading for his life again. “I promise you, I won’t tell a soul. I’ll leave town and never come back, I promise you. Please, please, just don’t kill me!”

  Jessica smiled. “We not gonna kill you, you gonna kill yourself.”

  She nodded to Cleveland and he pulled out a glass stem and a lighter. He passed the glass stem over to Doc and opened up a baggy of crack and pinched off tiny pieces of crack and loaded it till he couldn’t load it any more.

  Li’l man began to sweat profusely. “Hey, what are y’all doing?”

  Jessica said to him, “So, you hate crackheads, huh? Well I got a little deal for you. Smoke all of that crack . . .” she pointed to hundreds of bags of crack, “or let us put a bullet in your head right now. Your choice.”

  Shooter began to snicker. “Oh, I love this.”

  Li’l man looked at Jessica as if she was insane. “Wh-what?” he stuttered.

  Johnson made him nearly shit his pants when he got in his face and yelled, “You heard her, motherfucker, either smoke the crack or lose your life. Answer her right now.” He put a handgun to Li’l man’s head. “Which one, motherfucker? Pick one right now!”

  “I’ll smoke the crack, I’ll smoke the crack!” he cried reluctantly.

  Doc put the stem to his mouth and Johnson flicked the lighter. “And take a deep, long pull and swallow it or I’m gonna blow your fuckin’ brains out!”

  He took a long pull from the stem.

  “Hold it in, motherfucker,” Johnson warned.

  He did and then blew it out, causing a huge cloud of smoke to loom in the air. Li’l man’s eyes widened like a cartoon character and his whole body began to twitch. Slobber fell from his mouth. He tried to speak, but he was unable to form any tangible words. Doc put the stem back into his mouth and repeated the process again and again.

  Cleveland informed the girls that they could leave and that the men would clean the place up. “Come by my apartment later and I’ll split the money with the men and give you your share.”

  Jessica wanted to decline, but she looked at Vonda and Lynn’s eyes and knew they wanted it and agreed.

  “What about the drugs?” Jessica asked.

  “We’ll leave it for the police so they can make this a drug-related killing, that way it would be justified,” Cleveland offered. “But what about the girl up front?” Cleveland asked.

  They’d almost forgotten about her, and the four of them walked back to the room and opened the door. They saw Tiny sitting in the same place where Cookie had sat, but didn’t see Cookie. They looked around the room for Cookie, and when they didn’t see her, they asked Tiny. “Where she go?”

  Tiny used her head and gestured toward the bed.

  The four of them slowly walked over toward the bed and saw Cookie’s lifeless body on the floor. Cleveland bent down to check her pulse, and there was none. He shook his head at the girls.

  Jessica looked at Tiny and screamed, “Tiny, I fucking told you not to kill her!”

  Tiny shrugged her shoulders as if she didn’t have a care in the world. “No, your exact words was ‘Don’t shoot her,’ and I didn’t shoot her. I choked the bitch!”

  Chapter 21

  The next day, Jessica was in an especially upbeat mood because she was no longer on someone’s hit list and she could now breathe freely and get closer to Kenny.

  She went down to Cleveland’s apartment and he explained to her everything that had gone down after they left. He told her to not worry too much about the killings because they left all the drugs and some money behind to set it up and made it lo
oked like the gunman was Li’l man. They made it look like he was one of the robbers and that Cookie got caught in the crossfire. He looked at Jessica and said sadly, “We had to put a bullet in her to make it look consistent.”

  Jessica agreed that it was the right thing to do. “What happened to Li’l man?”

  Cleveland smirked and said, “He got it worse than them all—we turned him into a crackhead! And it’s no turning back for him now because we made him smoke at least twenty grams of crack in one sitting before his heart exploded. We also took out an insurance policy and put his prints on all the guns and left them inside the apartment just in case.”

  “Cleveland, how you get so much information on Bosco, his location, and everything in the first place? You never told me.”

  With a sly smile, Cleveland answered, “I never told you what my occupation in the military was?”

  She shook her head.

  “I was counter intelligence.”

  She looked at Cleveland with surprise. “You were a spy, Cleveland?”

  He tilted his head. “If I tell ya, I have to kill ya.”

  They both laughed.

  “Oh,” Cleveland remembered, “this is you guys’ share of the money from last night. We split it fifty-fifty, between the four of you and the four of us. That’s over ten thousand dollars for the each of you.”

  Jessica was dumbfounded when he said how much their take was. He handed her their share of the money.

  “I want you to know, Jessica, I wasn’t in it for the money. I did it because it was the right thing to do.”

  Jessica nodded and truly believed him. “I know you were, Cleveland. So was I. And that reminds me, I never got a chance to thank you or the other guys.”

  He waved her off. “You don’t have to thank us. I would have did it any old way because you like a daughter to me now. As far as the other men are concerned, they’d do it just to do it because they are patriots.”

  Jessica nodded and gave him a hug and a kiss on his cheek.


  Jessica arrived at Kenny’s apartment later that night and knocked on his door. Kenny opened the front door and simply stared at her. Jessica eyed the floor like a little girl trying to make up with her best friend.


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